Kyou no Kira-kun
Kira-kun Today
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Kyou no Kira-kun

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Today's Kira-kun
Japanese: きょうのキラ君
English: Kira-kun Today
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 9
Chapters: 36
Status: Finished
Published: Sep 13, 2011 to Aug 11, 2014
Genres: Drama Drama, Romance Romance
Theme: School School
Demographic: Shoujo Shoujo
Serialization: Bessatsu Friend
Authors: Mikimoto, Rin (Story & Art)


Score: 7.851 (scored by 1118211,182 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #11632
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #639
Members: 29,919
Favorites: 431

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Preliminary Spoiler
May 17, 2014
Preliminary (16/36 chp)
One word that could sum up Kyou no Kira-kun for me is... bittersweet.

Story: 8/10

I don't think the story is very common but it's not original either. I mean when you say very common shoujo, for me it's:

"Unpopular girl will fall in love with the most popular guy in school. Many things will happen like girl confessing to boy but will get rejected but in the end they will end up together... but another guy will appear."

Something like that. Well Kyou no Kira-kun still has the same theme of "unpopular girl" and "popular boy" but there's a catch. The boy is sick and has only a ...
Jul 18, 2019
I found this manga by chance while scrolling through the "Romance" tag on a manga site.

I just spent the past 2 hours reading the entire series.

I have been in tears now for 20 minutes.

The story appears rather simple: boy meets girl, boy has a fatal illness and will die within a year. Despite the seemingly plain premise, what the story does so well, is making you fall in love with the characters.

While every character starts out plain or stereotypical, the depth of every one of them is simply so encapturing. Not only do they keep you turning the page, but they also ...
Mar 14, 2013
Preliminary (9/36 chp)
"Its a promise.. 365 days before the blink of my eyes, ill keep staring at you"

The premise is fairly common, with the presence of manga's such as koizora, the theme of tragedy seems to reel in to both genders appealing to the readers sympathy.

The story starts off with a girl named Nino who is a shy girl who has a funky parrot who she likes talking too, and of course the main protagonist who is told he will die in less than a year.

The characters are fairly normal for a shoujo manga, there is nothing special about them. Apart from the fact ...
Dec 4, 2019
I honestly thought this manga would be your typical Shoujo manga (which I definitely do like) however this manga brought up so much more. The lead character is an introvert caused by a past trauma whose only friend is a bird. She befriends a boy in her class after finding out a very troubling secret about him. Under any other circumstances they would've probably never befriended each other.

The story is well-developed and the characters also develop throughout the story (especially the main character). What I also really love about this manga is that the author made the main male lead a crybaby. This is honestly ...
Oct 28, 2013
Preliminary (7/36 chp)
Like a previous reviewer has said the premise of the story is pretty common. The male assumed love interest has some sort of disease and knows he's going to die. Where this differs from other plot lines alike I think is the tone of the manga. The tone unlike others of the same kind of theme is a lot more light hearted. Obviously death and disease being the main theme its still slightly depressing but in a more bittersweet way than a pessimistic way.

One of the nicest things about the manga was the way in which the main characters are characterized. The protagonist is ...
Sep 26, 2021
This opinion might not be applicable to everyone, as I read from an explicitly disabled perspective, but:

Kyou no Kira-kun is a cute, average shoujo manga with a gripping premise and flawed execution. The art is cute, the main relationship dynamic is wholesome and enjoyable, and the call to action is novel and intriguing. At times it's a very powerful and emotional narrative about mortality and love, but usually it doesn't quite reach that level of impact.

I had a few minor hang ups: a arguably unnecessary student/adult relationship with an immoral school nurse, Rei's entire character, the direction of the ending. But I think the main ...
Mar 17, 2014
Preliminary (11/36 chp)
Cutest manga ever.

I feel like I wanna leave it at that but I wont.

Nino is a shy girl who befriends, or is befriended by, Kira who is told he's only been given 1 year to live. It's a story of he developing relationship between Nino and Kira and how the people around them interact and grow.

The art is stunning, Nino is like the cutest, sweetest person ever, Sensei her pet parrot is also an interesting addition making this an even more unique manga, Kira is a wild yet lonely boy with the nicest hair ever. And we're just seeing a new person being introduced called ...
Dec 5, 2020
So I first found out about this series from instagram. From there, I read the summary of the story and it honestly captured my attention. Before this, most of the series I read are only the type that makes your heart go "kya kya" or "doki doki" but with the premise of this story, I was honestly in it for the tears. When I read the first chapter, I remembered how tears quickly ran down from my eyes, and just with that chapter alone, I was already prepared to be hurt from this melodrama series.

Well, I will say this, Kyou no Kira-kun is probably one ...
Aug 18, 2021
It’s a typical shoujo in many ways but there are some different factors such as a parrot character and the fact that the mc has a year left. Nino is a barely noticable girl who sits in the corner of the classroom and has a bird on her shoulder. She doesn’t want to be involved with people and thinks having her bird, family is good enough. On the opposite end, Kira is a person who looks down on people and is a playboy, doesn’t care about her feelings at first, also is a crybaby. On the earlier chapters, it made me mad because of some ...
Oct 10, 2020
Mixed Feelings
A Mixed Bag.

Kira-Kun today is the story about an incredibly shy girl who always has a parrot on her shoulder and about a Boy who gets everyone's attention. Both share a secret which in turn sort of connects them. The FMC's secret is that the Parrot can talk and is actually somewhat mature. Whilst the Boy will die in 1 year. So now you have 2 people who share a secret and in turn both people changing each other due to this connection.

Now the FMC is the classic 0 friends, no social skills type heroine. Totally never been done before. Now as you'd expect she ...
Jun 2, 2023
First of all, i wasn't expecting this end. Truly, i wasn't.

This mangá called my attention by the title and cover, i thought it was really beautiful, and it was! I didn't read the synopsis, actually, so i just dived in the history expecting something cute. I was wrong and right at the same time. It IS a really cute history, the characters development are really good and intensive, especially from Nino and Yabe. I mean, Kira too, but those two was really good, but Nino and Yabe was even more than i thought.

Well, let's go to the specifics scores:

Art: 9.8/10
It's a really ...
May 12, 2020
How I find t this story? Very interested and funny way, I have profile on pinterest and if i finding manga pages I always saving and then if I will be able to find the tittle I always finding the good web to read it, This time happen exactly same way as with before with other stories I found it to read.
Sometime are short and might disappointing but I will getting to the point here.

I have high intentions from each stories I read, ale also it is same about the art and of course the characters.
So about art at first point, ...
Nov 26, 2020
If you're looking for a sweet heartwarming manga, this is it. It follows traditional shoujo tropes. With the high school bad boy falling for the sweet and shy girl. It does take on a little of a darker twist, but overall it's a light hearted story. I would recommend this if you're looking to entertain yourself for the night, you can easily pull an allnighter and finish the nine volumes.The illustrations are super cute and pretty with the panels popping out of the screen.
There aren't a lot of characters and every single one is really well established.
It follows the story of Nino and Kira ...