Mahou Shoujo of the End is a pretty terrible manga. It's about a kid who's having a really bad day. First, he sees one of his teachers get his head blown off. That's pretty bad. Then just about everybody else gets killed, too. Even worse, they get killed by a walking, talking doll. I don't know about you, but that's not a very cool way to die. Anyway, after that a whole bunch of people turn into zombies and this guy's day just goes downhill from there. I don't know. Like I said, it's pretty terrible.
The manga itself isn't anything too special. The plot isn't
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Mahou Shoujo OTE, Magical Girl of the End Japanese: 魔法少女・オブ・ジ・エンド More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 16
Chapters: 64
Status: Finished
Published: Jun 12, 2012 to Aug 12, 2017
Bessatsu Shounen Champion Authors:
Satou, Kentarou (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #129872 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #452
Members: 41,326
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Your Feelings Categories Dec 7, 2012
Mahou Shoujo of the End! is a story about Kogami Kii who finds himself caught up in a strange kind of zombie apocalypse. Although nothing special happens in his life, one day he looks out the window and everything changes from there.
Mahou Shoujo of the End! probably took some ideas from High school of the dead and Deadman wonderland in a sense but it's more thrilling and will leave you on the edge of your seat everytime wondering how they are going to survive. Overall, it's an enjoyable manga that I recommend you to read. If you enjoyed High school of the dead or Deadman wonderland ... Mar 22, 2018
Read 20ish to 25ish chapters and the story changes from a edgy manga to one that has alternate universes, time travel, and a lot of memorable moments. Read another 10ish chapters and you get another storyline for the price of one, then they fuse together like what's not to love about this manga.
The Art style is good but what do you expect ? Though i had wish that one of the characters went with a different character. It's very enjoyable once you get past the gore and I'm running out of ideas yay. Like i said this one of those manga where you have to ... Apr 22, 2015
MSotE is an apocalypse/pandemonium type manga...and it does that really well. An issue in a virtually all action manga (including other similar types) is that one often does not get a true sense of danger/pandemonium. Why? Because you know the characters are being protected by the plot.
It doesn't matter how much danger, chaos, and general killings are happening all around, you know nothing will happen to the main characters, so you never need to wonder if any of them will die next. Because, in most cases, absolutely none of them will die at all. MSotE throws that out the window. From start to finish, characters are ... Nov 4, 2020
i Really enjoyed Magical Girl Apocalypse and i recomended to everyone to read it, the story is amazing and very fun to read, the caracters is also amazing every single character have a different story and its very fun to read, the art is amazing there is a lot of details and a lot of effects that the creator added to the manga to make it perfect. really recomended for everyone who like a brutal manga and things like that, in the manga there is a 64 chapters and 2 seasons and its 16 volumes.
Story:10 Art:10 Charaters:10 Enjoyment:10 Overall:10 Jun 1, 2020
I honestly have no idea why I read this entire manga. I suppose I got sucked into the initial premise, which was interesting, and then by the time I was fairly invested in it, it started to really grate on my nerves and I finished it out of spite.
The premise of killer lolita/magical girl robots (?) was interesting, I must admit. The gore was very over-the-top, so if you have a weak stomach, I wouldn't recommend this manga. The story starts off leading you to believe it will revolve around the survival of the characters during the Magical Girl Apocalypse, but it actually gets ... Mar 27, 2014
This manga isn't for those who have weak stomaches, or for those who like long epic battle scenes.
Story:9 I found the concept of this to be extremly intriguing. Magical girls killing making their victims zombie slave things. Since this manga is still going on I can't go into much detail, but I hope they explain everything that happens, and how/why it does. A lot of people dislike that people try to rape other's, or make insults against women. Honestly I know people who in situation would probably do that, and even so I don't think that that's worth this manga being considered bad. Art:6 I like how every character ... Aug 3, 2013
Art: The artwork is fine, it's clean and modern-looking. Designs are uninspired. Action scenes are confusing because they are often drawn unclearly.
Plot: The story is too hopeless. It's hard to care when the deck is stacked so completely against the protagonists. It's too dark and the events are paced poorly. The female characters are constantly in danger of being raped. It's disgusting. Characters: Fairly boring, stock stereotypes. The women are fetish vessels. The men are either rapists or asexual presences. Our Male Protagonist (TM) is your typical, boring audience surrogate. Overall:And yet, despite all of this, I marathoned this manga and had a good time. ... Jan 20, 2019
Let me sum this up simply, it was like the author started off with using shock to get people in and then after around 20 chapters, all the actual plot and character development and twists spilled out of the jar. And that jar was pretty big.
This went from some weird, crazy ass shit, gore filled shitfest to a genuinely good manga with a very proper and memorable plot. Past that gore and just god knows what that other magical stuff is in the first 5 or so chapters, it starts to properly develop into a manga that plenty of good twists, a tint of ... Dec 26, 2015
I'll be honest. Many years ago I found this manga when it nearly has four chapters translated. My tastes were pretty bad by then, but even so I rated this manga as shit. Why? I'm about to explain that...
Story: 2 Even if the concept of a zombie apocalypse is new, the originality becomes questionable when the first chapters are a copy/paste from Highschool of the Dead. Seriously, even the way in which the protagonist discovers the apocalypse is exactly the same. Aside from that, the story is a mess for many reasons. First, is full of plot holes. For example, in the beginning people who are killed by ... Feb 26, 2015
So, I picked this up from Chapters because the title and description. The premise is pretty original but the writing is where this story falls apart for me. You can make a series that's pretty much copy and paste from the last series in that genre, at least premise wise. But if you have a good grasp on character development and plot progression and give a small twist of originality and voice you can have something that's written well. You don't have to be completely original to be a good writer. So where as this series has a good amount of originality to it, as
Dec 10, 2014
This manga is interesting, but not without its flaws.
Story: 6.5 It's a mix of the zombie and dark magical girl tropes, but has some nice redeeming qualities. Unlike a lot of zombie/disaster stories, the characters often survive because of their wits and good planning rather than dumb luck, which is refreshing. The story becomes more intriguing as it progresses and takes some interesting and unexpected turns. The trials and mysteries the characters face become increasingly engrossing the more you read. Also, the pacing is pretty on-point. Characters: 6.5 The main character, Kogami, is pretty bland. In fact, he's the only character among the main cast whose name I ... May 4, 2020
tl;dr: A manga that’s a really good zombie manga, but goes off the rails when it tries to become something else about a third of the way through.
This manga is one that changes pretty much completely about a third of the way in. The first third is focused on a group of people doing their best to survive a very peculiar apocalypse while trying to uncover the mysteries of what is occurring. Due to how it involves magical girls, this involves having to be a bit more tactical than when just dealing with normal zombies which leads to a lot of interesting situations. This portion ... Sep 23, 2014
The story is so weird, it's great. I've read a lot of horror manga, and this is definitely a new, refreshing story. Magical girls (magical zombie girls), with cute magical girl-wands, who hunt you down and kill you, while chanting "magical ~ magical ~". Twists everywhere, and a lot of sudden deaths, those became pretty common in these kind of stories, but still, when you start liking the characters, those still get you every time. There are also even some really funny scene, and not not overly kitschy, but cute and romantic scenes. But yeah, all in all, don't read this if you don't like
Jul 29, 2019
If you’re a fan of gore than Mahou Shoujo of the End is the manga for you, which starts right from chapter 1. The story starts off as you would expect of an “apocalypse” manga and you don’t really get into the plot until chapter 10, from there the plot is pretty good until you reach chapter 21 from then on I found it at times confusing with all the crazy plot twists they were throwing in. It seemed like they couldn’t settle on one idea for this manga and instead just threw in a bunch of ideas and tried to work them in. I
Jan 31, 2020
I really didn’t know what I should to think about this manga after few first chapters. It started as typical Japanese horror comic, but genre was changed so many times so finally I can’t rate this manga as horror only.
First of all: story. It starts with sooo typical story line, with “boring school life”, average male main character, of course our student is useless like everyone, no only in normal life, but also when deadly magical girl come to school and start to kill everybody. Then bloody massacre is stared. One by one, every new character after few chapter die in silly way. If ... Jul 20, 2016
Mahou Shoujo of The End had me at the title itself.A dark approach to the usually happy and colorful magical girls got me interested. I was expecting something like Madoka, but its way more like High School of the Dead.
This manga is all about mystery, gore, unexpected twists and really unconventional characters. It also amazing the level of crazyness: the look of the mahou shoujos, their creative way of killing, how the characters develop...The comic relief always comes from the least expected person. The plot itself is also pretty confusing and has some plenty of (at least for me) "i totally didnt see this coming" ... Mar 7, 2017
Every time I read another volume of Magical Girl of the End I ask myself:
Why do I read this? Firstly the manga starts as a zombie like manga with the zombies being replaced by evil magical girls. Humans that got killed also act like your typical zombies would. In the first volumes there is only death and despair and splatter all around, so you definitely get on your horror splatter costs! Later on the plot actually progresses which is rare to see in any zombie manga! At one cetrain point the story gets kinda confusing so if you aren't up something that offers something a bit ... Jun 28, 2020
tl:dr 6/10, forgettable protag, deranged plot, bad women's anatomy, but somehow still pretty fun, and if you like gruesome deaths, this has plenty of that.
Spoiler free review So the art is very hit or miss in this. The way the artist draws women makes me think he hasn't seen a real woman in a long time. So be aware of that. The first half of this manga is pretty basic fare of run away from the thing that's gruesomely killing everyone, but once the plot gets going it gets... confusing and not always coherent, but enough to keep me entertained. Both the protagonist and antagonists ... Jul 17, 2024
manga que va de más a menos claramente. La premisa inicial es muy buena y los diseños de las mahou shoujo siniestras es muy original y resulta divertido esa mezcla con un género zombie-gore que le quedo muy bien. El problema es cuando se acaba el género supervivencia y deriva a un elemento fantástico resulta muy confuso y creo que el desarrollo se le notó demasiado improvisado y sin tener una idea clara de como concluirlo...
Aún con todo, me ha resultado divertido de leer y me lo he acabado. Pese a haber momentos con plot twist y alianzas absurdas si me dio curiosidad por donde ... |