Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san
Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro
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Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Please don't bully me, Nagatoro
Japanese: イジらないで、長瀞さん
English: Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro
French: Arrête de me chauffer, Nagatoro
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 20
Chapters: 174
Status: Finished
Published: Nov 7, 2017 to Jul 23, 2024
Genres: Comedy Comedy, Romance Romance
Themes: Love Status Quo Love Status Quo, School School, Visual Arts Visual Arts
Serialization: Magazine pocket
Authors: 774 (Story & Art)


Score: 7.611 (scored by 8216282,162 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #22902
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #58
Members: 177,259
Favorites: 7,567

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Preliminary Spoiler
Mar 13, 2018
Preliminary (79/174 chp)
First off: I want you to ignore every single person who says this manga is about bullying/has bullying. It does not. If you do not think there is any attraction in being submissive to a dominant woman, you will not enjoy this manga. If you do not see Eroticism in humiliation/teasing, this is not for you. And thats fine! Not every piece of media is meant for every person.

Now, this manga is about a D/s relationship. It's not inherently obvious to the fact, because the characters do not look like stereotypes. Or at least, Nagatoro does not. Typically, in anime, most dominant women are ...
Mar 1, 2018
Preliminary (9/174 chp)
Wow, I did not like this.
I expected something cute and funny where a kouhai would make fun of her senpai because she likes him but shit, this is real bullying. This is like GTO level bullying minus the fun parts and Onizuka-sensei bringing justice for the bullied.

For a romcom whose sole purpose is to make me laugh and swoon over the Nagatoro and Senpai's relationship, it failed. This actually disgusted me. I forced myself to finish the nine chapters that were out just to see if it could get better. Surely, there are romantic feelings between the two of them but love does not pardon ...
Feb 15, 2018
Preliminary (6/174 chp)
Will cut right to the point here, this manga is relatively new but I'm getting quite a bit out of it.

Art: 10/10
Ridiculous quality.
The Mangaka is quick to capture the nuances of what makes anime successful: Cute, relatable, yet exaggerated expressions, anatomical consistency, and lowering the detail for funnier moments.
All executed flawlessly, in my opinion.

Characters: 8-10
Both characters are quite cute, and are designed quite well.
Jul 21, 2019
Preliminary (12/174 chp)
How can one read through all these chapters of verbal abuse and not feel sick in their stomach? For those who do - admit that it's a guilty pleasure. I acknowledge that there are people who are into it - being talked down and degraded by an anime 'waifu'. But nobody in their right mind should find it "cute" to see anyone being bullied. Ever.

You do not bully others because you like them. You do not bully people to the point of crying. Takagi-san is a great example of how one can utilize playfulness and proper pranking/teasing. What Nagatoro does is straight up abuse. ...
Jul 24, 2024
Look, I'm not gonna write one of those raige-bait cringe reviews or analysing this as if it was a Tarantino movie.. but I've been with this manga from the start and heck I enjoyed it. Nagatoro and Naoto were great characters who had great development and if you are still upset about the first chapter: Just don't read it.
This is not a manga about fetishising bullying, this is a story about kids growing up and realizing who they want to be. It's probably one of the best rom-coms we have right now, so why don't we just enjoy that?
Jan 8, 2021
Preliminary (50/174 chp)
i've never been so happy in my entire life. When i read this manga i feel like i'm in heaven, i'ts like god comes down to earth and hugs me. I'ts perfect, it has saved my life, and there is nothing that can compare to this

i'ts funny, it's entertaining, i'ts everything that a human being needs to be happy. I'ts great, because for a moment, you can forget you horrible life, and be happy. I am a better person now that i've read this manga, and i recommend it to everyone. Seriously, this manga will make your life better.
Jul 22, 2024
Preliminary (153/174 chp)
1 word: A masterpiece. 10/10 in every way possible.

Art: 10/10
Story: 10/10
Character growth: 10/10
Character writing: 10/10
Pacing: 10/10

Underrated; a peak recommended for any romcom fan.

One of the strengths of "Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro" is its unique and engaging characters. Nagatoro is a playful and mischievous girl who enjoys teasing and tormenting Hachiouji. She is outgoing, confident, and unafraid to speak her mind, which sets her apart from other female characters in similar series. On the other hand, Hachiouji is shy and introverted, struggling to express his feelings towards Nagatoro. He is often overwhelmed by her teasing but secretly enjoys the attention she gives him. The ...
Sep 19, 2020
Preliminary (8/174 chp)
Yep. She looks cute.

Whether it's her trademark grin, her laid-back clothing style or details like how her hairclip and earring match, her visual design comes together really well.

And that's why she gets away with horrible behaviour.

The entire entertainment lies within the interaction of spunky Nagatoro being mean to her upperclassman, a timid boy slighly older than her, without any reason other than her personal enjoyment. And very quickly a single question appears here.

How much is too much?

Where does teasing stop and bullying start? What is a joke and what is an insult? It's as simple as it is complicated: It's up to the one on ...
Feb 16, 2019
Preliminary (31/174 chp)
End me.

Our story is about the titular Nagatoro and her crush, the unamed MC, who is refereed to as "senpai." Senpai is a weeby adolescent. He's bashful, nerdy, and blatantly attracted to classmate. Nagatoro is said animated classmate that enoys teasing Senpai while pretending she doesn't have feelings for him. Every chapter is some degree of Nagatoro teasing Senpai, with the encounter ending in a mildly awkward moment indicative of their mutual affection to each other. Naga's 2 friends become more involved in the story to provide additional ways to tease the main protagonist and occasionally Hayase herself. Indirect kisses, discussions about boobs, tantalizing ...
Jul 3, 2020
Preliminary (63/174 chp)
So basically I began reading this manga because I heard it from anitubers (The Anime Man) talk about it and there's an anime adaption in the works. I read the 63 chapters (not gonna lie, it is an addictive read) and honestly I think reading 63 chapters were enough for me to say, this ain't for me chief....

All you're getting is a teen girl who constantly downgrades, mocks and pretty much harrasses a guy older than her just because he doesn't stand up for himself. You don't realise how many times I've tried to drop this manga altogether but yeah I just feel it's ...
Oct 10, 2019
Preliminary (46/174 chp)
Who would've thought that 774/Nanashi, the author and the artist of this, would be able to draw and write such a wholesome story when he's known to have drawn quite a number of bestiality and guro hentai. And if you don't know what guro is, it's the worst kind of hentai a person should be enjoying. And funny enough, on chapter 5, there was a reference to his own H doujin called Yupiel Sama, if that's not obvious enough for you that he's a hentai artist. Btw, that's such a meta way to promote his best H work lol. And dont worry, this one is ...
Mar 27, 2022
Preliminary (57/174 chp)
After making such an effort to read this far into the manga, I can safely say that I'm not into this shit.

This review won't really contain any big spoilers, because even after re-reading until chapter 57, the story is so forgettable that I don't remember any of the specifics.

It reads more like a fantasy put into a book, like a fanfiction of a young masochist.

The plot is repetitive, an endless loop of using torment as a way to show "affection", if you want to call it that.

There is no protagonist. Like, I get it, the whole point of this manga is for the protagonist ...
Jul 26, 2021
Preliminary (86/174 chp)
"Jiranaide, Miss Nagatoro" was a bolt from the blue. I'm relatively grown-up and I'm not usually into this genre but I immediately got an interest in the main characters and the controversial topics of this work.

Well, seems that only after a few pages the author moved on a really lovely teenagers love-story made of flirting and teasing giving me the same vibes of other great works such as VideoGirl Ai.

The characters progression is great and feels natural to the reader, especially "Senpai" which little by little grow up his self-confidence and with Nagatoro.

Nagatoro is...she has basically everything to be a meme queen thanks to ...
Nov 9, 2019
Preliminary (47/174 chp)
To be honest, I almost didn't make it past chapter 6. The interactions between the MCs were pretty brutal, and other reviews describing this as a story about sadomasochism or co-dependent bullying appeared to be spot on. Not really my thing.

At some point, however, I thought I might be detecting a more subtle theme. The more I read, the FMCs actions seemed less about bullying to inflate a predator's ego and more about (harsh) *teasing* to bridge an awkward gap. She didn’t want to *hurt* the guy – She was just genuinely intrigued by him and, as a 14-15-year-old kid very sensitive to social hierarchy, ...
Dec 3, 2019
Preliminary (49/174 chp)
I completely understand why someone would not like this. A lot of parts of the story and the way some scenes are forced is pretty mediocre. After a few chapters, it got kinda lame and the new characters that appeared didn't seem to contribute anything to the whole. But this manga is also really fascinating. Or at least the reason why some people get really attached to this kind of history and relationship is fascinating to me.

Nagatoro is a school girl who likes to bully her Senpai. Simple as that, that's the whole thing. She plots different things to make him suffer and seeing him ...
Sep 5, 2018
Preliminary (21/174 chp)
This is the type of manga you sit and wait for, and when it drops, you smile from ear to ear. For the next 17 pages, you sit grinning at your screen, reading eagerly. Soon realising you finish the chapter you look at the ending page of Nagatoros smug face staring at you and think "I WANT IT TO BE A FORTNIGHT ALREADY" then proceeded to re-read the chapter, crying on the inside.

Basically, to put it into perspective, this manga is more addictive than cocaine to me and if I don't get my fix every fortnight I go into a nervous break down of ...
Nov 28, 2018
Preliminary (26/174 chp)
I usually have little tolerance for cliche female characters acting like assholes because some exuse or other, so after reading the reviews i didn't go into it with much optimism.
However I binged all the translated chapters, and I though it was good? This is pretty much the reason i decided to write this review, because i think many others miss the point.
There is teasing, and there is abuse. The line is not crystal clear, however, this is clearly not the latter.
If you look past what's being said, and instead focus what is done, and how the characters react to each other, it's clear that ...
Apr 18, 2020
Preliminary (58/174 chp)
I want to start out by saying that I don't endorse bullying of any kind, in the context of which it is typically doled out. I sympathize with people who have been on the receiving end of it irl, and those whom have trouble dealing with stories involving it should stop considering reading this one right now if you were planning to. Now that that's out of the way...

It's always been amazing to me how many people who post reviews at this site don't really grasp what reviewing a series is all about. A review here, with very few exceptions, should never be about the ...
Oct 14, 2020
Preliminary (69/174 chp)
I'mma keep it real with you Chief: This is the Classy-Trash I love. Not just steam doggin the living shit out of a hot bun, but also not so stale that nothing worthwhile happens. Surprisingly good plot progression for a series which requires an extremely slow build up. Big proud of our boy Senpai for bossing up. Respect King!

Story: 8/10 Good, definitely holds my interest, but has it's "Basic" or predictable moments

Art: 8/10 Great facial expressions and cool scenery at times, nothing too crazy

Characters: 8/10 While definitely falling into expected archetypes, it's done in a proper way and our Simp boy ACCTUALLY MAKES PROGRESS ...
Feb 2, 2022
Preliminary (52/174 chp)
I feel this manga is getting a bad rep from a lot of reviews who read less than 9 chapters and somehow judge the whole thing as terrible just from that. There's honestly so much more to this manga, and I aim to do it justice with this review. To be fair this isn't Attack on Titan, FMAB or Hunter x Hunter type stuff, it's not trying to be. It's just an oddly wholesome manga about young teens who like each other.

Going into this manga, I really didn't expect to enjoy this as much as I did but damn, when I got into ...