This had a good base written well not that really great but I like the drawings because its just unique, I think also it not really matters if the story is not just great as long as it has the benefits you acquire then its good...I just like this anime because of its scenery and the conflict is just simple no problem bout that, the characters are just fine, sounding also great, story well Its just a bit tiny missing piece of written-that's what they say, well in anyway I just like it..
The thing about why I like this anime its because of the
Aug 25, 2020
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
Well this is my first review on this site so I don't have anything to say about this manga but It has Great ability to attract people even though there are some people who did'nt like it...well just to say we need to appreciate peoples work...I really appreciate this because the author give his best to this manga...also to those who easily bash a manga just because of the story or anything well just finish it and wait for the improvement....I really did not want to read a manga but I better try it...just like that..this is just an opinion.
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