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Jan 31, 9:08 PM
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Kuromi's Pretty Journey: Hacha Mecha! Multiverse Daidasshutsu!
Kuromi's Pretty Journey: Hacha Mecha! Multiverse Daidasshutsu!
Jan 30, 12:57 PM
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Kuromi's Pretty Journey
Kuromi's Pretty Journey
Jan 30, 12:54 PM
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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 9: The JoJoLands
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shino-chii Oct 9, 2021 3:56 AM
I never wanted to stop being your friend, idk what happened.
Hibbington Aug 7, 2019 2:13 PM
Greetings Melodux, I recently gave you an invite to a seasonal club called the Anime Guild.
But I do also like to interact with the people I'm looking to bring into the club.
The club consists of a lot of different seasonal activities from Power Rankings to OP/ED Comps to Seasonal Cards.
We also have an active Discord Server as well as annual events throughout the year ^.^.
*If the invite doesn't go through just message me about it*
What were your thoughts of the Siege episode of DanMachi S2?
PaladinAlchemist Dec 20, 2015 8:45 AM
Hey, just thought you'd want to know (you might already), but D. Gray Man anime is having a new season in 2016! :)
Lue Sep 29, 2015 3:29 AM

[code] Hello, dear members! Thanks for joining us! ~(=^・ω・^)ノ The club started having interviews and we'd like you to join us! We have all kinds of activities going on in the club, starting with fun games, chat and ending up with serious discussions without having to deal with the forums restrictions! Our skype group is big too, we'd love to have you aboard! 良い一日を!
Casual Discussion 2.0 Delivery team~
PaladinAlchemist Sep 21, 2015 7:10 AM
Kanda's strange because he basically got ignored for the first half of the series then vaulted to (arguably) the second most important protagonist quite rapidly. I know he's won 2/4 popularity polls and finished second in the other two, so that might have had something to do with it.

Wait, does that mean poor Lavi is stuck captured by the Noahs??? AH, that's not good. Though, I have seen lots of Lavi pictures on Hoshino's Instgram, so that chapter(s) might be coming up. I also read somewhere that she wanted to do Lavi's backstory, but felt like the main plot needed to get some stuff out of the way first. So it might be coming up soon :)

Favorite intro and outro is hard. I like FMA:B's 1st intro, Cowboy Bebop's intro, Monster's intro, Psycho Pass S1 2nd intro, Mushishi's S1 intro, Bleach's SiD intro, Black Butler's circus arc had a great intro and outro. Current new fav is Gangsta.'s intro. Outros, Mushishi S1 again, Madoka's, Gintama's 7th outro (it's basically a real of good looking shirtless Gintama men), and the Haruhi Suzumiya dancing outro. What about you? I personally love intros and outros :)
PaladinAlchemist Aug 25, 2015 7:10 AM
Bleach also had a fairly drastic change, but D. Gray Man's is one of the most significant changes. I think the art-style changes 3 times. There was the beginning, the middle, and current. And right around the Alma arc was a third change. I think Allen and Kanda have gone through the most changes and Lavi the least, but I haven't seen him in awhile and kinda miss him, and Lenalee too.

My iTunes have been overrun with Anime intros, outros, and soundtracks these days. Youtube is great for that. But MAL does have that information. I usually use MAL to find who did an intro/outro but else where for soundtrack track lists.
PaladinAlchemist Aug 19, 2015 6:49 AM
It is bizarre when you look at vol1 art and later volume artwork how the characters look so different, but still like themselves. It is almost like they matured. It's also pretty subtle, I couldn't exactly pin-point the moment they all changed (except Kanda. He shows up early then leaves for a while then comes back SUPER hot rather than mildly hot).

Yeah, I like knowing all of that information because I'm always hunting down the intro/outro songs and soundtracks for the stuff I watch, or trying to find other stuff by the same people. But I'll have to remember that AP is superior at currently watching if I ever get in the habit of watching that stuff over already finished ones.
PaladinAlchemist Aug 7, 2015 6:36 AM
I don't have an instragram, I just check it out every now and then. I've seen the new artstyle on Tumblr, but it's mostly edits with just faces. I think everyone keeps getting better looking, lol, but I don't know too much about the background stuff.

I started with MAL and just haven't used AP that much yet. I don't think it has a much information as MAL though. If it's not mainstream anime then the information available is pretty abysmal (even more so for manga), so I always end up here if I wanted to remember something about a character or check out a voice actor list or something like that. But I'm sure it does things better, especially with all the characters stuff and you can make lists too, which is cool.
PaladinAlchemist Aug 3, 2015 6:04 AM
I can only imagine! PSG is much simpler. I used to watch Power Puff Girls, but not in years.

I haven't seen the newest art style except for some pictures on Tumblr. I wonder if the backgrounds grew less detailed because of the pain in her hand. I can't say which style I like best, but I can say that the first style was not the best of the group :) It was good, but it looks bad compared to what I'm seeing now.

I update an Anime-Planet account every now and then. I mostly have it so I can like more than 10 characters. I don't think I got a badge for finishing Bleach, but I really think I should lol.
PaladinAlchemist Jul 31, 2015 6:40 AM
What does PSG stand for? Then I could tell you if I've seen it or not. I suppose breaking it up like that would help. I haven't watched any American cartoons except the Avatar shows in a long time, but I think I remember what you're talking about.

It does just get better and better. The artwork too. It's amazing how much it's improved over the years.

I read online where it cuts off. That's a pretty depressing place to cut things off because that's right before Kanda gets a lot of screen time. Sadly though, I'm one of those people that just can't skip anything. I even sat through all of the Bleach fillers. I think there should be a badge of honor for that. Some of them were great, but others were God-awful.
PaladinAlchemist Jul 27, 2015 8:39 AM
26 episodes is fairly impressive. On Friday and Saturday night, it's not uncommon for me to watch a handful of episodes, but I switch the shows around so I'm not sure how many it is in one sitting.

I think in most cases manga > anime, but I still think it's fun to watch the story get animated. Fillers drive me nuts for the most part, Bleach has a ton of bad filler episodes. Indulging is hard to avoid, but there's so many good manga to read. That said, D. Gray Man is one of my favorites. I just love the 4 main characters and the story line is really starting to pick up rather than just "akuma of the week," and I loved it when it was only that!
PaladinAlchemist Jul 20, 2015 8:07 AM
Is VN visual novel? Falling behind is pretty easy. Because of anime, I fell way behind in live action shows, so I'm currently just not watching them and I'll catch up once I feel like it.

Not sure my epic binge watching skills are something to be proud of :) But I don't do it too often, so it's all good. Though, I've heard some people can watch a whole show or season of a day. I get maybe a 12 episode anime, but how do you watch a 26 episode, 40 min long episode season in a day? That's beyond my skills.

D Gray Man is one of my favorites (and one of my favorites that I haven't seen the anime of so I don't know what happens next, making it extra exciting), and I have the "save the best for last" mentality, but it's getting super hard not to just read everything because I'm dying to know what happens next.

PaladinAlchemist Jul 13, 2015 6:32 AM
Haha, no problem about replies. I don't always have time for it either. It's also way easier to just update manga/anime than it is to write everyone back :)

I try to space out when I watch the next episode too, because you're right that not bing-watching adds more suspense.

I haven't caught up 100%. I'm reading tons of stuff right now, though D. Gray Man is one of my favorites and it's so tempting to just blow through it. That last thing I read was Kanda, Allen, and Link are dealing with some thief orphan and a level 4 akuma is attacking.
PaladinAlchemist Jul 7, 2015 5:51 AM
I feel like I'm trying to catch-up on the classics, the modern hits, and the currently airing stuff! But at least it's fun :) I like having a balance between it all.

I think the manga is coming back soon too. I love D. Gray Man more with every chapter I read.
shino-chii Jul 6, 2015 1:39 PM
Im sure they have, just gotta wait until a thread is out for it. Or make one lol
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