Mar 4, 2025
Surviving Romance
This is one of the most unique webtoons I have ever read! The tonal shifts, the plot twists, and the way the story ends are unmatched. The art style is very pretty and it fits the story as well as makes you feel things during the emotional parts, it’s also hilarious during the funny parts. The best thing about this webtoon is also the characters and how much character development there is as well as the way their characters unfold, each character has a meaning as well as their own story without weighing the main story down, the friendships will have you crying! It’s definitely
Jul 29, 2019
Mahou Shoujo of the End
If you’re a fan of gore than Mahou Shoujo of the End is the manga for you, which starts right from chapter 1. The story starts off as you would expect of an “apocalypse” manga and you don’t really get into the plot until chapter 10, from there the plot is pretty good until you reach chapter 21 from then on I found it at times confusing with all the crazy plot twists they were throwing in. It seemed like they couldn’t settle on one idea for this manga and instead just threw in a bunch of ideas and tried to work them in. I