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May 3, 2008 5:56 AM

Oct 2007
kukaku said:
just for some info~ ^^: from what I've heard on the radio, even if girls swung that way.. they could always come back to being straight.. but with guys.. gay guys will always be gay.

That is such a ridiculous stereotype. That is why lesbians aren't seen as "threatening", because they aren't "really" gay, they just haven't had a good manfuck yet. Being silenced and rendered invisible is even worse than being persecuted; at least people are acknowledging you presence with persecution and not pretending you don't exist.

As for me, I don't believe anyone is 100% straight or gay. Everyone is raised to be heterosexual and bombarded with it every day. However for the few who are not willing to accept that and feel like they are something more break out of it. This isn't a judgement on either side, it is just my opinion. I don't like the way masculinity is manifested in our society, so I choose to be with women. I am much more attracted to them, and lesbian women are theeee best. I'm not saying I like how femininity is manifested either, but lesbians do seem to have some awareness about gender and sexuality roles just by virtue of being themselves and living their lives, and so they've transcended both in a way.
May 8, 2008 7:40 PM

Sep 2007
shibbyxoxo said:
That is such a ridiculous stereotype. That is why lesbians aren't seen as "threatening", because they aren't "really" gay, they just haven't had a good manfuck yet. Being silenced and rendered invisible is even worse than being persecuted; at least people are acknowledging you presence with persecution and not pretending you don't exist.

As for me, I don't believe anyone is 100% straight or gay. Everyone is raised to be heterosexual and bombarded with it every day. However for the few who are not willing to accept that and feel like they are something more break out of it. This isn't a judgement on either side, it is just my opinion. I don't like the way masculinity is manifested in our society, so I choose to be with women. I am much more attracted to them, and lesbian women are theeee best. I'm not saying I like how femininity is manifested either, but lesbians do seem to have some awareness about gender and sexuality roles just by virtue of being themselves and living their lives, and so they've transcended both in a way.

*HIGH FIVE* I think I love you, seriously.
Пока жива, я могу стараться на лету не упасть

Jun 5, 2008 3:24 AM

Mar 2008
I'm male. And I fall in love with the one I wanna fall in love, male or female, doesn't care ;D

+1 for shibbyxoxo
Jun 25, 2008 2:54 AM
Aug 2007
Mod Edit: No, it makes you a spammer. Don't post if you have nothing to contribute. First and only warning.
cyruzJul 6, 2008 4:40 AM
Jun 28, 2008 7:56 AM
Jun 2008
Hello I’m new here and well yes I am a lesbian… I like all anime. Though I have just moved so I had to sell all of my anime -.- so I shall start once more. I can’t take not having it. I do find Yuri more to my liking it just so dam cute… oh and thank good I found this nice I like it… if you are looking to watch anime online try anime fever… and well one of my fav’s is Blue Drop good story line…
Jun 28, 2008 8:58 AM
Soldier 1stClass

Mar 2008
I am agirl.I like both yuri and plane anime. I would say it is common nowadays for people to like yuri. There are many yuri couples out there, some even made up by users. I wouldn't say that all girls that like yuri are homosexual, but there is an unknown percent out there. It's not a stupid question at all, in fact, it's a great question.

Personally, I feel bi sometimes when I see certain girl characters. I mean, I feel bi all of my favorite moe characters, but I like each one on a different level. With my favorite character Asuna, I love her, but in a way where she's part of me, like a strong bond, but with other characters, like Miyuki, I think she's ultramoe, so I love her in that way. A good friend once told me that yuri is more explicit that yaoi, so theirs that too.

I personally favor yuri over yaoi. I only support one yaoi couple, KyonKo. I support multiple yuri couples though. Another thing too is that there are guys who like yuri as well. There are a number of both male and female people in this world who support it, so females shouldn't be singled out.

Also, don't worry. I don't find it offensive. It's an interesting topic.
Jun 28, 2008 9:43 PM

Apr 2007
Thank you Izumi-chan and everyone for the feedback, this is more than I was expecting. And I think it's a good topic to debate too.
Jul 4, 2008 4:06 AM

Oct 2007
shibbyxoxo said:
That is such a ridiculous stereotype. That is why lesbians aren't seen as "threatening", because they aren't "really" gay, they just haven't had a good manfuck yet. Being silenced and rendered invisible is even worse than being persecuted; at least people are acknowledging you presence with persecution and not pretending you don't exist.

As for me, I don't believe anyone is 100% straight or gay. Everyone is raised to be heterosexual and bombarded with it every day. However for the few who are not willing to accept that and feel like they are something more break out of it. This isn't a judgement on either side, it is just my opinion. I don't like the way masculinity is manifested in our society, so I choose to be with women. I am much more attracted to them, and lesbian women are theeee best. I'm not saying I like how femininity is manifested either, but lesbians do seem to have some awareness about gender and sexuality roles just by virtue of being themselves and living their lives, and so they've transcended both in a way.

nicely put ^_^

well, I'm gay and I like BL too. I guess it's that the men in BL are not very manly at all :P or something like that.
I don't like straight romance much - usually, the girls annoy me. And I guess it's nicer to see a guy being head over heals in love with another guy, than see a girl squealing for a man :/

I guess I'm doomed since there's so little yuri out there :D

Beware! For I wield the chair leg of truth!
Aug 5, 2008 11:38 AM

Nov 2007
I have a straight friend who's a girl who very much prefers yuri to yaoi. Yet she definitely likes guys.

As for me, well, I like both, and I'm something along the lines of bisexual. Though I usually dislike the style yaoi is drawn in.
Sep 14, 2008 7:55 PM
Sep 2008
Personally, I am sooo gay.

I've always thought that the main viewing population of yuri would be homosexual/bisexual females.

Sep 14, 2008 8:36 PM

Apr 2007
It makes sense. But I already knew that lesbianism is something men usually like.
Sep 14, 2008 10:47 PM

Jul 2008
I'm a lesbian who likes yuri.

However, I can't stand yaoi. Nothing against male homosexuals, I just don't like yaoi.
Oct 12, 2008 5:58 PM

Jul 2008
I'm not really sure what I am to tell you the truth, but I guess I'm straight or bi-curious ^-^;;
But yeah, I personally love Yuri - being either soft or hardcore. Same applies to Yaoi and Hetero. I'm basically open to anything really. Gender to me doesn't matter, as long as the people love each other.
Oct 14, 2008 10:14 AM

Sep 2008
AsahiMikazuki said:
I'm basically open to anything really. Gender to me doesn't matter, as long as the people love each other.


Oct 22, 2008 6:04 AM

Jun 2008
What I've found throughout my travels across the internet is that the majority of Yuri fans are female although a large percent is comprised of men. I think that it largely comes down to to what the interest of the many respective genders are. I would feel confident in stating that typically more women are interested in romance genres then men. I will admit that I tend to prefer action oriented anime and manga such as bleach, trigun, elfin lied, ect. but every so often I like to break out of that monotonous routine and when I do I usually go to yuri
Dec 5, 2008 3:18 AM

Jul 2007
I consider myself bi but I didn't had any physical interactions with a girl, I just liked one and "virtually" dated her. We just got to see each other one year after we broke up.
Anyway.... I've read way more yaoi manga and watched way more yaoi anime, but I love yuri as well. There are some pretty manga/anime out there, but most of them didn't appeal to me.
Dec 21, 2008 3:08 PM
Aug 2007
Not necessarily. I think straight girls will watch it if it's good romance/drama and if they're not completely against it. As for me, I don't like to put myself in a box. If it's a good anime, I'll watch it, be it yaoi or yuri.

Feb 18, 2009 8:58 PM
Sep 2008
Well, I'm a bi female. I have a boyfriend. I really don't like yaoi much. Yuri though... I dunno what it is about it, I just prefer it.
Apr 25, 2009 12:34 PM

Jul 2008
no, it's a form of fanservice too in a way

however, I wouldn't say the same for the opposite gender...
May 4, 2009 12:57 PM

Apr 2009
i think heterosexual females only watch yuri for the romance... like someone said in this thread, the romance is much more "genuine"

and straight/bisexual males watch it for the sex (sometimes romance too).. they enjoy watching two women going down, and grinding up on each other..

as for yaoi, i see that more females enjoy watching it than males do
it's probably because they like to see the male's reproductive organ? and some people think that it's romantic... im not really sure what they like about it
personally, i read/watch yaoi because i like the umm... *ahem* and yuri for the romance (not the sex)
so yeh

that's pretty much what i think about all this
Nice guys finish last
That's why I'll treat you like trash.
It's not what I really want to do.
But you only date bad guys so,
I'll give it my best try to
Treat you the way you want me to.
-KevNigChes Collaboration

May 16, 2009 12:29 AM

Jan 2009
A girl whom I'm quite good friends with enjoys Yuri over Yaoi, despite the fact that she's straight. I'm not sure what draws her to it, but I remember her telling me that she really liked the cuteness aspect that doesn't quite come from Yaoi.

May 21, 2009 4:12 AM

Jul 2008
I'm a girl, and I must defenetly prefer girls over boys. I like yuri relationships better than yaoi because yuri relationships are not only more realistic, romantic, and sweet, but they have better character designs. Yaoi relationships always consist of the “manly” guy dating the the dude that looks like a girl cosplaying as a boy. The other thing that annoys me about yaoi is that there is always such a huge age gap between characters, I mean the Soubi guy from loveless who is like twenty something is screwing around with a twelve year old =.=! If the stuff in yaoi actually happened in real life I think most of the cast would already be in jail by the fifth episode. On the contrary the relationship between two girls is so much more pure and sweet. Especially the scenario were best friends fall in love, I love seeing two girls that have always been there for each other gradually start to realize that their love is deeper than they could ever imagine, and all those cute moments like where one of the girls walks in when the other girl is changing, and then the girl isblushing and starts kind of shaking whenever she remembers what she saw is just so incredibly MOE ^ ^. Yuri characters are also way better because even though one of the girls in the relationship always tends to act more dominant, they still manage at the same time to be very beautiful and feminine (like Chikane and Sachiko *blushes*.) Also when a girl acts submissively its actually very cute, but when a guy is the one acting like a damsel in distress it’s just….. very………creepy -.-.
May 24, 2009 1:55 AM

Mar 2009
i am a female. i don't mind both yaoi and yuri. i prefer yuri more than yaoi as it resembles my schooling life and the romance is so sweet. yuri and yaoi have characters that are way too hawt. >_< yuri and yaoi tend to express their emotions clearly and you feel for them.

ironically, i can't seem to like heterosexual relationships. i found them too cliche and too boring for my liking.
May 24, 2009 3:00 PM

Apr 2009
I'm a girl and I love yuri, but I'm homosexual.
May 27, 2009 6:10 PM

Dec 2007
I am female and Im bisexual. But I prefer girls over guys anyday.
May 31, 2009 10:33 PM

May 2009
I'm a dyke and love yuri because I can relate to it more, but I do watch other things.

The interesting thing is I write and draw lesbian novels and manga and did a poll not long about to find out sexuality and gender of my readers. Of the 120+ people who took the poll 27% were bi female, 26% were lesbian, 18% straight male, 13% other, 12% straight female and 0% gay male.

Considering a lot of my stuff is hard core it is interesting to how the poll worked out. I actually expected more straight males, but the number of straight girls was more interesting. Make me wonder if it has changed much since I began posting a new shoujo-ai manga.


Jun 9, 2009 4:35 AM

Jan 2009
Anayu said:
jouttex said:

...or maybe because I do prefer girl characters than guys, lol.

I totally have to agree with you there =P.

So true and just the thought of those two great girls making out, kissing, having romance between each other /it doesn't matter the anime, it could be even shonen/ makes me melt <3 So yes, I love yuri, shojo-ai and I'm straight... Almost, maybe 5% lesbian because I have the thoughts for one of my classmates xD Anyway. I don't like yaoi at all, I just don't like it, I hate bishi style to and all the bishi in general, and in yaoi it's full of them. Funny thing is, I don't mind gays, I even watch them with pleasure xD So probably the problem 's in the plot? the characters? I don't know.
Jul 12, 2009 8:07 AM
Apr 2009
im a lesbian, but I only get attracted to those girls who looked like boys
like amane ootori or in real life Bi HYul
Jul 20, 2009 1:29 PM
May 2009
I'm male and straight and I love yuri.

Let's say characters in anime are receptacles for water where water equals emotion.

Girls are aquariums. They come in all shapes and sizes and they each have the potential to be interesting. You watch the water bubble around inside, teeming with life, and it is easy to become mesmerized. The more aquariums you have together in one place, the more beautiful they are to behold.

Guys are saucepans. Not very deep and the water inside is mostly concealed. If you want to do anything with them at all, you have to start by grabbing their handle. Multiple saucepans, to me, just means more concealed water and more handle-grabbing.
Jul 20, 2009 6:05 PM

Mar 2007
~Shade and sweet water~
Group Lead of Otenba -- Quality Check Lead of Static-Subs
Jul 26, 2009 9:57 PM

Aug 2008
Well I'm a male, so it's in my genes to like yuri. Apparently it is, and I'm somewhere in between asexual and heterosexual. It makes more sense to me, so don't think about it too much.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 17, 2009 7:31 PM

Dec 2007
<<< Heterosexual / Metrosexual male
Sep 17, 2009 12:20 PM

Mar 2009
I don't really think it has something to do with sexual orientation. It's just like a little romanc between two people of the same gender, and just like yaoi, it's kind of different from the regular animes, wich have romance between two people of different genres. Maybee the reason I like it, it's because of that.

And so, I'm a girl, I'm straight and I like yuri :DD
Sep 19, 2009 1:26 PM

May 2009
I don't think every girl that watches yuri has to be a lesbian or bi to enjoy the anime but i can't really speak for straight woman because I'm a lesbian myself and my gf and I are into yuri anime/manga :) we love the romance and plot that goes into the animes and manga.

although i wish there was more yuri out there...i hate the fact that animes only have one couple that they considered to be yuri but the rest of the anime has nothing to do with it and people will say its a yuri anime.
Oct 8, 2009 10:05 PM

Jun 2008
<--- Straight Guy here. It's a no-brainer that I'd like yuri, since it's in my testosterone to enjoy seeing two girls kissing. However, if I was just looking for the sex and groping, I would be watching hentais instead of yuri; but I find the love between two women to be one of the most beautiful things in the world.
MariMite only has two kisses in it's whole two seasons, but I frothe at the mouth over that as opposed to Strawberry Panic, which has a lesbo moment an episode.

Yaoi, on the other hand, is a mixed bag. If it's got a great story, I don't mind the fact that it's two guys, but unfortunately, most yaoi I've experienced panders to the rabid yaoi crowd and offers more of the... err... mano-e-mano action. For example, I loved Gravitation: Two guys were in love, big deal, it had a freaking awesome story. However, you're not going to catch me watching something with gratuitious manhole filling in place of a good story.

So yeah, my hetero 2 cents.
Oct 8, 2009 10:40 PM

Dec 2008
I'm a girl, and I'm bi

But yuri is way better than yaoi

girls are more cute!!!
Oct 13, 2009 8:30 PM

Aug 2009
I am female and a lezbain. I relly love yuri(Strawberry panic) and yaois ( sukisho)ok , i fine it relly hard for me to like a hetero couple in some anime.The men are usely dark or a perv or in a haerm and the girl are these week useless things that need a men to save all the time them but there are a some that i like (InuyashaxKikyo,NarutoxSakura)

My best friends (ones A gay male and he loves yuri, my other best friend is a bi female and she like yuri, then my last best friend is a hetero female and like yuri
Oct 18, 2009 12:02 PM
May 2008
I don't plan on staying here but I'm honestly just curious: how many of you believe that females outnumber males in yuri fandom, *even when it comes to purely pornographic content*? Not the romance genre, just outright hentai.
Oct 18, 2009 2:35 PM

Nov 2008
Iguana said:
I don't plan on staying here but I'm honestly just curious: how many of you believe that females outnumber males in yuri fandom, *even when it comes to purely pornographic content*? Not the romance genre, just outright hentai.
That's rather hard to say. A male's motivation doesn't have to be more than Girl On Girl Is Hot, I'm not sure if females think the same way, especially if you're talking about outright Hentai.
Oct 18, 2009 5:14 PM
May 2008
Joe4evr said:
That's rather hard to say. A male's motivation doesn't have to be more than Girl On Girl Is Hot, I'm not sure if females think the same way, especially if you're talking about outright Hentai.

I dunno I don't find it unreasonable at all to assume that when it comes to anime/manga lesbian *hentai*, male viewers outnumber the female ones. On the yuri forums I've been to, the fans of yuri *romance* are either equal or mostly female while the porn sub-forum tends to have a clear male majority.

There are still quite a few bisexual/lesbian girls (especially compared to the amount of guys that admit to liking yaoi) but really lesbian porn tends to be popular mainly with guys, anime fans or not
IguanaOct 18, 2009 6:27 PM
Oct 26, 2009 5:17 PM
Oct 2009
I im yuri and i love yuri :D lol
I am lesbian,ok... but i have str8 friends who love yuri and shoujo-ai anime :)
Nov 25, 2009 5:36 PM

Jun 2008
Iguana said:

I dunno I don't find it unreasonable at all to assume that when it comes to anime/manga lesbian *hentai*, male viewers outnumber the female ones. On the yuri forums I've been to, the fans of yuri *romance* are either equal or mostly female while the porn sub-forum tends to have a clear male majority.

Pretty much a nail on the head there. Best of luck trying to get the average straight guy to sit through 12 eps of MariMite or Aoi Hana. They want to see tongues shoved down each others throats... Or... other places...

In a somewhat related manner, Strawberry Panic is a great compromise between the two worlds =D
Dec 1, 2009 6:21 AM

Oct 2009
The main reason i actually watch yuri is because the stories are usually alot better than most regular romance animes not just to see to girls kissing each other.
One of my all time favorite animes is in fact kannazuki no miku.

PS. Maria-sama ga Miteru and Aoi Hana are really good btw.
Jan 12, 2010 4:55 AM
Jan 2010
I don't know the others but I like yuri and I'm lesbian
Mar 24, 2010 5:19 AM

Oct 2009
I just love yuri.. hate yaoi.. love romances..
Love plot is usually even better with yuri than with other romances.
I'm a straight guy btw.
Apr 9, 2010 7:49 AM

Jul 2009
I am a girl, I love yuri, don't like yaoi, and I am straight...weird? Not really...I love cute things, romances, cute couples (I don't like of boylish girls couples), yuri it's cute, there's no reason to don't like it...
Jun 3, 2010 5:17 PM
May 2010
I'm a bisexual girl, love yuri, and yaoi is okay. I think romance when it is between two girls is so much more beautiful than a girl and a boy. And the sex scenes are definitely hotter. ^_~
Jun 20, 2010 12:56 PM

Mar 2009
I'm a girl, bisexual, and i like both yaoi and yuri. ^^
Aug 1, 2010 9:43 AM

May 2009
gloomheart said:
Pretty much a nail on the head there. Best of luck trying to get the average straight guy to sit through 12 eps of MariMite or Aoi Hana. They want to see tongues shoved down each others throats... Or... other places...

In a somewhat related manner, Strawberry Panic is a great compromise between the two worlds =D

I guess I'm not average then, I plan to watch both of those. Besides, I can always just get my fix from "fan-art". :D
Jan 24, 2011 9:08 AM

Dec 2010
Hi. I'm just new at this.

I'm a guy (um, metrosexual) and I like yuri very much. I like yaoi too, but a little "pedophil-ic".

My favorite yuri anime is Aoi Hana. Aoi Hana is the first anime that really moved me to tears. The ending was really touching.

As for yaoi, I haven't found a single yaoi anime that matches the standards of yuri.
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