What?!? Plot in To-Love-Ru? You're kidding me right? Adding decent story to arguably one of the finest ecchi harem mangas written is like adding hot fudge to an ice-cream sundae or adding bacon to a cheeseburger. Yep, it sounds that good.
To-Love-Ru is back! After an ambiguous end to the original series due to outside circumstances, I find it commendable that both Yabuki-sensei and Hasemi-sensei have he balls to pick up this series where they literally dropped it off in the summer of 2009. Based on the three chapters currently out, I feel that Yabuki-sensei and Hasemi-sensei are pouring much more time and effort
into this sequel. There are new characters, a new storyline, great art, and (I'm not kidding) potential PLOT!!!.
Before I begin, I realize that it is quite premature to write a review on a series with only three chapters published. Rather than reviewing the actual manga, consider this a review of the manga's potential, based on conjectures and projections from the three chapters published, the original series, and a little bit of optimism.
To-Love-Ru Darkness: 9/10
Original To-Love-Ru: 7/10
I begin with perhaps both the selling point of this new series as well as the most projection-based and questionable rating I will make in this review. I have absolutely no hard evidence that To-Love-Ru Darkness' story line is that good. All I know is that it seems to be much more existent than the storyline in the original work, which garners it a higher rating than the original. Based on foreshadowing made in the first three chapters, as well as the epicness of Yabuki-sensei's previous series Black Cat, I suspect there may be a fair bit more action, drama, and maybe even conspiracy theory than there was in the original To-Love-Ru. I also have the feeling that some of the orignal Black Cat cast might make an appearance here or there. At the first least I give the story a high-probability of being non-episodic. But even that is a huge step up from the original, plotless series, and I believe the inclusion of story could be the biggest change, the biggest improvement, and the biggest selling point of this new series.
Also, it seems like the main cast of the series has been swapped. We all know that La-La and Haruna both crush hard on Rito; now its time for some of the other characters to shine. It seems like the focus here is on this new girl named Mea, Momo, and Yami. Since Yami-chan has been a favorite character throughout the two Yabuki series she has appeared in, I find this fact a major plus. (In my loli-Yami-chan-loving heart, the story is 10+/10.)
One final thing about the story is that there seems to be a lot less comedy than there was in the orignal series. I don't find that a bad thing, which is why I overlooked it, but I am aware that this may actually turn off a lot of viewers, as the original series was mainly comedy.
To-Love-Ru Darkness: 10/10
Original To-Love-Ru: 9/10
Holy Shit Yabuki-sensei is a God. His skill at drawing has been improving steadily throughout both Black Cat and the original To-Love-Ru. Black Cat, being a tradition shounen-action manga, nurtured his ability to draw seamless and awesome action while To-Love-Ru gave him plenty of time to practice drawing naked bodies. Based on the conjectures I made about the story, I believe both skill sets will serve him well in this series. There hasn't been too much action to judge on, but the ecchi scenes were steamy. I mean...holy god...look at him squeeze those nipples...O.O. The ecchi and the ecchi humor has gone up a serious notch in my opinion, as there is less “KYAAH DON”T LOOK!” and more serious, serious seduction going on. On that note, Momo scares me shitless.
To-Love-Ru Darkness: 9/10
Original To-Love-Ru: 9/10
Once again, I don't have any foundation for this rating, which is why it received the same score as its predecessor. The same cast of colorful, some coercive, some kind, girls (I was tempted to use a different word to add to the alliteration) returns with their main and supporting roles switched. The older sister La-La has had her chance to shine; now its time for the voyeuristic, younger sister to take over and plot in the darkness. Although its not enough to warrant a bump in points, I feel that there is increased capacity for character development in To-Love-Ru Darkness than there was in the original series due to the (potential) presence of drama and plot.
To-Love-Ru Darkness: 10/10
Original To-Love-Ru: 8/10
Being the evil bastard I am, I enjoy the darker, more dramatic storyline of To-Love-Ru Darkness more than the light-hearted episodic comedy of the original series. As mentioned before, the ecchi scenes and the ecchi jokes have been notched up a level, and I would consider it at the level of seinen, aimed at older males. These girls are seriously trying to seduce Rito's pants off, and some of their methods are crazy hot and aggressive. Finally, since its a Yami-centered series, the enjoyment on my part has been boosted up a level. Now if only Yui were be a main gal as well.
Overall Rating:
To-Love-Ru Darkness: 9.5/10 mean
Original To-Love-Ru: 8.25/10 mean
I feel like To-Love-Ru Darkness has serious potential to outshine the original series. As the name implies, Rito's days will be much darker and steamier time than were in the original series. A suitable analogy for the relationship between To-Love-Ru and To-Love-Ru Darkness would be that of the first few chapters of Mahou Sensei Negima with its latest epic chapters and arcs.
I welcome questions, comments, criticisms and compliments whether you found this review helpful or not.
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Trouble: Darkness Japanese: To LOVEる -とらぶる- ダークネス More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 18
Chapters: 100
Status: Finished
Published: Oct 4, 2010 to Mar 4, 2017
Jump SQ. Statistics Ranked: #12982 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #342
Members: 50,838
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Filtered Results: 19 / 20
Your Feelings Categories Dec 7, 2010
What?!? Plot in To-Love-Ru? You're kidding me right? Adding decent story to arguably one of the finest ecchi harem mangas written is like adding hot fudge to an ice-cream sundae or adding bacon to a cheeseburger. Yep, it sounds that good.
To-Love-Ru is back! After an ambiguous end to the original series due to outside circumstances, I find it commendable that both Yabuki-sensei and Hasemi-sensei have he balls to pick up this series where they literally dropped it off in the summer of 2009. Based on the three chapters currently out, I feel that Yabuki-sensei and Hasemi-sensei are pouring much more time and effort ... Mar 4, 2017
I am finding myself with some rather mixed feelings after finally finishing this manga. The To LOVE-Ru franchise has now lasted over a decade, and for about half of that time it has been the flagship of the ecchi harem genre. You would think that such a famous, popular and lengthy series would at least be able to deliver a proper resolution upon finally concluding, but in this case not even 36 volumes was enough it seems, as for the second time in the series' history, we now find ourselves in desperate need of a continuation. The first time our prayers were answered when the
Nov 9, 2011
to love ru darkness is one of the most intresting mangas i have read.
it contains a bit of everything the storyline is the main thing, at times it can be funny just watching rito get into weird situations and momos desperate attempts of suducing him. you get really stuck into the manga when the storyline comes tense when some change of events happen and you get to see some change of heart with yami. it gets updated every month and this should be their 10th issue this month. Jan 28, 2015
Story: 8/10
Despite what Gintama may have you believe, To-Love Ru Darkness is without a doubt a legitimately interesting manga and its story keeps you invested, with good writing to keep you invested. Although this is a stuffed one that can't move forward, with several plotlines going on at the same time and individual chapters dealing only with one (it could probably use a decent trimming of at least some of them), what keeps me reading beyond the T&A is the emotional weight of the story. Unlike a lot of other harem and ecchi series, you are kept invested in what the characters are saying because ... Jan 20, 2019
welp i read this manga bcs i desperately want to know what continues after the anime and welp, i was hoping for more amazing "plot" but what i got was a bit unexpected..
since this series has not continued in a pretty long period, i was hoping for an ending at the end of the manga, what i got was a cliffhanger i guess. welp the author himself said that it's not the ending of to love-ru , which make my heart at ease. i really want to talk about all that have happened but since this is a review, i guess i cant. the series is amazing. ... Jul 21, 2014
To love ru darkness is the greatest harem anime in my opinion. the lack of story, the character development moving about as fast as a snail thats being set on fire, the fact that most characters are just exaggerated anime stereotypes, and the fact the creators push to the brim in each chapter to see how much vagina they can show before a tail or a hand needs to be drawn for censorship are one the main reasons why I love this manga.
Story: 4 Don't get me wrong here im a HUGE fan of this manga, but we are not here for the story. in fact, ... Mar 6, 2017
After 10+ years the story we all known and love and have grew up reading is now officially (Or what we believe is a definite end) ended. Hard to imagine that all good things must come to an end sometimes, and this series was no exception. However this story has left people with some kind of confused or mixed feeling. Due to of course it's sudden and open-ended ending. Rather a bare-bone and unsatisfying conclusion if anything. Not a good way to end a popular and long run series as To-love Ru. Almost feels like we were given a huge middle finger.
As many may hope ... Mar 19, 2022
En un sketch de Gintama (en alguno de sus enésimos episodios) Gintoki defendía como la existencia de To Love Ru por su valor en ser el manga que aún muestra pezones en la revista Shonen por emblema del país, y aunque sea parodia, tiene completamente la razón. En el décimo aniversario de la saga se publica To Love Ru Chronicle dónde diferentes autores realizaron sus propios homenajes a la saga y todos agradeciendo una y otra vez a Yabuki, y por último, cuándo creó su cuenta de Twitter el primer tweet llega a más de los 200 K me gusta y cada vez que publica ... Nov 26, 2017
** Not exactly sure why MAL says there's 100 chapters when there's only 77 **
Story (7/10) - Following the events of To LOVE-Ru, we see Rito continue to struggle with his daily life involving all the women in his life. Art (8/10) - They say all things age with time, this is true. It felt that the artistry in this story was slightly improved since the original. (Granted this was published over a year after TO LOVE-Ru ended) Character (8/10) - This franchise is very in-depth with character development, and is a joy to connect and watch them grow. Enjoyment (7/10) - Reading this was just ... Jan 22, 2024
To love Ru was a phenomenal manga, for it is own genre it made a revolution - ecchi manga with an enormous amount of fanservice, yet the series didn't forget about anything else - good characters, interesting stories, great art, when it ended, after some time To love Ru darkness came out - the best harem manga of all time, while also being one of the best manga ever. Let's talk about it.
It was my third time rereading the whole series again, this time all chapters were coloured and I was reading in Japanese. Recently I came to the conclusion that rereading anything is ... Dec 10, 2017
After finishing To Love Ru, I jumped into Darkness.
First of all, the ecchi here is a lot heavier then in the classic To Love Ru not only because the nipples are drawn, but also due to the events that happen (like Rito kissing Lala's "lower lips" multiple times during the manga) and you know what, I like it. I always felt that it's better to have no censor than to have things like hair censoring nipples or convinently placed object in front of X part. Anyway, that's one thing I think Darkness did better. Another thing was the story. The classic To Love Ru manga had ... Mar 27, 2017
(contains vague spoilers)
Okay where do I begin, my mind wants to say this first off. This manga had the worst type of harem ending open ended but imagine the worst open ended ending and multiple "bad" by 10. This manga has been a wonderful experience along with it being the continuation of To-love Ru this one offered the idea of a harem and I was really hoping to see the harem idea go through because the author really tried and made a great possible idea that would have left everyone happy other than harem hatters of course. Liked because -This manga had a idea implemented by ... Aug 24, 2018
The art is spectacular, and that's because of Kentaro Yabuki's years of experience with his own manga, Black Cat. Yabuki-sensei truly blessed the readers with fanservice of the heroines' voluptuous figures. While the fanservice might be a bit overbearing, it's just something the reader needs to become used to because it's something that repeats until the end of the manga.
The cast is the same as it was in the prequel of the manga with the addition of two new characters. Each character has their own archetype with some overlapping characteristic, . Each girl gets their own focus, so it's great for fans that differ ... Oct 24, 2023
tl;dr: An incredibly well made ecchi harem manga with a surprising amount of depth, though one that still doesn’t have a proper conclusion.
To Love-Ru Darkness is a direct sequel to To Love-Ru that picks up pretty much exactly where its predecessor left off. However, there are major differences between the two such that a change in title felt very much warranted. The first the most immediately obvious difference is that Darkness is much more explicit with its ecchi as compared to the original, and seeing as that was one of the core elements of the original it’s hard to see that as anything other than ... Aug 8, 2022
To LOVE-Ru was a very enjoyable series. Likeable protagonists such as the gleeful Lala, appreciable plot (when there was one), nice fan service from time to time.
And then came Darkness. Most of the likeable protagonists became secondary characters. The plot became unnecessarily serious. And as for the fan service, well, in a way... it completely disappeared as the series became softcore hentai. By the way, on a completely unrelated note, remember Lala ? Yes, the prequel's protagonist. A joyful maiden who's apparently in her 16. Wait, 16 ? Fan service ?... No it's okay, the fan service shouldn't matter since it's completely censored. Anyways, if you ... May 2, 2022
I really love Kentaro Yabuki's and Saki Hasemi's works. Also love the Manga Black Cat. It was my first.
Now lets go to the obvious: This Manga is a veeeeery good Harem. It is simple, yet the short stories and adventures are well developed for an Ecchi Manga. What I love is, that the girls seem like your stereotypical types, yet they have more depth and quirks under that stereotypical surface. AND they think for themselves and feel like genuine human beings, unlike 90% of girls in that genre. Also towards the end it gets more and more serious. The Manga actually turns into a romance, ... Nov 25, 2018
We all know that To LOVE-Ru Darkness is a sequel to To LOVE-Ru. After finally having the time to read this manga, I realized that the plot was having a downfall. Not the "plot" plot but the real plot, if you know what I mean. I'm gonna make review of this thoroughly since this is my first time making one.
Story: The story was... interesting, they could've actually made it better but it was getting nowhere. Rito, who is the main character of the story, is basically struggling to live his life filled with women. I mean, there's nothing really wrong with it, to be completely ... Dec 5, 2019
Before I begin, I'd like to say this series is leaps and bounds ahead of the original to love-ru series. There's a PLOT, which is nice lol, and character development. Anyways, I liked it. So lets get into it.
Story: The story was orignially an 8, but I dropped it down to a 7, because the ending was so abrupt and it never gave us closure as to what Rito ended up doing... Art: Great art. The artist is very talented at drawing the female body, it's quite impressive, and the ecchi shit is well done. I mean, it's a comedy ecchi. I'm happy it's done well ... Oct 10, 2019
To Love-Ru Darkness improves upon a lot of the things that were wrong in the original series, though that isn't too hard to do honestly.
Assuming you have already read the prequel, this manga is a continuation of the story, but it features something new and exciting: a plot. The first 2/3rds of it is focused more on the history behind Golden Darkness and her managing to change who she was fated to be. It was a great breath of fresh air for those coming off of the original series because it made it into a series you could kind of take seriously. The later third ... |