"One Punch Man meets Harry Potter".
You've got an indifferent OP protagonist (similar to Saitama or Mob) and a premise like Black Clover where the protagonist has no magic at all, but trains hard and uses brute muscle strength to outdo powerful magic. It is obvious that the author takes a lot of inspiration from Harry Potter, but a lot of the art and humor seems heavily inspired by ONE, and just like One Punch Man, it blurs the lines of being a gag manga and being a serious fantasy shounen.
If you're a big fan of OPM or Mob Psycho, I think you'll absolutely love Mashle.
Alternative TitlesJapanese: マッシュル-MASHLE- More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 18
Chapters: 162
Status: Finished
Published: Jan 27, 2020 to Jul 3, 2023
Shounen Jump (Weekly) Authors:
Koumoto, Hajime (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #22532 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #140
Members: 103,357
Favorites: 2,115 Available AtResources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 43 / 50
Your Feelings Categories Jul 2, 2020
Do not drop this manga after reading the first chapter~~!!! Don’t be like my past self!!!
Concerns: -The art style of this manga isn’t top tier like some others. -The beginning of the manga is boring. -Why should I keep on reading? If you have those thoughts in mind, you are just like my past self. Answers: -Indeed, the art isn’t top tier; however, the art will be a lot cleaner. -Yes. Art is important. But… the strongest suit of this manga is its creativity in the STORYLINE. Even though it does contain a lot of elements from other stories/manga style, the plot of the manga is hella unique since the plot ... Jun 7, 2020
At the moment of this review Mashle stands at 18 chapters, Mashle for me started out slow and seemingly like it would be axed but Mashle really picked up at Chapter 3 and has since been getting better and better with some of the best action and fights in recent Jump. The story follows Mash Vandead, a young teen with no magical powers of his own and is sent off to magic school to become a Divine Visionary. The series heavily mogs on Harry Potter which is personally really great for me as I'm not a fan of Potter at all. Mash himself is hilarious
Jul 2, 2023
The new hit anime starts up, and the manga ends. Worked for Demon Slayer, why not for Mashle?
As everyone has noted, it's Harry Potter with One-Punch Man as the main character, but while Saitama in that is shaped primarily by boredom, Mash is driven by absolute simple-minded goofery. He's an absolute dumbass in a way you see from Goku or Luffy, but multiplied by 3. If you can get behind that, then you'll have a lot of fun with Mashle. The art starts off a little rough, but the action scenes shine throughout with beautiful spreads of the incredible feats of power as Mash fights overpowered ... Sep 18, 2021
I really tried to give this a fair shot but it really falls flat. Mashle wants so hard to be One Punch Man but it doesn't have the creative character designs or the absurdity of One's writing.
On a positive note, I did laugh at a lot of the jokes. Even as the joke got old, there was a giant grin on my face. The problem comes from its place as a parody of the guy outside of the world's power system. It's one joke of a really dense guy who punches his way through weak wizards while eating cream puffs does eventually run dry. The ... May 25, 2020
As of writing this review, Mashle is still in it's very early infancy, so this is by no means a complete opinion, simply a work in progress.
I think so far this is an enjoyable manga, it's funny in a very One type of way, the main character being clearly inspired by the likes of Saitama and Mob, however, the depth of Mash as well as the other characters in the story feel a little flat to me, and definitely lack the nuance it takes to completely pull off a One Punch Man type manga. Mashle wears its influences very clearly on its sleeve, from the aforementioned ... Jan 30, 2021
Take the least interesting elements of OPM and plop them into a magical world (suspiciously like Harry Potter) and you get this.
In all seriousness, I'm only about 17 chapters in and I'm still hoping there's some sort of interesting factor for me to look forward to. It tries to be tongue-in-cheek/satirical about the Harry Potter world but it's mostly surface level. The biggest problem I have is with the main protagonist, Mash. If you're gonna write a jokey character like him, why should I care when things get serious? At least with Saitama, we get a lot of his inner thoughts and feelings. His motivation is ... Jun 5, 2021
Throws out any speck of consistence in favour of a cheap laugh...
It is basically the absurd humor, but with the author inserting 2D characters showing their amazed reactions which is a big bummer ,considering it is not too original. I mean if they didn't try to force the jokes on every scene it would be better, but they don't (all the chances of showing continuity and a slight development are ruined for an easy joke). Most of the jokes wouldn't even have sense if they just left the MC alone. And the "development" si just an excuse to create the next scene. It is just ... Jul 29, 2023
This manga is the first manga I have read weekly from beginning to the end and although I enjoy it, it isn't that great. I love the main character mashle thoroughly but the side characters definitely leave a lot to be desired. While the main side characters are pretty cool and I do get hyped for them when they battle I don't really care as much as I would with other series. I wouldn't say the plot is bland but it definitely isn't all that great. The plot is pretty straight forward which I like but it doesn't give the chance to really explore the
Aug 24, 2022
Much like most comparisons, it's Mob Psycho 100/One Punch Man in a fantasy world, focused on mostly comedy and at times, becomes more serious. The problem is that when it does become serious, it becomes a generic and boring manga.
Story: 4/10 The manga's story in itself isn't much of interest. It's the typical "defeat the big bad" kind of deal, and you'll see some parts that are intentionally and outright taken from popular media. Some are from pure laziness, while others are for comedic effect. Now, to the huge problems the manga faces, which only really happens later on. The story suddenly becomes more down-to-earth and serious, ... Mar 19, 2021
While it does have a neat concept going for it, it has a lot of problems that hold it back pretty bad for me.
The characters don't feel like they have much depth, feeling like they exist as a small handful of character traits and not much else. It's very reliant on tropes and running gags for its humor, so it doesn't really stand out there either. And the worldbuilding is a little bit interesting with the way the big bads are being slowly established. But the manga also seems to contradict its own worldbuilding with saying how rare 2 line magic users are despite ... Dec 21, 2020
Mashle is a really fun series going on in shonen jump and it seems to be a jumble of fun different story elements. Think about if One Punch Man was mixed with the Harry Potter franchise and you have Mashle.
Story: 7 The story is basic but works quite well. Mash Vandead is a non magic user in a world of magic and yet, he has to attend a school for magic users using his enormous strength to get by. While there is much more to the story but thats the basic synopsis. This story helps create a lot of comedy similar to ... Nov 4, 2021
Currently not up to date with Mashle. Just my current opinions
Story:5/10 Starts as a 9 but then just becomes a Harry Potter knockoff. Art:7/10 Compared to some Manhua and other manga it isn't the best but it certainly is quite good Characters:6/10 The characters are very weird. The characters basically all have just 1 or 2 traits. ... Feb 7, 2021
This series has given me more enjoyment, more laughs, and more muscular development than any other series (it inspired me to lift weights instead of pursuing dark magic rituals with the guy that lives under my deck). Mashle is a gag manga that feels like the bastard, impossibly conceived child of harry potter and OPM; much like how the russians tried to combine apes with humans and failed, these two stories, on the surface, should never have combined. The idea, when you first consider it, seems like just a fleeting dream that you would have while hanging out with friends; "What if harry potter and
Mar 12, 2024
In todays modern mainstream and even "not so well known" mangas and anime at that, this series just feels like a breath of fresh air.
It doesn't take itself too seriously and that's a lot of fun, because that's how you can see the creativity in the absurdity that mashle brings to the table. It doesn't try to be super long with complicated and oversaturated twists and turns, it takes you from point A to point B in a super fun way. Be it the character designs, be it the story arcs, be it the "out of nowhere" jokes, be it the power-system, be it the the ... Jul 5, 2023
I mean it literally is One-Punch Man in harry potter. The only difference is that the one punch man (mash burnstead here) is a total goofball instead of depressed. There-in lies the strength of Mashle, its comedy and over-the-top-ness.
GOOD BITS: It can be quite funny. You'll find out if the humour is for you in the first chapter, but I think for the most part it's quite funny. The other thing I previously mentioned is how over the top it is. Seemingly impossible situations are created yet are thwarted with incredible ease. Again, this might not be for everyone, but it works very well and ... Jul 20, 2020
MC is OP here, he's like Saitama from opm,
He's worked out so much, he's stronger than magic users. This manga is definitely humorous with bits of comedy here and there, it has slight romance where one girl likes the mc. It's got action nevertheless and quite good too. The manga is more of a comedy type but it's resemblance to Harry Potter is uncanny. It can be seen that this work has been inspired by HP. But still the way he went from living an ordinary life in the countryside to defeating members of the police force and then joining a huge magic school is kinda interesting, you could ... Sep 20, 2021
It's not fair to compare this to One Punch Man OR Harry Potter. Mashle comes into its one very quickly and while it may have started righting the coattails of Harry Potter it's far away from that now.
I have made a few different points on why the manga is good and why it's not so good in my video so you can check that if you want. Just to the link in the profile. Now to direct this: Story - 5 (Jokes - 9) While yeah the plot leaves the whole parody part in the dust after a few chapters what takes that place is just a ... Jan 4, 2021
The New One Punch Man.
The story of Mashle Muscles and Magic takes you to a World Similar to Harry potter and Black Clover, and gives it a new flavor. Combining the magic world of Black Clover, and the heavily inspired magic academy from Harry potter, it is easy to dismiss it as a copy of these two. There are many references, and clear comparisons between the stories. A non-magic protagonist, A magic academy that it almost Hogwarts, magic spells that are for each individual, and a dense protagonist. But like One Punch Man, it made an amazing Narrative in a generic world with its comical, ... Apr 15, 2023
Mashle - a mix of Harry Potter and One Punch Man.
Not going to lie, I really enjoyed reading Mashle. The comedy was pure gold, the character designs were good, I liked the fights, and I really loved the main group, even though they were all extremely stereotypical. But that enjoyment lasted for at most 40 chapters. Don't get me wrong, the new side characters were decent, but the fights didn't excite me as much, mainly because they became too repetitive and predictable really quickly. The main villain also didn't intrigue me as much, they seemed like your typical overpowered antagonist. I thought that I completely lost interest ... |