Edens Zero
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Edens Zero

Alternative Titles

Japanese: EDENS ZERO
English: Edens Zero
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 33
Chapters: 293
Status: Finished
Published: Jun 27, 2018 to Jun 26, 2024
Genres: Adventure Adventure, Fantasy Fantasy, Sci-Fi Sci-Fi
Theme: Space Space
Demographic: Shounen Shounen
Authors: Mashima, Hiro (Story & Art)


Score: 7.101 (scored by 1544615,446 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #75402
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #469
Members: 39,693
Favorites: 1,140

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Preliminary Spoiler
Jul 26, 2018
Preliminary (25/293 chp)
Not Good.

Hiro Mashima, known for his previous works such as Rave Master and Fairy Tail, returns for his third soon-to-be long running manga series, Edens Zero. In this story, Mashima decided to stray away from his all too familiar fantasy setting in favor of a space adventure. Yet,this change in setting, with a whole new cast of characters, has yet to show that Mashima has improved in his writing at all. In fact, Mashima already begins to fall into the same writing mistakes that were all too common in Fairy Tail and Rave Master. Unspecific power scaling,surface-level characters, and abysmal pacing are issues ...
Jul 7, 2018
Preliminary (6/293 chp)
A lot of people are saying that this is just rip-off of Fairy Tail.. but wait, is it really true? Nope.

STORY 8/10

This Manga have uniqe story, with totaly different setting.
I wont spoil you because it will just make your experience with this manga worse but for comparison - while Fairy Tail was fantasy/adventure styled, this is more sci-fi/mystery/adventure styled..this manga will make you ask questions, think about depth and enjoy fights from the very first chapter.
ART 9/10

Art is really great, you can instantly see whats going on even in panels that have many things drawn in, facial expressions are one of the best I ...
Jul 30, 2018
Preliminary (5/293 chp)
Gosh, people. Stop trashing and hating it so much,... oh yeah, because you expected something totally different from author whose works are always about friendship and action. Sure, the nakama talk can be irritating, but at the same time, for someone like me who hates people, it can be refreshing to see purity xD But that's not why I am writing this,.. Im sick of seeing how people are hating on this and writing bad reviews because they are disappointed with the story how its similar to Fairy Tail and such... in what? Srsly, the only thing that is the same is the author, and ...
Sep 23, 2018
Preliminary (12/293 chp)
Eden zero new shounen sci/fi / adventure / mystery work
by hiro mashima
First the story
a journey that we see a naive boy who travel into space
with badass girl who record cube tube videos
to get high views
.. and without spoilers i think story will take great slope
.. Every chapter we see a lot of mysterious things
Events are evolve rapidly
so i think it Well worth 8/10 until now under expectations
Jun 16, 2020
Preliminary (98/293 chp)
I'm writing this review because I am sick of people trashing this series. This series is NOT "just Fairy Tail in space," it is NOT bad, and it is NOT driven by friendship-power; this series is actually AMAZING, it's shaping up to be Mashima's best work yet as so far it's better than Rave at this point.

Summary before getting into the details: Despite the main character talking about friendship a lot in the first few chapters, this series does NOT "run on friendship-power," and nobody is ever handed some kind of BS power-ups on a silver platter after making cool speeches about friendship. In fact, ...
Aug 2, 2021
Preliminary (153/293 chp)
Alright so Eden's Zero is a series that gets a lot of unfortunate hate, anyone who has actually read the Manga will realize its much more than just a rip off. Character designs are practically reused, certain characters dating back to Rave Master appear here, and that's totally acceptable, an artist should be allowed to use their own designs however they want.

Eden's Zero has a great setup saga, spanning nearly 80 chapters, and while this is a huge let down for some, it seems people have come to expect perfection crammed into a minuscule amount of chapters or episodes, which simply isn't possible. Everything, and ...
Feb 27, 2019
Preliminary (33/293 chp)
First of all I come to present myself as someone who has seen all the sleeves of Hiro Mashima, but this doesn't mean that he's 100% in favor of his way of making stories.

You don't have to be an idiot to realize that this manga has a quite favorable potential to become a good manga, after all the "shonen nekketsu" despite its lack of originality over the years is still a pretty good, entertaining and preferred by many.

This manga has all that, probably it is very uncreative and with well-known designs, but after seeing more than 30 chapters I've realized that it's its differences and ...
Jun 19, 2020
Preliminary (98/293 chp)
why so many 10s because this manga needs its score to be inflated up to at least an 8-8.5~ range. Narratively its alot better than fairy tail. But I knew what i was getting into with fairy tail and it pleased me. Edens Zero doesn't deserve to be prejudged based off prior works.

Edens Zero 98 chapters in is a solid adventure manga that follows the tropes many enjoy with a bit of a twist. Many of the prior reviewers loved to trash on hiro mashima for the same face syndrome and call him lazy for carrying over happy. But you cant do that while ...
Sep 18, 2021
Preliminary (159/293 chp)
10/10, changed to 8/10, update at the bottom since many of my thoughts are still the same.

I keep up to date with the manga, and as much as I love Fairy Tail, I think Edens Zero is Mashima's best work to date. There's a lot of people in the reviews who read less than 30 chapters, and that's why they dislike it. In the beginning it's very reminiscent of Fairy Tail, but he does that so he can break the mold as the series goes on. The main character, Shiki, has to learn that he can't be friends with everyone just because he wants the ...
Sep 30, 2020
Preliminary (111/293 chp)
heavily underrated and so misunderstood. it is no way, shaper or form "fairy tail 2.0'. it has stabilised itself to be its own story pretty early. some of the character designs do indeed resemble fairy tail a lot, but people choose to ignore the LARGE amount of original character designs. the story elevates with every arc, the characters are extremely fun and world building is really good. people need to give it a chance.

drakken was an absolute amazing villain, the shining stars are amazing and homura's character development is incredible. shiki is a great protagonist so far with great character development. incredible concepts (chronophage, ...
Sep 30, 2020
Preliminary (112/293 chp)
Very good.
This is hands down one of the best ongoing mangas in the world right now.
The art is top notch.
The stakes are high and people die, and our protagonists are in very very dangerous situations.
The fights are cool.
Interesting characters, character interactions and beautiful character designs.
The world is absolutely interesting and unique(it takes place in an entire whole UNIVERSE).
And its in SPACE!
Also, Its getting two games and an anime very soon, so it will only get more popular from here on out.
Kudos to hiro mashima for giving us a master piece of a manga.
Jun 25, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Edens Zero just ended, so I thought it'd be good to have a review that covers the entire series, rather than a preliminary one.

If you want the quick and simple review, I'll put it this way: Edens Zero is a decent series, but its flaws are significant and it's far from an amazing series; I can only really call it a worthwhile read if you're a fan of Hiro Mashima's other works or if you just want a long-running shounen to read without caring too much about how great it is.

- The worldbuilding is creative and intriguing. Lots of really cool planets are explored, ...
Sep 6, 2020
Preliminary (108/293 chp)
TL;DR: As long as you go into this series wiping clean all your reservations about Fairy Tail, you'll have a positive experience. Edens Zero shapes up to be your average shonen packed full with well-done moments.

By all means Edens Zero is not my typical preferred reading material, nor is it a series I would take the time out of my day to review. But I definitely feel that it’s getting a lot of undeserved slander in the other reviews that have barely read past the first ten chapters. This manga is actually… pretty good, and I’ll express why that is now.

As of right now (that ...
Oct 3, 2021
Preliminary (159/293 chp)
Hey, I've got this great new series for you! It's a generic battle shonen, but instead has honed the genre to perfection, and cut away all the nonsense, honing it to a fine point with lightning fast pacing!

That show is not Edens Zero. That show is the thing I got sick of three series' ago. Edens Zero is the one that took over a hundred chapters to get out of the starter zone. Edens Zero is a shonen with all the stuff that actually got me to like shonen.

If you just want a nice fun adventure that is going to last forever, here's a good ...
Mar 4, 2021
Preliminary (86/293 chp)
This is probably one of my favorite space and sci-fi-related manga. After reading this Mashima has become one of my favorite mangakas of all time. In this story we see a boy named Shiki who ends up leaving his planet along with a girl named Rebecca, they obtain a ship called the Edens Zero. The Edens Zero originally needed 4 workers to function it properly, however, while traveling through space Shiki ends up recruiting several unique and quirky members to join his crew. Each member has their reason why they decided to join Shiki along on his journey. The main goal is to find the ...
Sep 30, 2020
Preliminary (112/293 chp)
A lot of people already had an opinion, a bias, a preconceived notion about Edens Zero before they even began diving deeper into the series. A lot of people seemed to have prematurely judged this manga because of their sheer distaste towards Mashima since it was heavily and positively reinforced at the time (even until today) instead of actually experiencing the story themselves. If the series isn't your cup of tea, it's fine. However, I do believe it's rather unfair to scrutinize the series and the author so monumentally just because of the author without even attempting to read a generous number of chapters (unless ...
Oct 4, 2018
Preliminary (14/293 chp)
Very promising and thrilling from the first chapter, every page is highly enjoyable and fun, Eden's Zero is a big science fiction universe with lots of good ideas, it's building is well done, it has lots of great details that indicate the story is sophisticated, big, mysterious, elegant.
We expect that the story in the future will have lots of surprises and good plot twists.
The thing that I praise the most about this manga is it's science fiction that I think the fiction industry really in need for works like this. it's not about one sci-fi Idea, instead it's an entire world of sci-fi, and this ...
Aug 29, 2020
Preliminary (1/293 chp)
First Impressions: This is generally my thoughts on the first chapter and all I can say is that it's not entirely bad as I thought it'll be. I can see some Fairy Tail inspirations... Happy, the talk of friendships, the main character looking like Gray, and the concept of dragons but as a story on its own it definitely does look interesting and some what unique, characters still have that charm Fairy Tail and Rave Master had, the Art is nice to look at but it's really hard not to think once again Fairy Tail lol. (even though the art from Fairy Tails is essentially ...
Apr 7, 2021
Preliminary (138/293 chp)
When Fairy Tail ended I was like "Really? Just this? Why doe? Yhe story was really misused"

When I figured out that Hiro Mashima was starting a new project whose name was Edens Zero I was really curious about.

So I started to follow this manga and I think that this is perfect. Edens Zero really fixes Rave Master and Fairy Tail errors. Ok the characters are similiar between the mangas but the story is really good and it's cool to see the easter eggs between them.

I really love Edens Zero it's a 10/10

I just can tell you to read ^^
Oct 14, 2018
Preliminary (15/293 chp)
Warning: Minor spoilers

I didn't have high hopes for this manga, coming from the mediocre mangaka Mashima Hiro, who wrote hits such as "Rave master" and "Fairy tail" Which are both mediocre at best (Due to inconsistent pacing, as well as characters that barely receive any development). . As you may have already heard from multiple people, this series copies the latter series to the fullest extent, and it doesn't even do it well.
The characters in fairy tail have at least a shred of originality, but this show, literally copies everyone about them. The main character Shiki copies many character traits from Natsu from fairy tail, ...