Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
We Never Learn
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Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: BokuBen, We Can't Study
Japanese: ぼくたちは勉強ができない
English: We Never Learn
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 21
Chapters: 187
Status: Finished
Published: Feb 6, 2017 to Dec 21, 2020
Genres: Comedy Comedy, Romance Romance
Themes: Harem Harem, School School
Demographic: Shounen Shounen
Serialization: Shounen Jump (Weekly)
Authors: Tsutsui, Taishi (Story & Art)


Score: 7.661 (scored by 4032840,328 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #19922
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #188
Members: 86,210
Favorites: 2,705

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Preliminary Spoiler
Mar 5, 2017
Preliminary (4/187 chp)
So far, I think this series is rather enjoyable, but I don't think it will last that long in the magazine. The plot is nothing interesting, and the story seems as though it will be yet another cliche Harem like To Love Ru or Nisekoi.

The artwork isn't much to talk about, since it really resembles a lot from the series Nisekoi. I don't know if this was intentional, since the mangaka may have been an assistant to the author of Nisekoi in the past.

Only time will truly tell how this series does in the future, since it isn't doing anything new.
Dec 21, 2020
For the longest time the romcom/harem genre is something that I have always enjoyed watching and reading. Every season there seemed to be a new “waifu war” airing, and based on watching those particular shows I would always check out the source material if I found it interesting enough. Bokuben was one of those seasonal waifu wars that I actually did decide to pick up reading after watching the first episode. I caught up on the manga within a couple of days of watching the first episode, and let me say that I am so glad that I was able to read this manga.

1. Story ...
Sep 10, 2018
Preliminary (46/187 chp)
"We Never Learn" is not a good romance story. It is neither good, nor a romance, nor a story.


Story: 0. This isn't a story, there is no story. There WAS a story but it lost its legs ages ago.

Art: 4. Same as everyone else's. Nothing special. Just like the Japanese masses like it.

Character: 4. What started off as promising devolved into tropes and cliches rather quickly.

Dec 21, 2020
Mixed Feelings
Bokuben is designed to satisfy, to put it lightly, the concupiscent youth. If you are one among them, all the power to you, enjoy your time reading it. But if you like terrific character writing or unique plots, I’m afraid you will have to look elsewhere. Though Bokuben has its flashes of brilliance, its cliche plot, run-of-the-mill setting, and stereotypical characters will be tiring to read for many readers. That will be a recurring theme in this review, that Bokuben isn’t something universally enjoyable, rather enjoyment derived from it greatly varies based on one’s preferences.

It was made clear from the start that Bokuben is just ...
Dec 21, 2020
I find a lot of enjoyment in romcom manga. It's very fun seeing all of these characters get into wacky situations, as they slowly discover the feelings that they have towards the main character. And Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai is no different. It's an incredibly fun manga, filled with fun and enjoyment.

When I first saw the story of Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai, I thought that it would be a typical harem romcom manga, with the usual tropes and clichés. And ultimately, this manga was exactly that. It was a typical harem romcom manga, with the usual tropes and clichés. Furthermore, the story progresses ...
Jan 20, 2021
I watched the anime before getting into the manga. The anime was good, and the Anime original ending was ok, but then I read the manga.

I loved this manga from start to finish! All routes were great. Well. Thumbelina Super computer route was weird but it was alright. Great, Great, Great read!

Nariyuki was a standard romcom protag, but the girls really did well to make the series shine. The childhood bestfriend, the smart shortstack, the reserved rich girl, the upper classman and the teacher. Can't get a better set of tropes to make the series what it was!

Can't wait for another story by ...
May 4, 2018
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (61/187 chp)
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai is an enjoyable manga despite being very cliche in the world of romcom. There's an unwritten balance within the characters that shines in a fun way and that is unique.

For the start, to be honest, i feel the story is poorly written, without almost any significant progress starting from chapter 5-7 onwards. Add to that, harem and ecchi (yes, this manga has ecchi genre actually, rather a light one) are two genres that im not a fan of. Then how can i enjoy this manga?

The answer to that question is the characterization. In my opinion, characterization is the strongest point ...
Apr 15, 2021
So to start it of. This manga was like a movie. This is how it felt to me as it seemed to be too short when i finished it. I enjoyed this one from end to finish. In short for me it was a complete 9 , in every aspect. Talking about art style it was great. I saw the characters and the environment and i loved them all. Speaking about the characters, they were diverse. Not one of them was bad, but it was clear which was the best in my opinion. It was easy to place them in a list from 1 ...
Mar 2, 2021
Hello everyone,this is going to be my very first review,and I'm happy that Bokuben will be my start.
Ok first my analytical review:

Firstly is the story:I'd give the story a 9/10,even though some people or fans might say that bokuben had a plot that was oddly similar to most school harem mangas and animes.But in my viewpoint,it wasn't as cliched as how you'd expect it to be.There were parts where I just couldn't predict what Yuiga would do,or say at a specific scenario.I don' t want to make my review too long so long story short I think that choosing to make arcs for each ...
Jan 25, 2024
I am not the type of person who writes reviews like this but I could not help to make one to give justice to this manga. This is not like Love Hina or any other harem manga out there. The author takes into careful consideration the characters' development. Despite some people seeing some flaws of this manga, probably due to mediocrity, I truly appreciate that the manga made wonderful endings that truly give justice to each main girls. Yes. There are multiple routes and this what made this outshine other harem manga for that matter. It could be seem dull at first, but eventually it ...
Aug 5, 2017
Preliminary (10/187 chp)
This is a very interesting manga. Eventually it could get an anime, but not for awhile. I haven't read one quite like this before. The characters are likable and very relatable.

The concept of having two genius characters aim for their weakest subject for careers is brilliant. The only downside is that it lacks in action, however that can be covered up with intense sense; like how death note did with it's exposition.

I enjoy reading this manga a lot and im happy that Jump deiced to run this manga. Especially since Nisekoi ended awhile ago, they were lacking in the slice of life, school ...
May 21, 2019
Preliminary (124/187 chp)
I am a generally easy person to please. I started this series with almost no expectations and generally like most rom-com high school stories. But when I continued to read this manga after keeping up with the anime that is currently airing, I couldn't stop myself from finishing all the released chapters. Yes, it is an overplayed stereotypical high school rom-com, but there is something about the story and characters that hit home for me. In the later arcs, you really get a chance to learn about everyone ( ill try not to spoil) and seeing how everyone grows gives the series a different enjoyment ...
Jun 24, 2017
Preliminary (19/187 chp)
School + Harem = Cliche over dramatic Slice of life garbage that should be burned, is what I should say to this manga. But for some reason I find it enjoyable despite the fact it is a harem manga. The reason for this is the some-what related to the plot. I myself is striving for a scholarship in a university so maybe that is the reason I was enjoying this manga, Though the cliche romance and sometimes cringe worthy since can turn you off I can say this manga would be decent if the author can actually portray and emphasize the life of the characters ...
Dec 24, 2020
I love romcoms, which is a nice way of saying: "I really love ecchi harems". Now, I don't need the ecchi, but I do like good ecchi. And I could go on and on about what, in my opinion, makes a good ecchi; and I will later.
90s and 00s ecchi harems are a big part of the reason why I am a manga reader. A lot of my first reads were part of that genre, Love Hina was one of my very first manga and since then I tried to consume the most I could of it. That's why I came across Nisekoi and I ...
Jun 23, 2020
Preliminary (163/187 chp)
I was so ready, so, so ready, to give this a 3/10, say it was just another High School Harem Ecchi Manga that had 95% of its humor and plot be through simple misunderstandings and could not go a single chapter without somebody being in their underwear or found in what looked like a compromising position.

But the simple fact is, it's a lot more than that. A lot more.

The drawings are expressive, the humor pops out of the pages and works every time, the stories and arcs each and every character go through are wonderful and at times heartbreaking, and main plot serves as a ...
Nov 20, 2020
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (149/187 chp)
149 chapters, 14 volumes and I dropped it. I'm just letting you know that this is NOT an unbiased review.

Positives first: it's very rare for a comedy harem series to have all of its cast be equally "best girl" material but Bokuben (this series) has that. Every single girl has not only a trait (sporty, brainiac-like, teaser-master etc) but has an overarching arc and good chemestry with the main character. Aside from fandom banter you can't say that any girl is worst girl.

Also, the soft lines help a lot to impart characters feelings and blend well with the many many funny faces these people make. ...
Feb 20, 2018
Preliminary (51/187 chp)
There's something about Author and Artist Taishi Tsutsui that just naturally draws me to his manga. I have kinda dropped off of reading Manga for a while but the Art style and the Premise just got to me. This is the Third manga of his that i red: I finished Fukashigi Philia, and still i'm still getting through Esprit.
Right off the bat the manga kinda gets a hold of you with the plot were as 2 girls that are considered geniuses in 2 specific classes want to actually Major in there worst classes, and when i say ...
Dec 22, 2020
It's been a year and a half since I started reading BokuBen manga weekly. Every week, getting a quick chapter, which usually doesn't add much to the story but some random comedy and fluff, with occasional serious arcs.
And today, with the release of the 187th chapter, the manga is now complete.

Looking back, I feel like BokuBen lacked quite a bit throughout the manga. Some girls getting more development than others, some naturally having better chemistry with the main character than others, but overall how much it was lacking in actual progress.

But even with that, it has caught a special place in my heart. It doesn't ...
Aug 25, 2020
Preliminary (80/187 chp)
Well this is my first review on this site so I don't have anything to say about this manga but It has Great ability to attract people even though there are some people who did'nt like it...well just to say we need to appreciate peoples work...I really appreciate this because the author give his best to this manga...also to those who easily bash a manga just because of the story or anything well just finish it and wait for the improvement....I really did not want to read a manga but I better try it...just like that..this is just an opinion.
Dec 13, 2020
Preliminary (186/187 chp)
Hi guys,

I'm back to review about this Manga, that name We Never Learn. I start read at

Manganelo and then read at other website at read it at Mangaplus apps. The

story about Nariyuki and helps their friends to learn and study. Every girls in this

manga have their interest or crush to Nariyuki but they never confessed to him.
