My name is Kat. I'm a married gender neutral lesbian writer and artist. I started watching anime back in the late 70s starting with things like,
The little Prince and
Fables of the Green Forest. It was when I watched
Nausicaa that I became permanently addicted to the art style and story telling and decided I wanted to make it my career.
I spent years drawing manga until I had a mental collapse due to over working and had to quick drawing for a number of years. Turned my attention to writing novels during that time. Soon after found my
soulmate and got married, jan 05,. It is because of her that I've returned to anime/manga in general and even started drawing again. In 08 I began to draw illustrations for my novels and in 09 I started works on my newest yuri manga project, Inside OuT.
You can find my newest series and my other works at
Recently started up
my Patreon page where I post a lot of my works, for a small monthly fee you get WIP, Advanced pages of the manga, wallpaper, videos and more.
When I'm not working on art or writing I spend much of my time watching and reading anime/manga. Aside from that I spend my time with my
lovely wife playing video games and just enjoying life.
As for anime and manga in general I tend to watch a wide range. While I tend to stick with things that have lesbian context of some kind I do enjoy a good psychological story as well.

My fav series are as follows, in no real order, Miyazaki films are a given LOL:
Alien nine
Figure 17
Higurashi no naku koro
Haibane Renmei
Strawberry Marshmallow
Key the metal idol
Kodomo no omocha
Perfect Blue
Princess Tutu
I'll update this to match the image more later. Note some of the images do not represent my fav couples, I just did not have better images.
Also I enjoy horror survival game, Fatal frame series is the my fav, and JRPG. I also read a lot of horror novels in my spare time and watch way to many movies to care to admit too. LOL
To those wishing to friend me. I tend to like to know who I'm friending so if I don't know you I'm not likely to friend back. Talk to me first before friending me so I can get to know you better. Thank you.
All Comments (39) Comments
just want to introduce myself a little, I'm Belle and I'm a big fan of yuri/shoujo-ai anime/manga, I saw your list and we have the same kind animes that we love, I hope we can be friends so we can share comments about our favorite animes ^^
Just dropping by to say hi XD
its been a long time...
but can I ask you a question? (lol i just asked)
I'm using photoshop elements 7 now and well
my cousin accidentaly deleted a black stroke (2px).
Since photoshop doesn't have any recyclebin
I was wondering if you know where I can download it.
I tried googeling it but no luck...
I don't mind ^^. I stopped after I got out of art in high school for a few reasons. The biggest was actually just losing my drive for it, I didn't feel inspired anymore. Plus I had found that I was better at stuff like paper mache and other mediums that let me work more with my hands. Eventually I dropped all of it when I entered college and got engrossed in school work. After two years I finally realized that I wasn't happy with my major and found another passion, writing. ^_^
I may or may not start drawing again, I think the only thing I was really good at drawing was human hands *shrug*, not sure why, lol.
I'm enjoying Tetragrammaton a lot more than I eventually thought I would ^^. I've actually been buying the volumes from a local bookstore, so I wouldn't know where to find them online. Gomen ><;
I hope the doc's visit goes well!
BTW we have a welcoming club going on if you like to join. The purpose of the club is to get together and chat with new and older members of MAL. Here's the link if your would like to join. ^^
Yeah, more people go to DA to look at art and read manga and comics than read stories. I know that I'm not going to get a large fan base since all I do is write, I stopped drawing long ago, but it's all I have to share almost ^^;
I did notice that I got more of a spike in interest when I started posting some of my photography, I've been thinking of doing more of that. Sadly though I know that more people will know me more for my pics that my stories T_T.
Well, good luck with your manga!
Yeah, I feel the same way, whenever I plan to read a few series I always find that I don't have the time.
I know how that feels, I have a DA account and post some of my stories there. Even though I don't have a lot of readers I hate delaying posting a new story or chapter ><. I hate the fact that I haven't had time to post anything new for months because of school, it eats up all my time now that I'm a senior TT_TT.
I actually don't use DH all that much, really only to keep up with some of the fanfictions I read. I actually started reading your stories before I saw them on DH. It was when I just started reading lesbian and shoujo-ai stories, and before I was on DH, that I somehow stumbled upon your website and started reading from there.
Oh, btw, I love Hanjuku Joshi and Stay Tune, they're both great. Hanjuku is a gorgeous manga, I think you'll like it when you get around to reading it. I can't wait till the 2nd volume comes out. Stay Tune is also good, it's so cute and I love the mangaka's art style ^^.
Well, I hope you feel better ^_^ profile has everything you need to know about me on it. most of the images are clickable
i never said you were old but the oldest anime i've seen is Dragon Ball Z.
so what kind of anime do you like?
It's GREAT to see some more females that are into shoujo-ai! :D And yes, I really like Higurashi, I can't wait for the Umineko no Naku Koro Ni to come out!