Sora wa Akai Kawa no Hotori
Red River
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Sora wa Akai Kawa no Hotori

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Anatolia Story, Heaven by the Red River, Orontes Renka, Orontes Love Song, Where the Sky and the Red River meet
Japanese: 天は赤い河のほとり
English: Red River
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 28
Chapters: 96
Status: Finished
Published: Jan 5, 1995 to Jun 5, 2002
Genres: Action Action, Adventure Adventure, Award Winning Award Winning, Drama Drama, Fantasy Fantasy, Romance Romance, Supernatural Supernatural
Themes: Historical Historical, Time Travel Time Travel
Demographic: Shoujo Shoujo
Serialization: Sho-Comi
Authors: Shinohara, Chie (Story & Art)


Score: 8.281 (scored by 96399,639 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #3282
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #765
Members: 25,307
Favorites: 1,257



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Preliminary Spoiler
Nov 29, 2008
An extremely fantastic manga, if I may say so myself.

I absolutely adore this manga and i'm honestly shocked that there are not many other reviews for this. I found this manga to be brilliant, not to mention thoroughly entertaining.

The story is basically about a girl who is brought back in time to the ancient Egyptian time by an evil queen. Sounds pretty bland and cheesy, but surprisingly it was rather fresh. Red River is a wonderful combination of genres wrapped all in one single manga and presented in a way that will, without a doubt, keep you entertained. Action, romance (definitely!), drama, evil sadistic ...
Dec 25, 2009
Anatolia Story or Red River is one of the few manga that transcends the boundaries of time. It is indeed a timeless classic that is bound to captivate the reader’s attention. It is certainly one of the best manga out there who can cope up with the fast paced innovation in the manga industry.

The story starts with a simple girl named Yuri, she is transported to the Hittites Empire by the evil queen because her blood is needed as a sacrifice in order to kill the other remaining prince. She was constantly saved by Prince Kail, a handsome and smart young man. Prince Kail ...
Jan 21, 2011
In the 10 years of my life of reading manga, I have never encountered one with such absolutely pathetic characters. Don't get me wrong, the idea was good, but the characters were so underdeveloped and the obstacles the heroin had to face were so horribly thought out, that at one point you have to think "What obstacle will they throw at use now? Will it be that the girl can't be with the guy of her dreams because he's a blonde? Oh, the horror! Society shall never approve!"

I'm one to complete my manga's, since I've learned through the years that sometimes manga's get better ...
Oct 1, 2009
Mixed Feelings
I discovered Red River about last year- a friend of mine had it, told me it was worth a read, and she, myself, and another friend all decided to read it. The story is this: Yuri Suzuki is an everygirl who is transported back through time and space to the Hittite Empire, summoned by the Empress who wants to use her as a blood sacrifice to ensure her son inherits the throne. Yuri manages to escape and falls in with Prince Kail Mursili, third in line to the throne. She joins his court, and, through a series of odd coincidences, becomes mistaken for ...
Feb 12, 2015
When reading the first chapters, you think it's the story of a girl in trouble and get saved by her hero and they live happily ever after. Which is surprisingly WRONG in fact it's beyond your expectations, the heroine of this Manga isn't your typical heroine. She's more then just a heroine, even how tomboyish, stubborn , insecure and scared she is , she overcomes any problem her path meets in this oldest Era. Not only the main characters are the heroes but also side characters that even have the smallest role.
The surprising turns in this story makes you keep reading and makes you travel ...
Dec 29, 2014
I just finished this book and you can never fully understands how amazing it is until you have read it yourself.

story: This is a romance manga between a prince and a princess( which is actually a normal teenage girl ), that sounds exciting doesn't it? Now what you expect from the manga may be a little different from what the manga actually says , but I am really telling the truth. I don't want to give any spoilers so this is all I am going to say.

The art really took me some time to get used to, but once I got used to it, ...
Mar 30, 2021
I will never not respect the decision to base your historical epic romance in an empire that, prior to the late 19th century, we weren't completely sure existed and that we still know very little about. I love the Hittites and anything to do with them, and really I'm just jealous deep down that I can't use the technique Yuri did to learn the oldest Indo-European language that we have written record of. It's possible I'm a bit of a historical linguistics nerd. Anyway...

I can't pretend that I am unbiased. I am so incredibly biased. This is one of the first manga I ever read, ...
Mar 9, 2017
Well, I needed to write a review about my favorite shoujo manga...

OK, I'm a guy, but, despite this, shoujo/drama/romance is the genre that mostly I like; but I was surprising for me to consider this as my favorite manga, I didn't hope it. But something about it makes it a very special, and very touching story for me.

First of all, this manga should be appreciated as a coming-of-age story about the female lead. I can understand the complaints about certain aspects of the manga, such as the art, and the sometimes cliche premises and actions. However, those aren't the drivers behind the manga: the character ...
Mar 30, 2012
Red River is the oldest manga I have ever read, having been released the year I was born. I had put off reading it due to the art style (I was used to round, fluffy shoujos) and finally, after running into it for the hundredth time last year, I decided to stop putting it off. I was caught right away, and I could not stop reading. I read every chapter in three days.
The last volume was a bit dull after the main story ended, but I liked the insight into the side characters lives, and even the little after stories. But either way, it ...
Dec 10, 2010
Story - 8/10 (Sorry If it's cumbersome)
As you know (or don't know) it has something realistic. Of course all the magic stuff isn't true, but still.

The story is full of all kind of emotions: Sadness, funny (I don't know how to say it) and so on.

It's original (Unless you consider something based on reallity not original), it has some truth in it (So it's not 100% unbelievble) and you learn History XD

Art - 10/10
Jan 22, 2012
Story: 10
I really enjoyed the story of Red River/Anatolia Story. It was engaging, interesting, ocasionly funny and supensfull throughout all of the story.

Art: 8
The art is the one thing that acording to me isn't perfect. But the artist did a great job of capturing the characters feelings and the feelings they have one and other.

Characters: 10
Pretty much all of the characters in this manga have a good background and are all used minor characters and mayor characters the same. I got emotionly invested in pretty much every character even in some of the villains as you learn that each and every one of them have ...
Mar 4, 2017
Mixed Feelings

I'm someone who's a huge fan of shoujo and romance mangas. I especially love the ones that actually make my heart jump as if i'm in the manga myself. Even now, I somewhat like reading mangas about a prince and damsel in distress falling in love. I think it could be because of the fact that in reality, there's no prince. But fiction makes our imagination go wild and that makes it all the more exhilarating.

However, one thing I hate the most are characters that are brave but at the same time, they are constantly degraded when the ...
May 4, 2010
This is a historical, romance and war themed story.

The art takes getting used to, but is actually rather appealing.

It has a mature romance among the main characters, without being particularly smutty.

It has a strong plot throughout all 96 chapters, and will leave you craving more.

I highly recommend this as it is my all time favorite.
May 4, 2011
It was amazing!

Not only is it historical it is also magical and romantic. The story line is very good and the art is beautifully done, a masterpiece. Like every story you have the wounderfull handsome Princes and those who try to get in their way like the step mother. I enjoyed this manga very much and have read it more than once, It is one of those mangas that drag you into the story itself.

The story is set in the Heiti time (Ancient Egypt). A young Japanese girl get dragged through time by a Socceress to be sacraficed. On her journey she comes across ...
Aug 1, 2012
Anatolia Story is a about a typical girl who is dragged back in time to be used as a sacrifice for an evil queen; who is trying to make her son the prince. She goes through many problems, and is kidnapped countless times and is saved by none other then "HER PRINCE" Kail. :)

The two fall deeply in love and must undergo some of the most terrifying problems. Many times the queen has tried to kill her since they soon find out the Yuri is a goddess.

In my opinion, there is an anamzing amount of suspense and alot of romance for those who ...
Jan 26, 2023
Mixed Feelings
So, this manga is just so problematic... when i read it circa 2014/2015 it was already problematic. i still love it, though and would definitely read it again.

before reading this, beware of the numerous trigger warnings, SPECIALLY S/A, in various moments of the manga!!! but i promise the relationship between the main characters gets healthy (or at least close to it, this is a 90s/early 2k's manga, have that in mind as you read. most os the thoughts of characters are probably outdated, and the historical factor also plays a part in the story) and there's a relationship between adult/adolescent. there are probably more ...
Feb 14, 2024
Preliminary (16/96 chp)
SO disappointing, first manga I've ever dropped!! Every single recommendation came back to one manga: Red River, after having read Akatsuki no Yona and Legend of Basara and considered them 10/10s. I was excited for what people described as another tale of an epic heroine overcoming battles and finding her strength. This could not have been further from what this manga is.

Having read Yona and Basara, those mangas constantly follow our characters along their journey of just how hard it is to even learn how to wield a sword, a weapon, to kill or be killed, to witness death and disease. This story COMPLETELY ...
Dec 15, 2018
Best historical romance story I’ve read so far, I’ve come across many stories with this same similar plot. Girl gets transported back in time to the past and falls in love with a handsome and in power guy there, but never have I ever wanted to read a story multiple times because it’s enraptured me so much. I believe that every time I can’t find a decent manga or anime, this is my go to. So far I’ve read this story around 5-6 times, and let me tell you, the story just captures you, although cliché, you can truly tell that Kail and Yuri love ...
Apr 21, 2014
I like to read violent seinen manga, but sometimes I want to read something light-hearted for a change, so I turn to shoujo. Thus, this review is from someone who doesn't usually read that much shoujo, so it has affected this review and scoring.

I chose to read Red River solely because of the ancient Turkey setting. I wanted to read something that was based on an ancient, middle-eastern culture, and Red River just happened to pop up. I was pleasantly surprised that the setting included ancient Egypt as well, because it fascinates me.

I didn't really expect much from the story, since my experience of shoujo ...
Jun 25, 2014
This is a FANTASTIC manga I have read so far! I have read it and re-read it over and over again.

The story somehow drew me in by how a girl who is yanked through time to the Bronze Era by an evil witch of a mother, of his love. At first I was skeptical if I would like it like many I know read this because it sounded really cheesy and drawn out.(To be honest the first time I read it, I read the first chapter then went to the last one because I was doubtful and that was a HUGE mistake! I missed ...