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Mar 21, 5:45 PM
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Ergo Proxy: Centzon Hitchers and Undertaker
Ergo Proxy: Centzon Hitchers and Undertaker
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Centaur no Nayami
Jul 31, 2020 3:42 PM
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-Sonal- Feb 27, 4:49 PM
How were you exposed to Shaivism?
ArteEstetico Feb 27, 6:48 AM
Hola, ¿Cómo estas? ¿Todo bien?
¿Has cambiado tu opinión sobre un anime de lo que queda de temporada?
Hello, how are you? Is everything okay?
Have you changed your mind about any anime from the rest of this season?
-Sonal- Feb 26, 6:33 AM
So why this name? Do you like Shiv more than the other Gods?
-Sonal- Feb 26, 5:11 AM
It's a unique name to have. And I doubt a Hindu would phrase it that way. So that's why I asked.
-Sonal- Feb 25, 9:39 PM
Does some video game or anime feature him?
-Sonal- Feb 25, 7:36 PM
Hi. What does your profile name mean?
ArteEstetico Feb 12, 11:46 AM
Muchas gracias.

Dale, veré si establecemos una conversación sobre algo.

Que tengas buen día.
Thank you very much.

Come on, I'll see if we can start a conversation about something.

Have a nice day.
ArteEstetico Feb 9, 10:29 AM
Thanks for accept me.

Queria agradecerte sobre lo que pusiste en el post que publique Forum.

Muchas gracias.
Thanks for accepting me.

I wanted to thank you for what you put in the post I published on Forum.

Thank you very much.
Zeepze Feb 8, 4:37 AM
Thank you have a great day
Zeepze Feb 6, 10:51 AM
Cool profile!
patkarunungan Feb 4, 9:35 AM
Hey, thanks for accepting my friend request. Hope to read more from you.
Eatsik Feb 2, 8:07 PM
Ah my apologies, I use Isekai to generally refer to all reincarnation stories, I guess since it’s the same world it’s technically not one. I’ll try and edit that part out.
Szczelajo Jan 30, 11:24 AM
"I don't mind at all and am not against it being included if it's part of the story" Completely same, It's all part of the presentation anyway. Tbh when it comes to incest pairings I dont go out the kanon to ship them [unless it's part of the story, but 90% of the time they are step-siblings anyway and I don't really count it as incest], but when it comes to some cousin pairings - Hinata x Neji from Naruto is the heat ngl. Actually after thinking about it, I don't mind both cousins/siblings incest in real life, but sometimes when it comes to thinking about it it's hard to tell, If the feelings came from a place of heart of more psychological "deformity", or maybe both. [or maybe It always will be both]

My first proper anime [not counting Pokemon on the TV of course], was Fairy Tail and I guess thanks to it I don't mind female fanservice in anime at all [even if it's ridiculous, I guess I draw the line when it completely ruins a scene or atmosphere of the show, but It's rare enough that I would roll my eyes at best] and I guess my love for Husbando started instantly there. [well not really with Fairy Tail, I was a "freaky" kid before that XD] - but It's looking back on it, cause I remember every change in my favorite guy from there, as I watched the series haha [from the MC, to the background weird guy haha]

"OST CD is actually one of only two purchases I've ever made of any physical anime-related items" Oh that's really cool :DD, I mostly collect manga, but finacial situation doesn't really make me buy more for now, I guess I would rather spend some money on games from my steam wishlist anyway.

I looked through your favorite non-anime stuff - I need the finally watch the Sopranos and Black Mirror [I know that I will love both, but if I have to choose between anime and a tv-show there is one clear winner in my prioritiesXD]
from movies [I think I'm gonna make a list on my profile in a sec] - I also really like Lolita [I mean It's horryfing in all the right ways], I need to get a copy of the book someday, to truly see Humbert through the pages of the book.
Szczelajo Jan 30, 12:29 AM
"I support acceptance/tolerance toward it and decriminalization and all that" true, true - I agree, as I long as consent is at play, still I think I personally would draw the line in the parent/child departament [I guess step-parents don't really count, but that for me depends on the age the feelings develop.] [I mean I like age-gaps in fiction, but in real life it can get, well off really quickly]

Yup, I agree with what you said about Koi Kaze, Koushirou is really realistically written with how he acts and how his urges develop with the result, Nanoka is well idealized for sure. [Maybe it also stands from the fact that brother-sister incest is more of a male fantasy, than female fantasy?] , but still grounded enough for it to not be awful. Also it's good to bring up that Koushirou got a crush [I guess?] on her, right before they found out of their sibling status [when they were on the ferris wheel] - making their feelings more hazy already.

" I think that's also why Koushirou is made to be more of a "realistic" male character than a greatly appealing one" and that's perfectly fair! As much as I love my husbando's I don't expect them to appear in every anime. [even if that happens 99% of the time] and I'm pretty sure that Koushirou appeals to some other woman somewhere anyway XD

I also forgot to mentioned but I liked the directing of the series, one moment stuck in my mind, when Koushirou was touching himself, the shot cut to Nanoka's bear [the one she gave him], laying on it's head against the wall with the legs spread and well that was pretty clear symbolism, but It was still pretty effective.

anyway, nice to meet you here :D

Szczelajo Jan 29, 12:00 PM
"I think you were the one creating the 9x9 compilations recently?" I surely posted a lot in the "fav characters from an era" thread :D

"it's just more like an ultimate philosophical romantic ideal" you know, this is one of the best explanation of incest in media I think, it makes sense, why some people desire it in both psychological level or as a purely fictional fetish. [I mean real incest, is pretty rare I think and fiction-reality doesn't always mix]

"ike 15 - 16 on the teen end and at least mid-20s and up on the adult end" Oh fair enough, I like anything between 15-16 [preferably a girl] and the age for the guy can go into 50's etc. [It's rare, but Ristorante Paradiso, had some pretty old man in it and a relanshionship between 20 year old woman and a old guy].

I watched Koi Kaze on Christmas [It just went that way XD], it didn't hit me hard and but I understand why is it loved by some people [and you, of course], I guess I couldn't truly put myself in Nanoka shoes as Koushirou wasn't my type - still, for me it lacked going more in depth into Nanoka's mind and seeing her perspective more [also from sexual standpoint as we mostly see Koushirou feel it that way] and I guess I baited myself into thinking that there's gonna be a sex scene with some build-up behind it [but that's on me XD] and then we got just a shot of them laying bed naked. Also I couldn't truly see the change in Nanoka's feelings between brotherly-love and more romantical one, maybe there was never a line to be crossed from her part, as she was still in high-school .

Still I enjoyed the series for what it was and I liked that they kept both of their parents alive as it also painted the situation as more bittersweet in some way. [as really what can they say to the parents lmao], the music was nice and it was just unique in what it could portray :D

Thanks for replying to me here btw, It's fun to talk to people from the forum's. Since I started posting here, few months ago, It's just fun
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