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Jun 30, 2021
I'm tired man,
I'm tired of using 14 year old girls as an excuse to make light of serious topics such as depression, sexual assault and suicide. You just want your edgy anime to be as deep as can be without actually putting any of the work and sensitivity needed to handle these themes.
Delving into the psychology of middle school girls isn't a bad topic in of itself. We have seen it time and time again, it's a place where a lot of mental stability can unleash, how innocence can be broken, coming of age and whatnot, I completely understand its appeal. But when three of
these 14 year old girls want to have sex with men much older than them, it just falls flat.
We went from a story told from the perspective of young women, to wish fullfilment fantasies narrated by a guy who really wants a devoted daughter that sucks his dick. I can't be the only one seeing the irony of this, how women are scared of coming of age, the rape stories, how adult love is seen as "dirty" while including the aftermentioned plot points.
I'm not even surprised. I even gave it a whole whoppping 5 because of the pretty art and character designs. But I'm tired.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Dec 22, 2020
For a manhwa called familyman there really is not much family connections at all, and the story suffers because of it.
We are thrown into the thick of a problem, without prior knowledge of how this family functions or operates, and as the plot progresses it doesn't deepen this aspect at all. And you need this if you want to make a heartfelt story involving a family, you need to understand why you are supposed to care.
The tone shifts throw you in for a loop, ranging from very shallow comedy, filled with butt jokes to action moments to dramatic scenes. I am all for diversity
in tone but it is done so abruptly and without any buildup that you just get whiplash.
At times it feels you have accidentally skipped pages with how the pacing goes, it's as if the author does not know where to take this and is just throwing all the stuff they can think of to the wall. Which ties into my main gripe I have with the story: the absolute absurd amount of melodrama piled onto every chapter.
Like, dude, we get it. We truly do get it. This is a sad situation. You do not need to go through these ridiculous stretches to make it seem as if your comic has a heart.
I honest to god had to walk away in the last chapters because of how damn hard the author tried to make the audience feel a smidge of sympathy for this family.
It is a short read, so it's got that going for it. The art is nice too. But considering the brusque tone shifts, the lackluster plot filled with disasters waiting to happen and the weird pacing, I wouldn't recommend this with good faith to anyone.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Oct 21, 2020
Why do you shoot yourself in the foot time and time again, anime? Can't you just give me a gorgeous looking anime with stellar animation, two quirky cute main characters, and NOT sexualize it 24/7?
Flip flappers is a work of art at times, with wondrous ideas that gain life by mastefully animating these moments. It is honestly a joy to see so much creativity presented on screen, and the story, alhough predictable and kind of bare bones, is still interesting enough.
But let's go down to the meat of my issue with the show: the constant fan service of the clearly underage girls that just
makes the enjoyment from the beginning take a swan dive off the roof. It is really not necessary to plague your beautiful show with cameltoes and tentacle fetishes galore. Not kidding when I say there was at least one tentacle scene in each episode to the point you could make a drinking game out of it. They completely take you out of the story and make you just question who in the directing team has such pent up sexual arousal to be cramming all kinds of kinks throughout the duration of the show.
Have I mentioned the fact these girls are very much underage? Still in middle school and no shame in stripping them down to their panties (if that) whenever the writers have an occasion. Kind of revolting man.
And it is truly a shame because apart from that, flip flappers is a tight show, with most of the episodes showing the main characters going in a fun, little adventure that can range from cute to incredibly creative. As the show winds down to the end, some kind of plot arises and its good enough to mantain interest even though I felt it came out of nowhere and was not properly integrated.
Special shoutout to the ending song because it is absolutely adorable and has a jingle that will stick inside your head for a long time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Sep 18, 2020
I was one of the people pointing fingers and mocking these LN adaptations about boys getting kicked into fantasy settings filled with gorgeous women wanting to get a piece of them.
What a fool.
"Who made me a princess" begins in the cutest way imaginable: a woman gets reincarnated as a baby princess that is destined to die throughout a classic fantasy story. Baby is determined for that not to happen, and decides to be the most adorable creature imaginable to avoid that fate.
If you get tired of heart squeezing toddler hijinks (and I never was, mind you, but IF you are), time passes and various different
"love interests" begin to pop up as the child turns into a young woman and the actual story starts to take place. It consists mostly of trying to keep her alive while not completely rewriting the story, although there are many hints as the plot progresses that not everything is as it seems.
The art is absolutely stunning, every page filled with a gorgeous array of vibrant colours, and even if the character designs fall into same-face-syndrome at times, the amount of detail and care that are put in each drawing completely make up for it. An utter joy to see the various dresses and hairdos our main character changes into, dumb point, but I honestly looked forward to them.
And the characters themselves (shoutout to our main princess) are precious.
The way people change throughout the manhwa is heart wrenching, from cold bastards to hot bastards ;)
All winks and nudges aside, the relationship between characters can be exceptionally sweet and can (sometimes) progress in an adequate measure of time, especially taking into account the years some of them pass together.
A complete guilty pleasure for me, it just gives me everything I wanted from an isekai. Like, haven't you ever wish to be able to redo your whole life again, knowing what you know now? AND be rich and cute? I dont even know what else you want man.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 17, 2020
Shisunki Bitter Change is a pleasant surprise. The basic premise deals with an uptight little girl finding herself in an uruly little boys body and vice versa. The change is not easily reverted and they are stuck dealing with this problem as they continue growing up.
Gender swaps are not unusal in certain anime or manga and they are normally filled with comedic jokes and gags; however, Shisunki takes this concept a step further by actually entertaining us with the notion of what really would happen if faced with this dilemma.
That doesnt mean the series is devoid of any comedy regarding its situation, there is, but
used in a restrained fashion and allowing other aspects of the situation to take more of a spotlight.
The characters are simple, but easy to empathise and root for. The art not so much, it was at times difficult to deal with the crude designs especially after seeing the cover art and thinking the style was going to be much sharper than it actually was.
It is an enyojable time. In all honesty I do enjoy these types of stories if handled well and I am pleased to say Shishunki handles it much better than most.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 29, 2020
You know what you're getting when you go watching this, and its absolutely not at all apologetic about the whole ordeal.
The first half of the show is incredibly entertaining I won't lie. There are tits everywhere just bouncing around with guns and blood to spice things up. An eyecandy slideshow that is delightful to not think about too much and just enjoy the view.
Problem is, halfway through its runtime, the show scrambles to have a smidge of character development and story and it's just too late honey. You made your bed now lie in it. If you wanted to be a mindless ecchi (bordering on
hentai at times) with zombies on the backdrop do so, but do not expect me to sit through your fabricated conflict that is resolved in seconds because it is frankly pathetic.
Highschool of the dead is a 13 year olds fantasy and if that's your thing no shame. At the beggining it was very much my own thing and cheered as the absurd action and fanservice grew dumber and dumber. It was enjoyable, but again, do not make me try and take this show seriously.
Pandering may be good but it is pandering at the end of the day and you can't expect nothing more.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Apr 25, 2020
Do you feel like no one likes you? Do you try and cover it up by saying things like "I dont care what others think" and other classics like "Everyone is fake but me" while still secretly hoping for a gf to stumble onto your lap?
Well do I have the anime for you!
Join our blatant self insert character filled with wonderful personality quirks such as not talking and staring blankly with no expression as he discovers love by the only way a person like so would, with an incredbly pushy person throwing yourself at you.
Marvel at his denseness as the love interest practically begs
for him to make a move already and carries their whole friendship on her shoulders because he is just that special.
If you've seen any kind of pixie dream girl story thats basically it, she lives for the expressed purpose of bettering the main character by making him see life is meant to be enjoyed instead of brooding 24/7 in the distance.
The premise is such: girl will die soon because of pancrea failure and wants to enjoy her last days with someone emotionally stunted enough to not react by this fact. And boy does she find that.
Pacing is fine, and the ending is nice enough (ignoring the scene after credits, damn they really had the gall to do that huh) with the guy learning somethings along the way.
Art is not something to write home about, better than average tv series but nowhere near the quality some anime films deliver. The designs are very normal but I get they were trying to go for realism.
It's a movie so it will always be quick to watch, so theres that, you're not wasting your time with this. It isn't memorable but hey, it's a pandering movie so if you want some of that, no judgment and enjoy it!
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Mar 19, 2020
A girl cradles an egg.
She carefully puts her ear on it and is in awe of the themes and symbolism this show carries. "I can understand it" she whispers.
A man looks down on the child with pity.
"That's not real understanding. It's the illusion of it to look smarter."
The girl denies, clutching the egg even tighter.
I'm breaking the egg and facing the reality of not getting this OVA.
I really wish I could. I absolutely adore the art, the imagery, the creepy setting, the eerie music, the state of mind it leaves you in. All stellar.
But when you are watching a shot of a window for 10 full seconds and nervously moving your mouse to see how much of the film you need to slog through, it's just not enjoyable. My mind wandered off more often than not as shots with no consequence seemed to go on for what seemed forever. The nearly non-existent dialogue wasn't a deal breaker, but with how little was happening on screen, I had very little to grasp to keep myself entertained.
Angel’s egg is a work of art, with clever themes and symbolism in it. After finishing it, I devoured many essays dissecting it all and was impressed by what was being communicating on screen without me even knowing. And that's exactly the problem. I didn't realise many of them.
Maybe this problem relies solely on me. Maybe 3 am wasn't the best time to sit and watch this story, when my mind was already drowsy with sleep and hoping to end the day soon. Maybe I'm just not smart enough for it. Whatever the cause, if you need to look up explanations after a film is over to truly enjoy it, I can't with a good conscience clutch that egg more and put this show a higher score.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Mar 6, 2020
So you begin this anime, watch the op and instantly get pumped. Jazz music, stop motion, an interesting romance with conflicting dynamics, you are IN.
What a shame the excitement fizzles out completely as the first episode comes to an end.
There are three themes at the beginning: a discrimination problem present in the show that takes place between carnivorous and herbivores, a love story between said groups, and a mystery story involving a killer on the loose. That's all well and fine, there could have been really fascinating ways the show could have taken any of these themes honestly.
Problem is, they kinda forget about it
until the last few episodes where everything is just rushed, absolutely nothing feels like it was built up and conclusions arise with no logical path to end that way.
I actually enjoy the characters for the most part. Legosi and Haru have refreshing personalities, with him being more soft spoken but kind hearted and Haru using her sex appeal as a way of getting better footing in that society, and being so cynical and aware of what is going on around her. Unfortunately; even though theoretically I can understand they would be a great couple, the show just doesn't give them enough time to interact for romance, or even friendship, to blossom. Not knowing the name of your supposedly love interest for two thirds of the show and then risking your life for her in the end is just ridiculous. You need proper pacing and development for this kind of love to arise.
Others characters are very hard to swallow, special mention to Rouie because I could not bring myself to care about anything the minute he pops in.
The show doesn't drag on as much as it could have, and the art and music was pretty good with some nice 3d animation and jazzy tunes. It just didn't do anything ground-breaking and disappointed more than it succeeded in my opinion.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 5, 2020
I understand slice of life shows means you're getting a slow, slow anime with not much, if anything, of a story to offer.
I understand.
This though? Please, some substance would be nice.
It's pretty, I'll give it that. It can be soothing and sometimes, very few of the times mind you, but sometimes you do find yourself in the state of mind the film was planning to achieve. A bit in awe of how time passes, how each person lived their lifes how they saw fit and how it'll all disappear and be forgotten as new people and stories are brought to life.
Unfortunately I mostly spent this
movie being bored out of my mind, and the modern architecture the house offered wasn't enough to make it go away.
Could this be my fault because I'm just not receptive to these kind of genres? For sure, I could wave it off as so, but I do think it truly did fall flat.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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