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Apr 29, 2012 11:37 AM

Jan 2012
Raws are out.

Zessica is depressed over her unrequited love again. I thought she was fine with it last episode, but now she's depressed about it again? And then her actions got MIX captured.. yesh.. she's gonna be even more depressed next episode. She really needs to get out of that love triangle because it's slowly bringing her down.. :(

Finally, a much needed heartwarming brother-sister conversations! Was I the only one who went "d'aww" when Mikono called Cayenne "onii-chan"? I knew it! Much of Mikono's low-self esteem came from being the "unfavorite" sibling. That's pretty harsh though, writing to one sibling and completely ignoring the other one and then talking badly about her in the letter. It's no wonder Mikono still calls herself useless. :/ But it looks like it'll stop due to her brother's much needed flick to the forehead. :P

It looks like Amata & Mikono arn't the only pair who can't seem to spit out their feelings. MIX & Andy get hit with it HARD this episode. Am I the only who feels that Andy's behaviour was a little overdramatic? I know he feels bad, but he could've just apologized. And now this conflict will be dragged on much longer than it needs to be.:/ Who says supporting characters have their problems solved quickly? In Aquarion they don't! :PThey're dragged on like the rest of them! D: Which is not a good thing..
queenSwildApr 29, 2012 11:47 AM
Apr 29, 2012 11:43 AM

Aug 2008
Kawamori trolled me again!! This time with MIX getting abducted.
And Zessica goes emo continues hurting me.

P.S. I don't think you have to spoiler tag it though.
Apr 29, 2012 11:49 AM

Jan 2012
KaitoDash said:
Kawamori trolled me again!! This time with MIX getting abducted.
And Zessica goes emo continues hurting me.

P.S. I don't think you have to spoiler tag it though.

Oh, okay. :P

It's my first time starting a discussion, and I didn't want to make any mistakes. :P

I know.. It's killing me. Zessica should just be Zessica, not the depressing heartbroken girl who's somehow replaced her. :/
Apr 29, 2012 11:50 AM

May 2009
Kawamori - King of Trolls
Still no Kagura - this pleases me.
This episode rocked
Apr 29, 2012 1:12 PM

Jan 2009
Zessica's actions were irrational... I thought she would not be more so depressed, at least in the last episode she seem to begin reacting. Her stupid actions got MIX captured.
english isn't my native language... ;)
Apr 29, 2012 2:23 PM

Jul 2008
Zessica seemed to be alright with everything at the end of episode 17, but then she goes back to being depressed again in this episode. And since her actions ended up getting Mix captured, it looks like she's going to continue down her depressing state probably for the rest of the series at this rate. I really like Zessica a lot, but I don't think the writers do, 'cuz the way they write Zessica, they're not giving her a whole lot of love :/

Other than that, the episode seemed really good. I was extremely happy with Mikono and Cayenne actually talking with each other :) . But now I can understand why Mikono always feels useless- I feel bad for her, to be the one that is not liked and her brother gets all the love, it's impossible to not feel crappy in a situation like that. Makes me want to punch her dad in the face, seriously...

I'm still waiting for the subbed version of this, so I'll comment more, when I know more of what they're saying. My japanese isn't that good.
Apr 29, 2012 4:03 PM
Jan 2012
zessica is there was torturing. seriously they could just have her go out with the guy who asked her out this episode. he wasn't bad looking.

instead they pretty much ruined her and dragged her in the dirt. on the other hand they are giving mikono and amata background stories etc. i want to know about zessica's background for the longest. i don't care about mikono's daddy issues.

but i think i am not watching a anime that is for me.
Apr 29, 2012 5:05 PM
Dec 2007
Looking forward to Aquarion Zessica's next episode.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Apr 29, 2012 5:17 PM
Jul 2018
^^naked Zessica pics. I'm too lazy to post here.

God so much melodrama. Such poor leadership. Where's Zen when you need him? :O
Apr 29, 2012 5:35 PM

Apr 2010
Apart from the fun battle and a few character development moments (cayenne), I thought it was an emotional episode Andy still down in the dumps is distressing and by the end there, I was teary eyed (he lost Mix to the abductors which was shocking, I wouldnt have minded if it was Zessica as she was the dumb anime character of this week...but Mix? She was actually trying to make amends to the best secondary character in the anime. ugh.
<img src="" />
Apr 29, 2012 5:43 PM

May 2011
Damn, Mix has just been kidnapped!

I wonder what will Andy do next.
Apr 29, 2012 6:05 PM
Apr 2012
No Kahura - So SAD!

Anyway, I feel that Zessica is just being your average teen dealing with heartbreak. Sometimes you are good and other days you just want to disappear, I like how this was reflected in Andy somewhat (although a little extreme).

Ahhhhh! Sometimes I really dislike Mikono and other times she's ok, however, I love the scene between her and Cayenne though because he says exactly what she needs to hear. She cares too much about what others think. Amata is just Amata. Sadly no Kagura, which would have added a little cherry on the top to this episode.

MIx getting captured! PORQUE!!!??? Would have been much more interesting to see Zessica get captured and see if Mix/Andy organize their feelings but that is just my opinion. :P

Anyone know what Japanese viewers are saying now?
Apr 29, 2012 6:21 PM

Oct 2010
Ok episode 3/5

I wish Fudou made a speech this episode. Thats probably why it was ok to me he didnt get on screen time.
Apr 29, 2012 6:47 PM

Apr 2012
Overall I just feel that this episode was there to set up the big finale. While at first I felt that having Mix be abducted instead of Zessica was just done in an attempt to swerve the audience, but when I watched the episode again I noticed it was kinda set up well.

Concerning Zessica, they should really give the girl a break. I was pretty satisfied with her acceptance of Amata's rejection but her resolve to still love him. But she just acted irrationally towards the end. I get her enthusiasm to fight because it's the only way she'll get to be with Amata, but her whole "Take me, and leave everyone else alone" plan, while noble, wasn't well thought out. And concerning her and Amata, why don't they just sit down and talk about how they feel about each other. Either progress and develop that part of the love triangle or just end it and stop dragging it out. The writers are really making it look like she was just a glorified third wheel the entire time.

Mikono and Cayenne's interaction was plus. His acceptance of Mikono and her growth was good.
Apr 29, 2012 6:50 PM
Feb 2012
I kinda expected more from this episode - it didn't really give me those thrills that it used to....

Same here, I would have wanted Zessica to get captured, not to get her more depressed by getting Mix kidnapped. Great. Zessica's getting more and more depressed until we don't even know who she is! Where's that lively girl that we used to see?

I guess she was being a little hotheaded with the whole "fighting" thing but what else can she do right? Looks like next episode she's going to either kill herself for all the terrible things she's done or she's going to leave Neo deva. Damn Izumo! I thought you wanted to take the strong willed girl!
Apr 29, 2012 8:03 PM

May 2011
They could have made this a little more dramatic.
Apr 29, 2012 8:23 PM

Sep 2011
juvemema said:
seriously they could just have her go out with the guy who asked her out this episode. he wasn't bad looking.

that assbag says "Dont think. Come with me".

that pretty much shouts out that he just wants her sweet gam-gams
Apr 29, 2012 9:05 PM

Jan 2009
too much love is suffering/worrying for Zessica

i love the mecha action of this episode, that chief commander of the abductors can return and amplify back any attacks
Apr 29, 2012 9:37 PM

Oct 2011
wow i never saw that comming!!!!! poor andy D:
Apr 29, 2012 10:44 PM

Nov 2007
Hole digging guy is still in trauma from failed confession and keeps digging the hole while the class rep. is fixing them. The eyepatching guy is gone.

There are lots of guys who are interested in the green hair girl.

A letter from the girl's father... The girl is confused about what to do even though she knows her power. The letter was for her brother, though. Oh, so he wanted her to be out because he still thinks her as useless. Though he thinks that she changed and she's no longer useless.

So class rep. hates guys because of her father.

The guy who stole the main guy's mother is moving. 3 girls wanting to go for their own reasons. He's strong, but wanting to have strongest rare igura. Green hair girl volunteers, but others trying to stop him from taking her. He realized Amata. Class rep. got taken away instead.

Hole digging guy trying to overcome his trauma next ep. and save her.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Apr 29, 2012 11:01 PM

Jun 2008

Ah fuck, I just hope she survives the dimensional trip and be back at the next episode.

Visit this blog That I'm working with my friend
Apr 29, 2012 11:04 PM

Jan 2010
Another really weak episode.

I guess we can finally see the real reason that love was banned from the planet (or at least their academy). Because everyone becomes incompetent, weak, reactive losers who can't do their jobs and are seemingly only capable of dragging down those around them.

Oh well, I'm sure some random plot twist next week will fix it all (temporarily).
Apr 30, 2012 12:11 AM
Dec 2011
For several episodes now, i really reeeaaaaallly want Amata-kun to do something about his mom. I mean there's no way she should normally just leave her kid on a planet by himself without explanation or such, so hopefully there's meaning in her going to Altair other than to fall asleep.
I want Amata-kun to find out, get over his miserable love for Mikono and do something useful like bust into Altair and find her.
Then again, looks like they'll be doing that soon enough to resuce Mix anyway. Praps, they'll find Alicia at the same tiime and Amata can undergo a perfect realization moment.
Apr 30, 2012 12:48 AM

Jan 2009
Sure, take Mix to the planet full of men. GG Izumo.
Time for Andy to step up and save his girl, can't wait.
Apr 30, 2012 1:04 AM

Apr 2010
Andy better rescue Mix quick. The Aquarion union doesn't seem to be as effective as it used to be. Looking forward to some evolutions in each of the vectors.

Apr 30, 2012 2:04 AM

Jan 2012
Mix got kidnapped because of brainless Zesica. Poor Andy.

Apr 30, 2012 2:40 AM
Apr 2012
Wonder why they captured Mix instead? I mean Zessica was willing to go along with them. Izumo "confirmed" that she was a Rare Iguza which was what they were after all along. Bah screw logic.....

Anyway, scumbag dad is scumbag dad. At least Cayenne isn't such a d!ck.

And Izumo's battle reminds me of Kira's (Gundam Seed and Destiny) 1337 haxx0r piloting skills LOL
Apr 30, 2012 3:35 AM

Jun 2009
Andy better get his shit straight and get active part in saving Mix. Also i really liked how they used Pride as insert song again.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Apr 30, 2012 3:42 AM
Apr 2012
This episode was very good and like what I've written on the previous episode discussions I am happy that the Kagura/Mikono thing isn't taking over anymore however it does seem that Amata/Mikono seems to be dead and buried

Also why do I get a strong sense of Izumo being Amata's dad?
Apr 30, 2012 4:39 AM
Feb 2012
OrochiPL said:
Andy better get his shit straight and get active part in saving Mix. Also i really liked how they used Pride as insert song again.

My guess is that his 'hole making' will play a key part in getting to Altair :P
Apr 30, 2012 4:43 AM

Aug 2010
This show always has me wanting more.
Apr 30, 2012 5:00 AM

Apr 2012
andyreaperchi said:
This episode was very good and like what I've written on the previous episode discussions I am happy that the Kagura/Mikono thing isn't taking over anymore however it does seem that Amata/Mikono seems to be dead and buried

Also why do I get a strong sense of Izumo being Amata's dad?

Tell that to Amata.
Apr 30, 2012 5:24 AM

Jun 2008
porkiewpyne said:
Wonder why they captured Mix instead? I mean Zessica was willing to go along with them. Izumo "confirmed" that she was a Rare Iguza which was what they were after all along. Bah screw logic....

Because MIX is also a Rare Igura.
Rare Igura means Female Elements, there's your logic and understanding.

Izumo only referred Crea as just an Igura, because she's nto an element.

Visit this blog That I'm working with my friend
Apr 30, 2012 6:38 AM
Apr 2012
kaimax said:

Because MIX is also a Rare Igura.
Rare Igura means Female Elements, there's your logic and understanding.

Izumo only referred Crea as just an Igura, because she's nto an element.

Derp why didn't I think of that? My bad.

But anyway, I am pretty sure they could have taken Zessica instead (or heck why not both while you're at it) considering the fact that she was prepared to go. Then again, it prob would have been easier to take a single unconscious person.... so yea nvm
Apr 30, 2012 6:56 AM

Nov 2011
No Fudo this episode :(
Looks like next episode will be good
Apr 30, 2012 7:45 AM

Jan 2009
End of funny episodes, the drama now begins... And I really like it :)
english isn't my native language... ;)
Apr 30, 2012 9:11 AM

Oct 2011
I am thoroughly upset at how everything's playing out with Zessica. The only thing she felt like she had going for her was her fighting abilities, and now she can't even have that. I see where she's coming from.

People are saying they thought she'd be her old self cause of the last episode. That was merely a mask, front, or she was simply showing denial. You can tell when she says she'll always keep loving Amata no matter what. That clearly shows she's not ready to give up her unrequited love.

Sadly, it looks like she's the odd character out. This is why I secretly ship Kagura x Zessica haha. Poor things.
I also kind of wished that Zessica was the one to go over, cause I'm convinced there would have been some form of interesting character development if she did.

Speaking of. We need Kagura next episode. I miss him! D:

Apr 30, 2012 9:58 AM

Jul 2009
queenSwild said:
KaitoDash said:
Kawamori trolled me again!! This time with MIX getting abducted.
And Zessica goes emo continues hurting me.

P.S. I don't think you have to spoiler tag it though.

Oh, okay. :P

It's my first time starting a discussion, and I didn't want to make any mistakes. :P

I know.. It's killing me. Zessica should just be Zessica, not the depressing heartbroken girl who's somehow replaced her. :/

Zessica is Celiane. She's not being loved by Apollonius so she's freaking out kind of like Touma did... No wonder she wanted to go to Altair, so she and Touma could kidnap him together and have a 3-person orgy till the end of time...

saffa said:
For several episodes now, i really reeeaaaaallly want Amata-kun to do something about his mom. I mean there's no way she should normally just leave her kid on a planet by himself without explanation or such, so hopefully there's meaning in her going to Altair other than to fall asleep.
I want Amata-kun to find out, get over his miserable love for Mikono and do something useful like bust into Altair and find her.
I said this before, the way his mother left, she looked like she knew what she was doing so Amata felt he was being abandoned because, of course, no one approached him because of his power... so he felt his mother left for the same reason

Vandesdelca said:
Andy better rescue Mix quick. The Aquarion union doesn't seem to be as effective as it used to be. Looking forward to some evolutions in each of the vectors.
There are going to be evolutions just as there have been but Fudo left to get the genuine article, the Legendary Aquarion...

I'd say this episode is a lot better than the ones before because while maintaining the same level of drama, it gives you as much action as you felt from last season. It's a really good episode if you think of it that way! :)

So~ Apollonius, Celiane, Apollo, and Silvia are accounted for now.... who are we missing? hahaha
Apr 30, 2012 10:13 AM
Jan 2012
i don't know, since i am a fan of the old series it just strikes me that apollo/apollonius loved celiane/silvia who were tomboyish and warrior like. on the other hand if zessica is celiane the new characters in this reincarnation amata/kagura don't seem to care that the girl they know from 12000 yrs ago is not a tomboy and is pretty delicate(mikono).

they would really be trolling on celiane-silvia, i mean her chracter has been through crap for over 24000 years. now apollonius doesn't even recognize her? i would be majorly pissed. apollonius would have a heart like autum skies with the way he keeps falling in love with different characters every time we see him.
Apr 30, 2012 10:46 AM

May 2011
they just had to make the most hated female character the damsel in distress lmao
Apr 30, 2012 10:47 AM

Jul 2009
juvemema said:
i don't know, since i am a fan of the old series it just strikes me that apollo/apollonius loved celiane/silvia who were tomboyish and warrior like. on the other hand if zessica is celiane the new characters in this reincarnation amata/kagura don't seem to care that the girl they know from 12000 yrs ago is not a tomboy and is pretty delicate(mikono).
Mikono is Silvia... a soft-hearted girl who was raised as a fighter because she had memories of her past life as Celiane that awoke within her pretty quickly. Her body was that of a descendant of Apollonius & Celiane too so it's like she was a shadow angel. She even had a wing... Now Mikono is Sylvie's (Silvia with mixed memories from herself and Celiane) reincarnation. She's a human with the power to connect people... She doesn't seem to have active memories of her reincarnation so the memories aren't pushing her to fight.

Funny thing though, 12000 years ago, Apollo and Silvia's past memories mixed with their `present` ones so their reincarnations aren't just themselves but rather mixed with their own previous selves, thus `Sylvie and Apollon` as opposed to `Silvia and Apollo`.

The mixed past memories probably draws Apollonius to Silvia's reincarnation because she has memories as both Silvia and Celiane... I bet Apollonius didn't even predict this confusing mess... hehe :)
Apr 30, 2012 4:46 PM
Jan 2012
silvia is not a soft-hearted girl no matter how you cut it.
Apr 30, 2012 6:16 PM

Jul 2009
juvemema said:
silvia is not a soft-hearted girl no matter how you cut it.
Soft-hearted definition: Having softness or tenderness of heart; susceptible of pity or other kindly affection; gentle; meek.

The Celiane part of Silvia showed a lot during the season but if you look at her own flashbacks, he power to connect was born from affection for others, humans and shadow angels alike.
May 1, 2012 4:47 AM
Feb 2012
Maybe the reason why we don't know much about Zessica's past is because she comes from Altair? Her color is completely opposite to Mikono so maybe she could be the upside down version of Mikono - just theorizing, probably not going to be that thou :P

Celiane had two sides to her, Silvia took her "light" side - being part human and part shadow angel which might have explained the reason why should could connect others together, not because she was 'soft hearted'

She was def not 'meek' - more of a fighter, stood up for herself, said what's on her mind. Kinda like Zessica.... except less crushed by the writers.

Read this at forum animesuki - Epic, epic, EPIC theory for episode 20

bcmilkMay 1, 2012 5:13 AM
May 1, 2012 7:29 AM

Jul 2009
bcmilk said:
Maybe the reason why we don't know much about Zessica's past is because she comes from Altair? Her color is completely opposite to Mikono so maybe she could be the upside down version of Mikono - just theorizing, probably not going to be that thou :P

Celiane had two sides to her, Silvia took her "light" side...
Wrong on the first part and this light side you speak of doesn't exist.... You messed up your understanding of the anime when you applied the idea of light and dark. Both halves of Celiane were neither light nor dark... they were the side that remembered the end of the world and the side that forgot the end of the world. The knowledge held by Celiane surpassed the abilities of a normal human so upon reincarnation, and also for her sin of loving another creature, she was split into two halves. Touma explained that.

Silvia's soft-heart cared for others regardless of being human or shadow angel. There are many ways to be soft-hearted. The reason why people would neglect this aspect of her is because she's extremely hot-headed.

If you don't cut a character into its pieces and examine how the pieces cause which behavior, you will merely be looking at the whole.. you will be limited in possibilities. The possibilities a living being have, are limitless. Merely their love or desire to survive expands the power Aquarion puts out to limits not even the shadow angels expected.

Hell, the humans even made the false Aquarion to fight with and implanted feathers inside themselves to equal the power of the shadow angels... I didn't even consider they would implant the feathers... that alone is something even the shadow angels thought wouldn't happen I bet..
May 1, 2012 9:16 AM
Jan 2011
ownosourus said:
Mix got kidnapped because of brainless Zesica. Poor Andy.

<img src="" />

Oh dear if Andy doesn't save MIX, she gonna be gang banged by a bunch of sex deprived men.
May 1, 2012 10:13 AM

Mar 2012
Andy should stop acting like that, it's his fault in the first place why Mix got angry at him while he's confessing, now Mix got kidnapped, he better save her fast or the enemy will make Mix pregnant.. lol :D
May 1, 2012 1:58 PM

Jul 2009
Know what'd be hilarious? If Fudo was Amata's dad... XD hahaha
May 1, 2012 5:27 PM

Jan 2009
Kirziga said:
Andy should stop acting like that, it's his fault in the first place why Mix got angry at him while he's confessing, now Mix got kidnapped, he better save her fast or the enemy will make Mix pregnant.. lol :D

HAHA The enemy is could be = Kagura... Mykage declared him "The Chosen One" ... in theory he should choose the EVA and repopulate the planet ... but he chose Mikono not Mix XD LOL This is why Cayenne sees Mikono in marriage with Kagura. If the Cayenne vision is about the future and if his vision is right, Mikono must marry with Kagura to save Altair.

or not ... I'm not build theories about Aquarion EVOL anymore...
english isn't my native language... ;)
May 1, 2012 5:46 PM

Jul 2009
mixordia said:
Kirziga said:
Andy should stop acting like that, it's his fault in the first place why Mix got angry at him while he's confessing, now Mix got kidnapped, he better save her fast or the enemy will make Mix pregnant.. lol :D

HAHA The enemy is could be = Kagura... Mykage declared him "The Chosen One" ... in theory he should choose the EVA and repopulate the planet ... but he chose Mikono not Mix XD LOL This is why Cayenne sees Mikono in marriage with Kagura. If the Cayenne vision is about the future and if his vision is right, Mikono must marry with Kagura to save Altair.

or not ... I'm not build theories about Aquarion EVOL anymore...
Well the wedding was in funeral clothes which signifies a wedding that will probably end the world... which is to say if they get together, the world would end. It doesn't matter which world, Earth or Altair, because if one is destroyed, they both are. (We learned that from the dying tree of life.

Cayenne's other prophecy that she approaches Aquarion and Aquarion appears to consume everything in a light signified that she would bring Apollonius to Aquarion. As we saw last season, the light of Genesis comes from Amata... the light that Cayenne saw and couldn't understand as anything but destruction was this light and we saw how powerful it is on a low-scale, it wiped out the whole island last season... and it was the very light that created the universes... (This is only one interpretation of the prophecy he saw thought... there are more but this seems like it makes sense in my opinion...)

Another way to interpret the wedding would be to avoid destruction by Celiane or Apollonius(depending on how it goes), apollon and Sylvie must wed, putting an end to all the deaths, a mourning for deaths on both sides and a marriage to unite both sides. Of course, this possibility is just as high as any other out there...

You're right though mixordia, his prophecies aren't wrong, just his own interpretation leads anyone who sees it to think the way he does. Hidden meanings lie within prophecies and those are what the prophecies foretell. As Fudo explained about shadows, they shine light on the darkness in all our hearts ~ Episode 16 - Black Mirror.
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