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emptycell Aug 10, 2015 1:12 AM
Lol, it does seem very formal... I wasn't in a very good state of mind when I wrote that last comment. :P

Well, I'm late again, so.. *clears throat*
"Ah, it's no problem at all my friend, nothing but water under the bridge! This summer season I have been most busy with a multitude of activities of varying importance, these activities including and not limited to my part time job, preparing for the creative writing course I'm taking next school year, and allocating time and funds to my newfound obsession with vinyl records. However, I do understand that none of this is an adequate excuse for my tardiness in following up our previous correspondence. I would like to offer you my most sincere apology, and hope you will not hold my past failures against me; I promise I will strive to better myself as a friend and as a human being by responding to all future messages as soon as I am capable of doing so." xP

As much as I love The Suburbs, I will admit it has its flaws. Funeral however, I have no criticism for. It manages to create a consistent atmosphere throughout all the tracks, and is unified by the themes of growing up, the loss of loved ones, and moving past sorrow (to name a few). Like I said, I consider it to be a near perfect album. Plus it has at least two perfect tracks (Tunnels and Wake Up) and maybe three (Rebellion (Lies)). One of the biggest reasons many (myself included) prefer Funeral is that although it can be dark at times, you also get plenty of moments for cathartic release. The Suburbs on the other hand, has a very bleak tone throughout. I also understand why you consider the album to be too long, but that's not really something that bothers me when it comes to albums. I mean, one of my favourite albums is approximately 90 minutes long, and only has 4 songs on it. xD Really, the only album I've ever thought of as too long is Pink Floyd's 'The Wall'.

I used to listen to a lot of anime podcasts, but not anymore. I also lost interest in anime a while back and stopped watching for a while, but I'm steadily regaining interest. As for music, I listen to it anywhere, but yeah, I listen to it a lot when walking to school/work. It depends on the genre and artist, but I find music to be very good at helping me relax and fall asleep. I've been dealing with insomnia for about half a year now, and it's definitely helped me out many a sleepless night. I'll usually listen to jazz, classical, or ambient/drone when I want to sleep. Some folk is good too.
Judging by what I know you listen to, I think you'd definitely like Floyd if you listened to more of their material. Start with Dark Side and Wish You Were Here, and then check out their other albums.
I listened to LCD's 'Sound of Silver' recently, and I found it enjoyable, but nothing special. I might need to listen to it a few more times, but I still found it good enough that I want to explore the rest of their discography.

I discovered Cage the Elephant through YouTube comments on Pixies songs; people saying stuff about this "crappy indie hipster band that totally rips off their sound". Intrigued, I listened to their first album.. And proceeded to listen to the next two. My favourite album of theirs is Melophobia without a doubt. It doesn't seem like it was too well received by critics or fans, but I love it. I definitely agree with what you said about the energy in their music.
Yeah, I haven't listened to much outside of 'Turn on the Bright Lights' either, but that album is greeeeeeat.
Joy Division is one of my favourite bands of all time, but their music is really depressing. xD If you ever feel like giving them a go, is recommend starting with their album 'Unknown Pleasures'. For a song to start with, I'd suggest 'Shadowplay' or 'Atmosphere'.
I'm kind of surprised you've never heard of Neutral Milk Hotel... Their album 'In the Aeroplane over the Sea' is one of the most celebrated indie albums of all time. It's probably my second favourite album of all time! (Funeral and Dark Side of the Moon are tied for first :P)

It's hard to stay motivated watching LOGH when there are so many episodes to get through... xP
I stopped watching anime a while back, but I picked up a few shows last season and this current season. The anime I've watched recently were mostly good, but nothing amazing.. Except for Non non Biyori. Loved it! <3
Hakita Jul 16, 2015 1:34 PM
Italy, huh... How was Italy? I'm actually going to Germany and the Netherlands with a couple of friends in august, we've been skype friends for years now so we'll finally be meeting at Gamescom and then staying over a couple days at one of theirs' apartment in Amsterdam.
Don't worry about ol' me waiting for messages, I always have these animes to keep me company... :(

I tried sleeping to a podcast once, I just can't do it. People talking really hold my attention, so I'll end up just staying up listening to it instead of actually sleeping. Guess that makes us opposites on that front, eh?
Jon and Arin's chemistry really made Game Grumps, they were both great at improv and working off eachother, which is what that show is all about.
That's weird, never heard people do that before. It would really suck for me if they cut off the internet when they went to sleep, since I'd stay up 5-7 hours without internet, which would really suck for me!
I used to always download anime, but nowadays I'm just too lazy so I watch it on crunchy if possible and only download the ones that aren't there.
I didn't bother watching episode 0 myself and I was just fine. Some references went over my head but for important stuff Pat explained it. What got me interested in playing the Yakuza games were the Heat moves, but after playing Yakuza 1 I found out how fun the gameplay is.

I bought the Scholar on summer sale since it was cheap, but sadly my PS4 controller program seems to bug out with it. I'll try to fix that so I can play it, since it seems very fun from what I've heard from friends. DkS1's DLC is super worth it, it has my 2 favorite boss fights in the game.

Bloodborne has way less replay value than the other Souls titles since it's so restricted with gameplay styles. You can't go full arcane, full tank or anything, you just have to play the same light build. Lots of the Hunter's Tools are available pretty early if you know what you're doing, but arcane is still just a secondary thing if you're making a build for it. You'll still have to up str or dex so you can deal normal damage. Don't give up on Bloodborne, the final boss is the greatest Souls boss ever and one of my favorite Boss fights overall. Bloodmoon Yahar'Gul is definitely the worst designed area in the whole game, but after that you've only got 1 area and 2 bosses before the final boss, so it's very near the end.

The Shadows of Yharnam are decent, but they have one thing that really pisses me off, which is those dumb stretchy-arm attacks that give them insane reach. They have very little telegraphing so it always hits me and feels very unfair. Other than that it's a well done boss fight, the multiple fighting styles thing is like Ornie and Smornie but with 3 people instead of just 2. I really dislike Rom, it's not a fun boss fight at all. It completely fails as a "variety boss", which is done MUCH better with the first boss of the final area in the game. Paarl's difficulty is entirely dependant on when you fight him. If you fight him too early, he seems unbeatable but if you fight him too late you can beat him by just hammering R1.

Well, I had kinda fallen off the track with anime, but I've recently picked back up again. Recently I've finished Hokuto no Ken 2, which I'm extremely mixed on, though I won't go into detail unless you want me to. Yahari s2 was a disappointment, they were rushing through the material so it was just non-stop melodrama instead of having a good balance of comedy and drama like s1. It still had mai husbando Saika Totsuka tho, and not only that but they improved his design by giving him cute messy hair, changing his color scheme up a bit and adapting him to the new artstyle that did wonders for him.
Don't judge me! Just take a look yourself and tell me he isn't the cutest ever:

Other than that, I saw Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (fantastic), Hibike! Euphonium (very good), Kiniro Mosaic s2 (good), Nisekoi s2 (romance is still as awful as ever but the comedy is hilarious and the girls are cute and that's what I'm here for) and Yamada-kun and the 7 Witches (silly but fun, overall good). I didn't follow many animes last season but I'm making up for it by watching a ton this season.
AbhLeaderKrelian Jul 13, 2015 10:19 PM
(* ̄m ̄)

Maybe garlic bread is what British people think Italians eat. Or maybe you were in a different area from where they are usually eaten.

Interesting, I think they get the money OFF you since you live on the land they own. I know more about the Dutch Royal Family than the British one. However, I do think they are only really there now for novelty. obama thinks he's a king anyways, seeing how he disses the Constitution to the side.

Why can't you eat a waffle in a bowl? Is there some law now that states that?

Sam I am. ;)

Let me know how you think of the ending of Monster.

Kirby eats the rest of the body which is the most tasteful. He doesn't eat hats or hair since they don't taste very good.

Your door is made of the internet.... 0_0

Meow! :3

Did the Dingo taste good?

Well, I HOPE it's soon!....please?

Hey! :#>
emptycell May 26, 2015 4:15 PM
First off, I want to apologize for how long it's taken for me to reply to your last comment. >_< Ive been really busy lately, and I took a break from MAL for personal reasons a while ago.

While I agree that long albums are often bogged down with filler, Im usually okay with mediocre tracks on concept albums as long as they serve a purpose. I sort of treat all of Arcade Fire's albums as concept albums even though only Funeral and Neon Bible fit the label. Funeral is definitely their most coherent album though; that album is so close to perfection! I feel like Funeral is one of those rare instances where an artist managed to perfectly get their emotions and artistic vision to the listener.

Music (and anime) is my life! I listen to it most of my time when I'm awake; it's a part of my daily routine. My favourite times for listening to music are when I'm lying awake at night and when I'm walking home from work or school.
What have you heard from Pink Floyd? I'm assuming Dark Side of the Moon/The Wall/Wish You Were Here?
I know LCD Soundsystem! I have a friend who LOVES their music! I've been meaning to check them out, but there's just so many artists I want to try out. :P
I love indie music, particularly indie pop, indie rock, and indie folk. Have you ever listened to Neutral Milk Hotel, Joy Division, Interpol, or Cage the Elephant?

I used to force myself through every show I started watching, but now that I'm busier I've started dropping the mediocre shows I start with every season.

I haven't watched a single episode of LOGH for over two months now... I really need to catch up to you...
AbhLeaderKrelian May 19, 2015 10:28 AM
I apologize even more-so mate. The last month was not kind to me...

Why should even be a Royal Family then? Just for looks? Is it hip with the kids yo?

Yes cereal is! What about Waffle Crisp? 0_0

Sam here lol.

I played Dark Souls with a friend, and I really enjoyed it. I'm happy it's not watered-down like most modern games.

Inside Kirby there is a whole new universe inside him. He is like a deadly black hole. If he swallows you, he will grow your hair and powers...that's messed up.

Well...if you ever wanted to kill someone with a book, Encyclopedias are then pretty useful. Meanwhile a MacBook Pro would just break like paper. (how do I know this you ask? SHUT UP! Too many questions!)

I'll download all the manga before hand? Or just get a really long Ethernet cord.

Poor kitty... ;_;

What? Did you ever own a dingo?

I hope we can talk soon again! :D

Hey (not much time... gotta go...something :P (...nailed it) (wait a second I think I recognize that...)
ManakaRikka Apr 18, 2015 12:02 AM
OMG you're off school?? You're so lucky!
Yeah, it's like whe have so much to watch but no time to do it xD
Oh, I see. Then maybe I should watch Neon Genesis Evangelion. :3
My favourite anime is madoka magica (even though I love Clannad too). Have you watched it?

Yeah, nozaki-kun is easily one of the best comedy anime I ever watched. I would be laughing the whole episode xD
Hakita Apr 17, 2015 4:34 PM
I wouldn't go as far as to say racist, but yeah, it's pretty hilarious. The only 2 character race faces that look good by default are the default white and the asian-esque last option.

I very rarely listen to podcasts since I prefer listening to music instead, the only times I've really listened to podcasts were when pat and woolie were on retsupurae's podcast and when guy cihi was on the bestfriendscast or whatever it's called. They're nice for background listening, but why do that when I can listen to microtonal minimalist piano music for 5 hours!
I'll try to remember to check those out at some point when I get really bored. I'm glad that Jon left though, honestly, since he's been working more with his Jontron stuff now and I much prefer those over a million gamegrumps episodes.
A few episodes downloaded? Do you watch them when you dont have net or something? Yakuza playthrough is very fun, though, especially if you haven't played the game beforehand so you get the best friends commentating while still following a very interesting story as well. The playthrough got me to try out Yakuza 1 myself and holy shit is it fun. Combat is super satisfying and the story is always really cheesy fun. They escalate the story with every game so just when you think you've got it figured out, they throw 23 twists on you simultaneously, 12 seemingly dead guys coming back to life and then seemingly dying again and 2 main character deaths. They're great games but sadly I never finished Yakuza 1 because I got stuck on an annoying boss near the end and then found some other stuff to do and never picked it back up. The Harry Potter Kinect one is great because of how dumb the kinect is. Stuff like that makes for great short videos like the ones they do for machinima.
Yeah, castle crashers is super simple but it's a fine time waster if you've already got a 4-man group. It's nothing special but still enjoyable.

Yeah, they still haven't fixed the durability bug, it's pretty ridiculous. Maybe it's caused by something that's at the very core of the engine so they'd have to reprogram everything so they just decided not to bother with it? Who knows, but I'm glad to hear they're finally getting around to doing it anyway.
I'm not going to get scholar, since it costs so much for so little since I already have all the DLCs. There's a lot of weird stuff going on from what I've heard that I'd like to have experienced, but I don't think it's worth 25€.

I can definitely understand that, it's better to just leave it be instead of forcing your way through it. You can only experience a souls game for the first time once after all. The Lost Sinner is actually a girl, believe it or not. I know, she has a beard and all (though might just be hair) but her soul's description calls her a she. Do try to get back to it some time after finishing bloodborne though, especially if you still have the DLCs left.

The world and monster design is fantastic and the lore is easily the most interesting out of any souls game. The gradual transition from stoker horror to lovecraftian horror is wonderful, you've got a whole lot to look forward to! The whole aggression thing does make the combat feel a bit R1-spammish, but that's why every weapon has such a varied moveset you can change on the fly. If you full your weapon to its full capabilities and use all sorts of stylish comboes the combat becomes more fun. From what I've heard guns only builds are viable and if you build your character properly you can completely break PvP. You'll eventually come across a hidden left-hand weapon that takes 10 QS bullets per shot but deals insane damage, if you combine that with bone ash marrow and a gunweapon on your right hand, you can parry a player and then use your left hand weapon to kill them in a single hit. I hope fromsoft gets around to balancing this stuff a bit more! There's some amazing bosses up ahead (especially the final boss) so I'm looking forward to hearing your opinions on some of them.
Hakita Apr 14, 2015 2:37 PM
Really, really, really sorry for the insanely late response, i've been doing lots of stuff and I just kind of forgot to reply at any point!

The racism is clear! Have you ever seen a hollow with white skin? Notice how none of the gods are black! Absolutely awful, this is a crime against humanity, Fromsoft is the next KKK!!

I wonder what made Pewdiepie so much more famous than his other clones and copiers. From what I've heard he's actually a very nice and genuine guy, so I don't hate him even if I hate his videos. Maybe I'll try some of GG's newer videos, you have any recommendations? I've never really gotten those moments of having trouble breathing because of how funny something is, but the funniest moment I can think off the top of my head was this little moment in 2BFP's Yakuza 4 playthrough when they talk about a blow-up doll becoming a hostess. The way they deliver that premise is just amazing and I laugh everytime. There's loads more super funny moments but I can't remember any right off the top of my head.
That's a shame to hear, it really sucks when people aren't open-minded and just want to stick to what they know always. Castle Crashers isn't a great game but it's alright, though it really shows its Newgrounds roots. I played a fair bit of it with 3 friends and we enjoyed it but it did get boring after a while.
That's nice to hear, but I doubt I'll ever get around to actually playing it, especially with there already being games coming out that I want to play a lot more.

I'm not completely sure how it works, but yeah, durability drains twice as fast on PC as on the consoles. It's not really that big of a deal until you want to use a weapon with low durability in a playthrough. There's some other high FPS quirks too, like the Alonne knights having some moves that are faster than they should be (though that also adds to the game, since it gives them a more ninja-esque feel) and some enemies acting weird overall.
Heh, nice pun. I really wish Bloodborne had those Soul Vessels too, but sadly if you pick a path you'll have to stick with it, which is especially bad in Bloodborne since the weapon selection is so so much narrower.

Speaking of which, have you picked up Bloodborne? What are your feelings on it? I recently beat it and I have to say it's an absolutely fantastic game, definitely the most cinematic Souls game to date, but it does have a lot of problems. The game's balance suffers a lot in the latter half and the lack of variety in gameplay styles and overall narrow selection of equipment really brings down the replay value. There's some bosses that aren't fun at all but some are absolutely fantastic and the final boss is my favorite Souls boss so far!
ManakaRikka Apr 14, 2015 1:07 PM
Hi! :)
I'm very good, thank you! And you? :3
Hmm... I'm watching many animes at once and I have so many anime that I plan to watch but I have no time to watch them xD
Btw what is your favourite anime?

I also realized when they were at the second or third episode. I wanted to rewatch (again) nozaki-kun and it showed me the specials xD
Light-1 Apr 14, 2015 12:38 PM
It's okay, I'm really late on the replies as you can tell lol.

So how is LOGH going? Are you still finding the show somewhat boring?

Well that's okay if you do that (even though I don't agree with giving shows high ratings because they make me cry), it's just when mediocre shows become insanely praised just because of the feels. But I guess that's what appeals to otakus these days, I've kind of grown out of these kinds of anime which is kind of why Clannad isn't my absolute favorite anymore.

Hmm, well the remastered version of LOGH does look somewhat weird at times. Sometimes it just looks really blurry for what should be 720P. At least it does look good at times.
Whalelala Apr 14, 2015 10:55 AM
I'm reading GUNNM. My profile pic has the main character on it, Gally. I'm going to be writing a review on it (my first ever) when I finish it. I'll link it to you in a few weeks.

As for Bake....

I hate Bakemonotagari and the rest of the shitty series. It's simply fanservice and meaningless dialogue. What infuriates me is when people try to say the fanservice has meaning. Or that the show reminds them of Spice and Wolf with with it's similar dialogue which is actually bullshit as well. Spice and Wolf is a much better show. Shouldn't even be in the same sentence.I felt I was lied to. The first minute and a half of the first episode did it's job. Reeled me in, made me expect a great series, so I finished but it was entirely a waste of time.

A disgusting ploy. I hate SHAFT in general.
emptycell Apr 8, 2015 10:52 PM
Don't worry about it; I'm a lot worse when it comes to replying on time. :P

I really like Month of May; it doesn't sound like anything else the band has ever done. It's a great change of pace after the emotional intensity of Suburban War (which might be my favourite song on the album).
That's interesting how you believe an album can be too long, because I sort of think the longer the album the better! As long as its not needlessly long or if its long just because of filler songs and songs that drag on and on that is.

Well, take your time. You don't need to force yourself to listen to it right away! Let me know what you think once you've listened to Reflektor.
Neon Bible has a much darker feel than the rest of Arcade Fire's albums, so I can definitely see the appeal of it. I have a friend who listens only to that album because he finds the rest boring. -_- Why haven't you been listening to music lately? Are you just too busy? Also, what kind if music do you listen to? Right now, all I know is that you listen to Arcade Fire, Pink Floyd, and Radiohead.

I wasn't aware there was a Llama God. Who is he/she battling, and why?

I used to watch around 10 series every season, but I'm too busy to do that now. I still try, but usually I'll end up falling behind in most or all of them and end up dropping the series Im not too interested in.
I want to watch LOGH because of how good I've heard it is, but it's hard to find the will to. That 110 episode count is pretty daunting!
I liked Bakemonogatari; I just find it funny how some people believe its this really deep, philosophical work of art just because of the unique cinematography. The script is definitely the strongest point of the show for me. Since you enjoyed it, I highly recommend you start on Nisemonogatari and Monogatari Second Season as soon as possible. Monogatari Second Season is great, it's probably in my top ten favourite anime of all time. It has the three best arcs in the franchise in my opinion: Shinobu Time, Mayoi Jiangshi and Hitagi End. Yeah, the fanservice can get annoying, but it's still a damn entertaining show. It gets worse in Nisemonogatari, but gets dialed down quite heavily in Second Season.

Alright, I'll start from the very beginning. I'll get started on it as soon as possible!
Whalelala Apr 6, 2015 5:51 PM
We've both watched the same amount of anime and read the same amount of manga which I find interesting. I've lost a lot of time to university these days, I've taken to trying an anime, then quickly getting tired/not having time for it so I put it on my to hold list. I recently got into manga and I think it fits into my schedule better.
AbhLeaderKrelian Mar 27, 2015 10:39 PM
What about Australia, New Zealand, Canada and other territories? I know that they have their own governments, but don't they still technically follow the Queen for the final word in things? Either way, they develop their own identities since they are so far from Britain. It's geography's fault.

If it tastes like cardboard, then why don't you eat fiber cereal or something? Just add salt. (ewww....)

There were many death camps in the USSR after the war, plus postwars such as the Dutch-Indonesia war and the Korean conflict. (technically a "police action" but whatever)
I've seen worse jokes about death, some of which make me cringe even now.

It would be cool if you uploaded something! I want your madz skillz.

Did you finish Dark Souls 2? One of my real life friends was talking about Bloodborne. He wants me to buy it. Should I buy it?

Hmmm...I would eat....Kirby. He was in an anime so that counts. He is basically unlimited food. I would feel really bad eating him, so I would ask him to puke out something. (he has an infinite space inside himself with millenniums worth of unchewed food.) I will never go hungry. :P I heard there was garden mama too. I think they were a fad since nobody talks about them anymore. Like Guitar Hero.

Have you seen the latest Anime Encyclopedia? That has several thousand pages yet bare scratches the surface! Even if I did finish everything, there would be future mangas that have been written after I started my journey. That and I can reread some of the classics. :)

I like single player games more myself, but having a multiplayer game with friends makes great memories! c:

Why is it only the cat's face trapped in the box? He can leave through the sides.

That is the road to SOMEwhere. :P

Are you saying hi from Haiti?

Hi, mate! Want a dingo?!
-------> ;B <------
emptycell Mar 27, 2015 6:49 AM
Alright, I'm back! Time to reply to comments! :D One thing I hate about replying late to people is how I forget exactly what I was planning on saying...

I love The Suburbs and Sprawl II! You can really tell the Reflektor album builds off the more electronic sound of Sprawl II. I didn't notice a big drop in quality between Suburban War and Sprawl though; there's still Month of May, Deep Blue, and We Used to Wait (although I admit We Used to Wait gets repetitive near the end). The only song on the album I ever skip is Wasted Hours.
Have you gotten around to hearing Reflektor yet? I've been listening to it a lot lately, and I like it, though its not as memorable as Funeral and The Suburbs. The standouts in my opinion: Reflektor, Here Comes the Nighttime, Joan of Arc, Awful Sound, It's Never Over, Afterlife. The final track, Supersymmetry, sounds like an attempt to emulate a Pink Floyd-esque progressive track, and it almost works... But it's an 11 minute long song and the last 5 minutes are spent on tuneless "bleeps and bloops". That's a problem I have with lots of the songs on the album; they don't know when to end and end up dragging on and on.
Hmm, I wasn't aware Neon Bible was that well received, it surprises me actually. Neon Bible is alright, but the tracks don't flow together as well as Funeral and The Suburbs, and there aren't too many stand out tracks. I really like Black Mirror, Keep the Car Running, Intervention, Black Wave/Bad Vibrations, and No Cars Go. I especially like No Cars Go, it's one of my favourite songs by the band. I think Neon Bible is worth the re-listen, but don't expect too much from it.

Those are some interesting ideas; I definitely think that some big changes need to be made of llamas expect their society to be taken seriously. I'm sorry to say it, but if they carry on as they are now, they may be treated with as much disdain as their relatives the Alpacas... I'm sure you know how terrible that would be...

I used to watch that much anime each season as well, but Ive been busier than I was before the past two seasons. :/ Do you follow the airing anime you watch weekly or do you wait for most/all of the episodes to air before you start?
How's LOGH coming along by the way? That is, if you've watched any more of it. I'm still on episode 6! xD
Wow, I didn't think Bakemonogatari seemed like the kind of anime you'd be willing to watch. Did you like it? I thought the first arc was kind of boring, and the fanservice was kind of annoying, but the anime was pretty enjoyable overall, especially the character interactions.
I'm really looking forwards to watching the original NGE; the characters seem a million times better than they were in the Rebuilds (though I still liked the films). I'm also excited to watch End of Evangelion because of everything I've heard about it.

I also have one more question: Since everything that happens in Rebuild 1.0 follows the original story do you think I should skip to where the story goes off in a different direction or start from the beginning?
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