Always laughing in front of the computer~ (you just can't resist in front of hilarious mangas/animes)
Sisters think I'm mad, seriously mad.
Schooling student who fancy cute items.
Weak against puppy eyes~ (it'll make you seemed heartless, bad guy)
Intercom with one another, we're too far apart >_<" (it's just next door)
Short-term memory, information refuses to stay in for long. T_T
You've got to ask me if you want to know anything. ^_^
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All Comments (150) Comments
hmm... lemme think... Fiesta, Battle of the Immortals, Shaiya and that's all i guess.
awesome! i have problems with understand any other english speakers than this with british accent D: well i grow up on Monty Python anyway when my korean friend came to visit Poland he keep on talking "kuria kuria" all the time and i didnt know what he is talking about! (well i thought that about "curia" but it doesnt make any sens ><) in the end i realised that he is trying to say "Korea" ><'' (still i think that my idea with "curia" was better")
I think Poles speak rather fast (well some ppl say that if you speak fast then it means you think fast (^>^) j/k ) to be honest idk, i speak quite... normal
a lot of ppl say that im tall but i do not think so. 170 cm is not so high even for a girl i think. Almost every of my girl friends are 167 or higher. Anyway, you should see my cousin. He is 2 years old younger than me and he has like 190 Dx i hope he will not grow higher so i can not be able to punch him in head
dont worry, we will go there together :D have next saturday free?
:o so you saying that cookies are more expensive than electronics? soo.. if i send you a jar of cookies (home made :D ) then you will send me laptop back?
i totally agree... ehh... these old men. To be honest im mostly busy with doing nothing xD dont forget to send me it
lol then do not vote and if you have to just make a void vote. idk why 20... oh! i could also take a job as ticket-inspector but well.. with my weight and huge muscles it would not work i guess :(
<(T.T<) Cheryl, im touched xD
lolness... not bed testing xD i'll be part of board of elections
on playing mmorpg? im doing it a lot recently ^^'' and that is why my eng last days sounds more like american english than british :( i hate it but i got used to slang
Indonesia? :o i hope you took photos. You have to send it to me on my e-mail :D
lol, sure you can visit my place. For example in January friend of mine from Korea visited PL and we have met xD it was so hilarious, everybody in Sopot was looking at us. When we sit in cafe he wanted to show me his photos. When he showed me his laptop i made a goldfish face -> O.O his camera didnt look cheaper the same as iPhone. I think in Korea such stuff is cheaper than cookies >< and no.. i did not think about killing him and stealing it (lol...maybe a bit)
and yes, you can spam my mailbox anytime you want. I just dont know when i will reply xD
:o i was thinking last summer about working in the hotel but they wanted someone who turned 20 D: and this year i cannot work there too since my b-day is in september
i must say that... yes i found and no i did not >< since im studing i can not find time for looking for a job (im busy with doing nothing >< ......and....... learning(ok, that was a joke)) but in the next week i found one interesting part time. 15h in work and i'll get 150zł (not too much but well... always better than nothing)
btw -> >< idk if you know it, im waisting my youth on reading it
and how is your life? what changed? will you be studing in UK as you planned to?
Message for Members:
BTW have you got my pack? If not then I have to go to post for a little fight <YEEEY :D>
Well, my dad is pretty well fit. Well, he used to be much in better shape, though. Age strikes again...v.v
I am not always that reserved...but I can be. I just don't do well in groups or crowds. Which my uni had/has in abundance. And I don't do great with new people. But, hey, I am slowly getting better with people. I really am glad too!
I can be extremely forthcoming to some people though. I guess it just depends on how well we "click", if you get what I mean. I just have to get along with them well enough. And...usually if they talk to me first, I do a lot better even!
You will do fine I think. But...I hate hearing about all the outings my friends have too. It make me sad to know I wasn't in on it. x_x
My dad is very much so "salt and pepper" (white with his natural almost black-brown hair) it looks good on him. And he will likely be totally white one day.
My dad used to do that. Be the project manager and superintendent and all. He got tired of working for other people, so he went back to work for himself and does the actual work now. aheh
Making new friends is one of the best things about uni. I was scared at first, because I knew almost no one there. So, when I had to move to a dorm, I got stuck with some random person as a roommate. But, he turned out to be a real good guy, really helped me open up a bit and get comfortable around new people...a little anyway.
I don't make friends in real life easy, so it was really good to make a few at uni and in the dorm.
The work load is hard, yes. But it is only as hard as you make it to be. If you study regular [ which I had never had to do at all ], then you will do great, I think. ^_^
My dad works in construction. Running tractors, doing manual labor, building stuff. Not much fun most of the time. but it gets the bills paid. ^^'
Well, I understand about half wanting to get accepted and half not. I felt the same way. But, it is definitely worth going! ^_^
So, I spent my "break" trying to help my dad work whenever I could help. And am still trying to find a steady job...
But, hey, all that extra work in school (the work that made me so tired of school that I burned out) helped a lot. I was almost a year into university credits before I even went to uni. hahahaha
You will get to go. Apply for the next period if you missed the deadline this time. that way, only part of the year will be lost! ^_^
I go back to school in August.
But, my life is going pretty good. Not much to complain about. ^_^