While I do love anime I also have a life outside of the computer/TV screen although it is rather boring I guess.
Lets see, something about me? Well, one of my interests is fencing although I haven't done it in about half a year. I'm a big fan of philosophy, anthropology, sociology and things of that nature.
I suppose I should say something more about myself but I'm feeling pretty lazy right now so I'll add more to this latter.
I don't mind random friend requests but if for some reason I do get one I'll want to actually get to know the person who sent the request
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click the image to go to the 65+ cards.
Well first of all, sorry for spamming, but this is the only way to communicate what is going on on the club without the mass messages.
There are new member cards, since last cards were really suckish I made new templates you can request them here
There is also new templates for claiming and more characters to claim. you can claim shitsurakuen characters Here
And lastly, there has been 50+ LE cards open for a while, there are still spaces if you want to get one go Here
that is all, and again sorry for spamming.