Ten Count
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Ten Count

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: 10 Count
Japanese: テンカウント
English: Ten Count
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 6
Chapters: 51
Status: Finished
Published: Jul 13, 2013 to Nov 14, 2017
Genres: Boys Love Boys Love, Drama Drama, Erotica Erotica
Serialization: Dear+
Authors: Takarai, Rihito (Story & Art)


Score: 7.861 (scored by 2672926,729 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: N/A2
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #294
Members: 58,560
Favorites: 2,619



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Preliminary Spoiler
Apr 16, 2015
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (19/51 chp)
This manga, even if it's not finished yet, has been a huge disappointment for me. I started reading it because Takarai Rihito's art style is beautiful and when I read the plot, I thought, "hey, this could be nice!" but since the very beginning, it wasn't what I was looking for.

My lowest scoring is for the characters. Both, Shirotani and Kurose are so flat and stereotyped that it's disgusting. Shirotani is the typical shy and insecure uke, and you can probably say that's because of his phobia, but I rather think it's the opposite – the mangaka seems to use his phobia to make him ...
Jun 23, 2014
Preliminary (13/51 chp)
Takarai Rihito-sensei is known for her beautiful art in various series especially Seven Days and eventually made her own manga, Hana Series (Hana no Mizo Shiru + Hana no Miyako de) and not only she make beautiful art but her story is absolutely lovely too.

Now she brought another unique and lovely piece, Ten Count.

Story: 9/10

The story is really interesting the first time I read it. A guy who has Mysophobia (fear of contamination and germs) met this other guy who coincidentally works at a psychiatry clinic and is now trying to cure his phobia.

Just thinking about their situation really makes me (super) curious on what ...
Nov 12, 2018
Let me start with a caveat. I read the reviews here first and then started reading Ten Count. So, I was initially not happy with the dominating seme and forcing...may be coercion is a better word for it...that is depicted in Ten Count. However, I couldn't get the story out of my mind. It really hits you in your heart. So, I wondered if I was missing something and I read it again.

And here's my opinion. A lot of the reviewers here focus on the BL trope and maybe they're sick of it. But in this story, I believe it truly was a part ...
Aug 6, 2019
My friend made me read this... Now, I'm gonna say - yaoi isn't my cup of tea. But it started really nice. I liked the concept!

Then it went downhill from there... The relationship between main characters could be so much better. Instead, the author just made a huge mess halfway through the story. Really. It started as really heartwarming and interesting story. Then it became porn
I really wish that characters would be more fleshed out too.. Shirotani is your typical uke, just blushing and being submissive. I really doubt a real person would act like he did. I really wish he'd stand his ground. Instead ...
Mar 13, 2015
Preliminary (18/51 chp)
I don't normally put up a review for yaoi manga unless they really strike a chord with me. At a mere 3 volumes, Ten Count is not normally a series I would review, however, something about it stands out from the crowd.

The manga is about the relationship between a mysophobic secretary, Shirotane (whose condition is so out of hand he can't ride on the train, eat in a restaurant or pick up something someone else has touched) and a child psychiatrist, Kurose. As someone who has struggled with a disorder, I found Shirotane to be represented really well - being both reluctant to change (there's ...
Jan 29, 2020
Mixed Feelings
Oh, Ten Count. I stumble on it in every second list, and seeing it always reminds me of my disappointment. It made me feel lost. Why build such an enticing premise only to dissolve it in stereotypes later? Truly, the thing that is the most violated in this manga is probably not uke’s ass, but the hope for good story built in the early chapters.

But first I’ll get over the art quick. You see the amazing covers? Elegant, clean, and enticing, these images indeed sell. But the manga itself isn’t like that. Sure, airy and emotional, its art has personality and shines in sex scenes. ...
Dec 3, 2014
Preliminary (Unknown/51 chp)
Ten Count is a really unique yaoi manga in my opinion. I have never seen a yaoi manga placed in this kind of setting before. Granted, maybe i have not read alot of yaoi manga, BUT, it truly surprised me.

STORY: 8/10
As i believe you read the summary, i will not elaborate much on its setting. Like ive said in the beginning, i have never seen a yaoi couple where one of them is Mysophobic. This is what makes this story so much different than from others. At first when i found out that Shirotani is mysophobic, i was like "wait. since most yaoi manga ...
Jun 14, 2016
Preliminary (Unknown/51 chp)
I started reading this manga because it's popular, the art is nice and the story seemed interesting, so I thought it was woth a shot. I was very dissappointed.

I guess whether you will enjoy this manga or not depends on what you're looking for in a yaoi comic. If you simply want well drawn porn and don't mind huge amounts of creepiness and borderline rape with stereotypical characters, fantastic, Ten Count is for you. If you want something more, though, run away from this as fast as you can.

For the record, I do enjoy porn without plot. I also like more serious stories. ...
Dec 3, 2018
Preliminary (20/51 chp)
Ok, good things out of the way first:

The art is pretty gorgeous, I'll give it that. The beginning had some nice vibes, and even though the characters didn't make it seem they were incredibly fleshed out (Looking at you Shirotani, one chapter he's indifferent the other he can't maintain eye contact without crumbling into a blushing mess.), the story seemed better than most. Shirotani's gripe with germs made the bland story catch a semblance of some type of conflict.

Unfortunately, this is where things turn worse.

There is a serious consent problem in yaoi manga, I know I know, it's to be expected but ...
Feb 19, 2016
Preliminary (Unknown/51 chp)
Takarai Rihito is well know for her delicate art and as a BL reader you can't avoid her work However, this title has almost nothing to do with her previous works, both in art and story.

If you are used to weird BL plots when they show horrible things like rape as a 'romantic situation', this may be something for you, but if you don't, please don't waste your time.

This manga is a bad representation of what having a TOC is and also a bad representation of what having a relationship is. If this story where a mature one or even a horror one, (since ...
Feb 9, 2018
I'm thinking I might pick this up again in the future when it's been completed because the art is just too beautiful, but I felt the story + characters were really lacking, especially after volume 2. I loved the first two volumes and was expecting that, if it continued the way it was going, it'd become a new favorite. But Kurose's behavior from volume 3 on really turned me off, and I felt that Shirotani was a really flat character that had far too many stereotypes.

But, like I said, the art was beautiful and I'm a sucker for that, so I might pick this up ...
Feb 27, 2021
Preliminary (12/51 chp)
I didn't ever plan on writing any reviews, but this manga disgusted me so thoroughly that I felt I needed to write one. I cannot recommend this to anyone, and I especially don't recommend it if you're LGBT and/or have any mental illnesses.

As a person who also has mental compulsions, I was interested in this because of the main character, Shirotani, despite the fact that I feel he's depicted somewhat stereotypically. It would have been nice to read a manga about a character with realistic OCD and their journey as they heal, but this turned out to be… not that. At best, it's fetishistic, and ...
Mar 2, 2021
Mixed Feelings
Ten Count is a great example of how to ruin a good idea with stereotypical yaoi stuff.
The topic discussed at the beginning is quite original, because it gives a field for showing off and developing the topic well, but well not in this life.
The first two volumes are quite neat, because we have psychological motives here, including work with a psychologist i.t.d. The subject is well developed and then it flies down at the speed of light. Yes, the typical yaoi pwp starts. Plot what plot? The next two volumes are typical bad yaoi porn, in which seme looks like he has no emotions ...
Aug 7, 2017
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (18/51 chp)
*sigh* This manga was a bit of disappointment for me. Honestly, BL isn't really my cup of tea, but as a queer person I sometimes try to venture out and after receiving a recommendation from a friend I decided to give it a try. I read 18 chapters (3 volumes) in one night, because the first volume got me hooked. I liked the premise, I liked the main character, and I saw a lot of potential there to write an interesting character development centric story. The pretty art certainly also helped. The love interest seemed like a nice enough guy, considerate too.
But alas, by ...
Jan 10, 2017
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (37/51 chp)
This manga has gone from an absolute 10 to and absolute nightmare.

It starts off great, with a unique plot and is nothing like the typical BL manga's I've read so far. But what started out as a cute but still heavy plotline quickly spiralled into the typical and romanticized abusive relationship.

Kurose seems like a stable and helpful guy at first, but due to his backstory, turns out to be damaged as well, using manipulative ways to force Shirotani into having intercourse with him; which is interesting, don't get me wrong. That is not what is turning me off.

My biggest irritation is that the ...
May 27, 2023
I almost dropped it before the 10th chapter because I thought it was your typical BL story with the crying uke and the dominant seme. Nothing against it, but to be honest I just find it boring most of times (maybe I'm too old for that...). But then I made myself read the rest of it, since it's a short story, and now I don't regret finishing it. In fact, I love how it ended.

I think that in this particular story the dubious consent worked for the plot. It makes sense for Shirotani to feel divided between the urge to not be touched and the ...
Jul 2, 2018
I have to say that I did not dislike the manga, but it’s not exactly my personal choice of storyline. On the other hand though, I almost immediately developed a liking for the two main characters. Especially what drawer me into the storyline, is the fact that both Shirotani and Kurose, have such opposite characters, and I believe that’s what makes it great. Regardless of the fact that, it has a few sexual scenes, it does not heavily base it on that, instead it really focuses on the character development, and how Shirotani and Kurose develop their relationship. It’s just a bit of a shame, ...
Feb 25, 2015
Preliminary (18/51 chp)
Well, I started reading Ten Count because it was a new work of Takarai Rihito and I'm a big fan of her, but i got a little... surprised.

For me, it is really interesting story. I'm not really used to read mangas with doctor/patient, so I already found it something different and cool. And when I discovered that Shirotani was mysophobic I got really... happy at all. Not because of that, but of the author doing a story of something not usual. So, for me, the story is great.

As always, her art is amazing. It's clear and calm. You get calm just looking at ...
Jun 29, 2017
Preliminary (41/51 chp)
You’re a fujoshi/fudanshi? You should look at this one.
You prefer a love story with slow pace? You’re gonna like this one, perhaps.

I just started read this manga yesterday and now I'm finish read ch 41 and I'm just like "wait...where’s next chapter? Argghhhh….I need next chapter!” So, yeah…I think this is one of the best yaoi manga I’ve ever read.

Story: 8/10
Actually this isn’t the first time I’ve read manga about OCD, so I’m not gonna say this manga is unique or something but this is the first time I’ve read yaoi manga with slow pace. I mean…how can be they have first real sex ...
Feb 3, 2015
Preliminary (10/51 chp)
Shirotani Tadaomi was your regular young man, with a loving heart and fit body although drinking tea and eating takes up 80% of his life. This young man, does however have an yet uncureable sickness known as Mysophobia, fear for bacteria and unpleasant microscopic beings. This hinders our loved boy's freetime and adaptment to the city.
After many twisted turns of fate, he finds himself facing a doctor known as Kurose, whom belives he may cure his fear. With step-for-step-progress, everything goes well, and a close relation is building within our heroes. However, sometimes you need to take the hard way to cure things, in which ...