I have been a fan since I watched Sailor Moon as a kid. That being said, I've watched a lot of anime and the ones on my list are the ones I can remember at the moment (Hahahaha!). I read a lot of Shoujo manga and watch the occasional anime series every now that I've gotten older.
I also love playing video games and currently replaying Mass Effect 2&3. To be honest I like handhelds but I do have an xbox live account. Also, currently working on getting another job in the games industry. :3
Anyway, I respect everyone's opinions even if they are hateful or I disagree with them because I believe it is fun to hear what others have to say. If you have any good anime recommendations please let me know!
Cheers d(^_^)b
All Comments (4) Comments
Well you know that always happens when there is a strong love triangle, and one of them is more popular or more "kind", usually the other gets flamed and hated.
I usually have a tendency of always supporting the "weak"/less popular side LOL.
Anyway, Kagura won me, he is such an amazing character, definitely my favorite of the whole show, so ill keep supporting him XD
yes me too, looking forward for the next ep! see you on the thread;D lets spam them with our Kagura love, lol^.^
And bless you for being a Kagura fan, thank you so much for joining Kagura Love in the forum!;) looking forward to see your posts there from now on^.^
Reincarnation only reincarnates 1 level so Kagura is Apollo's reincarnation but he is not Apollonius' reincarnation even though Apollo was Apollonius'. For this Reason, Apollo and Silvia aren't really something I'm looking forward to so I have no interest in Kagura.
I do dislike the Kagura hate but it's the same as all the Eba hate in the Kimi no Iru Machi manga.
Anyways~ Welcome to MAL!