Back to baka_sensei's Profile baka_sensei's Profile

  1. The Congregation Of Delusional Individuals
  2. Claim A Friend
  3. #*~The Blue Haired Anime Characters Club ~*#
  4. #Nipponsei
  5. ♣ FREEDOM club ♣
  6. ♥ Ecchi & Hentai ~♥~ Lovers ♥
  7. ♥ Skip Beat FC General Discussion ♥
  8. ♥shasha- friend's and fan club♥ (club is dead since im gone)
  9. "Not Yet Aired" Club
  10. "Zura" janai... Katsura da!
  11. ***Legend of Anime***
  12. *+*+*Azrah-Chan Fan Club*+*+*
  13. *Vessel Of Villains*
  14. -Accumulative Claim- [DEAD]
  15. ...:::Yeah, I'm Lefty Club:::...
  16. .:: ☆ ::. Romantic ♥ Historical .:: ☆ ::.
  17. ._:AnImE/MaNgA tO LiVe ACtiOn:KuRaBu:_.
  18. 18+ Lovers of Anime and Manga
  19. 4chan PARTY VAN~
  20. 666 Satan Fanclub
  21. 7
  22. Abandoned CLUB
  23. Adobe Photoshop O.F.C
  24. akatsuki club
  25. All the Hot Girls in Anime #1
  26. All the Hot Girls in Anime #2
  27. All the Hot Guys from A&M (AHG)
  29. Animanga Locater
  30. Anime art that r0cks!!
  31. Anime Lovers!
  32. Anti Loli Association
  33. Anti-Lucky Star Club
  34. Anti-United Federation of Claim Clubs (A.U.F.C.C.)
  35. Anti-Yaoi Alliance
  36. Asian Drama Addicts
  37. Asuka Fanclub
  38. Atlus Fanclub!
  39. Auu~ Makoto-ism
  40. Avatar: The Legends of Aang and Korra
  41. ❝ Manhwa Fanatics ❞
  42. Babes in Fightland
  43. Badou Nails Fan Club
  44. Be a character's Assistant
  45. BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad
  46. BL Addicts!
  47. BL Obsession
  48. Black-Haired Characters Fanclub.
  49. blood+ fans
  50. Buggy, The Legendary Clown
  51. Byakuya Kuchiki Fan Club
  52. Cardcaptor Sakura
  53. Castle in The Sky
  54. Chobits
  55. Chobits Fan Club
  56. Choose your personal anime character knight!
  57. Claim "???"
  58. Claim a Car
  59. Claim a Character Fight
  60. Claim a quote
  61. Claim a Scene/Pic
  62. Claim a Singer...... Currently CLOSED!
  63. Claim A TV Show!
  64. Claim An Anime/Manga!
  65. CLAMP art club
  66. CLAMP Club
  67. CLAMP in Wonderland
  68. Club G•A•M•E
  69. Club of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
  70. Code Geass
  71. Code Geass - Lelouch of the Rebellion
  72. Coffee and Strawberries
  73. College Anime Lovers
  74. Cosplay Club
  75. Cowboy Bebop
  76. Creepy Anime Fanclub
  77. Curse/Bless A character
  78. Dai Gurren Dan
  79. Dark Anime Club
  80. Darker Than BLACK
  81. Death Note
  82. Death Note Fanclub
  83. Declare Your Position In Code Geass
  84. Del Rey Manga
  85. Delinquent Den
  86. deViate's Cult
  87. Doctor Who Fan Club
  88. Dragon Cave
  89. Ecchi Squad
  90. Ecchi-club
  91. Elysian Council
  92. Epic Fail Club! (PHAIL!!!)
  93. Evanescence Fan Club
  94. Fans of Gender Bending/Gender Swapping
  95. Fans of Sports Anime and Manga
  96. Fantasy Anime League
  97. Final Fantasy Fans Unite!
  98. Final Fantasy Project
  99. For the Love of Food!
  100. Fullmetal Alchemist Fanclub
  101. Fullmetal Alchemist/Naruto/Blood+/Inuyasha/CowboyBebop/GhostinThe Shell/DeathNote/Bleach/Eureka7/Wolf'sRain
  102. Game Over RP
  103. Genre of the Arts Fanclub!
  104. Genshiken Otakus
  105. Get Your Quota! For MAL Claims Clubs
  106. Gintama Character Club
  107. Gintama Fanclub
  108. Girls and Guys in Glasses (or Contacts)!
  109. GL Addicts!
  110. Good Vs. Evil
  111. Grammar Nazis
  112. Group of Anime Addicts (GAA)
  113. Gundam Aquired
  114. Halo 3 club
  115. Hana Investigation Association (H.I.A.)
  116. Harem Club
  117. haruka_nazu's FanClub~~~~~<3!
  118. Hatake Kakashi Fan Club
  119. Hatsune Miku - the Goddess ~FanClub~
  120. Hidden Gems of Manga
  121. High School!! ~Rp~ Club
  122. Highschool DxD
  123. Higurashi Rp club
  124. Hikaru ~ Kaoru (Hitachiin twins) FANCLUB <3<3
  125. Horror Anime Fanclub
  126. How to Find Anime
  127. How to Read Manga!
  128. How to Watch Anime: Relaunched
  129. I ♥ Yuri & Shoujo Ai
  130. I Hate Fillers Club
  131. I love the opening and ending themes of anime!
  132. IkkiTousen Club
  133. Incest Club
  134. Initial D
  135. J-Rock & J-Pop Music Club
  136. Japan Lovers
  137. Japanese Beginners
  138. Japanese Language and Culture Club
  139. Kanji Learner's Club
  140. Kara no Kyoukai
  141. Kawaii :♥
  142. Kemonomimi Shoujo
  143. KFC
  144. Kira club
  145. Kiss A Character Club
  146. Kosaka Shigure Fan Club
  147. Kuroshitsuji Club
  148. Kuyukly's Room
  149. Kyouya Ootori
  150. L Worship Guild
  151. Lelouch Lamperouge Fanclub
  152. Light Novels Alliance!
  153. LilyRein FanClub
  154. Linkin Park Fan Club
  155. Linux MAL Updater - 0.6.3
  156. Lolicon Defense Task Force
  157. Lolita Fashion
  158. Lonely Kuro XIII
  159. Long Black/Dark Haired Guys
  160. Lovers and Crushes Club
  161. Lucky★Channel
  162. Maburaho
  163. madskizzles fountain of SKITTLEZ
  164. MAL Adopt a Pet! [CLOSED]
  165. MAL Battle of the Genres
  166. MAL Car Owners Club
  167. MAL Claim,Do,Suggest,Vote for Everything For Fun~!! :P
  168. MAL Magic Society
  169. MAL Marriage
  170. MAL Member Socializing Club
  171. MAL Mystery Club
  172. MAL Theme Club
  173. MAL Tokutaku
  174. MAL Updater 2.96 - Anime/Manga tracker
  175. MAL's "Marry Me"
  176. MAL's do whatever you want club
  177. MAL's Electronic Music Club
  178. MAL's Official Sebastian Michaelis Fanclub
  179. Manga Reader
  180. Mecha Fans
  181. Mecha Kingdom メカ王国
  182. Meru Puri Fan Club
  183. Mobile Suit Gundam
  184. Monster
  185. Morinozuka Takashi 'Mori' FC
  186. Mushoku Tensei Fanclub: The Official Church of the Holy Trinity
  187. Music Addicts
  188. Music Rp
  189. NaruIno
  190. Naruto Club
  191. Naruto x Hinata Club
  192. Natsume Yuujinchou Fanclub
  193. NERV Center: Neon Genesis Evangelion fan club
  194. Nico Robin
  195. Oda Nobuna No Yabou FC
  196. Official MAL API
  197. Oh, You are Crazy! This is USA! That is Japan!
  198. okane ga nai
  199. OMG, It`s So BIG!!!
  200. One Piece Fanclub
  201. Otaku
  202. Ouran High School Host Club Fan
  203. Pino Fanclub
  204. Planetarian
  205. PlayStation Players Club
  206. Punk Club
  207. Quotes and Graphics
  208. Rain, Storms and Winter!
  209. Recommendation Club
  210. Reverse Harem Club
  211. rin180 cool friends
  212. Riza Hawkeye fans!
  213. Roronoa Zoro Fanclub
  214. Rossiu Haters Club
  215. Ryougi Shiki Fan Club
  216. Samurai Champloo
  217. SasukeXNaruto
  218. Save our Doujinshi!
  219. Scary Girls Club
  220. School Sulking Section
  221. Sci-Fi club
  222. seinen & josei
  223. Seto no Hanayome
  224. Sexy Club
  225. Sexy Murderess Bitches!!!
  226. Shin Megami Tensei
  227. Shin Megami Tensei Class room
  228. Shinigami Love: 13 Squads
  229. Shinra Inc.
  230. Shonen Jump
  231. Shounen Anime
  232. Shounen-Ai/Yaoi Sanctuary
  233. Showbiz Fan Club
  234. Signature Scripters
  235. Silent Girl Moe Club
  236. Silver, White, Grey-Haired Characters Fanclub!
  237. Sis con Club
  238. Slice of Anime Life
  239. SOL Brigade
  240. Soul Society
  241. Spoiling Unlimited ©2009
  242. Square Enix Fanclub.
  243. Stargate Fan Club
  244. Strongest Disciple Kenichi Fanclub
  245. Student x Teacher Relationships
  246. Students in Anime and Manga
  247. Studio BONES Fan Club
  248. Studio Sunrise FanClub
  250. Summer 2017 Anime Group
  251. Super Cute Girls Fanclub
  253. Suzumiya Haruhi Fan Club
  254. Sweet Hentai
  255. Swordsmen/women Club
  256. TAG!
  257. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
  258. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Club
  259. The "I hate school" Club
  260. The "I Only Watch Subtitled Anime" Club
  261. The Anime Uber-Elitist Club
  262. The ANTI GIRLY UKE Yaoi Club
  263. The BADASSED Club
  264. The Band of the Hawk
  265. The Bleach Fanclub
  266. The Blondies of Anime
  267. The CHAOS Club
  268. The Claymore Club
  269. The DEATHMATCH Club
  270. The Engrish Club
  271. The Fappin' Club
  272. The Fate T. Harlaown Goddess Fanclub.​‮‫
  273. The Guts Fanclub
  274. The Heroes Fan Club
  275. The Hirano Aya Club
  276. the hot girls club
  277. The London Club
  278. The manga is always better
  279. The Motha Fucka's Club
  280. The Ninja CLub
  281. The Official Ciel Phantomhive Alliance ♥
  282. The Pets of Anime/Manga Club
  283. the red cross club
  284. The slave girl CC (CC with memory loss) fanclub
  285. The SOC Brigade
  286. The Soundtrack Conservatory
  287. The Syaoran Fan Club!
  288. The True Badass Club
  289. The ultimate Shrimp FC
  290. Together We're Invincible ~A Boy's Love Fanclub~
  291. Tokyo Babylon
  292. Tony Taka Fan Club
  293. Traps and Reverse Traps
  294. Trigun Fanclub
  295. Tsubasa Chronicle and XXXHolic FC
  296. Tsubasa manga club
  297. Tsubasa Shunraiki&XxXHolic Shunmeiki
  298. Tsubasa/xxxHOLiC OADs
  299. Tsundere Club
  300. UK anime
  301. UK Convention Goers
  302. United Church of CLAMP
  303. United Kingdom
  304. Userbars for using Users
  305. Uzumaki Naruto
  306. Vampire Knight
  307. Villetta Fanclub
  308. Visual Novels
  309. We like them looong
  310. We Love Cakes and Honey!
  311. We wanna watch these series as an ANIME!!!
  312. whatever -_-'
  313. WORLD DOMINATION!!! Bwhahahaa >:3
  314. WoW Club
  315. Xam'd: Lost Memories / Bonen no Xamdou Fanclub
  316. XXX Holic
  317. XXxHolic fanclub~
  318. Yakuza fan club
  319. Yaoi addicts unite!
  320. Yazawa Nico Fan Club
  321. Yoko Fanclub
  322. Yorozuya
  323. Yotsuba Koiwai Fanclub
  324. Yuri is the Ultimate <3
  325. [MRC⋆HP] Manga Award Winning Works
  326. ~ Ecchi 4ever ~
  327. ~*~ Forbidden Romance ~*~ Shounen-ai/Yaoi RP
  328. ~*~ kawaii usagi-chan ~*~ club
  329. ~:: Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE ::~
  330. ~Absolute Boyfriend Fan Club~
  331. ~Arcueid's FC~
  332. ~Disney Junkies~
  333. ~Everything will be alright!~ The Sakura Club
  334. ~Honorable Villains~
  335. ~Tsubasa Chronicle and xxxHOLIC Club~
  336. ~Yaoi fan!!!!club~
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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