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Your Lie in April
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Nov 8, 2014 4:26 AM

Dec 2008
I have a feeling I'm going to end up hating this anime. I'm loving it and each episode is making me love it some more, but I have this aching feeling that Kaori will either end up as a vegetable or dead and I really hate that stuff. For some reason the really good music animated stuff always end up with sad endings like white album 2, great start, horrible finish...
Nov 8, 2014 4:30 AM

Jul 2014
Remove the awful pretentious metaphors, handle the comedy moments better, and this show would be much better.

Ok episode.
Nov 8, 2014 6:26 AM

Apr 2009
This anime is so beautiful, I can't watch it without crying.
Nov 8, 2014 7:23 AM

Jul 2014
Misplaced comedy everywhere yet it's a great episode. I hope the comedy in this series could be placed properly and literally not inserted forcibly.
The river jump was nice and so it seems Kaori has feelings for Kousei and she wasn't accidentally to be there on the bridge and accidentally with him.
For the manga reader, is this series going to be a tragic romance or some short like that ?

Nov 8, 2014 10:02 AM

May 2010
I was wondering about the glasses, too xD So those drowned I guess?

Anyways, nice episode. Loved the jokes but some of the dialogues, although great, felt repetitive.
Nov 8, 2014 10:06 AM
Apr 2014
Seiryuu2 said:
Misplaced comedy everywhere yet it's a great episode. I hope the comedy in this series could be placed properly and literally not inserted forcibly.
The river jump was nice and so it seems Kaori has feelings for Kousei and she wasn't accidentally to be there on the bridge and accidentally with him.
For the manga reader, is this series going to be a tragic romance or some short like that ? - anime | manga | reviews
Nov 8, 2014 10:10 AM

May 2010
y123y said:

-Skyleo- said:
Something about Ergo Proxy I think..

No. No. No. He is talking about the anime Twintails. He posted on the wrong forum. It happens.

And shame on all of you for not knowing the anime Twintails. It is the anime of the season!!!!!![/quote]

Yup it's that. I feel him cuz I made the same mistake related to the SAME anime but in a different forum.
Nov 8, 2014 11:42 AM

Nov 2014
So this is absolutely my anime of the season so far.

It's been ages since an anime has repeatedly put a smile on my face. Watching it genuinely makes me feel happy.
And it is beautiful. The whole animation and visual style is just great to look at.

I don't know how long I'll continue to wait for new episodes before I snap and blow through the manga, instead.
Highlight of my week :)
Nov 8, 2014 12:33 PM

Mar 2013
Great episode,
love the beginning and the ending scenes of this episode,
Tsubaki have feelings for Kousei, as she used to always protect
him she not see it, but after seen him getting that close to Kaori
she starting to get jealous.
A love triangle coming around here soon.

is there an episode were Kousei dont get hin by something and bleed everywhere?

Kaori is also so energetic even on the hardest times love this about her,
for a moment she is sad and then in a second she happy again :)

piano competition its Kousei time to shine again.....

in my opnion they should have make them at least 16 years old,
14 is to young for this kind of anime.

cant wait to next episode.
Nov 8, 2014 4:31 PM

Mar 2012
antonn said:
Legal_Latino said:
[size=150] she didnt die


I can say this is a spoiler and by saying it it's also a spoiler.

Nisx said:
in my opnion they should have make them at least 16 years old,
14 is to young for this kind of anime..


Pretty good animation imo.
Nov 8, 2014 9:42 PM

Jul 2012
y123y said:
My main issue is why are they so short at their age? Was everyone that short at 14 here? They're all like 5'1'

lol I'm 18 but I'm only 5'3'. Asians are short.
Nov 8, 2014 11:15 PM

Dec 2010
Another beautiful episode! The ending scene with the jumping off the bridge was really well done.

Also, Tsubaki is getting some development now! I wonder how this will affect the plot?
Nov 8, 2014 11:43 PM

Oct 2014
y123y said:
mayukachan said:

lol I'm 18 but I'm only 5'3'. Asians are short.

I should have been a little more specific. I was referring to the male characters. Females are mostly shorter by nature.

Alright, again.

Why are the male characters so short in this anime? Was every male that short at 14 here?

In Asian countries, I'd probably say yes. Well, at least for Southeast Asia. I'm an Indonesian and live in Malaysia, and I see that most of the middle school students in both countries are pretty short, even males. But one of my neighbour is Japanese and had a kid at probably around 14, and his height is my height from toe to neck. I'm 162 cm, so he's probably 155 or something.

As for in this show, Kousei's short probably because he's not really physically active. Don't know about watari though.

  1. To have Mars of Destruction, Skelter Heaven, and Pupa properly adapted in TV series form by Madhouse
  2. To have Inferno Cop properly adapted in TV series form by Bones, director: Urobuchi Gen
  3. An anime crossover of Mushishi x ARIA x Haibane Renmei.

Should even one of the above conditions cannot be done, anime is still at risk.
Nov 9, 2014 5:56 AM

Apr 2013
The drama is forced as fuck.
deadlandMay 23, 2016 11:30 AM
Nov 9, 2014 5:59 AM

Jul 2008
Great episode once again with all the drama here and there, wonder where the series will take us :D
Nov 9, 2014 8:37 AM

Oct 2014
y123y said:
Paulo27 said:

1 as in dead in the next episode? ;_;

1 as in she probably just has muscle spasms, and we the audience are making it to be something serious

But dont worry, I think the male MC's piano playing will cure her condition :)

Yeah like that time he said he is playing for his mother and you know what happened with her. Would be funny if it Kaori dies too and he realizes that he is the grim reaper of the piano and goes crazy and becomes a serial killer.
My life is boring cause I'm boring
If you're not at school what can you do, you stare at a screen of bright pixels
Nov 10, 2014 4:33 AM

Sep 2012
I like that backstory in the bridge. Love the OST
Will Kousei join in a competition? I think he will because of that ending.
Tsubaki, it's because you love Kousei so much. And Kousei doesn't know a thing.
I hope Kousei will enjoy to play the piano just like before.
Nov 10, 2014 9:24 AM

Jan 2014
Kawaii. ^-^
Nov 10, 2014 12:53 PM

Feb 2013
For one reason or another this show is more sparkly to me than anything else. Doesn't feel genuine. I'll continue watching though and see how things go
Nov 10, 2014 2:18 PM

Aug 2011
Wait a minute...this Ponytail-chan is really cute.
Why isn't she the MC, it's because she's not blonde right?
All my sighs.
Nov 10, 2014 4:42 PM

Jul 2014
Brings myself to tears, youth if a beautiful time~ Life is a beautiful experience~ Friendship/Love/Happiness is what we all seek.
Nov 11, 2014 7:14 PM

Apr 2009
Enough with the lies Kaori! We all know you are sick. >_< TT_TT
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Nov 11, 2014 9:16 PM

Oct 2013
Good episode. You can tell A-1 is really losing all it's budget from producing a million and one shows each season based on the animation quality of this episode. It only really needs to look good in the more serious moments, so they skimp wherever they can. Still, it looks fucking great when they don't skimp.

Not a big fan of Watari in the slightest. He seems to only like Kaori for superficial reasons, and he just kind of annoys me. I'm kind of indifferent towards Tsubaki at the moment, but I can see potential in her character.

Arima and Kaori are great though. I love how Kaori is trying to bring Arima out of the shell his mother left him in, and trying to get him to love music rather than using it just to please and save his mother.

I was hyped for this show at least a couple months before it started, and so far, I am not dissapointed. Well, for the most part.
Nov 12, 2014 6:43 AM

Jun 2014
Really loved this episode. Hope that everything's going to be fine with Kaori-chan~
Nov 12, 2014 12:54 PM

Jun 2008
Why do i feel that Kaori might die, wich will make Kousei stop playing the piano again.
Nov 13, 2014 12:01 AM

Dec 2012
Okashi_sama said:
Remove the awful pretentious metaphors, handle the comedy moments better, and this show would be much better.

Could not agree more.
I like anime.
Nov 13, 2014 12:50 PM

Oct 2013
had its moments, but overall didn't do much for me.

Nov 13, 2014 5:56 PM
Jun 2012
hahah wow now tsubaki realizes shes in love with kousei. its kinda annoying but i guess shes gona regrett introducing them. cant wait to see how it goes.
Nov 13, 2014 8:39 PM

Aug 2013
Damnit Kosei, finding glasses in a river is damn impossible, I hope you know it!

Well, I guess we can see a drama on three planes : the romance one, the music one and let's call the last one the ''Kaori one''.

About the romance one, or the relationship between the character, we can definitely see a problem that is starting to bloom. First, there is the fact that Kosei want to approach Kaori, but the fact that she declared that she's in love with him makes him feel guilty of that feeling.
There is also Tsubaka interesting commentary when she said that 3 months ago, that spark of love would have lighted between her and her senpai. I think she never considered that Kosei could get away from her, so when she him with Kaori, in perfect harmony, she understood that she lost something important to her.
Watari seem to notice that Kaori looks more interested in Kosei than him. Hell, she may even have used him as an excuse to approach Kosei! Feel damn bad for him... That will probably lead to some tension in the boys duo.

The music conflict is solely based around Kosei. His inability to accept the death of his mom put him in a lull from my interpretation. Of course, him not hearing the notes or seeing the partition disappear his only mind barrier that he created to escape his cursed talent, his only link with his mom. Of course, Kaori music heavily contrast with his mom teaching. That will probably help him break out of his shell his mother build around him.

For the Kaori one... Well, I guess we now know why the title is named ''Your Lie in April''. Kaori lie about her still unknown disease will obviously backfire in everyone face soon enough. It will probably even destroy a bit the group, since everything they believed in or took for granted will shatter. I already call the bittersweet ending, similar to TTGL. Don't think I'm spoilering you, I'm always wrong about speculation :P
I just like to talk and talk and talk...... Ahhhh, I should go to sleep.

Anyway, it was a moody episode, obviously setting for some more depressing drama, followed by a crescendo to brighter days.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Nov 14, 2014 7:08 AM

Jun 2008
Hmm...i don't know, i kind of liked previous episodes more. There wasn't anything wrong with it but it seem slightly more boring. I think the show need to throw a few more elements there to stop it self becoming to repetitive and just talking about sparkling and cloudy eyes because no matter how good it felt if it just goes the same and same it will start feeling annoying.
But i guess that is why we have the piano contest coming. I guess this was just a little of a transition built-up episode and that is why it felt like that.

Btw artwork and animation was slightly worse this time i hope it won't become too noticeable and take away from the experience.

Kaioshin_Sama said:
-Skyleo- said:

Such a troll, lmao.

I don't want to sound harsh, but I think you have too much on your hands if you keep watching this show you hate so much.
People love Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso for what it is, an entertaining show. So what ?
I don't really see the problem here.

Don't hate it, I just find the commentary on it pretty lame since honestly it's a solid enough show but so far from being great. I'm not someone that gets bought off by glitzy looking stylized visuals though if the storyline is just kind of the usual generic genius yet trouble boy meets girl with entirely too much personality and melodrama ensues affair. It's almost like the show is caught halfway between being a shonen manga and a light novel story. It's not exactly like this show is as original or cutting edge as some people like to think and not like it isn't without it's issues like the ever irksome slapstick comedy and the inconsistent animation quality. Not color palette, I'm talking about how the show isn't even really all that well animated half the time and the director is pretty much kind of saving it and finding ways to keep people from noticing what has become evident and he's even spoken about that the show is barely on schedule in terms of it's production and they're in fact playing catch up right now and just barely getting every episode out each week. The animators at A-1 must just be dying more than they already usually are.

The fact that you bother with all this shit shows you lost the ability to just watch something and enjoy it. Who the fuck cares how A1 schedule goes?
Is not that you ain't right about many elements of the show is that it just doesn't matter.
Is a nice enjoyable show, whether the recipe is just a boy meets girl typical thing or not doesn't matter, whether the director uses nice color nature still panels to save budget is also irrelevant.
Also what Mal users feel about it shouldn't make you more hostile towards it.
Is like you have a huge stick up your ass that just doesn't allow you to shit-out all that black cynical anguish stuff you have inside you and just be more relaxed without over analyzing things by directors, studios, Mal people impressions etc.
Relax and go back to remember that we watch anime just to have a nice time and fun. You put yourself too much into the role of anime critic than an anime watcher.
Nov 16, 2014 2:49 AM

Nov 2011

Episode intense narration proves verbose and redundant, unfortunately it takes if they have to show the slow change of characters.
The narrative would have been perfect if they had not shown some forcing, they gave me a vague sense of déjà vu.
I hope that the plot does not become too predictable in the future, but no points for originality that they raise the serious TV.
Drawings? Good, I like very much.
The animations were of a more than good, really beautiful drawings of scenes.
Now I think we should move forward in the story and give depth to the whole cast.
Nov 25, 2014 10:27 AM

Jul 2009
The animation is so pretty, really...

I hope Kaori doesn't have anything serious =/

Tsubaki senpai is kinda cute, sad that she don't want him, I am sure she will suffer a lot...
Dec 26, 2014 3:52 AM

Oct 2014
Nice episode. Characters' feelings are shown.
What's with the simplistic art for all the children in this show? Anyway, it's not a big deal.
I'm worried for Kaori's condition, it looks like I'm gonna experience Konno Yuuki feels all over again. :/
"Having someone saying you're okay as you are and being needed by that person... It was nice to have someone like that..." — Taiga Aisaka
Jan 2, 2015 2:35 PM

Apr 2013
Loved the ending.
Jan 4, 2015 9:59 PM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
That's their second time Kaori and Kousei meet up and there's children beside them. Must be a sign for them to get together and get married.

Did Kaori say I passed out again? As in she's been passing out many times before.

For some reason, I expected a bit of drama between Kousei and Kaori. Instead Kousei gives an impression that he's coming back to piano.

Tsubaki and Saito scene looked like a confession scene. Wouldn't it look wrong for Saito to be hitting on a middle school girl?

Jan 9, 2015 4:27 PM
Dec 2013
I'm not even sure who I ship here Tsubaki likes Kousei too and she is very sweet
but Kaori and Kousei there is this connection..
Jan 14, 2015 4:40 AM

Jun 2012
Their faces looked weird when they were laughing.
Shoot first, think never.
Jan 27, 2015 4:38 AM

Dec 2014
Tragedy Flag confirmed ... Damn this adaptation is good ... Why cant all animes adapt mangas like this :|
There’s no hope on the battlefield.
It has nothing but unspeakable despair.
Just a crime we call victory, paid for by the pain of the defeated.
Yet humanity has never recognized this truth.
And the reason for that is, in every era,
a dazzling hero has blinded people with their legends and prevented them from seeing the evil of bloodshed.
The true nature of humanity has not advanced a step beyond the Stone Age!
Feb 12, 2015 11:27 PM

Jul 2012
That ending scene left me speechless. I don't even know when's the last time a scene left me starting at my screen until the ED was over. Just wow.

Those death flags need to gtfo. I won't be able to take those feels LOL
Feb 15, 2015 10:11 AM

Aug 2010
Looks like Kaori really has some illness..

Oh god not a love triangle please...or if there is one, not a cliched one please...
Feb 19, 2015 12:21 PM

Aug 2012
great episode ! I like how Kaori affect Kousei's personality ..
but I'm feeling so sorry for Tsubaki ; ^ ; ).. why do they have to make it hard for her. she's completely in love with Kosei ! :'(
Kaori x Kousei moments are so adorable! but I can't enjoy them because my hart is with Tsubaki .. </3

also am I the only one who feels that Watari have some feelings for Tsubaki ? :3
Mar 19, 2015 1:31 PM

Mar 2012
Well that was full of flashbacks and Kousei downer moments.
Mar 28, 2015 8:13 PM

Dec 2013
putting aside my fear for Kaori's health, this episode was tear jerking in a weird way. that jump, that Kaori girl is something alright.
Mar 29, 2015 5:00 AM

Aug 2013
Why do they love to play with people's feelings ? Tsk....
Apr 2, 2015 11:08 AM

Jun 2014
I actually like Tsubaki, she's cute. I wish she didn't like Kousei ugh, I fear that'll ruin her character for me because I'm scared they'll make her the annoying jealous girl, noooo. I kinda feel like Watari may like her though, or maybe I'm just imagining it.

I like this anime, but my problem with it is the repetition of Kousei reflecting on Kaori and how she amazing she is, etc. Maybe it's cuz I'm not used to romance XD But anyway, I get kinda annoyed with the loooooooong breaks of staring almost every time she does or says something in front of him.
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Apr 3, 2015 6:16 AM
May 2012
Anyone should now by now that something is really up with Kaori's health. I hope that the spoiler I FUCKING ACCIDENTALLY saw is not true. Well, I don't mind if it's true also.
I really like their inner monologues~
Apr 5, 2015 12:26 AM

Jan 2008
Okay, I'm going to write this stuff down and that's without knowing what else is going to come for the remainder of the series:

>Kaoiri has some serious illness and she is going to die, hence her 'YOLO' lifestyle.
>There's going to be a love triangle between Kousei, Kaoiri and Tsubaki.
>"I can't forget this day" is going to be still overplayed for scenes that don't require it.

Otherwise, I'm liking it a bit so far.
Apr 15, 2015 9:41 PM

May 2014
I literally can't take the feels right now. I feel your pain Arima. I am hoping with every ounce of my being that this ends well. Because I literally won't be able to think or work straight if this anime had a sad ending.

The girl is way too beautiful. God. Like it sometimes even makes me uncomfortable how beautiful she is.
Apr 18, 2015 12:50 PM

May 2012
Wonderful episode, really like how this develops! Let's see what's next!
Apr 23, 2015 8:23 PM

Oct 2014
"Hey, where are you glasses?"



Very nice episode again, but I'm worried about Kaori, definitely seems like something is up with her health. But, loved the episode, especially Kousei jumping into the river. Very well done.
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