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Oct 31, 2023
Punpun is pretty good.
It is not "edgy" as some people claim because the things that happen are pretty much tamer in comparison to adult series that are focused on action, but it is much more effective in how it depicts the average misery that can happen to average people, specially the youth, showing the viewpoint of someone who is going through these things rather than through a plot, or from reactions of other people.
The point of Punpun is to see things through the lens of someone who is going through depression, nothing more nothing less. People try to romanticize depression or show it unrealistically but
here you see how utterly ugly and pointless depression actually is, and something that should never be underestimated. You can see hints at that on later developments as characters who were all the time underestimating Punpun or putting him down, find out hints and pieces that Punpun was actually trying to improve little by little, but people outside like his friends could only see Punpun who is depressed as someone "lazy" or boring, while we the reader for the most part see how dark and fucked up his inner world was and how ideal it would be if people noticed he needs serious help if they got to know him better, instead of being judgmental. For that, this manga is a masterpiece of depicting mental health in my humble opinion. This manga is not enjoyable and you are not supposed to "enjoy" it because mental illness is not entertainment, more than to enjoy how human and well written this is.
I recommend this manga for people interested in mental health.
I do *not* recommend this manga if you need to get help of mental health nature yourself.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 8, 2023
This is one of the comics of all times that is also very ludicrous in several levels, and a rip-off of the Chinese movie Hero (2002).
While there are normal people who get to like this story as they are just history fans that have never watched any anime, there is this pretentious weeb core within this manga that makes some anime fans think now that they heard the most delusional philosophies like ALL lives matter and pacifism can work, they achieved deepness and think this is the most superior and groundbreaking form of thinking never heard before and everything else sucks, when this is just
the most delusional version of Power of Friendship.
The protagonist Thorfinn doesn't do anything likable in the whole series and everyone simps for him for no reason other than he is the protagonist - I don't care about how much "development" he gets as remorse-based character development is pretty lame for a protagonist, he's always been very dislikable in general whether when he is a mass murderer or a Gandhi-wannabe. He is the same as Reiner from SNK just he is a super delusional version of him. Even Reiner drops his remorse nonsense when violence was actually needed for the sake of his beloved kids.
Not to give any details or spoilers, there are these ludicrous instances where Thorfinn wonders whether or not he should use violence against the dudes putting his loved ones in serious danger (or just against evil dudes in general like mass murderers and rapists) as he doesn't wanna dream with zombies again because muh feels. Then the same dudes out of nowhere always let him be, due to the Power of Friendship No Jutsu - truly the most mature manga, you just don't get it. This is like Batman but worse, "Oh how bad it is if I punch actual criminals". It just made me wanna laugh at the idea of this even being a dilemma. The real dilemma is hoping please Hild for the love of the Gods, do shoot Thorfinn in the back.
Also it is not that historically accurate at all, the author doesn't understand anything about the Norse religion other than superficial crap like Marvel movies or things you can read on Wikipedia - as you can verify from his arrogant "author talks" trying to prove how his worldview is superior to other cultures and ages, and this passes down to the extremely pretentious fanbase of Vinland Saga.
For one, contrary to the manga, the Jomsvikings actually didn't give a shit about Norse religion and culture, and together with King Harald they brutally forced christianity in Scandinavia. Duels are also completely wrong as it's up to the person being challenged what type of duel it would be, it could be a poetry battle etc., and even if it was a violent duel, if you murdered your opponent you should comensate their family according to the law, and if you commit murder a second time, it's death penalty.
To other absurd claims that in Norse law you could abuse whoever you wanted so long you were stronger, and only christianity gave them "ethics" lmao. His whole beef with Norse culture is because as the author writes it himself, he is a prideless wimp who can't stand any pain, hard labor or masculine demands, so it's absurd and beyond his imagination a culture that is based on disregarding self-preservation and go straight ahead into war instead of accepting humiliation and cultural genocide.
Besides falsifying Norse history, this mango also ripped off the True Warrior philosophy from the 2002 Chinese movie Hero (and even the literal scene in case), but distorted its philosophy and choice of non-violence to included some "universal love" bullshit such as it's always wrong to use violence even to avoid imediate danger, and chosing one's loved ones over criminal scumbags is "discrimination".
Hating "violence" doesn't make you a kind person, it's just an excuse to feel moral about yourself for being a coward wimp (or a nerd philosopher-wannabe). Another manga that preached the same BS - Rurouni Kenshin/Samurai X - well the author happened to be a pedophile... Don't hurt criminal people pls violence is Le Bad. 🤡
I mean if you wanna talk shit about the "sword" go write about your own brutal Japanese history, mr. author dude. You can only write your cartoon talking shit about the Sword today because your samurai were brutal and used the Sword to grant you this privilege (for good or for bad), otherwise Mongols and others would have wiped your culture out of existence, same with the Norse, same with Native Americans. "Violence" is a normal part of life that grants you "peace".
Your "enemies" keep you fit. If Japan had become a country that adopted this timid pacifist cancer, your men would start marrying anime waifus and AI bots, and your birthrates would start to drop drastically... Oopsie that's exactly what happened...
The author is a very good artist. The drawings are some of the best in all manga, paneling and structuring of his bullshit narrative is very good regardless of how BS the so called message here is. He should be the assistant to some other mangaká.
Very good comics 10/10, do not recommend.
If you want actually mature historical fiction that explores the moral dilemmas of peace and violence in a way that makes sense, read the work of Hiroshi Hirata instead.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jul 22, 2020
This is the weirdest portrayal of Miyamoto Musashi you didn't ask for.
There's not much to be said about this manga, you will follow 4 short stories (the title means 4x4, meaning 16 guardian deities of Buddhism) revolving around Musashi's dealing with tragedies of different women who reminds him of his trauma of losing his older sister, with who he had some level of an incestuous relationship with (yes you read that right, Miyamoto Musashi the warrior with onee-san fetish complex).
If you are not for the art, which is a decent Gekiga art, this manga may be a huge letdown. And yet on this matter, it
is not all that amazing because the author uses a lot of repeated panels with the exact same facial expressions. The ending is some of the most gratuitous and unintentionally comical few pages I've ever read, it felt like I was reading a Hentai parody of Vagabond all along.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Nov 16, 2018
This is some radical buddhism "all lives matter" nonsense with Miura's attempting a strange mix of western political correctness with power of friendship and Lolis (to pay for the manly manga he did with Buronson I guess). Besides all the positive reviews which I believe are based on just being fan of Miura's work (more specifically, Berserk), there are plenty of issues in this manga that need to be addressed.
"Don't be mean to mass murderers and rapists - punishing criminals will make you sad.
Just pretend nothing happened, acting is bad, except Loli Ex Machina can solve everything with the power of friendship and golden shower."
weird pseudo moralist trend going on in manga lately.
There is no story to be qualified, it's a religious/political NPC mindset "all lives matter" in manga format. A human warrior and a kind of android Loli who follows him are captured by an humanoid tribe who suffer from the evil of "Human Imperialism", some type of victimization rhetoric. Miura makes some strange Black and White cliché of civilization bad vs tribal good (as if tribes before empires never plundered, raped and enslaved one-another as history proves, just muh evil civilized humans). There's no interesting, morally grayer depiction of human kinds like he does in Berserk - and then we just skip to have it all washed out later with zero consequences using the power of friendship.
There's no conclusion. The "ending" is some Gainax Ending that is the terror of any anime/manga fans who had experiences with bad endings, and can cause chills down the spine of Berserk fans if you stop to think that Miura could have done this to Berserk. At least we know from his final interview there WOULD be at least 2 main battles against the evildoers and the main characters wouldn't just hide their heads in the sand and become farmers because muh conflict bad.
Who needs to develop a reason for an ending when you can simply wash away all the negative parts in a convenient holier than thou false moralism and Deus ex machina.
Miura was probably worried of how much depth and political incorrectness he has put in the Conviction Arc of Berserk, and seems to have attempted to repent his imperialist manliness in this weird single.
They're cute. The main characters are chubby versions of Roderick, ep. 252, and Schierke, ep. 184 (or Chitchi, ep. 329), from Berserk. Their interaction sums up in making pee jokes and being the saviors the "oppressed minority bugs", "we are your White saviors".
The art style follows the Millennium Empire Arc of Berserk without great improvements. Even if it was the best of Miura's art style, it would not save the fishy nature of this manga, and it feels like the art is too good for a story that doesn't live up to it.
People who read it and gave a blind eye for its defects (or at least tried to ignore the political cringe) were probably desperate for more Berserk chapters or just more Miura's creations in general.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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