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Feb 21, 10:42 AM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
Oniisama e...
Oniisama e...
Feb 21, 10:41 AM
Watching 6/39 · Scored -
Princess Tutu
Princess Tutu
Jan 25, 4:46 AM
Watching 11/38 · Scored -
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Jujutsu Kaisen
Jujutsu Kaisen
Feb 23, 8:12 AM
Reading 54/272 · Scored -
Jujutsu Kaisen 0: Tokyo Toritsu Jujutsu Koutou Senmon Gakkou
Jujutsu Kaisen 0: Tokyo Toritsu Jujutsu Koutou Senmon Gakkou
Feb 22, 11:08 AM
Completed 4/4 · Scored 8
Mar 24, 2024 1:30 PM
Reading 6/196 · Scored -

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Diangelo18 Dec 26, 2019 7:19 PM
Turkish Jul 21, 2012 2:43 PM
-BlackRabbit- Mar 26, 2011 1:24 PM
Nice tastes :3
zenoslime Mar 25, 2011 3:07 PM

I could send you some download links if you have any interest.
zenoslime Mar 23, 2011 1:47 AM
So hey, we haven't spoken in quite some time, aside from the occasional facebook comment. I've been watching Now and Then, Here and There with my girlfriend and reading some Tezuka (MW, Ayako) and I'm kind of in the mood for something new... I have a few ideas on my short list of things to see, but would there be anything you might recommend since we last talked? From what I've seen, there's nothing so far this year that has caught my interest (aside from Redline, but I'm still waiting for that one). Been spending a lot more time digging into videogames, assorted comics (just acquired the entire run of Heavy Metal 1977-2011), as well as (of course) music and movies, etc.

Hope you've been doing well...!
idlezeal Aug 31, 2010 4:24 PM
JJBA Part 7 is lacking some scanlations for recent chapters. That might be another reason for you to not read Part 7 for now, since I believe JJBA is best experienced through marathon-reading.

And oh god, Shintaro Kago. His works made me desensitized on guro manga, and his humor is totally unparalleled.

Anyway, thanks for recommending Jiro Taniguchi's works. I have not seen any of them, and they all look really interesting.
idlezeal Aug 30, 2010 2:18 PM
Araki really likes some asspulls to end Jojo arcs, but I don't find those bad enough to ruin the series. One Piece is great; definitely way above most currently serialized titles on Jump. Personally though, I'm not fond of Nami as a main female character.

True, you can just drop shows if you find them uninteresting and continue watching those series that fits your tastes. Although I don't think you need to worry about those criteria and still be active on the club. Those are just needed for the admins to confirm that you are not some Narutard who gives 10 to any series even though it's obviously has a lot of faults.

Anyway, I sent a friend request. You may accept or deny it; it's okay. It just seem to occur that I may get some recommendations from you, especially for manga. :)
idlezeal Aug 28, 2010 10:21 AM
Oh-ho. Well, you are perfectly right about those crazy stands on Part 6. They are almost over-the-top but are still very interesting. I just found the ending of Part 6 a bit, meh. Jolyne is a good, charismatic protagonist though; surprising since most shounen manga (especially from Jump) portray female leads in a bit weak way. Personally though, I loved the feel of Part 2 and Part 7 the most, but the rest of JJBA is still magnificent and enjoyable.

Actually, my top lists are kinda arbitrary because I have more than 5 favorites, I really feel sad because I could not slip in more titles in the list lol. And yeah, Mind Game and Tatami Galaxy are some of them.

Btw, I saw your profile at C&C Club.
idlezeal Aug 28, 2010 3:13 AM
I found it interesting that you have Part 6 of JJBA as one of your favorites. Most of the people I know think that it is the weakest among the arcs.

And you have a great taste in anime and manga overall.
Kozooo Jul 16, 2010 5:13 PM
Hey there.. Lunk :o

You have a interesting taste concerning manga/anime (becuz it's similar to mine.. kind of:)

What kind of manga or anime would really recommend to me?

I'm currently working on (appetite for ) National Quiz.. so u can skip that one :p
zenoslime Jul 12, 2010 7:33 PM
BLAME! is utterly fantastic. A masterpiece of the form. I've read about 2/3 of it so far and it's already among my absolute favorites such as Akira, Nausicaä, and Berserk.

There's an old meme on a video games forum I frequent where we (used to) describe a game with a desolate atmosphere as a lonely game, with a slight tongue-in-cheek tone... Games like Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, or the original Legend of Zelda fit this concept. I'm guessing you can imagine the sort of thing I'm talking about. Well, BLAME! is very good at evoking this sort of feeling, a feeling of subtle bleakness and wandering in an unfathomably vast environment -- a lonely manga, if you will. It makes a lot of sense, since it's quite relevant to video games. As the tagline goes: Adventure-seeker Killy in the cyber-dungeon quest!

There's so much more to it, though. So many layers of detail in the architecture, the use of space and motion... I love it.
japonecka Jul 12, 2010 12:16 PM
Ah, koukam, ze jsi si take zamilovala FLCL. V soucasne dobe moje modla :)
hrozne souhlasim s Antitype, ze se jedna o jedno z nejdulezitejsich anime, ktere definitivne udelalo tecku za jednou dekadou.
zenoslime Jul 11, 2010 3:03 PM
I tend to be a bit of a completionist when it comes to music and particular genres I like, somewhat with film, and nowadays not at all with video games (though I certainly used to be). Music and cinema are my number one loves, with all the rest coming after and being the things I like to cherry-pick from, as you say. I think I'm a bit of a dilettante being someone who has selective tastes in a lot of things, but I don't mind that at all. Skim the cream of the crop from everything, right...?

Gainax would go along with Ghibli, Madhouse, and Studio 4°C as my consistent go-to studios.
zenoslime Jul 11, 2010 1:47 PM
FLCL is the 21st century coming of age anime. Or at least the one that has served as the fulcrum between Evangelion and more recent fare like Dead Leaves, Mind Game, Tatami Galaxy, etc. Stuff that could casually be described as kinda postmodern (or a step beyond Evangelion's postmodernism), or whatever. It's certainly what I would call one of the top 5 most important anime ever... Glad you finally got around to seeing it, and liked it.

I've been around, just busy with school and family summertime activities. Everything's calming down a little bit, though, so I've found time to enjoy some things. Mostly comics/manga right now, though I plan to finish Tatami Galaxy soon, and then perhaps I will find myself hungering for some more anime. I'm always juggling too many solitary pursuits! Music, cinema, video games, anime, comics, the all-too-rare novel, the occasional TV series, and so on...
zenoslime Jun 11, 2010 6:53 AM
Who knows, maybe I'm being too optimistic about Tatami Galaxy. How did you feel about Mind Game? The guy gets the girl in that one, but did that bother you?

Offhand, I'm not even sure what's coming up in the near future that I have any desire to see. There is that robot road trip movie by Satoshi Kon, but aside from having a little fun with Paprika I've never been a big fan of his work... I've been turning my focus to film, TV (shows like Twin Peaks, which is an old favorite of mine, along with X-Files, Dexter, The Wire, etc.), and actually trying to start reading novels again. Aside from that, yeah, I've been looking up some classics I have yet to see, and I have quite a long Plan to Watch list. I'll probably start watching Space Runaway Ideon or Wolf's Rain soon, catching up with Texhnolyze and others I've had on my Watching list for months...
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