Vampire Knight
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Vampire Knight

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Watashi to Fukigen na Panya-san, The Sour-Faced Baker and Me, The Sullen Baker and Me
Japanese: ヴァンパイア騎士〈ナイト〉
English: Vampire Knight
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 19
Chapters: 102
Status: Finished
Published: Nov 24, 2004 to May 24, 2013
Genres: Drama Drama, Mystery Mystery, Romance Romance, Supernatural Supernatural
Themes: Love Polygon Love Polygon, School School, Vampire Vampire
Demographic: Shoujo Shoujo
Serialization: LaLa
Authors: Hino, Matsuri (Story & Art)


Score: 7.411 (scored by 5158251,582 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #37242
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #152
Members: 98,837
Favorites: 5,821



Like Vampire Knight, Record of a Fallen Vampire is about vampires with more human aspects. the main characters are very similar, vampire, vampire hunter ect. and the story line is good. 
reportRecommended by Wingedwolf
Both has something to do with Vampires and the stereotypes. The characters also possess awesome weapons to exterminate vampires. + A COLLECTION OF BISHOUNEN ♥ 
reportRecommended by cherichelly
The two most popular works by Matsuri Hino. Shoujo manga with pretty art, romance, fantasy/magic/supernatural, a pair of hot siblings/twins, and the average female lead. 
reportRecommended by RenaPsychoKiller
Both have a supernatural plot and drama. Both have shoujo and the art is very similar and beautiful.  
reportRecommended by Orulyon
The similarities of these two is of course on vampires. The main character is similar to yuuki and zero of vamipre knight 
reportRecommended by fizah21
similarity: vampires; blood; dispute between human and vampires... both are beautifully drew mangas, but Vampire Knight is more focused on romantic matters in my opinion. 
reportRecommended by looli23
If you liked Vampire knight I think you will like Midnight secretary too. Both are about vampires and a pretty heroine who falls in love with one. And both mangas gave me the same shivery feeling if you know what I mean. 
reportRecommended by Springtulip
Both manga have a strong heroine that needs someone to rely on every now and then. The heroine has a connection with the guy, who by the way, is another creature, but she cannot remember. She falls in love with him, unsure of his feelings in the beginning, and they slowly begin to uncover the truth about the past and what is going on around them. 
reportRecommended by angelabsun
Both are about vampires and a human girl, obviously, but it doesn't just end there. The heroines of each story are very strong and tend to do things on their own. Both get involved with vampires, and fall in love with one, while another one loves her. In the beginning of each story, the situation may seem a bit complicated, but as the series progresses, more secrets are revealed and more questions are raised. Nothing is as it first seems. Both have a bit of a dark mood to it every once in awhile, but they are very great reads! 
reportRecommended by angelabsun
both has the same dark feeling and story, about vampire/pureblood and vampire hunter work together 
reportRecommended by krisyana
Vampires living with humans, trying not to hurt them. Hidden identify. In VK and OM is romance between human and a Vampire. 
reportRecommended by Shadake
Where to begin? These shoujo manga both have: - Adopted female leads, emotionless girls, white-haired people, bishounen aplenty (including one called Senri); - Elite school settings with class differences (Night Class/Day Class in VK, three different power levels in SDC); - The school's apparently perfect king, adored by the protagonist (Kaname, a pure blood, in VK, and Shizumasa/Takanari, the Emperor, in SDC); - Highly similar uniform designs (albeit in SDC they change later); - The word “Cross” - the school’s and protagonist’s name in VK, while in SDC the title itself. 
reportRecommended by RenaPsychoKiller
Sexy vampires in super-inappropriate relationships 
reportRecommended by AfterGlow
Romance and vampires... only BK is more fluff, while VK is more angst. But they are both really shoujo.  
reportRecommended by sanjica
Very beautiful lethal beings, cold to everyone but one special human girl, romance and some humor 
reportRecommended by as3
Similarities: vampires, lots of bishies. Differences: Vampire Knight is a romance, while Bloody Mary is more of a mystery and drama. 
reportRecommended by fanfictionlurker
Both include vampires and romance, the first two chapters for Kuraku Naru made Matenai. 
reportRecommended by SherlyCat25
Both manga are set in a boarding school, with a "King" figure who controls the school from behind the scenes. The main characters are both orphans, a little naive, and too kind. There are secrets in the main characters' pasts that explain why they are attending their respective schools under the protection of a guardian. The artwork in both manga are very beautiful. 
reportRecommended by complexities
The similarities are numerous. Vampires and humans attending school together, a heroine with confused memories of the past, a vampire who loves and protects the heroine... I'd say that the lore for Vampire Knight is more fleshed out, though this may be due to the fact that I've read fewer chapters of Chocolate Vampire to date. 
reportRecommended by complexities
If you enjoyed the Vampire Knight Manga, I would recommend the Blood + Anime. Blood suckers, hunters, war, a romantic triangle, obsession, memory loss, pain, tragic twins, sacrifice, death, a small hint of "school life"... it is all there. They are so very similar, It is scary. I would have to say that Blood + can be a lot more intense though. 
reportRecommended by CherryBl0550m
If you liked Vampire Knight try Prince of the Night, it is relatively new in translations with only 5 chapters out as I write this, so I am not sure what the mystery behind the Prince is, but when I read it, it reminded me a bit of Vampire Knight. We have a young innocent girl who stumbles into a castle and meets a mysterious prince who will not let her return to her own world. While it is funnier and lighter than Vampire Knight, I think that fans of the other series will appreciate the unusual Gothic setting  read more 
reportRecommended by inzaratha
Shoujo manga of medium-longish length, in which it seems no one is who or what they first appear to be. If you like lots of characters and surprises you might like them, but be warned, the similarities stop there. 
reportRecommended by Sundog
Both are about vampires and seem to be set a part of modern times. The vampires in Kuro Bara Alice are very unique and faced with much more interesting problems. I have never seen this kind of "take" on vampires before and was pleasantly surprised. Vampire Knight more of less follows a tradiitional path but is still very enjoyable. 
reportRecommended by rubberducky_jen
Two stories about the Vampires. In both they are powerfull, but try to not hurt any human. There is some romance in it / action and a bit mistery. 
reportRecommended by Shadake
Psychological suspense thrillers with similar themes and great art and both have a sense of mystery to the story. Vampire Knight is a Japanese shoujo though while Nobody Knows is a manhwa, the settings and such are pretty different and Nobody Knows is more psychological and more scary. They have art that is really good at setting the mood. Both stories are pretty complex and you have to read them carefully and then read parts again because of flashbacks etc, so they are more complex story wise than the average shoujo.  
reportRecommended by inzaratha
-Both invovles main heroine basically having reverse harem? -Both heroine has something about them that is mysterious, such as power or family. -Both heroine have their memories erased to protect them. If you like the story base on the Heroine and their power or family background mysterious you'll like these 2 Vampire knight is about vampires while Gakuen is about elementary school kids with powers. 
reportRecommended by Duckii
Vampire Knight and Aka no Haikyo are very similar. Both manga about vampire. Differences : VK (93 chapters) , AnH only 7 chapters 
reportRecommended by ChocoCosmos99
Both are based around spooky gothic themed stories especially on vampires and romance as well as also, lot of really nicely drawn characters and art too. 
reportRecommended by Disapeared_Ghost
The plots of these manga are quite different, but I can name some similarities. In both manga, the girl is the protagonist, surrounded by handsome/cute/pretty boys at a prestigious school. There are two types of students. One class would wear a white uniform (in VK, its the night class, in LCO its the music department), and the other class would wear a grey/black uniform (in VK its the day class, in LCO, its the general studies). Both are shoujo fiction (VK is vampires and LCO has fairies). 
reportRecommended by FishyWish13
Both stories are set in/around a school. They both have a touch of reverse harem. Both protagonists have some family issues and there is, of course, an overall complicated love story.. 
reportRecommended by Chaosmouse
Both series feature a school where vampires and humans go to school together to foster coexistence. Both series also set up a dynamic between the lead and primary love interest in which the vampire will only drink blood from the heroine. Said vampire is fully dedicated to protecting the heroine at any cost and the heroines of both series have special blood. In addition, the heroines both lost their family at a young age, we're raised alongside the male lead and the male leads received special training 
reportRecommended by KursedArcana
Angel Sanctuary & Vampire Knight A romance with mystery, supernatural and dark atmosphere which is familiar to each other. Both are fantastic mangas with deep characters and beautiful melancholia. 
reportRecommended by Salvina
- Both mangas focus around vampires - both mangas have an innocent looking female lead - both contain romance - both contain a deep plot that feel incredibly similar - both mangas have some sort of reverse harem elements - Both manga series give of a similar feeling one instantly remind you of the other 
reportRecommended by celumie
Both are vampire stories with casts full of pretty boys, but Vampire Library has more humor and action. 
reportRecommended by fanfictionlurker
This manga is about what happened during Kaname was in cold coffin and how is the Kaname's life after he woke up like a human. Is a gift for fans were expecting to know what happened Yukki and Zero. I recomended because is very nice and Ai and Ren are so cute. 
reportRecommended by JehBrandolf
These two mangas both tackle vampires who have to hide in society, plus romance. The main girls are also quite similar as they are naïve, but kind hearted and form deep relations with the vampires in the series. 
reportRecommended by mur_koshka
The 2 manga are quite different but when I read dengeki daisy it makes me remember how Kaname told Zero to protect Yuki just like Teru's brother told Kurosaki to take care of her and how they can't be together. Although VK has vampires and everything you kinda get the same feeling. If you like one of them you might like the other one  
reportRecommended by flakizs
A girl getting involved in a supernatural intrigue of vampires/dragons within a school  
reportRecommended by as3
Monsters at school, female leads who surpass expectations, love and of course a nice little twist. Plus both are just great. 
reportRecommended by as3
How should i say this with out confusing the rest of you? They are both people that wont to fight for the people they love. One wont to be loved by one person. The other wants to kill the one he once loved. But they both wont to make sure no harm comes to there loved ones.  
reportRecommended by shiayame
Both are set in a school which has day classes for humans and night classes for vampires/demons. They're totally different for mood and lenght, but in both we have: - The average, good-hearted female lead who also has a brother (Yuki/Niko) - The cold, serious, handsome vampire/demon boy (Zero/Ren) - A childish, long-haired school principal who's also the father of one of the protagonists (Kaien Cross/Chairman). 
reportRecommended by RenaPsychoKiller
In both there is an immortal being [in VK a Vampire/in SL a demon] that has known a girl since she was born [Yuuki/Xue] and a human guy that is a Vampire/Demon hunter very close to the girl. Similar Love triangle and characters: heroine is naive and optimistic, immortal guy is very handsome and powerful and had dark brown hair while the hunter guy is blonde and is obsessed with revenge. 
reportRecommended by Orulyon
Both are interesting vampire stories, though they are very different. 
reportRecommended by as3
The stories are very different, but these two have similarly-mysterious plots full of twist + humor + romance.... 
reportRecommended by as3
these are similar because they both include vampires in strange situations  
reportRecommended by animegirl321
These series are both very exiting. For the ones who like mysteries, then you just have to read it. 
reportRecommended by Dissapeared
Its all about the vampires, not as viloent as Hellsing but still its all about the F*cking Vampires!!!!! ( i sensored myself as to not knowing how cursing is tolerated) 
reportRecommended by Coss
Has the love triangle thing and the drama-filled pasts. Much better written (so far -- it's not complete yet), characters developed better and are more likable, much better illustrated. Read this instead.  
reportRecommended by tenshikagami
The intwining of vampires, action and adventure that results in the blossoming of a strong relationship between a young girl and her fated enemy. If you liked one I would recommend looking into the other.  
reportRecommended by nirasha
The Main charachters are really similar, the way that Isshiki and Zero are both really emotionless, have a dark past and they secretly love the main girl character; Hina and Yuuki respectively and that the other main character ; Nishizaki and Kaname, also harbour feelings for Hina and Yuuki, although the don't show it as obviously. And, Koshiba is so like Ichijo. I also think the Black/White thing of Penguin brothers is like the Night/Day class of Vampire knight. 
reportRecommended by zi_exe
Both about a vampire that falls in love with a human and is rivalled by another. Only instead of quasi-human Zero (vampre knight) that wants to be normal, there's a spunky werewolf that wants to be normal. 
reportRecommended by Amerowolf
Both of them somehow have the same feeling... Reserve harem, supernatural events, bishoujo and bishies, a special school etc. 
reportRecommended by Yohxq
Crimson Cross is very short compared to Vampire Knight. Carl, like Zero from VK, is an embittered vampire hunter who hunts vampires even after he was turned into one himself. The one who turned him makes a hobby of tormenting him. 
reportRecommended by IceAndCream
similar about vampire school and romance rosario+vampire is a harem ecchi comedy manga while vampire knight is a serious and dramatic  
reportRecommended by frozen_soul
Both are vampire romance series with beautiful artwork. The main characters are human girls who come into contact with childhood friends who happen to be vampires. Both series are published monthly. 
reportRecommended by Jaymie
Both are related to a vampire history ,both have as main protagonists a female and two males also the plot is similar,with hunters and vampires that break the rules in the human world,also both have a bit of romance (of course Vampire Knight more) in it. 
reportRecommended by myso12
this two manga was made the same artist (mmatsuri hino), both of them have that feeling what is going to happen each page. vampire knight is like zero and kaname is with yuki but romance and toramare no minoue has a sevent and a princess together with a spical love with it 
reportRecommended by yumemi_1
the stories of these mangas have no commons..but the girl in both of these mangas faces the same dilemma between 2 if u liked the romance in vampire knight u should try this manga too.. 
reportRecommended by Spirow
Vampire Knight & Barajou no Kiss both have a sub-focus in knight-esque bishounen and reverse harem. Where Barajou no Kiss has little to do with "vampires" (though the title of vampire does appear in regards to one character), it does focus heavily on supernatural elements.  
reportRecommended by andaplagueofnyx
Both are of the same genre- comedy, shoujo, romance, and a bit of fantasy. Vampire Knight deals with vampires, while Fruits Basket deals with the chinese zodiac (and people turning into their animal). Difference being is that VK has a lot more action, while FB has a lighter "slice of life" feeling. But both have a parts of tragedy to it as well. Another may be that VK is definitely a love triangle, whereas Fruits basket only appears as one. Similarities w/ the style-structure between the main three characters: The center of these mangas follow a strong heroine with a good friendship between the other two. One of  read more 
reportRecommended by HippieRox
This is probably the best recommendation I can make for Noblesse at the moment, but by no means is it the best recommendation I can make for Vampire Knight. To be blunt, Vampire Knight is a shoujo-Noblesse (and likewise, Noblesse is a shounen-Vampire Knight). Noblesse is like Vampire Knight taken to the extreme (without romance). Regardless, at the core of their stories, they're essentially the same. In both Noblesse and Vampire Knight, there are two central "factions" that are co-operating with each other, but seeking to overthrow each other at the same time. In Vampire Knight, this is the Hunter's Association and the Senior Council  read more 
reportRecommended by fadinglotus