We gebruiken Minna no Nihongo Kanji I dit semester. Als je zelfstandig Kanji wilt leren kun je Kanji and Kana gebruiken (Wolfgang Hadamitziki & Mark Spahn).
Lisan ken ik toevallig ook, ondanks de grote groep.
W. Eijlander is trouwens de goede.
Ik studeer Japanse taal & cultuur @ Leiden eerstejaars 3e week. :P
Maar ik ken mensen persoonlijk die KI studeren in nijmegen eerstejaars. Mocht je mensjes met de naam Wouter of Leonieke kennen. Doe ze dan de groeten van me. (Steffen) ;)
As we enter into one of the busiest times of the year, we here at the Recommendation Club would like to extend our wishes for each and every one of you to have a wonderful holiday season!
Since the September newsletter, our club has gained many new members, and seen the return of old ones. We would like to keep the momentum going, and with our member list now at 3,111, that should be no problem at all! ^_^.
We would like all of our members, old and new, to help keep this an active, and fun club, a place to Chat and to seek out recommendations in our General anime and General Manga thread as well as the specific anime genre threads, such as Drama and Romance and Sci-fi and many others as well.
It’s a great place to make new friends, or renew past friendships, and we urge all of our members to drop by, and post in the various threads and comment section, as well as share you expertise with other members.
hoe is het?? lang niet afgesproken ofzo ^^ moeten we snel weer een xtje doen :D
ey ik had een klein vraagje zou je voor mij 1xtje kunnen werken op maandag? van 7tot einde (op maandag is het einde altijd 9uur half 10) ik moet voor school dan naar de ardenne om te survivele en ik moet dan vervanging hebben -_-''
miss kunne we volgende week afspreken??
greats Menco
With the fall season upon us, the club has not been as active recently with our members being busy with work, school, and the other things life throws our way, but we here at the Recommendation Club want to let all of our members know that we haven't gone anywhere! We welcome you all to drop by, and say hello to old friends, or make new ones. We have a large member-list, and we would like to see all of you joining in, and sharing, your anime and manga knowledge with the club!
Loads of new members join all the time, either wanting recommendations, or eager to share their expertise with others, so don't be shy, and join right in! Like to chat? Well we have a thread just for that. New to our club or like to greet others? Check out our Intro thread. Looking for a new anime to watch or manga to read? Head on over to our General Recommendation Thread. Don't see what you want to know? Please feel free to make new threads to get your burning questions asked, or just join in with the others in the comments section!
We are currently seeking help with our member cards, so if you feel like lending a hand in this area you are more than welcome!
We look forward to seeing all of you at the club ^_^
All Comments (752) Comments
Lisan ken ik toevallig ook, ondanks de grote groep.
W. Eijlander is trouwens de goede.
Maar ik ken mensen persoonlijk die KI studeren in nijmegen eerstejaars. Mocht je mensjes met de naam Wouter of Leonieke kennen. Doe ze dan de groeten van me. (Steffen) ;)
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leuk dat je de club hebt gejoint ^^
ik heet jurre leuk je te ontmoeten
hoop dat je ook gezellig meedoet op de club ^^
Recommendation Club Newsletter~Holiday Edition
As we enter into one of the busiest times of the year, we here at the Recommendation Club would like to extend our wishes for each and every one of you to have a wonderful holiday season!
Since the September newsletter, our club has gained many new members, and seen the return of old ones. We would like to keep the momentum going, and with our member list now at 3,111, that should be no problem at all! ^_^.
We would like all of our members, old and new, to help keep this an active, and fun club, a place to Chat and to seek out recommendations in our General anime and General Manga thread as well as the specific anime genre threads, such as Drama and Romance and Sci-fi and many others as well.
It’s a great place to make new friends, or renew past friendships, and we urge all of our members to drop by, and post in the various threads and comment section, as well as share you expertise with other members.
We look forward to seeing you all here !
Oh, I don't have seen the first episode. But I'll this week.
en focking hell niemand wil :'(
komt sws wel goed met dat smse ^^
en afspraak voor M&O om 7uur o.o
heb je zo laat nog school?
oke we zien wel >.<
hoe is het?? lang niet afgesproken ofzo ^^ moeten we snel weer een xtje doen :D
ey ik had een klein vraagje zou je voor mij 1xtje kunnen werken op maandag? van 7tot einde (op maandag is het einde altijd 9uur half 10) ik moet voor school dan naar de ardenne om te survivele en ik moet dan vervanging hebben -_-''
miss kunne we volgende week afspreken??
greats Menco
Recommendation Club Newsletter
1. Nominations and voting:
*Special* Anime theme of the Month
Anime Song of the Month
AMV of the Month
With the fall season upon us, the club has not been as active recently with our members being busy with work, school, and the other things life throws our way, but we here at the Recommendation Club want to let all of our members know that we haven't gone anywhere! We welcome you all to drop by, and say hello to old friends, or make new ones. We have a large member-list, and we would like to see all of you joining in, and sharing, your anime and manga knowledge with the club!
Loads of new members join all the time, either wanting recommendations, or eager to share their expertise with others, so don't be shy, and join right in! Like to chat? Well we have a thread just for that. New to our club or like to greet others? Check out our Intro thread. Looking for a new anime to watch or manga to read? Head on over to our General Recommendation Thread. Don't see what you want to know? Please feel free to make new threads to get your burning questions asked, or just join in with the others in the comments section!
We are currently seeking help with our member cards, so if you feel like lending a hand in this area you are more than welcome!
We look forward to seeing all of you at the club ^_^