As someone who watched the anime first, I found the manga to be equally entertaining.
The manga is much shorter than the anime, with each episode compressed into one chapter. However, this does not detract from the story much at all.
Personally, I found the manga art style better than the anime. The manga art style was very expressive and helped convey the characters' emotions beautifully. The witch labyrinths were not as effective as in the anime, but still very surreal.
Even if you haven't watched the anime, the manga is still a brilliant read. I would recommend that you read this now.
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika, Magical Girl Madoka Magica Japanese: 魔法少女まどか★マギカ More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 3
Chapters: 12
Status: Finished
Published: Feb 12, 2011 to May 30, 2011
None Statistics Ranked: #6322 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #447
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Filtered Results: 18 / 21
Your Feelings Categories Nov 15, 2012
Let me just start off by saying that I read this before watching the anime which isn't what a lot of people did (since the anime came first before the manga) so my heart lies with the manga rather than the anime (though I do love both)
There are some scenes (minor things, nothing too big) that were added into the manga that aren't in the anime that REALLY makes me wish that everyone would take the time to read this, even if they have already seen the anime. I think they just add this little touch that makes things so much more powerful, especially ... Jun 22, 2013
I am notorious for picking up manga, reading halfway, and then dropping them. Waiting a few months, maybe read a few more chapters, drop them again. I will have you know that Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica is the only manga I have ever read continuously without stopping. I honestly read all 12 chapters/3 volumes in one sitting.
Starting with the story, I found it extremely original. The idea of "magical girls" has obviously been done before, but never like this. A single wish puts these young girls at the heart of demise, struggling to fight the despair in the world in order to save others. Their powers ... Aug 21, 2011
I just saw there were any review, so I decided to make one. My English is not the best, but I do what I can.
So far, the story is the same from the anime. Maybe there's some differences in dialogs, but so far, it's the same. For me, I think that Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica is a "Chef-d'oeuvre", the story is well develloped, there's no plot hole, and it's really a fun read. The art is really good and cute, the witch and familiars too. In the anime, it was real picture, but in this, the drawing give them a cute but deadly look. The character ... May 13, 2013
Like the artist herself mentioned in a side note, the manga adaptation of the insanely popular Puella Magi Madoka Magika anime was kept on a tight leash. The entire anthology for the dense 13 episode anime is 3 volumes, and while the artist does a fantastic job with what she has, It feels like her page limit was working against her.
Overall, I wish I could give this adaptation a better rating, but it just feels very rushed. I wouldn't recommend reading it before watching the original anime. Sep 30, 2016
I really did not like this manga.
The first and foremost problem is that it’s difficult to read due to it seemingly being very disjointed. It jumps from scene to scene and explanation to explanation with little to no smooth transition making everything seem very abrupt. The same reading difficulty actually applies to much of the manga content itself. This manga does a piss-poor job of explaining the plot and circumstances. It does an even worse job with character development. Most of the time, it seem like the author is rushing through the manga at break-neck pace and decided to ignore explanation of details for a clearer ... Jun 22, 2014
This manga is the one of many mangas out there that I really like. First of al I want to said about the story. Madoka Magica has a complex but well told story. And the whole story itself is well built with an enormous ending that you can't expect with. The death, the twist and everything! Many things in here that you may never thinking about so it's hard to guess the story unless you had read all the series and that is what makes the story really good. And last, I love the originality of this series, since there were no mangas that had
Jan 5, 2021
*Please note that I'm reviewing the first series ONLY.*
This manga was a breath of fresh air that I can't even begin to describe. I heard a lot of odd things about this series, such as "Practically a horror manga" and "An extremely dark and depressing take on magical girls" and I was a bit worried at first. I couldn't find a definitive answer on what it felt like reading this, so let me sum it up. It isn't that bad. Yeah, some parts are dark and depressing, and there's a bit of gore, but it isn't that bad. Yes. This specific take on Magical Girls is ... Sep 22, 2021
Madoka Magica has to be one of the greatest pieces of fiction I ever read. Let alone the anime is outstanding. The dark atmosphere that we're given fits so perfectly , yet when you're confronted with what makes this story so dark you're still left speechless. The manga as well as the anime are pretty short with only 13 episodes in the anime and 3 manga volumes and an omnibus edition it still managed to have a perfect pacing. Evrything in this series is great: the art in both the anime and the manga even if they're different, the soundtrack that maked the atmosphere only
Dec 3, 2012
Madoka Magica is a fresh take on the magical girl genre and an unholy union of shoujo and horror.
Story/ Plot (8): The story is actually quite good. The plot is something creative, something that we've never really seen before. There are commonly utilized plot devices like character death and dreams, but the combination of this with the horror aspect of the witches and deception actually creates a really good manga recipe. Art (10): The art of this series is absolutely gorgeous. It's minimalisitic and well defined and it knows what it wants to be. It's shoujo to the max--little girls with round faces and huge ... Apr 19, 2017
I have already seen the anime beforehand, and I am not one to read manga. My perspective might be a bit biased because of that, but I feel like sticking to the anime is the best option.
The manga version still does a good job of feeling and looking like the actual anime, as the story remains relatively the same and the art style is not only perfectly replicating what the anime was stylized like, but in my opinion even outdoes the anime artistically. However, the manga is shorter than the anime, and the anime was already constrained to only 12 episodes total with almost every ... Mar 27, 2021
I think almost every weeb worth their salt has an opinion on Madoka so I hope mine is worth listening to.
Madoka Magica is a cultural touchstone for Otakus everywhere. It was many peoples first anime and it revolutionized the Magical Girl sub-genre, as it popularized the whole "magical girls but grimdark" trope that has become so common now. So why is it scored so average by me? Well its not without its issues. The art (especially action scenes) is difficult to follow, some characters (Mami) feel rather bland and clearly exist only to die. The plot is also rather poor and the ending veers into a textbook ... Apr 9, 2016
as of writing this review, i still have not watched the anime. i have read the manga first.
when i first picked up this manga, i thought it was going to have some sort of sailor-moon vibe ish, where magic girls are just going to fight off evil and it was going to be cliche, however it wasn't that at all, and that is why i really like this manga. there are so many plot twists in this manga it was ridiculous. i do have to say, i did have a bit of a hard time trying to understand the story, and even to this day of ... Jan 24, 2024
I liked reading this manga a lot. The anime is pretty much identical
Art: The art is really well drawn, a lot of the panels look very detailed and the art stays very consistent throughout. The character designs really shine through with the costumes that each magical girl wears. I think that a lot of thought was put into how each outfit looks and the costumes go well with the characters personality. Fight scenes: One con that I experienced in the book is that the fighting scenes can be a bit difficult to read. The panels are very chaotic so it takes a bit to read. Each ... Sep 25, 2021
I definitely enjoyed the anime more, but that's like 90% because of nostalgia lol
The manga felt like it had some extra breathing room for all the characters to grow a little more. It might not be that noticiable but I thought it was neat. However, a lot of Madoka's visual oomph was lost - which is why I prefer the anime. The surreality of a lot of scenes is lacking to say the least. This is especially noticable in the witch labyrinths. The art is by no means bad (quite the opposite) but I think - visuals wise - Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica works a little ... Jan 3, 2020
In the year 2011, an original magical girl anime called Puella Magi Madoka Magica aired on Japanese TV, but it was different from the typical happy, lighthearted, idealistic magical girl anime. This anime was a deliberate deconstruction of the genre, analyzing and examining it from a more critical, realistic, even dark angle. Most magical girl anime focused on young girls who encounter cute animals, transform into heroes, and fight evil. Surprisingly, it was very well received on both sides of the Pacific for its new take on the genre, though it wasn't the first to really do so. The anime came first, but it was
Dec 21, 2020
I tried to get into this manga because I had friends who liked it when I was in high school. I personally don't think I should have bothered. What I read was a boring story with predictable tropes and dismal artwork. I understand it's based off the anime, but the artist definitely took some liberties. Flipped ahead to the end, and was not surprised at all. I also feel like the characters are boring, especially Madoka. She was insufferable. I'm sure teens might like it, but it's just too bland for my taste. As I get older, more of the childish stuff is just not
Mar 31, 2021
The anime of Madoka Magica has a great story with compelling characters and engrossing plot twists that the manga of course adapts as best as it can. The art is fantastic, and the story is mostly the same—but I really think it could have benefited from more than 12 chapters. The whole thing feels really rushed, and if I hadn't watched the anime first, then some of the plot threads wouldn't really make sense. Nothing is really given room to breathe.
It's a great accompaniment, but I still recommend watching the anime first so that the narrative and the plot twists can have their maximum effect. |