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Dec 3, 2013 12:35 PM

Apr 2012
I'm actually glad that 400 and 402 sunk Iona and Gunzou, because things were just going too well for Blue Steel so far.
"Rejoice! We are humans— we are the most talented people! Precisely because we were born without any ability— we can achieve anything— this is the will of the weakest race!" – Sora, ‘No game No life Vol.01’
Dec 3, 2013 12:49 PM

Apr 2011
Quite a bit of fanservice in this one but not as much as last episode. Still, lovely focus shots on the butts of Iona and Takeo as they did their Volt Texture-type clothes transformations, and a lot of shots of Takeo that don't go above her nose level. Male Gaze indeed.

Needs more Haruharu. "Shazam!" I think Takeo is the best girl personally, despite her playing the stereotypical tsundere girl to the nines. All she needs to do is accidentally show Gunzou her boobs and then slap him/shoot at him with her lasers.

Dat ending O_O Should have known to expect her sister submarines to make an appearance, and right after they seemed to have escaped scot free too. Poor Iona got holed in two places and is plummeting to the bottom. I'm sure they'll get out of this somehow or another, but I'm not sure how unless she's going to get some kinda uber-Fog powerup. They did have hints at her having as yet unrevealed powers, since Kongo believes it was Iona that created their virtual space.

5/5, awesome and intense naval battle
Dec 3, 2013 1:36 PM

Apr 2013
I've totally forgot that there was 400 and 402. And that ambush was unexpected.
Dec 3, 2013 2:03 PM
Oct 2012
Jyuu-niDesu said:
And who am I kidding I am ranting here about one of my favorite warship, a Japanese Battleship anime without the most influencial Japanese battleship, blesphemy!

Who am I to comment on a good rant :-)

Though I have always been more partial to the Musashi, Yamato's sister ship. She (and yes, a she :-) was at least sunk in battle, not as part of a ridiculous suicide (and ultimately pointless) plot. Every time I think about the Yamato I am reminded of that quote from the movie Patton: "A helluva waste of fine infantry sailors"
Dec 3, 2013 3:00 PM
Nov 2012
Takuan_Soho said:

Though I have always been more partial to the Musashi, Yamato's sister ship. She (and yes, a she :-) was at least sunk in battle, not as part of a ridiculous suicide (and ultimately pointless) plot. Every time I think about the Yamato I am reminded of that quote from the movie Patton: "A helluva waste of fine infantry sailors"

Basically a class as a whole, Yamato is more famous due to the name itself is poetic and it is the overall flagship of the IJN, Musashi went down with a last fight .But basically it is the IJN who refuses to use their best Battleship for the most important task due to concern of the image(a sunken flagship wont do well with moral, just look at HMS Hood). I mean when Guadacanal was raging and Kirishima is all alone with TWO USN Battleship, Musashi and Yamato was a Truk,due to lack of ammunition suitable for bombardment but hey, presence itself could have change the fate of Guadacanal. But than again, hindsight 20-20.

Anyways, it is still amazes me that Musashi sank relatively shallow in the waters of Phillippines and yet it is still not discovered where(it is ,afterall IN Phillippinian controlled waters), I believe it is in a better shape now than Yamato. amazingly I found out Takao sank about 100km outsde my front door, I'am going Diving!!
Dec 3, 2013 3:04 PM

Apr 2008
The most important duty of Hotel Yamato is just to be Yamato.
Like the Emperor.
Jyuu-niDesu said:
But is quite impossible to think they went without Yamato in Ars Nova, given the fact the original manga intended to put Yamato in place of I-401 (until they realize all with Gunzou tectics, Yamato would be pretty OP).
Is this in the author's notes or that Fog theatre part after each chapters ?
Would make it really interesting if someone got revived later in the plot.
Dec 3, 2013 3:17 PM
Nov 2012
nseika said:
The most important duty of Hotel Yamato is just to be Yamato.
Like the Emperor.
Jyuu-niDesu said:
But is quite impossible to think they went without Yamato in Ars Nova, given the fact the original manga intended to put Yamato in place of I-401 (until they realize all with Gunzou tectics, Yamato would be pretty OP).
Is this in the author's notes or that Fog theatre part after each chapters ?
Would make it really interesting if someone got revived later in the plot.

I read that in the forum animesuki, supposedly during an interview with the creatro, Unsurprisingly the first ship they design within the fog is the Yamato and toyed with the idea of her being the ship with Gunzou, this is during planning stage and before the manga even started.
Dec 3, 2013 3:30 PM

Apr 2008
Talking about Yamato (the ship)
Reminds me of the time in Konpeki no Kantai when Hitler is angered because his chief of staff failed to sink Yamato that's leading Atlantic fleet who's blocking Kriegsmarine's way out of Gibraltar.

Yes, you can sink a few battleships, and those will just get replaced. But Yamato is different, that's the Imperial Navy.
Dec 3, 2013 3:49 PM
Nov 2012
nseika said:
Talking about Yamato (the ship)
Reminds me of the time in Konpeki no Kantai when Hitler is angered because his chief of staff failed to sink Yamato that's leading Atlantic fleet who's blocking Kriegsmarine's way out of Gibraltar.

Yes, you can sink a few battleships, and those will just get replaced. But Yamato is different, that's the Imperial Navy.

Havn't watch Konpeki no Kantai yet, too old and could't find the source, thou from the wiki page, it seems Konpeki like the 'good end' to the Japanese intervention of WW2 while reality is, well, you know. Yamato-Kai vs German H44, that looks interesting.
Dec 3, 2013 5:16 PM

Apr 2008
Just lucky to find a still living torrent in Nyaa
Same thought line as the antagonists in Zipang (we're stuck in this shit (WW2) so lets get a better ending for ourselves).
And like said in Wiki, unlikely to get licensed in the west for very obvious reason.
It does show the possible scenario if Iona and her sisters actually managed to accomplish the mission (air strike on Panama).

Iona coming back as cold war era sub would make everyone baffled.
What... like 190 or so Thanatonium warhead resupplied from the ocean floor XD
Or she met god (Admiralty Code) in the bottom of the ocean
Dec 3, 2013 7:17 PM

Jul 2010
I smell power-up incoming.

Btw, it feels like Kongou is not the main villain at all. I really wonder how and where they will end it, 3 more episodes to go.

Gr33ncar said:
i love all takao screen moments
Dec 3, 2013 10:16 PM

Jan 2013
Fantastic episode. Loving the conflict. Simple and well done.
Dec 4, 2013 3:54 AM

Apr 2012
Kongou's feelings of loathing for captain Gunzou will turn to sweet loving before the end of this series.
Dec 4, 2013 6:15 AM

Oct 2009
I feel bad for Kongou :( and I hope to god she want fall in love with Gunzou as well!
Also Am I the only who finds Hyuga annoying :/? How come shes so powerful now? She got beaten easily by Iona..

Jeez if you want to destroy 401, actually do it not just leave cause it's "sinking" ._.
AozureDec 4, 2013 6:23 AM
Dec 4, 2013 7:13 AM

Aug 2008
DannyREN said:
I feel bad for Kongou :( and I hope to god she want fall in love with Gunzou as well!
Also Am I the only who finds Hyuga annoying :/? How come shes so powerful now? She got beaten easily by Iona..

Jeez if you want to destroy 401, actually do it not just leave cause it's "sinking" ._.
It's the power of love, bruh. Haven't you been payin attention!
Dec 4, 2013 1:12 PM
Jun 2012
DannyREN said:
Also Am I the only who finds Hyuga annoying :/? How come shes so powerful now? She got beaten easily by Iona..

Hyuuga didn't have a mental model when she was sunk (aka she used to be just like iona when gunzou first met iona - basically just obeying orders). The subtext of the blank tea room is a metaphor for the nature of the fog before gunzou and the 401.

Remember the whole point of this series is them going from being one dimensional beings who exist only for combat and obeying orders to living beings. They start to gain awareness of what it is they are doing by simulating human thought and emotion. They start to realize by simulating human thought how one sided their previous existence was.

The whole comment by iona in ep 9 about her gaining awareness of her own existence through her journey with gunzou is basically the underlying theme of the whole series, of the fog gaining awareness of the one dimensional nature of their existence as weapons.

As for not liking Hyuuga... she's supposed to be the nerdy/crazy super smart girl with a heart. Her making all those social faux pas when pointing out makie was not normal when they were eating and everyone was taken aback by her lack of social etiquette, but remember she made makie her medicine so she does obviously show concern for others.

I think the real problem was they knew they only had 13 episodes and had to come up with a way to give hyuuga personality so they just made her an 'over the top' character.
super88Dec 4, 2013 1:17 PM
Dec 4, 2013 1:56 PM
Oct 2012
DannyREN said:
I feel bad for Kongou :( and I hope to god she want fall in love with Gunzou as well!
Also Am I the only who finds Hyuga annoying :/? How come shes so powerful now? She got beaten easily by Iona..

Jeez if you want to destroy 401, actually do it not just leave cause it's "sinking" ._.

Personally I love the way they have Hyuga going from manic to totally serious in under a nanosecond,
her facial expressions when she does this are fantastic.

Don't forget that these are AIs, so you have very intelligent beings trying to understand emotions for the first time, chances are they would flip from one extreme to another as they try to integrate this new stimulation.

As for how she lost, Hyuuga isn't THAT powerful, she is in the same class as Kirishima and Haruna (they are all fast battleships), so she is more powerful than Maya (heavy cruiser) and roughly in the same class as Kondou (though as a command ship Kondou has the edge). In that Gunzou could defeat 2 battleships even though they had prior knowledge that he had defeated a single battleship explains how he could have defeated Hyuuga. As for why Hyuuga is now more powerful than Haruna and Kirishima (all of whom lost their ships), the answer is probably how much nanomaterial they had remaining after their defeat and the amount they have been able to restock after their respective defeats.

Another thing that the animation has covered is that the Fog never worried about tactics, they just utilized their overwhelming strength to defeat the humans. It is through their defeats that they are starting to see the value and need of any form of strategy (and the value of humanity). Hyuuga would have been the same way. It was only when she was humbled by Iona that she managed to break through her Fog biases and become who she is now.

As for the attack on 401, don't forget back to episode 3 or 4, when 400 and 402 met Takao, they did not seem to be pure "Fog" even then (i.e. I don't think they are as opposed to change as Kondou, though this doesn't mean that they are pro human). I have no idea how the writer is going to pull this next episode off, but I think Kondou is in for a nasty surprise with them.
Takuan_SohoDec 4, 2013 2:00 PM
Dec 4, 2013 2:45 PM

Apr 2008
Brego1 said:
Kongou's feelings of loathing for captain Gunzou will turn to sweet loving before the end of this series.
She'll give him lots of Burning Love

DannyREN said:
Also Am I the only who finds Hyuga annoying :/? How come shes so powerful now? She got beaten easily by Iona.
Took 12 corrosive torpedoes to finally sink her.
Battleships takes a lot of pain.
It's just that in Haruna-Kirishima case, it's like a cheat kick to the crotch.

Add to the fact that Hyuuga was a flagship like Kongou, it means Gunzou would have to avoid the other ships under her command too.

It's never told in detail how they finally delivered the blows.

Also, don't hate Hyuuga. But she reminds me a lot of the busty mad scientist Sekirei #2
Dec 4, 2013 3:09 PM
Nov 2012
Takuan_Soho said:

As for how she lost, Hyuuga isn't THAT powerful, she is in the same class as Kirishima and Haruna (they are all fast battleships), so she is more powerful than Maya (heavy cruiser) and roughly in the same class as Kondou (though as a command ship Kondou has the edge). In that Gunzou could defeat 2 battleships even though they had prior knowledge that he had defeated a single battleship explains how he could have defeated Hyuuga.

Actually in reality Hyuuga is more powerful in Battleship form than Haruna, Kirishima and Kongo(they are all part of the Kongo class Battleship, effectiveluy making them sisters). She has more main arnaments(12x14in gun) than Kongo(10 of the same 14in guns) and more imortantly Kongos are fast Battleship that were originaly design as Battlecruiser (wapons of battleships, armor of a heavy cruiser) until they got more armor in 1937. Hyuuga is a Battleship; slower than the Kongos but more heavily armored and design to take a beating. But the anime showed Hyuuga in her post midway form, her 4x aft(rear) 14in are remove for a small flight deck, making her class(Ise class) as the only aerial Battleship in the world. She and I-401 share a similarity being a hybrid design capable of performing their original task while carrying planes.

I do not know how much the anime took refrence from actual historical event in term of power but if it were awfully similar than Hyuuga could essentially, take a beating more than the Kongos.
Dec 4, 2013 3:24 PM
Oct 2012
Jyuu-niDesu said:
I do not know how much the anime took refrence from actual historical event in term of power but if it were awfully similar than Hyuuga could essentially, take a beating more than the Kongos.

Thanks for that, I know next to nothing about weapon systems. I think the writer is fully well versed on the various capacity of ships, and I imagine the animation writer followed in step, the Japanese have pride that way which I respect (and tons of accurate plastic models and magazines on the topic :-)

However didn't Hyuuga say that Kongou had more power solely because she was a fleet commander? I could of easily misunderstood this (I jammed 2 weeks of shows into 2 days), but I thought there was something said related to that when Hyuuga and Kongou were fighting it out.
Dec 4, 2013 3:38 PM
Nov 2012
Takuan_Soho said:

However didn't Hyuuga say that Kongou had more power solely because she was a fleet commander? I could of easily misunderstood this (I jammed 2 weeks of shows into 2 days), but I thought there was something said related to that when Hyuuga and Kongou were fighting it out.

I don't know or didn't even catch that part, when I watch the last episode my body was already running for its 28th hour(Final Assignments). But the manga did say that flagship has an edge in processsing capabilities. But more than that, the manga also states that Kongo took over most of Hyuuga's former fleet, Hyuuga was in fact a flagship before she was sunk. Don't know weather the anime cramp that part in I'am not sure. In the manga, Japan is surrounded by 3 petrol fleet....Nagato's 1st, Kongo's 2nd and Hyuuga's 3rd. A major reorganising was carried out when Hyuuga sank from 3 fleet merge into 2 bigger patrol fleet. Thou more powerful, it effectively disrupted their Patrol duty, leaving a gap from time to time.
Dec 4, 2013 7:04 PM

Dec 2011
Wow. They managed to beat Takao. Oh well, she got ganged up on.

And finally, 400 and 402 appeared again. I have been waiting. Those two looks like they are triplets with Iona.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 4, 2013 7:35 PM

Apr 2009
For once I agree with Kongou, stop talking, start firing and maneuvering! >_< The sooner they stop talking and start the fighting already then we can get this soon as the the dust settles, of course. XD

So that's why I didn't see the rest of the crew, they're with Takao along with the delivery warhead. I'm assuming the other two subs are sister ships of Iona since they literally look alike, except the hair-do and dress.
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Dec 4, 2013 7:44 PM

Apr 2008
Takuan_Soho said:
However didn't Hyuuga say that Kongou had more power solely because she was a fleet commander? I could of easily misunderstood this (I jammed 2 weeks of shows into 2 days), but I thought there was something said related to that when Hyuuga and Kongou were fighting it out.
Probably because fighting a flagship = fighting the entire battle group.
Seems like flagship have direct control of their subordinates in battle. At least in the manga, Haruna can take over Maya's weapon and it can't be overriden by Maya herself before higher priority command came in.
Dec 4, 2013 9:26 PM
Nov 2010
On a side note, the wreck of I-400 has be found recently. After the war, I-400 and 401 were taken back to US for evaluation and study - then scuttled when Russians made a demand for them. The principle feature of I-400 series is their large aircraft hanger and double-hulled design to withstand pressure. They are not the first submarines to carry aircraft but one of the largest able to carry 3. The intended use, as a platform to launch long range surprise attack on strategic targets, such as the Panama Canal, was never carried out nor expected to be much more than a minor nusiance - as less than a dozen aircraft is not expected to do much.

Whilst the engineering is impressive for its time, not really significant designs in the evolution of submarines and something of a Panda - an evolutionary dead-end.
Dec 4, 2013 10:11 PM

Jul 2013
Wow I'm glad someone finally sink 401 and Gunzou. They really need that ass kicking.. the most boring characters in the series. Sprouting and pushing their ideals like that pissed me off somehow, Kongou has every right to be mad at them. I wish they'd kill both of them and switch to Haruna, Kirishima, and Kongou as the main characters.. this show truly shined the most when the focus was on Haruna and Kirishima while Kongou is simply the most badass and the most interesting character in the entire series.

Too bad main characters can never die =P

I'll give this show a 1 if Kongou ends up "seeing the light" and joins Gunzou's harem.
Dec 5, 2013 12:20 AM

Apr 2008
jiraiya_sensei said:
and switch to Haruna, Kirishima, and Kongou as the main characters..
Sad isn't it, Hiei.
All your sisters but you
Dec 5, 2013 1:21 AM

Apr 2011
Paradoxically Hiei is in original Kongou second in command.

Takuan_Soho said:

And to the manga readers, after hearing your complaints I went out and bought the books (and read though vol. 4). Far from being disappointed, I think the adapters have done an even more outstanding job than I did before. Considering that they had 11 episodes to work with, they have done an excellent job at cutting out the unessential in order to make the animation stand alone and appeal to a wider audience. They have touched on all the important points of the manga (including the Admiralty Code), introduced the most prominent characters, and in some ways improved upon the original (I think the animation's treatment of the Haruna and Kirishima fight was better for appreciating the MC's strategic competency than it was in the manga).

Have they changed the story, yes, but they have done so for a good purpose: they are providing an ending for this show. In that the likelihood of a season two was near zero to begin with, I salute them for taking this option. Would I have preferred the complete animation of the series? Of course, but that isn't the fault of the production team, like all of us they have to play the hand they were dealt, and they have done so adroitly.

Yes they did changed for good purpse, but the road to hell is paved with any good intention. I have to give them credid for well handling absense of Yamato and doing good job with Yokosuka battle.

Yet, Cutting out of Hakugei 3 makes I-401 effectively only useful characters of humanity, Gunzou has nearly no personality and got serious case of Gary Stue syndrome on top of that, Kirishima and Haruna was degraded into comic relieve mascots and I-401 crew have zero characterisation (manga is slow in that metter as well, but still significanlty better and if anime went for own story they could flesh them a bitt on their own). and when I heard that communication line with America got "miraculously" restored I face palmed. Not mentioned dialogs are terribly redudant. Especilaly caus anime team decided do own story they could at avoid various inconsitences caused by transition between medias, instead they added some of their own

That said Arpeggio is still one of better anime of season, but it's flaws hurts it a lot.

Tenzen12Dec 5, 2013 1:48 AM
Dec 6, 2013 4:54 AM

Nov 2011

I can not claim to be 100% satisfied with the strategy a bit as I foresaw this final scenario, although not entirely. A little too much craziness in the narrative is that unlike Gup, here the context seems to be more serious, then you should try not to overdo the comedy, especially because Hyuuga seems too uninhibited as it may be been in contact with humans . Kongo rather than being a cold machine, as I understand, seems to resent Iona for something and wants to make him pay, but for now we can not yet know why. Maya instead according to the reasoning made ​​by Kongo should follow orders without problems, but has no reason to be so attached to her. Plot usable, but there is much more to say, I see that it focuses a lot on the crew of I401, but it fails to tell the rest that gravitates around. Animations and drawings are not bad! I have noticed an increase in fanservice! XD
Dec 6, 2013 12:20 PM

Aug 2013
Good episode , I Did well not dropping it o_o

Dec 6, 2013 5:20 PM

Sep 2011
just finished watching this episode
I'm just thinking where the hell is 400 & 402 when hearing the ending song and bam they both appear sinking 401.
Dec 7, 2013 6:14 PM

Feb 2013
Magical girl Takao!

Kongo was on a suicide run after Iona. At least she doesn't hold back. Epic battle.

The end made me jump... was not expecting the other submarines...
BurntJellyDec 7, 2013 7:41 PM
Dec 14, 2013 12:06 PM

Jun 2013
...okay...Hyuuga may be Pervert when it Comes To Iona...but She is Seriously Strong!!!

Kongou let's see if Gunzou get's you realize some new things
Big Fight starts now

And Takao as Expected joins Blue Fleet... XD Let's see How many Fog they will Sink
and Seriously...her feeling towards Gunzou, or at least way she is showing them, Are Hilarious!!!!

*Takao no Baka, Shizun Ja ee*!!!! *Ai wa Shizumanai* LOL!!! For Some Reason I almost Died on laugh in that moment!!!! XD I seriously Loved Takao vs Maya...their talk between the fight was Hilarious!!! *carnival* Lol!!!

Kongou i seriously Too Formal...mission is important nothing else....

o.O WTF!!?!?! WHERE THE HELL THOSE TWO CAME!?!?!! (402 and 400) Fuck!!!!
JarjaxleDec 14, 2013 12:38 PM
Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.~Winston Churchill

"Fate of the universe will be Decided as it SHOULD be, in MORTAL KOMBAT!" ~Elder Gods

"Justice WILL Prevail?" "But OF COURSE IT WILL!! WHOEVER WINS, BECOMES THE JUSTICE!!!" ~Donquixote Doflamingo (King, Pirate, Shichibukai, Philosopher(?) (One Piece))
Dec 14, 2013 12:38 PM

Jul 2013
This episode was great. I hate Kongou a little, but whatever.
And FINALY 400 and 402 appear.
Maan... shit hahaha
Dec 15, 2013 3:52 AM

Aug 2012
Maya was sooo adorable!! I also loved the scene where all the crews + loli + mental models were having fun with the stuffs inside Takao's room.

and still waiting patiently for a 3rd season of Spice & Wolf :'|
Dec 16, 2013 5:06 PM

Feb 2012
Kongou is an interesting villain. Hearing her talk so much from the last couple episodes makes me feel that she may be the most unfog-like ship in the Fog. When Kongou said she hated Iona, that showed that Kongou well understands that she has already succumbed to emotions. However, she still believes that she should stay with the Admiralty Code even though she has become humanlike. It would actually be ideal for the Fog to have a leader who is both completely self-aware and still loyal to the Admiralty Code.

I personally feel that Gunzou is extremely naïve in his belief in coexistence. I'm sure the Fog and humans can coexist, but I'm also sure that it would lead to warfare. The war will be between teams of humans and Fog and the side with the most Fog ships or with the best human commander wins. It would be just like another nuclear arms race, but with a much higher chance of an actual war breaking out.
Dec 25, 2013 9:24 PM

Jun 2011
This episode was really bad, like.. 1/5 worthy. Misplaced fanservices, bad comedy in desperate situation, forced character development, and bad characterization.

What decoy? I thought that Kongou wanted to kill 401 and Chihaya Gunzou, but not his crewmates? Chillin' an' sippin' tea when you're bloodlusted? Like, seriously?

The only good part is 401 sinking at the end, otherwise, worst episode. Was considering of dropping this show right here, before I saw the twist at the end.

Edit: And, when did they start using CGI on even the characters? My gosh that's really bad.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Dec 31, 2013 4:24 AM

Jun 2008
That Kongo leg crossing!!
Jan 9, 2014 1:35 AM

Oct 2012
Aw, just when I thought Kongou has lost
Now we just have to wait for miracles happen xD

End card : Maya x Maya
I'm curious, why are so many characters with same names??
"Signature removed"
Jan 9, 2014 7:40 AM

Nov 2010
Takao's screentime has increased, I'm satisfied!
Oh there was a nice escape and naval battle too :3

So the Iona twin clones has ambushed them now

The facial expression were terrible at times, especially from Gunzou
Apr 1, 2014 6:21 AM
May 2012
Man, Kongou is really stubborn.
Takao was right, she should look at the mirror and look at herself!!
She realize and knows it, she just needs to be honest, she needs some love :3
I can give her that ahahaha.
Maya, where are you now???

clockz said:
just finished watching this episode
I'm just thinking where the hell is 400 & 402 when hearing the ending song and bam they both appear sinking 401.

Exactly same here O_O

Phaetons_Folly said:
Kongou is an interesting villain. Hearing her talk so much from the last couple episodes makes me feel that she may be the most unfog-like ship in the Fog. When Kongou said she hated Iona, that showed that Kongou well understands that she has already succumbed to emotions. However, she still believes that she should stay with the Admiralty Code even though she has become humanlike. It would actually be ideal for the Fog to have a leader who is both completely self-aware and still loyal to the Admiralty Code.

I personally feel that Gunzou is extremely naïve in his belief in coexistence. I'm sure the Fog and humans can coexist, but I'm also sure that it would lead to warfare. The war will be between teams of humans and Fog and the side with the most Fog ships or with the best human commander wins. It would be just like another nuclear arms race, but with a much higher chance of an actual war breaking out.

Your way of thinking.....I like it.

ToG25thBaam said:
This episode was really bad, like.. 1/5 worthy. Misplaced fanservices, bad comedy in desperate situation, forced character development, and bad characterization.

What decoy? I thought that Kongou wanted to kill 401 and Chihaya Gunzou, but not his crewmates? Chillin' an' sippin' tea when you're bloodlusted? Like, seriously?

The only good part is 401 sinking at the end, otherwise, worst episode. Was considering of dropping this show right here, before I saw the twist at the end.

Edit: And, when did they start using CGI on even the characters? My gosh that's really bad.

Uhmmmm.....since from the very beginning.
I thought you were good at paying attention.
Apr 5, 2014 9:43 AM

Jan 2013
Kongou is a badass but it seems that she is changing her mind.
Now i love Takao she is so nice :D
They almost escaped but those 400 & 402,i hope 401 is fine.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Apr 7, 2014 9:54 AM

May 2012
Intense episode and interesting ending, that epilogue was also quite nice but it's not over yet!
Sep 26, 2014 11:59 PM

Jul 2008
Oh Kongo....pride goeth before a fall, and you fell this time. Its only made her more stubborn, but the other subs showed up out of nowhere and just crushed Iona.
Nov 14, 2014 7:24 PM

Feb 2013
Even knowing how the battle goes... still intense!
Dec 9, 2014 5:11 PM

Feb 2013
That was tense I'm glad they got away from Kongou in time. Or at least I was happy. They were ambushed! Did Iona sink!? Noooooo!

Great episode! I wonder what happens next?!
Mar 22, 2016 1:10 PM

Sep 2014
That ending... D:
Sep 20, 2018 1:23 PM
Absolute Zenith

Mar 2016
The battle has commenced, or should I say an escape plan!? (This episode got no OP so it must be serious)

Iona is on her most emotional state when she was talking to Kongou, trying to make her understand why they're all defying the admiralty code. I felt annoyed to be honest, she's really true to obeying the admiralty code, even when she got emotions and other characteristics a human should have. Yet at the same time, just as Iona said, it's quite sad to see Kongou pretty much alone by herself. Not literally, but subjectively. This is such a nice execution of a character. The gradual transition from being on the top to being alone was really outstanding IMO. She's still the serious and angry kind of mental model, but now she sort of has a sense of despair...? Well, I'll see...

I love it when Hyuga and especially Takao roasted Kongou, treating her as an obsolete mental model that hasn't evolved to understand the 'reality'.

Oh shit, I was wondering where did those 2 submarines from the OP go, but I was too focused into the whole episode and didn't expect them to suddenly ambush I401!
ShadowkillZSep 20, 2018 1:28 PM
Sep 11, 2019 1:53 PM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
Really loved these past episodes, last one was a pretty interesting discussion with Kongou, now a fight, which was really exciting and well made too.
That cliffhanger though...
Feb 20, 2020 2:55 AM

Jul 2016
Always-Hungry said:
I've totally forgot that there was 400 and 402. And that ambush was unexpected.

Finally got something worth watching.
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