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No Game No Life (light novel)
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May 21, 2014 11:47 AM

Mar 2014
Good ep with a nice setup. I hope the game with the Warbeasts starts soon. 4/5
Everybody has the right to have his own opinion on something.And you do have the right to disagree with them.But that doesnt give you the right to impose your opinion on others, even though you do have the right to think you are fucking awesome.
May 21, 2014 11:50 AM
Feb 2014
GreenDrag said:
Spoilers ahead!

Well, that's a fair point Caleb

May 21, 2014 12:00 PM

Jun 2013
This became my favorite anime of this season..
Ad Astra Per Aspera
May 21, 2014 12:02 PM

Jun 2008
Caleb8980 said:
GreenDrag said:
Spoilers ahead!

Well, that's a fair point Caleb

Spoilers ahoy!

Well, my main point is, that

But that might be entirely my opinion (and probably is)
May 21, 2014 12:06 PM

Jan 2012
antonn said:
Lyrisia said:
Eeeh so Sora and Shiro are not blood-related ?

Incest a-ok flag.

Haha won't exactly be incest if that is so lol
May 21, 2014 12:07 PM

Aug 2011
I love Jibril *_*
May 21, 2014 12:35 PM
Feb 2014
GreenDrag said:
Caleb8980 said:
GreenDrag said:
Spoilers ahead!

Well, that's a fair point Caleb

Spoilers ahoy!

Well, my main point is, that

But that might be entirely my opinion (and probably is)

May 21, 2014 12:36 PM

Sep 2013
I'm not a fan of the show but this episode was quite good. Maybe it's a turning point.
Time is money, but money won't turn back the clock.
May 21, 2014 12:37 PM

Jul 2010
Steph sure did cry a lot, maybe a little too much?
The warbeast that would erase memories for formidable foes, but imanity isn't one of them.
I liked how Sora deciphered the previous king's intention. Always for the best of humanity just like what Steph does.
Jibril is quite funny ^^
Good episode, great build up for the next ep.
May 21, 2014 12:38 PM

Jan 2014
at least this show gives off some decent life lessons, unlike all the other garbage out there just for entertainment
Wanna listen to some good OP/ED songs? Head over to my profile!
May 21, 2014 1:00 PM

Jan 2014
Hmm, I feel like nothing was achieved in this episode which also made the episode feel incredibly fast.
It wasn't bad neither extremely good but well yeah... more progress next time hopefully :3
May 21, 2014 1:17 PM
Feb 2009
good ol king
May 21, 2014 1:46 PM
Jan 2013
This episode just made realize the king is the best character in this show. He went beyond the fact that he was not the person meant to make his own race great and by accepting this he went on to take the biggiest gamble of his life. To make the biggest fool out of himself and lost countless battles just to make the other races think his race is inferior. Then hold a gambling tourtument to determine the next king by a game of gambling. It isn't sora winning these battles it's the former king. If I could watch the story of how the king carried out his will I would definitely find it more interesting than this show. Imo plus I could see his legendary porno stash!
kitkatxzMay 21, 2014 1:49 PM
May 21, 2014 1:48 PM

Mar 2014
Nice transition episode. Got some fun, character development and world explanation. Jibril is crazy, and I like it ^v^
May 21, 2014 1:53 PM
Dec 2013
You have to really love the ending theme, just perfect ;_; and i liked the capther, idn't really pay attention to the fanservice & i aint complainin' bout it either
"If i were to be the protagonist of a story, it would be a tragedy"
May 21, 2014 1:58 PM

Nov 2008
sigh such a fantastic series adaption this has been so far ~
May 21, 2014 1:58 PM

Oct 2009
If I remember right wasn't the next game
Anime, Food and Sleep Who needs anything more!
May 21, 2014 2:11 PM
Feb 2014
Tru3Ph03niX said:
If I remember right wasn't the next game

Indeed :D
kitkatxz said:
This episode just made realize the king is the best character in this show. He went beyond the fact that he was not the person meant to make his own race great and by accepting this he went on to take the biggiest gamble of his life. To make the biggest fool out of himself and lost countless battles just to make the other races think his race is inferior. Then hold a gambling tourtument to determine the next king by a game of gambling. It isn't sora winning these battles it's the former king. If I could watch the story of how the king carried out his will I would definitely find it more interesting than this show. Imo plus I could see his legendary porno stash!

Well but if Sora and Shiro hadn't won the tournament then what he gambled on, that there is a human that can win against the other races, wouldn't have turned out good ;-)

Ah and something for the people still calling this wish fulfillment. How is something wish fulfillment when the main char says about himself that he is trash? Imo that contradicts the very definition of a likeable and perfect protag...
May 21, 2014 2:13 PM

Nov 2012
Setup episode.

The foolish king was actually one of the wisest ones.

May 21, 2014 2:21 PM
Jan 2013
Caleb8980 said:
Tru3Ph03niX said:
If I remember right wasn't the next game

Indeed :D
kitkatxz said:
This episode just made realize the king is the best character in this show. He went beyond the fact that he was not the person meant to make his own race great and by accepting this he went on to take the biggiest gamble of his life. To make the biggest fool out of himself and lost countless battles just to make the other races think his race is inferior. Then hold a gambling tourtument to determine the next king by a game of gambling. It isn't sora winning these battles it's the former king. If I could watch the story of how the king carried out his will I would definitely find it more interesting than this show. Imo plus I could see his legendary porno stash!

Well but if Sora and Shiro hadn't won the tournament then what he gambled on, that there is a human that can win against the other races, wouldn't have turned out good ;-)

Ah and something for the people still calling this wish fulfillment. How is something wish fulfillment when the main char says about himself that he is trash? Imo that contradicts the very definition of a likeable and perfect protag...

Bro, I would actually like to see that but... this anime already exists so it would kill the ending of the will of the king if that was ever made into an anime.... So don't use if.. If that IF is never going to happen.
May 21, 2014 2:40 PM

May 2014
Plot twist the king is Nobunaga the Fool xD Just kidding but still that king was smart.
May 21, 2014 2:55 PM

Apr 2014
great episode.... the king was a badass, he did not cared that people would remember him as a fool. He just did his thing to make a better future... what a guy, respect
May 21, 2014 2:56 PM

Apr 2013
Caleb8980 said:
Ah and something for the people still calling this wish fulfillment. How is something wish fulfillment when the main char says about himself that he is trash? Imo that contradicts the very definition of a likeable and perfect protag...
Hmm, maybe because so far the MC is still quite OP by winning all the games pretty easily, has two girls all over him (not counting the imouto), and it's not like he completely think that humanity is trash since he also believe in "human's potential".
And is it that bad to have your favorite animu called "wish-fulfillment" anyway?

Episode 7 is... okay, I guess? I admit that Jibril's slideshow about the warbeast is pretty well done
May 21, 2014 3:03 PM

Jul 2009
wow. i like this episode better than last week's. hope and faith, the facade of a foolish wise man. all of this makes my kind of story.

im impressed. bumping this show up to a 9.
May 21, 2014 3:11 PM

Mar 2012
ahahaha Dora-chan (Doraemon reference) *-*

Great episode as always!
May 21, 2014 3:16 PM
Apr 2011
How is this show only twelve episodes?
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May 21, 2014 3:19 PM

Jun 2011
Really excellent episode following what was possibly the best episode yet from last week.

We were given a lot of info, and all of it was much needed. Glad we got some back story to Sora and Shiro. But what I like about it was that they only gave us a little, and they're still keeping their pasts' a mystery.

The previous king's work was really interesting and actually quite smart. Good for Steph that the man she believed in was definitely useful.

More awesome references too! Doraemon and Evangelion. The Eva one made me laugh out loud. That was so great.

Another fantastic episode. 10/10
May 21, 2014 3:28 PM

Aug 2008
OK, let's hope the next episode will be awesome!

I wonder how this show will wrap up though, if it's only 12 episodes?

Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol.
May 21, 2014 3:39 PM

Nov 2013
Nice episode, I felt bad for Steph :(
Art is as awesome as ever.

Well, I don't really have much to say about this episode :\
Will stick around for popcorn material posts though :D
May 21, 2014 3:39 PM

Jul 2012
Might not be the most action packed episode but I still enjoyed it.
May 21, 2014 3:44 PM
Jun 2010
The king is making a huge gamble, and is hassling the other race by acting the fool. Regardless of how much slander he will receive, you have to give the king some respect.
May 21, 2014 3:50 PM

Oct 2013
I enjoy the game-less episodes more than the episodes filled with games. Lol. Pretty nice episode.
"Laugh, and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you weep alone". Ella Wheeler Wilcox
May 21, 2014 3:53 PM

May 2012
Wow. Steph's grandfather use the term "never judge a book by its cover" to the fullest extent.

Okay episode nothing really much to say. I enjoyed it.
May 21, 2014 3:53 PM

Jun 2013
Thats f***in right don't underestimate humanity!
May 21, 2014 4:08 PM
Jul 2013
Just when i thought it couldn't get any better...omg they did it.
funny,entertaining and near the end that last 5 minutes. WONDERFUL
i was kinda touched how he said he wanted to be just like her. it was really cute.
May 21, 2014 4:11 PM

Dec 2013
For a transition episode this was brilliant. The character development was solid, the info-dumping didn't even feel like info-dump, and the foreshadowing was handled with care.

Jibril is a fun character, I'm enjoying her input in the group dynamics. She even jumped on board the "dump on Steph" train there in the beginning, but it all works out in the end. Steph's tears of happiness FTW!

Kind of saw the old King not losing his memories, and not being a fool, coming a mile away. But, still, it played out well.

I'll give this episode 9/10
Odds are I'm not going to find my way back to a thread after my first post, it happens on occasion but not often. So, if I say something that offends you and you feel the need to force your opinion on me because obviously everyone should have your opinion or none at all, feel free to post it in the thread that I'll probably never see again. However, if you are interested in intelligent discourse, feel free to message me.
May 21, 2014 4:13 PM

Feb 2014
kliang96 said:
I find it hard to believe this plot can be wrapped up in 6 more episodes. It would be disappointing to not have a second season.

There definitely going to be more seasons because Soro still has to actually capture another race...right...right guys..?
May 21, 2014 4:29 PM

Nov 2011
guyklc said:
OK, let's hope the next episode will be awesome!

I wonder how this show will wrap up though, if it's only 12 episodes?

deus ex machina + time skips
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May 21, 2014 4:34 PM
May 2014
i was kinda hoping they would find some kind of porn stash of the king xD I would have laughed hard if during Steph's crying Sora had found a porn mag somewhere and pointed it out.
May 21, 2014 4:34 PM

Jul 2013
Man I love that soundtrack that played at the end of the episode before the credits.
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May 21, 2014 4:37 PM

Jul 2012
That fan service in the start....yes!
Bath scenes for the win! x3

Ermm....Doremon reference? owo

Anyways, pretty great episode. Nothing much, except how the ending where the old king showed the future king why he forced himself to lose the games....and his land.
So, with that in mind, looks like the War Beasts are the next target~! x3
The preview....cute wolf girl! x3

Oh! When they were flying to the skyscraper building.......PANTY SHOTS!
YES! Upskirts for the win! xD
May 21, 2014 4:42 PM

Jul 2010
Yep, another great episode.Loving characters more and more.
Also ''Im sure of it...ITS HIS PORN STASH!'' - lmao.

xchee said:
I'm still having a bit of trouble trying to like Sora. Must be his voice; I really don't like his VA.

Anyway, good episode to set up the new challenge.
Thing i like the most about Sora is exactly his voice lol.Couldn't think of better choice for his character.
May 21, 2014 4:43 PM

Apr 2013
i really love the music.

May 21, 2014 4:44 PM
Jul 2018
Jibril joined the party.

Good Doraemon reference in this episode.

So, that's how Shiro met Sora...not bad. I really want to see more of Shiro's and Sora's past.
May 21, 2014 4:50 PM

Nov 2011
duderus said:
i really love the music.

the opening theme is pretty good, i agree.

Tohka_Yatogami said:
I really want to see more of Shiro's and Sora's past.

this, it would be great if they could explore Shiro and Sora's past, though i'm not sure if they have enough time for that. only 5 episodes left.
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May 21, 2014 4:59 PM
Oct 2013
Purrfect. dem references though
May 21, 2014 5:03 PM

Aug 2008
DreamingBeats said:
guyklc said:
OK, let's hope the next episode will be awesome!

I wonder how this show will wrap up though, if it's only 12 episodes?

deus ex machina + time skips

Deus ex? Oh dear, then I'm afraid my score for this show will never be great.

Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol.
May 21, 2014 5:07 PM

Jul 2012
The previous king was a brilliant man that deliberately allowed his opponents to trick him and make them believe they truly deceived him in order to find their weakens. Smart King.

Great episode!!!
May 21, 2014 5:51 PM
Jul 2013
Speph hahaha LMAO
May 21, 2014 5:52 PM
Oct 2012
A good deal of back story was provided by the conversation between Kurami and the Elf. Right now they seem to be co-conspirators, the Elf was helping Kurami who in turn was going to help the Elf save her race from the War Beasts (which makes sense since both seem to have lost a lot of territory to them recently, and both think that old, senile leaders were to blame). They both seem to be friends (if not more) as well, though I will be curious to see what happens when they no longer share common goals.

I like that Kurami refuses to consider that a human could defeat her without magic; contrary to what many of the critics here think, that isn't a sign of a "stupid" character, rather it is the most likely explanation given the world as she knows it. This seems to be a general problem with most of the criticism here, all the critics think that the characters should "act like them". Since Elves are only ranked 7th and Warbeasts are ranked 14th, even IF the Sora beats the Warbeasts then there are still other races who could be helping Sora. The really curious question is how have the Warbeasts at 14th, beaten the elves at 7th four times in the past several years, this points to the conclusion that "Ms. Shrine Maiden" is the key to their sudden prosperity (it also explains why both Kurami and the Elf think that they are involved).

Small scene, but it provides a lot of detail. It also again shows that Kurami is a human patriot (I loved that she was practicing apologizing to Steph in secret), but being a product of this world cannot believe that a human can win on their own.
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