Hello, I'm The CrimsonWanderer, Also known as Adol (previously known as AdolEmelys and AdolZeppeli)
I like to play games (Currently Playing FF VII Rebirth, watch anime (duh), series and (sometimes) movies.
I'm usually chill as long as I'm addressed nicely.
I can be found in Backloggd, and Anilist. There you can see my Video Games list, and my alternative anime list (in which I'm more active)
Don't get bossed by the Ambassadors of Hatred™, they can be as loud as as they want, but if they don't change their harmful ways, society will never change.
They've got to earn our respect if they want to be respected. It's imperative that these individuals understand cultural differences as well as proper etiquette, instead of throwing a tantrum every time they see something they don't like.
Only then, genuine bonds, acceptance, and respect will arise.
In a world where everyone is angry all the time, be the one that makes the difference.
Favorite Characters:
Amber (Highway Blossoms)
Marina (Highway Blossoms)
Tess (Highway Blossoms)
Kisaragi Chihaya (The iDOLM@STER)
Minase Iori (The iDOLM@STER)
Honda Tohru (Fruits Basket)
Pisces (Virgo vs The Zodiac)
Alwen (Zwei 2)
Fie Caussel (Trails of Cold Steel)
Lea (CrossCode)
Estelle Bright (Trails in the Sky)
Kuujou Jolyne (Stone Ocean)
Lightning (Final Fantasy XIII)
Pikari (Amanchu!)
Natsume Rin (Little Busters!)
Aisha (Ys Seven)
Ayukawa Madoka (Kimagure Orange Road)
Ichinose Hajime (Gatchaman Crowds)
Dana Iclucia (Ys8: Lacrimosa of Dana)
Hoshizora Rin (Love Live)
Arataka Reigen (Mob Psycho 100)
Shigeo Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100)
Kyou Souma (Fruits Basket)
Shinei Nozen (86)
Rudeus (Mushoku Tensei)
Johan Liebert (Monster)
Ragna Valentine (Zwei 2)
Saji Crossroad (Gundam 00)
Kuga Yuma (World Trigger)
Kevin Graham (Trails in the Sky)
Adol Christin (YS Game Series)
Riku (Kingdom Hearts)
Jusis Albarea (Trails of Cold Steel)
Funny Valentine (Steel Ball Run)
Dogi (Ys Game Series)
If you're here because I rated something you liked lower than 4 please consider this:
1- We have different taste, and that's perfectly fine. I have my own takes and you have yours, nothing is written on stone as the absolute truth.
2- I might have watched it with the wrong mindset, I'll decide if I'll give it a second chance at a later date.
3- I might have found it insanely annoying.
4- I don't owe anyone an explanation of why I like or dislike something, but if you ask nicely I can give you a brief summary of my thoughts.
AniManga ranking
9-10: I really love this show / Highly Fun / It's very meaningful to me / It's very Thought Provoking (Top Favorites Area)
7-8: Show is good / Fun / Thought Provoking (Favorites area)
5-6: Mixed Feelings, Average show / Mediocre / Slightly Fun
3-4: Show is bad / not my cup of tea / it tried / Might be fun regardless of flaws
1-2: The "I hate this show" tier /Insufferable /unwatchable / abominable
I don't usually rate ovas or any extras, unless they continue the story
All Anime Stats Anime Stats
- Watching17
- Completed857
- On-Hold11
- Dropped190
- Plan to Watch202
- Total Entries1,277
- Rewatched4
- Episodes12,351
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
- Total Entries36
- Reread0
- Chapters2,388
- Volumes298
All Comments (2945) Comments
Orb es una joya que sale de tanto "carbón" (por decirlo de alguna manera poco cruel). Son esos tipos de animes que me mantienen animado cada temporada a ver si encuentro joyas así. No son frecuentes, pero cuando aparecen, valen mucho la pena.
Vaya, parece un poco largo (aunque quizás solo la historia sea más corto). Espero que sea algo substancial y no solo relleno para tener más tiempo de juego.
Ok, entonces es como un "interludio" al final de la historia. Lo cual tiene lógica si tomamos en cuenta que era una forma de expandir el mundo sin contar mucho de la historia (por lo que tengo entendido). Ja,ja el ff7 original es un verdadero clásico, la verdad siempre se lo recomiendo a todos que quieran empezar con la saga, es un juego que se ha ganado su estatus en el mundo de los videojuegos, normal que te den ganas de jugarlo.
El VIII, IX y el VI son, sin excepción, de lo mejor que Final Fantasy tiene que ofrecer. Mucha gente critica al VIII (lo cual, desde un punto de vista objetivo es entendible), pero yo lo amo y me parece de lo mejor de franquicia. Y el resto bueno... El VI es mi favorito y el IX tiene, sin duda, los mejores personajes de toda la franquicia. Te los recomiendo un montón. Sobre el XIII-2 y el Lightning Returns creo que son buenos juegos si te gusto el FFXIII (especialmente Lightning Returns). Puedes tomarte tu tiempo con ellos, creo que solo exploran más al personaje de Lightning y la búsqueda de su hermana, pero en lo referente a historia se podría decir que termino en el juego principal.
Creo que me aclaro varias cosas. Sobre la tercera me gustaria añadir una nota de Kant: "Las observaciones y los cálculos de los astrónomos nos han enseñado muchas cosas admirables, pero lo más importante es, sin duda, el habernos revelado el abismo de nuestra ignorancia. Sin tales conocimientos, la razón humana nunca hubiese pensado que ese abismo fuese tan grande." Critica de la Razon Pura.
Y me gusta tambien que la serie da unas muy buenas palabras acerca de como la genta terminara negando la "verdad universal" por pasar a una "verdad personal" y la critica a la especialización. Es lo que se vive en el mundo moderno, por desgracia...
La verdad, y dejando de lado ciertos detalles aquí y allá, es un anime excelente. Te hace pensar, reflexionar y dudar de ciertas cosas que, quizás, ni sospechabas. Sin dejar de lado un buen catalogo de personajes. Esperemos hallar otro anime de este mismo calibre en las temporadas por venir. Aunque viendo como esta todo en el mundo del anime pues tardara un buen tiempo.
Que bueno que termino FF7 Rebirth aunque me quisiera preguntar, y perdone la intromisión, ¿Cuánto tiempo te tomo pasar Rebirth? Ya que quisiera saber que tan largo se torna. También me gustaria preguntar ¿Crees que una tercera parte pueda ya terminar la historia o Rebirth dejo muchos cabos sueltos para hasta varios "Spin off" - ya sabes, Square Enix explotando ff7 hasta la ultima gota?
As they say - the bigger the better... Or not. When they as big as in Action Taimanin things can get really out of hand (I'm still surprised I have 300+ hours in this game).
Btw by reminding me of Strinova's existence you sort of robbed 40+ hours from me :P
Well, so far Falcom never disappointed me so I'm not too worried about possible retcons, but overall I'd prefer if things didn't deviate from the original too much. I already think it would not be very tasteful if they are going to add links mechanic since lore-wise it was based on Arcus which was developed during Cold Steel times.
Quería preguntarte: ¿Qué te pareció el final? especialmente sobre tres cosas: 1- Que lo que hayamos visto sea una especie de "mundo paralelo" donde todo lo relacionado pudo haber pasado de otra manera distinta 2- Que le hubiesen quitado la "inocencia" de Rafal y volverlo, a mi parecer, una persona un poco psicópata 3- No estoy muy claro como entender el mensaje final, ¿es la búsqueda del conocimiento buena o mala?¿Conlleva realizar todos los sacrificios posibles (como asesinar) para encontrarla o solo es buena cuando es útil - las posturas de Rafal y el padre de Albert ? De verdad que es poco ambiguo la serie.
A mi parecer, y espero me perdone por estarlo molestando por esto, fue un final que me convenció pero me dejo con sentimientos encontrados. Alabe muchas de sus cosas, pero también me hizo preguntarme muchas otras. O, a lo mejor, esa fue la intención desde el principio.
Disculpa, ¿puedo hacerte una pregunta acerca de "Chi. Chikyuu no Undou ni Tsuite"? Si no hay problema, por supuesto.
- Spend time fighting between rounds of going around towns and talking to NPCs.
- You can play characters who are currently not in your party there.
But I guess you might be thinking something along the lines "of course this guy likes it, is there anything he doesn't like about these games?" XD.
I'll probably use them on some new Kikyo variant, it's not like I'm invested in game's meta anyway and I'm not even doing anything other than logging in.
It's kind of unlucky that most of my friends live so far away.
Strange. Considering Evolution is fully voiced they could've used already existing voices. But if they get a new cast and voice everything it will be another reason for me to feel salty lol considering the main games are only partially voiced. Also, I hoped there would be no English dub since it would increase the chances of English subs being better, but alas. And I agree about the OST, I like OG more.
As for Strinova, I'm still enjoying it, but when I tried to play it with a friend from Asia we weren't able to start the game because of the high ping, so I guess if I tried playing with you the result would be the same.
The funny thing about toxicity in competitive video-games is that their developers typically fight it by banning "bad words" and punishing those who use it, but it doesn't achieve anything.
Man, you're making me sound bad since I play it solo just because I liked that sniper girl's design and voice :D
Yeah, Xseed's TL wasn't perfect, but at least I never felt like they're being disrespectful to the series or malicious towards the players.
Yeah, I sometimes think that if I had the same behavior as those people who always cry about how bad everyone is and how unlucky they are to get such a team I'd be ashamed of myself. And it's not even an age-related issue, e.g. when I was much younger and played League I never belittled my teammates. Everyone can have a bad game and given the difference in skill depending on matchmaking everyone is going to have poor performances when matched against those who have better skills/knowledge about the game. Moreover, demotivating your teammates is counterproductive to winning the game.
Oh, so you were playing it with friends. Nice.
Well, Xseed sold them standalone (I remember purchasing Laura's casual look for example) and CLE/Falcom sells them in different packs; from what I've seen, only NISA puts everything in the same pack.
True, that would be nice. I'm not a big fan of fighting games btw.
What's funny Madoka isn't even one of the original Shiny Color characters, she was added on its... Third year, I think? Yet, she is more well known than the others. Shiny Colors game is in Japanese only and its anime is fully CGI - I tried watching it, but it was awful. Other than Chiyuki, my Shiny Colors favorites are Rinze, Sakuya and Asahi - what is your opinion on their designs?
That's one of the reasons I have chat disabled in both CS and this game. Teammates are rarely saying anything helpful or interesting and I don't want to spend any time reading complains of people who can't control themselves - this is counterproductive to the "chilling goals".
Oh, I didn't think about it. Maybe Overwatch publishers don't even know about this game's existence lol.
I don't think it's that bad. If you're going to make a characters with unique gameplay and animations like wolf in Sekiro had, you're going to need some monetary incentives. Not to mention, the DLCs that exist currently are expensive as hell anyway. Btw, I don't like how NISA puts all DLC costumes in the same pack - if I was interested in just one of them, why would I want to pay for the stuff I'm not going to use anyway?
Madoka is indeed seem to be popular even among those who haven't played Shiny Colors or any even any other Idolmaster games. I don't know why is that, though.
I play Deathmatch only when I need a little exp left to level up. I don't like how chaotic it is, e.g. you spawn and get killed from behind the very next moment. So I play competitive most of the time. Well, it has escort maps like Overwatch and bomb planting like CS, but I don't think it should be a case for lawsuit. When it comes to such things, 95% of games copy what their predecessors have made. For example, someone created the concept of the "health bar" long ago and now it is present in the majority of games. What I find weird though is how the premium currency is called. "Bablo Crystals". "Bablo" is vulgar/slang name for money in Russian lol.
Make a souls Falcom game with Rean/Estelle protagonist and then introduce new characters via DLCs with their unique gameplays. Would be pretty awesome.
I decided to follow your advice. That was a nice idea.
A-ha-ha, lol. If it's indeed because of Olivia, then the moderator needs a new pair of eyes, because it's not a dick, but rather empty space between her boob and arm.
Let me guess, you know Chihaya (would be strange if you didn't know one of your favorite characters XD), Minami, maybe Chiyuki too, Kafka, Raiden, Tericula, Kikyou, Tomoe... Not sure about the others. Btw, before I replaced her with Fancy, it was Atago for Azur Lane.
I managed to figure out how this sniper rifle works so it's not that bad anymore. I like that rounds in this game are very short and aesthetically it's much more motivational than Counter Strike haha.
True, Nobeta is similar to that. Alternatively, just make a Kiseki spin off souls game!
I want to update my "favorite character list" for Kiseki and I've been considering replacing Altina with Crow, but I'm not sure about it - do you think it would spoil something to players who haven't played Cold Steel III yet?
I tried playing Strinova and it ended up better than I expected, here are my first matches:
At first I thought I'm playing against bots, but then I unlocked the character I was interested in and performed rather poorly (I was never good with sniper rifles in shooter games).
That said, I might play it for a bit nonetheless. That "2D" thing weirded me out though and it looks awful aesthetically in my opinion.
Yeah, I don't believe those statements about Concord are genuine. One of the main problems of this industry is that it was infiltrated by a lot of people who don't care about games being fun and are there just to grift/push their agendas.
Naaah. It would be really pathetic of me to switch now.
From what I can tell, Majula seems to be universally praised, even though DSII typically gets critisized the most among the FromSoftware games. How'd you feel if they made a souls-like game but with bright colors and cute character designs?
Strinova isn't exactly what I have in mind. I want a simple, but a well-balanced shooter without any gimmicks, skills and that sort of thing. But you know, after you mentioned it this time, I decided to check the characters it has. These look nice:
They are probably not serving even themselves. I doubt that people who make models and coding are passionate about many recent flops they were making. For example, would you feel proud about contributing to something like Concord? Those managers/English VA/writes however - they probably enjoy being "on the right side of history" or whatever.
I meant new Elden Ring :P Hopefully I'll continue Ys sooner rather than later, however - there is no way someone is going to be as appealing to me as her.
That's fair. One thing I like about DSI and DSII locations is that even just traveling through them is a journey, whereas in Sekiro you can just skip through them as long as you've killed the boss.
Hmm, I wonder if people who play Sora FC remake will also try to get into original sky trilogy afterwards too.
You know, I wanted to check something in Hajimari a few days ago, launched it and was shocked by how old the graphics look like compared to Kuro+. The contrast is even more striking than between OG FC and remake because both Kuro and CS+ are 3D. That just goes to show how much Falcom improved over the years.
Fan-service seems like such a no-brainer. "Service for fans" -> you add it and fans give you more money. Yet we are living in weird times when many publishers are actively fighting the fans of their products.
Well we'll see how it goes. Or I guess YOU will haha, since I doubt I'll play it any time soon.
Between all Dark Souls, Sekiro and Elden Ring, which world do you find the most interesting to explore and appealing to look at?