Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
Kaguya-sama: Love Is War
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Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Kaguya Wants to be Confessed To: The Geniuses' War of Love and Brains
Japanese: かぐや様は告らせたい~天才たちの恋愛頭脳戦~
English: Kaguya-sama: Love Is War
German: Kaguya-sama: Love is War
Spanish: Kaguya-sama: Love is War
French: Kaguya-sama: Love is War
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 28
Chapters: 281
Status: Finished
Published: May 19, 2015 to Nov 2, 2022
Genres: Award Winning Award Winning, Comedy Comedy, Romance Romance
Theme: School School
Demographic: Seinen Seinen
Serialization: Young Jump
Authors: Akasaka, Aka (Story & Art)


Score: 8.891 (scored by 140025140,025 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #242
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #24
Members: 284,533
Favorites: 29,318

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Preliminary Spoiler
Jun 13, 2016
Preliminary (34/281 chp)
What is your favourite battle of wits story? The classic Light vs L? Maybe the JoJo fights? For me the winner is clearly Miyuki vs Kaguya!

Kaguya Wants to be Confessed To completely caught me by surprise with a hilarious and adorable romantic comedy based on mindgames between the two main characters with the objective of making the other confess his/her feelings, and why? Because they believe that the one that confesses will become the submissive part in the relationship, and their pride makes them refuse to be that one.

The chapters are episodic and feature a different battle in their war for love, everything that happens ...
Nov 1, 2022
Kaguya-sama: Love is War is the king of romance manga without question. There is simply no other manga of the same genre from which I remember the names of almost every character; from which I’ve both laughed and cried audibly while reading; from which I’ve derived so much happiness from every serialized chapter. What started off as a cute and funny manga with a great premise evolved into a character driven drama with many monumentally emotional character arcs, each of which continue to resonate with me beyond belief.

Though I’ll admit to some personal bias, I would like to point out how deeply invested Aka ...
May 15, 2016
Preliminary (Unknown/281 chp)
I like to call this the Death Note of school romantic comedies. If Death Note ever made you laugh out loud (on purpose).

This manga is a breath of fresh air, as usually romcom manga start out with them meeting and being put into an awkward more than friends but less than lovers scenario, or some misunderstanding happens and all the characters are pissed at each other. Not with Kaguya Wants to be Confessed To, in this manga both main characters are too proud and scared to confess, so they try and bait each other into revealing their feelings.

There are a lot of ...
Nov 1, 2022
What is a romcom? Sounds like a simple question, but it’s a question Love is War has challenged this question for me, especially in the current climate of romantic comedy manga.

As one can briefly infer from my profile, Love is War is my favourite anime / manga series of all time, and I could rant for hours and hours about every intricate detail of this series and how this series has left a life changing impact on me, but for your sake (the reader), I’ll disregard it.

Love is War presents itself almost as a mockery of the climate of romcoms, having the whole ...
Sep 27, 2016
Preliminary (139/281 chp)
Kaguya Wants To Be Confessed To is basically just the battles from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, except the goal is not "I have to defeat the enemy and his/her Stand!", it's "I have to make him/her confess to me!".

Kaguya Wants To Be Confessed to is a comedy/romance manga, that bases most of its humor off the over-the-top styles of action in shounen manga. Saying something really minor dramatically! Reciting an entire paragraph in one's mind in just a milisecond!

I actually didn't go into this series expecting to really like it - I'm not really a romance person, y'know? But I must say after giving ...
Apr 8, 2016
Preliminary (Unknown/281 chp)
For some reason (most probably to fill the void created by my own loneliness TT TT), I end up reading a lot of shoujo manga. Shoujo romance manga, in particular, is a guilty pleasure and a great mystery for me. It's a mystery because I don't think any other genre, form of art, or literature is as forgettable as most of the shoujo romance manga on the market. I dislike reading ongoing shoujo manga, especially if it's released monthly, because I tend to forget most of the plot by the time the next chapter comes out. In fact, if I haven't thought about it for ...
Aug 9, 2019
Preliminary (158/281 chp)
Starts out as a funny but a bit repetitive story that focuses too much on the main characters, in a Kare Kano style plot.

Gets much better once other characters start getting more development and the main characters' relationship starts derailing a bit from the initial pattern. The jokes get better and the development is fun despite being somewhat slow.

The punchlines and the fast paced style also have a certain 4-koma feel to it, despite not being a true 4-koma. This is very important.

The art is pretty good, the characters are cute and expressive, scenarios are also good.
May 23, 2021
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (226/281 chp)
This manga was always at its best when it knew what it was, a comedy. The whole premise was to put a bunch of horny autists in a classroom and have them go to town. The strengths of this manga were in its hilarious and unique premise, but it excelled as a comedy that satirized romance tropes, not as an actual romance.

Unfortunately, after the culture festival, it all goes downhill, and its pretty funny as the manga itself even acknowledges this. The manga goes from being a unique school comedy to an unfocused mess of a generic school romance anime as the author starts splitting ...
Dec 8, 2019
Preliminary (171/281 chp)
Started the manga, right after the anime. Here i am after 171 chapters.

To be honest, i didn't expected much.

I'm not a fan of the anime, yet, i've rated 7/10, just because "it bring what we expect to get" when you go for that type of anime.
Basically, when i'm choosing to watch something, i start with a 8/10 at the end if i'm satisfied with it, then depending of what i see and get, i rate it higher, or lower.

"Kaguya" in the anime and from the 12 episodes bothered me a little bit. The setup, the classic "comic", the ...
Dec 21, 2020
Preliminary (211/281 chp)
When I first started reading this I thought this is gonna be your typical romcom but when I read further into the manga I literally fell in love with the story line and their determination to win each others hearts [ specially Miyuki's determination to win over Kaguya].
apart from those two characters[ Miyuki and Kaguya] the other characters such as Ishigami, Miko, chika, etc... had their own unique qualities which I fell in love with.
As a 17 year old, there are characters I could both relate to and admire. so I think this is the perfect school life romcom out there. [my opinion]
Oct 31, 2022
Preliminary (281/281 chp)
No. Fucking Way.

Kaguya-sama ENDED?!

Good riddance! Why would you want to read a manga about a battle-of-wits comedy romance between characters with chemistry, development, and personalities???

Just kidding. Love is War is one of the GREATEST pieces of fiction to hit the media, and I'm not even exaggerating. What? Fullmetal Alchemist? Bleach? Never heard of that, I'm too busy indulging myself in the presence of Kaguya-sama. If the one who confesses first loses, I guess I lose because I am confessing my love for this manga.

Hello, I'm Baby_Penewine. You have most likely never heard of me or come across any of my reviews, but I'm one of ...
Oct 29, 2022
Preliminary (281/281 chp)
Well Its finally finished.
This manga has been a wild ride to read and I couldn't be happier that i made the decision to read this amazing manga. All the characters serve a purpose and their interactions are all played so well. The flow of the manga simply feels natural. Each characters feels real and you come to understand them and their actions. A perfect character is ishigami. You come to love his character development, as he becomes a lot more social, more open and more mindfull of the people around him. Its amazing to see each character and how the progress and develop in this ...
May 16, 2016
Preliminary (18/281 chp)
Comedies usually aren't that much my thing, though I enjoy reading some from time to time, but the psychological tag made my decision.

My first impressions were mixed. On the one hand, the first page got me in, since I do believe that there is a relationship of power in a couple. I took that from a Kundera novel, The Book of Laughter and Forgetting, I found it to be quite true throughout the years. That's only the characters' motives though : take the advantage in the future relationship by making the other confess. So I'm on board with the premise.

Kaguya's first description, on the other ...
Feb 3, 2019
Preliminary (136/281 chp)
First of all, I know that it's super tacky to just file in 10s for every slot, but... to not give this manga a 10 would be a crime to my heart.

I have loved pretty much everything about this manga so far... its just so wholesome and beautiful. The humor in here is hilarious. I can't even count the number of times that I literally bursted out laughing from this.... its just so fucking wonderful.

Without hinting at spoilers, the plot is perfect. You can actually see progress within the characters and really feel like you're in their heads (except for Fujiwara of course)

I binged ...
Sep 15, 2021
Preliminary (230/281 chp)

When I read the first arc of this manga, I am already imagined that the ending would be 2 possible scenarios: There will be a confession in the last chapter or, by default, they never confess their love to each other. At the end, I was partially right, because the last scenario happened in the first part of the manga. So, what's more have this to offer us? Let's find out. I'm gonna divide this review for each part of the manga:

1. First part: Each arc of this one can be summarized as follows: Our protagonists try to force the other ...
Nov 1, 2022
First Manga Review so go easy on me
Ill spare you the History nitty gritties and the easter eggs , those are for the more hardcore fans. But As a anime fan that had to read this as his first manga eve , this is probably the most etched in my mind, And so even if I may be biased or inexperienced due to the lack of a huge library but still ,
for me ,kaguya-sama is the best MANGA that I have read so far
The charm of kaguya-sama is that , it is an amazing take at the romance genre , it does just enough to ...
Oct 29, 2022
Preliminary (281/281 chp)
(Repost because MAL marked my first post as preliminary)

Kaguya-sama: Love is War is a Romance and Comedy Masterpiece.

Love is War starts off with a unique premise but not a lot to expect. An emo, a loli, a cutesy and big breasted girl and a nerd compose the student council of the most prestigious school in Japan. With not much context at the start, the president(nerd) and vice-president(loli) try to get each other to confess through a game of psychology and tactics because both of them are too shy to do it themselves. Along with the other members of the student council and some side characters, ...
Oct 29, 2022
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (281/281 chp)
Before chapter 160 or so, it's a 10/10. Kaguya and Miyuki figure out that they like each other in trying to make the other confess. It's funny, cute and doesn't ever stray too far from the romantic development.

However, the romcom after 160 is so heavy on character development that it loses a lot of the "rom" and "com" aspect found in the earlier chapters (and the anime from season 3 and before). The story that Akasaka writes is good, but because it spreads itself so thin documenting so many different characters, it feels rudderless at times because he forgets whom everyone is supposed to be ...
Oct 29, 2022
Preliminary (236/281 chp)

29 october 2022 and the manga has reached it's end after 7 years of publication. I started reading the manga right after it's successful first anime season.
I don't think I've ever read a chapter of Kaguya-sama and not been satisfied from it. Kaguya-sama is a perfect highschool romcom where the ending is hinted across the synopsis but the process is still immensively entertaining.

The characters are extremely relatable even though the school's setting is far from normal and the author includes many references to the ordinary daily lives of students of the modern world and trends. It is ...
Aug 9, 2020
Preliminary (213/281 chp)
Please read Kaguya-sama, even if you aren't into comedy or romance, just try to give it a go. Since Kaguya-sama is genuinely one of the most earnestly subversive and impressive stories, one that I absolutely didn't expect. And its evolution has surpassed any series that I know. But if you do happen to find yourself uninterested in the sketch-based storytelling at the start, just know it will be a different story by when you catch up. Well, that's basically what I want to say before delving into the spoilers, though, don't read them if you haven't read the story and are already confident about starting ...