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Jun 7, 2012 10:18 AM

Nov 2007
They are serving the guy well?! but got trapped. Seeing mother. She's saying bad thing her. So that mother is remarried wife..., so she's not really her daughter. She was a maid?? All maids were candidates for marrying son of the family (which is Rea's father).

He was forced to hear how she became his wife (the face on credit was the father who was young), but never got attention even after becoming his wife. The girl on the wheel during the competition that he won but got angry got his attention. She was just 15!! He married with his family against him, and she died after giving birth to Rea, and he got very sad. With her care, he got well and married. He only cared about Rea in a weird way. She discovered about it after a butler showed her what he was doing. Rea resembles her 15 year old weak bodied mother.

The cat's here!!

The guy got called, while Rea tries to catch up. Father showing his photos of her for being pure.

From the preview, at least he's going to battle against him with that sword competition thing. Rea also caught up. Next ep. on 21st.
tsubasaloverJun 7, 2012 10:35 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jun 7, 2012 10:23 AM

Nov 2011
Ah back to the main storyline again, good.

And ahh, Rea's dad is back, tsh. Good episode though although I kinda feel sorry for Aria. I predict that she may interfere in the upcoming fence match next time.

Next ep won't air till 21st :/, will looking forward to it.
Stark700Jun 7, 2012 10:12 PM
Jun 7, 2012 12:01 PM

Nov 2008
Poor Aria, a very tough and beautiful woman reduced to a drunken poor pitiful whore by her husbands and former masters' daughtercon ways. I wish she freed Furuya and plotted to kill him as he deserves death for infidelity and abuse. I loled at Furuya dodging Aria's drunken kiss and knocking her over, her crying just shows how pitiful she's become.

So he will be fencing Rea's father.

Jun 7, 2012 12:29 PM

Jul 2010
For just a moment, I wished I was Chihiro when Aria was rubbing her bare breasts against his face. Aria's backstory is pretty sad though. Having that pervert choose Rea over her.

Chihiro vs Rea's father in fencing should be a nice to see animated.
Jun 7, 2012 1:05 PM

Aug 2009
It was a good episode. Rea's father has rehabilitated himself a bit (but I still think he is a freak). I cannot wait for fight with Chihiro ^^
Jun 7, 2012 1:52 PM

Jun 2010
The episode delay is slated for June 14 not 7. For those who's wondering~
Jun 7, 2012 2:40 PM

Aug 2009
I give Furuya Prompts for backing down Rea's stepmom.

Furuya's Dad is so fuckd up. The flashback scene when he was taking pictures of Rea naked saying, "Alright Rea, now raise your legs", made me wanna shoot this incest.

Jun 7, 2012 2:52 PM

Oct 2010
A very nice episode about the the struggles of Aria getting accepted into being the son's bride through helping Danichirou till the ends of his depression.

About Rea’s mother, For me one of the most saddest and only part of this episode that did make me T_T at it is the following one,

Rea's mother death and Rea herself with just being born. Was plain sad from the setup and the way it was portrayed TBH. However the start was really captivating in the spoiler
Rea’s mother is sooooooo like her daughter. It’s amazing! It almost looks like Rea is a clone of her mother. Rea’s mother facials are super MOE and even more so with the wheelchair somehow. It was obvious to notice from how Danichirou reacted in the spoiler
that he fell head over heels for her with just one glimpse of her face and blushing so far as the propose right away.

So in thee end what really caught my attention is how it all went to resolve in the spoiler
clearly it was sad to look at Rea’s mother in the hospital, notice the light and flower petal falling as Rea’s mother last life time was around and of course that GIF that shows it out the best. A sad end for such a nice happy mother that just gave birth. I did appreciate Danichirou’s standing up to claim her as her wife and no one will have a saying in it.

About Rea’s father, I think it would be wiser to tackle this part as it was something not really linked to Aria’s background in general. One does not have to go far to see that in the spoiler
Danichirou’s butler has a deep reason to hush and calm down the voice of Aria. Moreover if one pays attention to here one can see the title “Alternate World” This is a KEY to understanding that Rea while being subjected in the spoiler
to the most disgusting practice of nude child photography, that in fact it’s like a alternate world where a part for Danichirou’s wife still keeps him in check mentally though Rea’s nude body. It’s of most twisted and sick thinking but Danichirou has those symptoms. This is due in part to his obsession over one female looks over any other. The end result is that has to have the same thing, what better choice and target where there is none other than Rea. There is no choice in this. It has to be poor Rea.

About the portrait, going on analyzing the different pictures in the spoiler
for the most were seen at first and as usual CREEPY! Nothing more however it gets sicker with details. Among them that of the specific portraits in the spoiler
notice the angles to show out more of her privates chest and breast in question? Well that is sicker than I imagined. In fact it may prove that Danichirou was using the pics way more than just to look at them. Perhaps it does not seem so but the more you think about it, the more Danichirou’s mind becomes sicker and twisted in precisely thinking like that for his daughter.

About the beginning, it was quite hilarious TBH with Chihiro in the spoiler
obviously due in part to his reactions, facials and the maid serving him a drink that ironically he can’t even drink much considering his restraints. Moreover his yelling also got me thinking some stuff with prison. Regardless it still amounted nicely into Aria being attracted by it here. Aria certainly did not lose her time and certainly was totally drunk off her feet to tease Chihiro in the spoiler
among the many ways. Her facials were quite portrayed slutty in every senses. From her body postures to her faces to her playing with her jewelry to even showing off in drinking booze in front of a MINOR of all things. There was a good foot show off of Aria and her legs among the other things. However Chihiro himself was nice with his defiant faces. One those interesting features were the face reflections in the spoiler
nice setups there for Chihiro TBH.

About the past of the maid Aria, start up is nice in the spoiler
despite being drunk there is a sign that she has a serious tone change. That’s nice to see. So they start it with Danichirou being young and strangely enough the maid moving their rabbit ears. I assume this is too appeal to him in order to be chosen by him as bride perhaps? I was thinking more money diggers and I have the best assets. But anyway Danichirou was totally not impressed with this and as a matter of fact a nice scenery issues here where he simply walks off. Rather nice IMO. I am quite nicely surprised as a maid of Aria’s reaction in the spoiler
it proves in sight of another maid she is COMPETITION! Shows how Aria really wants to succeed and is willing to be aggressive with the other maids for it. It is shown furthermore that Aria as a maid was always eager to serve Danichirou as much as possible in the spoiler
constantly eager to see him call her. Trying always to please him in pleasant surprises. Notice he wears the gloves from the start in terms of using his hands. Weird if you ask me.

Continuing, it was nice to see Aria observing Danichirou practicing his sport, seeing from his reactions here that he seems to take it seriously. In thee end it looked to me like Aria was the only maid invited to help Danichirou out and most of all him asking her and all certainly means he takes a special interest in her. As it shifts with Aria taking care of Danichirou in the spoiler
I noticed that title “World System Of The Lost Yesterday” and it baffles me as to what it means exactly. Eventually it leads up to Aria cleaning the windows, while Danichirou passes and while he does a rather peculiar expression envelops Aria here, whom perhaps a little baffling too as to why she has that expression on her. That is until the match in the spoiler
now I was surprised that French was included and that Danichirou got mad at his opponent. But it would wise to notice how Aria did not laugh nor cheer up Danichirou while the other maids did and how he got her attention through this. Interesting enough IMO. That is until it all crumbles with Rea’s mother.

About the past of the maid Aria part 2, as the Danichirou’s condition deteriorates due Rea’s mother death one can see that Aria gives it all she had to take care of him in the spoiler
often difficult eating makes her feed him and it’s painful to see him like this and of course the effort to walk him along with seeing him in pain. Notice the flower he is looking at and its meaning of him not wanting to be forgotten. That being said I have to admit they really boasted Aria’s marriage in the following,

The visuals along with her happiness in the spoiler
were rather well shown out. Moreover it’s her moment of happiness of the most intense before it all goes in alcohol and being constantly drunk. Whom is rather well shown in the spoiler
as she expresses herself further with a alcohol container that is portable.

About Aria and her attitude towards young Rea. For one Rea as a baby in the spoiler
HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGHHHHHHHHHHHHH *dies* *is back* WOW! The MOE shot way way OVER 9000 on that single showing. Babies are cute and will always be. One can see that Danichirou’s happiness is quite present here as he feeds her and of course Aria is anxious as at this stage way too much time is spent on Rea along with Danichirou most likely not showing that happiness to her. It’s obvious to furthermore see that in the spoiler
as Rea grew up so does the deep down gloominess of Aria seeing Danichirou pays way more attention to Rea than to her.

So in response she begs with a puppy face in the spoiler
for some vacation in order to boost being just them more together. Boy does it backfire ever. Instead we have more of little Rea appealing MOE in the spoiler
along with a picture that if you notice shows clearly Danichirou favoring Rea over Aria easily. Aria could not even put her arm around Rea like Danichirou does. So Aria in trying to find out “WTF is wrong with me or my body?” thing she stumbles upon the truth. A rather interesting truth for she saw Danichirou’s obsession and her reactions in the spoiler
with the each flash and picture taken changes in the form of her eye only. With only despairing as the only thing she can do.

About Aria’s response to this, so how does she deal upon revealing that truth? Well ladies and gentleman she WHORES herself out to Chihiro in the spoiler
by revealing her rather big intimidating breasts, rubbing them in Chihiro’s face and finally most likely trying to french-kiss along with going further. I would not be surprised she would go all the way. Well at least I appreciated Chihiro’s efforts despite the position he was in the spoiler
to not let her get to him. Too bad really but that’s how Chihiro is.

About Babu and Aria. I was so ROFL badly in the spoiler
due to the irony. At first I was happy Babu was getting along with Aria until Chihiro told her the truth and she freaks out. There Babu anger was nice to see. Too bad she did that, Babu was getting along with her so well.

About Rea in the taxi, Rea’s faces in the spoiler
is what made this part good along with her demand to make it as cold as possible with the AC. In terms of money, I am sure the father shall pay for it all.

About thee end, the first part when the maid get Chihiro and Aria’s expression in the spoiler
it’s obvious she love struck and needs sex badly. She needs to make Danichirou GTFO his dick from jerking off to Rea’s pics and into her privates for satisfaction. Unless that is done, his obsession with Rea’s picture will never stop. At worst I suggest to Aria for plastic surgery. The maid is pretty cool the one coming to pick up Chihiro.

The last part in the spoiler
totally shows how nuts Danichirou is with his collection but it also shows expressions of him not shown before in terms of his insane behavior itself. Notice how he reacts in terms of boasting about his naked Rea pics and his own self.

About he preview, I for one cannot wait to see Rea in the spoiler
let’s see bunny outfit, storming inside her place and the maids having fun. Sounds like lots of stuff coming up and I read the manga so I know. Other than that Danichirou showing something to Chihiro and the way he stares at him in the spoiler
along with the fact it looks serious and a match is to be set on top of that. WOW! It will be time to see what Chihiro is really made of.

BTW Image Stitches are done in the BLOG:
Nice ones of Aria and why her bust is nice.

GIFs and Avatars are done in the club:
Some nice Aria/Rea stuff and that’s all the time I had.
Yumekichi11Jun 13, 2012 11:59 PM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jun 7, 2012 8:07 PM

Nov 2008
So they decided to try to make Aria a slightly more sympathetic character than she is in the manga. Of course, in the manga her revelation to Chihiro came much later in the story line. (At which point the cat being there made much more sense.)

Oh well, I can see that they are trying to tie together as many loose ends as possible for the anime.
Jun 7, 2012 8:20 PM

May 2011
Oh boy, looks like Furuya is going to do battle here.

No Sankarea next week. Guess it can't be helped.
Jun 7, 2012 8:23 PM

Jun 2010
I just saw it was 13 episodes. ;_; I thought it would go on a little further.

I don't know if I should feel sorry for Aria or Rea. They both had to lead some sad lives so far.

Jun 7, 2012 8:56 PM
Oct 2010
poor hot milf :( i wouldnt neglect her f0 sho. fucking hot. chihiro that necro loving pussy. wouldve notorboated the hell outta taht. didnt like seeing her cry :( was sad. pityful.
Dont bother replying to my posts in forums, dont check them afterwards.

Jun 7, 2012 9:03 PM

Sep 2010
Another background story, I feel I learnt a lot!

Rea's mother so beautiful, kind of didn't hate her dad now.. but still disliking him. MIXED FEELINGS. D:

3 episodes left? nuuu
Jun 7, 2012 9:22 PM

Dec 2010
It was good to see an expanded backstory; tho with that said the dad is still a psycho; that won't ever change.
Jun 7, 2012 9:35 PM

Dec 2011
Rea's family is just unfortunate... though if we want to blame someone of this misfortune, it is Danichirou to blame.

I can't help but pity Rea's mom.
They captured this part better in the manga.
I felt those emotions.

Anyways, very nice episode. It teaches us that you can't expect what you want, and unfortunate things can happen.

Sad it will only have 13 episodes! Dang it. And a hiatus next week. What a way to ruin Sankarea.
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Jun 7, 2012 10:03 PM

Apr 2011
Rea's dad is a fucking creep
Jun 7, 2012 10:22 PM

Sep 2007
It's like all the males in this show are retarded in one way or another. Chihiro is a necrophiliac, and Dan'ichiro is some kind of twisted incestuous pedo. I'd take the milf or the living cousin any day.
Jun 7, 2012 10:41 PM

Aug 2010
Danichiro knows how to mess up people. He's scarred Rea, turned Aria into a mess, and is now screwing with Furuya.
Jun 7, 2012 10:56 PM

Jan 2012
Her dad is such a psycho, I mean he walks around in his fencing outfit, and I don't like it because they have these close up shots of his butt cheeks.

I really like Aria's story, and at first I didn't like her but now I feel pity for her.

But yet, I want more Rea! The last 3 episodes better have tons of Rea.

Is this seriously not coming back until the 21st? I'm gonna die without this show next week, and the week after that...
SnaxiaJun 7, 2012 11:00 PM
Jun 7, 2012 11:03 PM
May 2010
I find the way they're pacing the cartoon interesting. It seems they are going to end with the dad arch, but to do so they've moved lots of later 'character development' episodes way earlier than they take place in the manga. The backstory of Aria doesn't happen until much later in the manga, and Babu being there makes much more sense in that context. But a good adaption of that chapter even if it was slated much earlier.

I wonder how they'll handle development in the second season (assuming there is one)?
Jun 7, 2012 11:11 PM

Dec 2011
rea's dad is a total CREEP. i feel bad for rea's stepmom, being neglected the whole time as his wife

rea's real mom was really cute, looked just like her

chihiro needs to kick dan'ichiro's ass next episode, but unfortunately, isnt gonna happen for a couple weeks???

<img src="" />
Jun 7, 2012 11:15 PM

Aug 2010
Jun 7, 2012 11:18 PM

Jul 2011
Man, I was always grossed out with the dad and his sick fetishes but this... this is just too extreme. I knew that he had a thing for his daughter but thought it was because she looked like the younger, more pure stepmother and he wanted to "grow" Rea to a proper age to deflower. But a 15 year old girl? Ugh.

The part that made me feel either gross enough to puke or angry enough to get up and have a cigarette was the part when Aria was spying through that hole and he said "Put your legs up like this". Ugh... I actually think I hate that dude much more than Lelouch and I fucking HATE lelouch. ARGH! Just looking at his face...
The chip in my mind, it summons me.
I gave my life to your machines.
Jun 7, 2012 11:30 PM

Dec 2007
Poor Aria..butler was right she should have given up on him..
Jun 7, 2012 11:31 PM

Jan 2011
The sad thing is that Aria really did appear to want to be a wife to Dan'ichiro and probably would have been a good one if he wasn't so totally obsessed with Rea. I get the feeling that she has been just as much a prisoner as Rea over the years. I'm hoping that Chihiro kills the scumbag and sets the whole family free.
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Jun 7, 2012 11:38 PM

Jul 2010
Yes please Aria, take my body !!
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Jun 7, 2012 11:47 PM

Aug 2010
Nicely done, now I actually feel a bit sorry for Aria. Most men would choose her, but she happens to be in a place where males have...peculiar interests. I hope Rea will kick some ass with her newly found strength. 4/5.
Jun 8, 2012 12:24 AM

Nov 2010
Man, Danichiro used to be a boss, and then he went crazy... very, very crazy...

I feel a little bad about Aria, but not too bad considering she's decided to put up with it to stay rich and all.
Jun 8, 2012 12:29 AM

Apr 2012
TheLocalHentai said:
Man, I was always grossed out with the dad and his sick fetishes but this... this is just too extreme. I knew that he had a thing for his daughter but thought it was because she looked like the younger, more pure stepmother and he wanted to "grow" Rea to a proper age to deflower. But a 15 year old girl? Ugh.

The anime tried to portray the father's choice of Rea's mother as something of an epiphany. Dan'ichiro appeared to have fallen in love because Rea's mother comforted him in a time of need (at least in his perspective). But why doesn't Dan'ichiro fall in love with Aria though she comforts him before and after his marriage? The only answer I can think of is that Dan'ichiro is a pedophile. The puzzle is solved.

On the lighter note, Aria's breakdown was the most hilarious scene of the entire series as of yet. Her voice turns girlish. Her only comfort, Babu, is revealed to be a zombie. She is in the worst possible situation, but I couldn't stop laughing at her misfortune, one after another. Comedy well done.
Jun 8, 2012 12:51 AM

Aug 2011
omg. i want him dead...
Jun 8, 2012 1:24 AM

Feb 2012
s2012k1993 said:

The anime tried to portray the father's choice of Rea's mother as something of an epiphany. Dan'ichiro appeared to have fallen in love because Rea's mother comforted him in a time of need (at least in his perspective). But why doesn't Dan'ichiro fall in love with Aria though she comforts him before and after his marriage? The only answer I can think of is that Dan'ichiro is a pedophile. The puzzle is solved.

eh, I don't know, everyone that was trying to get married to him seemed shallow, including Aria. Even though they were his maids and all, I felt like he wanted someone that treated him more like a human being. There's no doubt he picked someone wayyyy too young for him, but I wonder if he would have fallen in love with Sankarea's mother even if she was older.
Jun 8, 2012 2:03 AM

May 2011
jimjameswhatever said:
s2012k1993 said:

The anime tried to portray the father's choice of Rea's mother as something of an epiphany. Dan'ichiro appeared to have fallen in love because Rea's mother comforted him in a time of need (at least in his perspective). But why doesn't Dan'ichiro fall in love with Aria though she comforts him before and after his marriage? The only answer I can think of is that Dan'ichiro is a pedophile. The puzzle is solved.

eh, I don't know, everyone that was trying to get married to him seemed shallow, including Aria. Even though they were his maids and all, I felt like he wanted someone that treated him more like a human being. There's no doubt he picked someone wayyyy too young for him, but I wonder if he would have fallen in love with Sankarea's mother even if she was older.

Him getting angry at the guy during his match pretty much explains why he fell for Rea's mom, because he's wealthy and powerful, everyone around him handle him with kid gloves and basically do things out of obligation because because they'll benefit from the sanka fortune, but Rea's mom is just a commoner with nothing to gain and she was sweet and nice to him out of the goodness of her heart, something he probably never experienced before due to the type of people he's surrounded by
Jun 8, 2012 2:21 AM

Feb 2012
kwills88 said:
jimjameswhatever said:
s2012k1993 said:

The anime tried to portray the father's choice of Rea's mother as something of an epiphany. Dan'ichiro appeared to have fallen in love because Rea's mother comforted him in a time of need (at least in his perspective). But why doesn't Dan'ichiro fall in love with Aria though she comforts him before and after his marriage? The only answer I can think of is that Dan'ichiro is a pedophile. The puzzle is solved.

eh, I don't know, everyone that was trying to get married to him seemed shallow, including Aria. Even though they were his maids and all, I felt like he wanted someone that treated him more like a human being. There's no doubt he picked someone wayyyy too young for him, but I wonder if he would have fallen in love with Sankarea's mother even if she was older.

Him getting angry at the guy during his match pretty much explains why he fell for Rea's mom, because he's wealthy and powerful, everyone around him handle him with kid gloves and basically do things out of obligation because because they'll benefit from the sanka fortune, but Rea's mom is just a commoner with nothing to gain and she was sweet and nice to him out of the goodness of her heart, something he probably never experienced before due to the type of people he's surrounded by

my thoughts exactly. Aside from the age issue, I thought it was even sort of nice that he fell in love with a person for their personality. He was willing to throw away his fortune, family, and reputation just for one person.

I'm actually glad they humanized him, even to a small degree. I think it's pretty lame and boring when the "bad guys" are outright evil and have nothing to sympathize with.
Jun 8, 2012 2:30 AM

Jan 2012
Nobody wants Aria? I'll take her, thank you lol. So it looks like the dad was a pedo all his life, not only now O_O A pretty good episode anyway. Looking forward to next episode.

Jun 8, 2012 3:15 AM

Jan 2012
My Impression about this episode.

"An insightful episode, a dramatic episode, and a somewhat erotic episode all in one... oh! And a f%#ked up episode, too." - Hollow Of Dawn
Jun 8, 2012 3:36 AM

May 2010
I feel sorry for Rea's step mother but I don't want her to end up with Rea's dad.I want her to marry someone who is "Human".
Jun 8, 2012 3:49 AM

May 2010
so let me get this straight the mansion is a whore house with maid prostitutes for an hair? wow, Poor Aria get noe's love if i had a wife that hot i dont think i could keep my hand to me self, but never the less she been tore down to a drunk whore by a pedo freak, btw Furuya is stupid only love zombies f that, i would have hit that in a quick mintute.

so he was a pedo from the start, who marry a 15 year old girl? shit not right,

Jun 8, 2012 4:02 AM
Jun 2008
Rea's father is so cool(when he willing to give up his wealth &fortune just to marry her) except for his lolicon fetish lol....He is very upset after his first wive died, so I can understand his unusual fetish toward Rea....Still, its unforgivable and need to be arrest for its action.
I felt like watching Onichichi for some reason

So...Is Rea's stepmother still virgin? What with the " Let me have Aria instead" comment in this forum lol
She was so cute when she cry,I can't believe Chihiro reject her .I guess he is faithful to zombie(Fujoshi) only. =P

I know Babu doesn't have much phrase to say but I believe that Babu said "Baba" when it walk out of the room after Aria throw it.
MorningGloryJun 8, 2012 4:20 AM
Jun 8, 2012 5:27 AM

Jul 2009
I was expecting the fight this week, but it'll have to wait until next time, I suppose.
'Everything is impossible until proven possible.' - Me

Jun 8, 2012 6:38 AM
Dec 2011

I don't know if I should feel sorry for Aria or Rea. They both had to lead some sad lives so far.

I feel sorry both and even the father. That guy obviously has had some problems for a long time that his status has prevented any one from doing anything about and probably caused. Maybe its my christian mind set but i wonder what kind of house hold he grew up in. He defenitly OCD and those people are generally obsesive over evrything and awkward around the oposite sex. Which is probably why he felt so attached to rea's mom. Her frailty mirrored his inner self and then losing her and trying to have her in the form of Rea is all part of it. But saying that we cant forget the photo sessions OCD or not thats criminal. The saddest thing about all this is it is all real love. Aria for some reason actually loves the guy and rea up to not so long ago thought she had a normal loving dad and the father even though his mental problems turned it all into something disgusting he dose love his scratch that he loves her dead mom i don't think he's ever met Rea
Jun 8, 2012 7:29 AM
Jun 2008
oh my indeed living with rea's dad is bad for your life

cat hair boy all belt tied being offer a drink but NO then enter aria all drunk.
some talk & mention being not rea's mom cue flashback past.
cause she was a maid of many to see worthy to be wife of rea's father.
all focus & ready later be top maid for rea's father.
then one day fencing event rea's father meet girl in wheelchair fall in love.
get married but gone after give birth to rea.
rea's dad a total mess then aria fix him up & got married to him.
wanting to get time with rea's father but yea nothing happen.
then butler reveal the TRUTH yea cause rea's father obsession.
that rea look like her mom (aka wakaba moe/yuki's mom likeness effect from mirai nikki).
so all yea cant' reach him now try to get cat hair boy but falled.
oh here babu yea try to relax on babu cue z-word & rea on the way to cat hair boy.
cat hair boy enter room of rea obsession picture & yea here the father.

next ep rea on the rescue & en garde cat hair boy.
you either with ANIME or against the anime
Jun 8, 2012 7:38 AM

Aug 2011
Damn Aria certainly deserved better. Its a shame her beauty went to waste. I also dont hate Rea's father as much as before but he's still at a "wanna stab him" level.
Jun 8, 2012 7:45 AM

Aug 2011
Wow, Aria's past was devastating for her. She should live for herself and not for Danichiro. Even after all that happened, I'm not sympathetic towards Rea's father, he's just way over the line with how he expresses his 'love'.

Looks like a fencing duel between the two men next time! Fight for Rea!
Jun 8, 2012 7:59 AM

Aug 2010
This is one fucked up family. I got the gist that the family was fucked up even before Danichiro became head of the family, but it certainly did a jump with his obsession about Rea.

I think, he needs to be put in special care. Aria should see a doc, too.

The only reason why Rea wouldn't need to see a doc is because there is no danger at all that she could commit suicide. Because she already did.

Instead, Rea needs hugs. Applied by Dr. Chihiro and Nurse Mero
I want Rambo in a mecha-suit with a laser-chainsaw gun that fires nuclear warheads, fighting the love-child of Predator, Alien, a group of Bangladeshi terrorists, and Satan. (Actually that would be a pretty sick show) - StopDropAndBowl
Jun 8, 2012 8:59 AM

Jun 2009
Totally forgot about a Sankaaria chapter episode, i must say it was done very well. Makes you feel for Aria.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Jun 8, 2012 9:20 AM

May 2011
Rea's step mom is so creepy that its kinda hot
ExplicitzJun 8, 2012 9:26 AM
Jun 8, 2012 9:30 AM

Feb 2009
I really don't see why all these young women like about him, is it because he is rich, well he wasn't bad looking when he was young, but still a creep even then, and a lolicon to boot. Well I can understand a little bit about his anti-social life, but still.... a creep is a creep.

Girl, you are an idiot!
Jun 8, 2012 9:37 AM

Oct 2010
thisguy2011 said:

I don't know if I should feel sorry for Aria or Rea. They both had to lead some sad lives so far.

I feel sorry both and even the father. That guy obviously has had some problems for a long time that his status has prevented any one from doing anything about and probably caused. Maybe its my christian mind set but i wonder what kind of house hold he grew up in. He defenitly OCD and those people are generally obsesive over evrything and awkward around the oposite sex. Which is probably why he felt so attached to rea's mom. Her frailty mirrored his inner self and then losing her and trying to have her in the form of Rea is all part of it. But saying that we cant forget the photo sessions OCD or not thats criminal. The saddest thing about all this is it is all real love. Aria for some reason actually loves the guy and rea up to not so long ago thought she had a normal loving dad and the father even though his mental problems turned it all into something disgusting he dose love his scratch that he loves her dead mom i don't think he's ever met Rea
EXCELLENT ANALYSIS! I agree with it! Rea's father major factor in choosing her mother based on her looks most likely ties in with your thinking of his mentality. Kudos to that and I add this to my txt file.

For this is some rather nice psychological assessment.

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Jun 8, 2012 10:37 AM

Oct 2011
I'm starting to feel bad for Aria now after this episode. Dan'ichiro's such a creep, really hate him. I hope Chihiro teaches him a lesson next episode.

Well well, looks like the next episode will air on my birthday :D

Jun 8, 2012 10:39 AM
Oct 2010
I guess after this episode I understand Rea's father more, but creepy is still creepy... so much he even makes a necrophiliac look like a normal person...

And Aria is stupid, she should have abandoned ship a long, long time ago. I think it just pride the only reason she is still there, what a stupid thing to throw away your life for.
"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain"
Friedrich Schiller
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