hallo! How are you~ I stumbled upon a yuri club and saw you were the admin. As I was perusing your profile I noticed my anime in common with you is high. :D
It made me squeal when I saw you watched Mai-hime.. Who is your favorite character?
Well, we are finally re-vamping and revolutionizing the RXJ Club [as I like to call it]. And, I have been promoted to admin status to create the layout for the club. Yes, a layout. Can you believe it?! A layout for our club?! I know I can't. Anyways, on to the real news at hand ;D
We are having member cards finally! Yes, member cards. They are not quite here yet, but they WILL be. And, the lovely xJuliet will be making them and distributing them to all of you when the time comes. As well, she has been promoted to admin status to make the member cards. And, the one that has made this entire re-vamping of the RXJ Club is none other than the powerful awesome Prudence!
She single handedly contacted the main admins to the entire site and got made into an admin so we can ALL re-vamp and make the club great. Because, this series and the club in general deserves it. So, show Prudence some love, okay? Got to her profile and thank her for restoring the club <3
[And don't worry - her English is great even though she speaks and writes in Dutch and lives in the Netherlands]
Anyways, why do we need to restore the club anyways? Well, our "creator" icerydragon hasn't been exactly doing anything with the club at all. She unfortunately made the club back in 2007 and then left it all together. So, we as the admins [and for obvious reasons] have decided that Prudence is our leader and head admin. And, icerydragon hasn't signed in or anything here since March. So, there ya go. She obviously has found something more to do or just forgot about MAL.
I will be making more threads in the following weeks as well. And, I believe that is it now. But, I am having the layout up and running within the week or possibly even tonight. I am making it right now as we speak and almost finished and will probably have it up tonight or tomorrow. So - go to the club! It's changing for the better and it will be awesome ;3
Sorry to hear that, I always thought // hoped you guys would get along fine. I understand.
I must've missed the part about the joints. I read it at work and probably didn't pay enough attention. I know that the joints with Eclipse have mostly been SS-translations and the rest mainly done by Eclipse staff.
Thanks for the reply, hope you can enjoy the weekend. (:
Read about Eclipse going out of business today. Can you tell how that's going to affect Shana subs? Not like I only care about the subs but yeah, I'm a fan so... :b
Not quite sure how work was distributed between SS and Eclipse so yeah, *poke*, tell me please. :3
Trying to be too much more than you need to be ftl. Trying to change up the formula works on some shows, but from the sounds of it it's like they took that idea and ran with it.. and ran with it some more. Oh well, can't expect a series to get better over seasons, hardly ever works out that way.
Haha, that show could've gone places, but they squandered it with too many slow boring episodes and from what I've heard from some, a disappointing end. I was really looking forward to it turning out to be a great series, but I dunno. It's too bad really, I liked the world and everything. Well, I'll see how disappointed I am after I see it.
Yeah, Key's stories are somewhat surreal, though I guess that's what makes me enjoy them. Kind of like SHAFT and their craziness. As far as the rest of my list goes, I guess more anime just sit with me well enough. Then again, because I didn't start casting votes on a full scale of 1-10 and I was too lazy to re-vote things as such, I doubt my scores even reflect my tastes very well anyways, at least for those in between my highs and lows.
Ikkitousen, huh. I suppose I should make sure I have all of it in case I enjoy it enough to keep watching through all three seasons. That'll be picking up a fourth season as well, I heard. I'll try to get it in once I manage to catch up with what I'm watching. SS had to go and finish Erin too, which only adds to it. :p
I find it kind of interesting for all the anime that we may have differing scores on, Strike Witches is not one of them. Interesting enough to randomly comment on that fact.
All Comments (46) Comments
Have you been studying Japanese too and what do you like most about Nenene?
That's the ROD character my tomboyish Canadian friend likes.
And yeah, I'm doing OK. Ups and downs, but still alive and kicking. =D
Kuga..I see. Do you by any chance read ShayP's Mai-Hime/Otome fanfics? (her fan-base never ceases to amaze me)
It made me squeal when I saw you watched Mai-hime.. Who is your favorite character?
Hey! This is your new admin, sillyker0nian! Giving you the newest newsletter for the RomeoXJuliet Club.
I must've missed the part about the joints. I read it at work and probably didn't pay enough attention. I know that the joints with Eclipse have mostly been SS-translations and the rest mainly done by Eclipse staff.
Thanks for the reply, hope you can enjoy the weekend. (:
Read about Eclipse going out of business today. Can you tell how that's going to affect Shana subs? Not like I only care about the subs but yeah, I'm a fan so... :b
Not quite sure how work was distributed between SS and Eclipse so yeah, *poke*, tell me please. :3
Haha, that show could've gone places, but they squandered it with too many slow boring episodes and from what I've heard from some, a disappointing end. I was really looking forward to it turning out to be a great series, but I dunno. It's too bad really, I liked the world and everything. Well, I'll see how disappointed I am after I see it.
Ikkitousen, huh. I suppose I should make sure I have all of it in case I enjoy it enough to keep watching through all three seasons. That'll be picking up a fourth season as well, I heard. I'll try to get it in once I manage to catch up with what I'm watching. SS had to go and finish Erin too, which only adds to it. :p
I hope you're okay and that repairs are going as smooth as they can possibly go.
[edit]: i often forget to check your site. It's written there, too. > _ <