My (Questionable) Anime List!
Hello there! My name is Cheese, a pleasure to meet you. If you're looking at my profile then you've found me somehow. I know my anime list looks really weird, but I have made it my mission to watch as many weird and questionable anime as possible. I'll report on it afterwards but just bear with me for now!!!
My Favorite Protagonists
Here are my top favorite lists of protagonists. I find them all quite interesting and their presence makes the show much better
Anime I Highly Recommend!
Some of these don't quite make it to my favorites list, but I'd still happily watch these again with a friend. These animes also include their sequels, prequels, OVAs, and ONAs, there just wasn't enough space...
My Manga Recommendations!
I'm not too big on light novels but I don't mind sitting down and reading a nice manga so here are some that I absolutely recommend! Just like the anime recs, these include spin-offs and any extra issues!
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
- Total Entries297
- Reread0
- Chapters8,975
- Volumes764
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