Oct 14, 2018
Warning: Minor spoilers
I didn't have high hopes for this manga, coming from the mediocre mangaka Mashima Hiro, who wrote hits such as "Rave master" and "Fairy tail" Which are both mediocre at best (Due to inconsistent pacing, as well as characters that barely receive any development). . As you may have already heard from multiple people, this series copies the latter series to the fullest extent, and it doesn't even do it well.
The characters in fairy tail have at least a shred of originality, but this show, literally copies everyone about them. The main character Shiki copies many character traits from Natsu from fairy tail,
including his ignorance of social norms, and a power that doesn't fit in with the show's power scaling. The other main character Rebecca has the same personality as Lucy from fairy tail, but with a hint more sass. She even shares the same body type, bossy attitude, and hair colors with Lucy. The Newest character introduced is the young professor weisz. His only personality trait, is being a pervert, and nothing else, his character had a lot of potential, but was wasted on comic relief and an excuse for more fanservice Mashima couldn't even be bothered making new villains. He simply took the "Vanish brothers" from fairy tail and placed them into edens zero, renaming them the "Foote brothers" without so much as a personality change, apart from giving them an obsession with legs, which isn't really a personality trait.
Overall this mang is a 3/10. It's inconsistent pacing and already-seen-before characters really bring it down. The only thing it has going for it is it's art, which is a 6/10 at best, but decent art can't make up for the horrible pacing, story, and characters.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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