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May 13, 2012 10:01 AM

Nov 2007
Learning about the Eve curse and the girls being guy or not able to survive... from that guy who got Amata's mother, the perfect rare igura that reserved in the same form.

Class rep., MIX, became MIXY. Shy girl affecting... and Jin was part of the curse, too? And Silhouette of Kagura at the end?

Then the girl finding out the eye-patch guy, who is from the past and is "nothingness"?

Next ep.: Kiss? and the girl somehow getting involved in battle.
tsubasaloverMay 14, 2012 12:02 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
May 13, 2012 10:04 AM

Aug 2008
Yunoha and Zessica were about to get altaired. I hope they won't have a side-effect left.
But boyish Yunoha was cute though.

This Andy-MIXY drama is getting dragged.
May 13, 2012 10:27 AM

Jan 2009
This rush of Andy behind the MIX pulled me out patience, the groans of Yunoha too. Neither the Akino song encouraged me in this episode. Yes, I’m a little disappointed because I expected much more.

Boring episode ever!!

Couples and lead characters in this show = NO development!
english isn't my native language... ;)
May 13, 2012 11:41 AM

Apr 2012
mixordia said:
This rush of Andy behind the MIX pulled me out patience, the groans of Yunoha too. Neither the Akino song encouraged me in this episode. Yes, I’m a little disappointed because I expected much more.

Boring episode ever!!

Couples and lead characters in this show = NO development!

Yeah, it can pretty much drag at times.
May 13, 2012 11:51 AM

Apr 2012
The great mistake of Aquarion EVOL, was to treat the secondary characters as main characters, all had more development than the lead characters, which was a mistake, huge, because now there remain a few episodes and there will be no time to properly develop any of them and if that happens will be very fast.

- mixordia

That pretty much sums up how I feel as well
May 13, 2012 12:41 PM

Jan 2009
_fantasticmrfox said:
The great mistake of Aquarion EVOL, was to treat the secondary characters as main characters, all had more development than the lead characters, which was a mistake, huge, because now there remain a few episodes and there will be no time to properly develop any of them and if that happens will be very fast.

- mixordia

That pretty much sums up how I feel as well

Yes I said that :) and more, but I will not even post here because this episode pisses me off so much...
english isn't my native language... ;)
May 13, 2012 1:36 PM

Jan 2012
Wow.. Amata finally finds his mom.. I love how all the shouting he's doing doesn't really match his facial expressions at the end.. And he acts like she can hear him in her little coma state. :P

Gen was watching Mikono the whole time? Am I the only one who found the little montage with him basically copy and pasted into Mikono's searching sequence hilarious? He has the same troll face on the entire time. :P And we found out something that was completely obvious since the beginning. GEN=ZEN? Who would've thunk it? :P.. Sucks to be the people who were overthinking it saying Fudo= Toma, Fudo=Apollo...I'm guessing that the other reincarnations will be rather obvious as well.

Amata really needs to learn how to fight. I'm tired of seeing him curbstomped everytime he's outside of Aquarion. Andy on the otherhand is being quite badass, he curbstomped every person who chelledged him. Amata could really learn a thing or two from him. I'm sure he has enough badass to share.

They got out of Altair surprisely fast. So fast that it seemed like a waste of time. The mission was a complete failure. MIX and Alicia weren't rescued so I guess they'll have to head back up there AGAIN. :/ Meh.

On the bright side it looks like Mikono will have a power up next episode. Only to be interupted by Kagura who has been used as a cliffhanger for the fifth time, so you know he's gonna interupt something important. That's how it always happens with a Kagura cliffhanger. :/

queenSwildMay 13, 2012 2:28 PM
May 13, 2012 2:32 PM

May 2009
Disappointing episode. They really should finish Andy x Mix arc somehow.
May 13, 2012 3:34 PM
Feb 2012
Damn... Does anyone else think that 'Mix-y' sounds more like a girls name than 'Mix'? I mean I know they're trying to playing with words by making it 'XY' but just sounds more femenine.

No one is Sousei got that much special attention - except Apollo where they did go to a river once and discuss about something. Silvia found him 'hard to talk to' or something... But I think the only reason why Mikono's getting this attention is to allow her to become a leader (so the next episode she's pretending to be Fudo?) and to allow her to connect more people from distance places?

I'm hoping Mix will turn back once she returns to Neo Deva... but you never know ;_;

This episode was a little disappoing... would have probably made it better if they somehow dragged Mixy back to their dimension.... I mean it was so forced and so fast at the end where Andy's power goes out of control and somehow Shrade was able to control that power and use it - though the idea seemed great and... kinda made sense?
May 13, 2012 3:45 PM

Jan 2012
bcmilk said:

No one is Sousei got that much special attention - except Apollo where they did go to a river once and discuss about something. Silvia found him 'hard to talk to' or something... But I think the only reason why Mikono's getting this attention is to allow her to become a leader (so the next episode she's pretending to be Fudo?) and to allow her to connect more people from distance places?

I'm hoping Mix will turn back once she returns to Neo Deva... but you never know ;_;

This episode was a little disappoing... would have probably made it better if they somehow dragged Mixy back to their dimension.... I mean it was so forced and so fast at the end where Andy's power goes out of control and somehow Shrade was able to control that power and use it - though the idea seemed great and... kinda made sense?

I was thinking that Mikono will learn about her past life and, like Fudo, will probably help the others become more knowledgeable about theirs. But maybe she will become a leader too. Although I feel that that spot should be reserved for Amata since he's the main character, and that'll give him a chance to finally act like one.

I was also pretty disappointed with the FAIL Mix rescue since going there was a waste of time. They didn't rescue Mix. >.> I wonder if Zessica and Yunoha will go through side effects for almost turning into guys. :P
May 13, 2012 3:49 PM

May 2012
queenSwild said:
Wow.. Amata finally finds his mom.. I love how all the shouting he's doing doesn't really match his facial expressions at the end.. And he acts like she can hear him in her little coma state. :P

Gen was watching Mikono the whole time? Am I the only one who found the little montage with him basically copy and pasted into Mikono's searching sequence hilarious? He has the same troll face on the entire time. :P And we found out something that was completely obvious since the beginning. GEN=ZEN? Who would've thunk it? :P.. Sucks to be the people who were overthinking it saying Fudo= Toma, Fudo=Apollo...I'm guessing that the other reincarnations will be rather obvious as well.

Amata really needs to learn how to fight. I'm tired of seeing him curbstomped everytime he's outside of Aquarion. Andy on the otherhand is being quite badass, he curbstomped every person who chelledged him. Amata could really learn a thing or two from him. I'm sure he has enough badass to share.

They got out of Altair surprisely fast. So fast that it seemed like a waste of time. The mission was a complete failure. MIX and Alicia weren't rescued so I guess they'll have to head back up there AGAIN. :/ Meh.

On the bright side it looks like Mikono will have a power up next episode. Only to be interupted by Kagura who has been used as a cliffhanger for the fifth time, so you know he's gonna interupt something important. That's how it always happens with a Kagura cliffhanger. :/

I think its the whole theory that mikono might be Apollo, and that's why she is getting more attention, cause yes fudo did give apollo a private lesson in one episode towards the end of the season, so maybe that's why Mikono is getting extra help?
May 13, 2012 4:05 PM
Jan 2012
this episode was boring as hell. totally dropping on the level of how good evol used to be.
if it continues like this it will end up like genesis. forgotten and claimed to be shit. but to me it has a lot to do with the main chracters not being developed properly. i don't really like the main leads amata or mikono compared to apollo-silvia.
they are boring couple and boring characters.
May 13, 2012 4:09 PM

Jan 2012
Dissix said:
I think its the whole theory that mikono might be Apollo, and that's why she is getting more attention, cause yes fudo did give apollo a private lesson in one episode towards the end of the season, so maybe that's why Mikono is getting extra help?

Another question, during Apollo's "private lesson" with Fudo, did he learn that he was the reincarnation of Apollinius? Or did he learn before/after that?
May 13, 2012 5:21 PM

Apr 2012
mixordia said:
_fantasticmrfox said:
The great mistake of Aquarion EVOL, was to treat the secondary characters as main characters, all had more development than the lead characters, which was a mistake, huge, because now there remain a few episodes and there will be no time to properly develop any of them and if that happens will be very fast.

- mixordia

That pretty much sums up how I feel as well

Yes I said that :) and more, but I will not even post here because this episode pisses me off so much...

But it's so true. That and the show can be inconsistent. Characters fall off the map until they're needed. They act inconsistently. And the main trio of Amata, Mikono, and Zessica haven't really been developed because of all the side stories.

P.S. I just restated what you said again lol
_fantasticmrfoxMay 13, 2012 5:27 PM
May 13, 2012 7:51 PM

Apr 2009
seeing from the preview, it seems both Zessica and Yunoha are safe and not altaired.. though i hope Yunoha retains the boyish antics.. so LOL.. anyway, this episode only confirmed some stuff that we have obviously figured out from before while introducing new stuff that are still unclear.. nothing surprising..

btw, is Izumo trying to make an "I am your father" statement in there? or he just knows Amata's father?
May 13, 2012 8:20 PM

Dec 2009
Does anyone else find it odd watching this on Mother Day?
May 13, 2012 8:23 PM

May 2008
Interesting episode for mothers day indeed.

Haha yeah Izumo is having a Star Wars moment with "I am your father" and Amata would say "Nooooooooo" To bad Izumo didnt get the chance to say it.

Yunoha is staring to talk like a boy. t soo funny how she curses XD

Some times i forget that Zen Fudou can be creppy as hell but he always makes it so im reminded lol he was always with Mikono.
Zen Fudou cant move? cant change?
:O he looked like the old Gen Fudou for a second. So he change his name Gen to Zen.

Love Shrade always, he is soo good when piloting Aquarion!!

Andy is really kicking but and missing his Bangs dearly hahaha.Really seening how powerful Andy can be while Amata doesnt seem to be showing any stronger just flying, like that he is never going to rescue his mother.

Damn it whats the true?!!!!:o just as it was suspected the women turn into men in body and soul. So I guess it doesnt go the other way around thank god lol Kagura wont turn into a girl XD

Although Mix doesnt look different just has a bare chest i would think she would look different. Poor Andy what would he do now? swing the other way?XD

Black hole arrow wow!:O please Shrade be okie T_T.

So Mix or Mixy(which sound more girly if u ask me) was left.

OMG i hate Mykage sooo much. Finally shown Kagura i guess he is on earth not in Altair.
God ways leave Kagura appearances as a cliffhanger but they never show him...

So this episode mainly confirm thing we already suspected so nothing much happen this time or changed really. Hope next episode is better getting a little slow for my taste since i loved the first Aquarion series.
BeautifulVioletMay 13, 2012 9:08 PM
May 13, 2012 9:07 PM
Apr 2012
Actually in all fairness this is the best episode since that stupid 17th episode...

K, dragging on the andy and mix was stupid... Now realizing that Andy never liked mix

just those big bangs makes me angry... Fudo trolling mikono was to die for.

the other cliche stuff with amata got me -.-

got hyped with the song,

At the ending dat troll (as he will be referred as from now on) said "The used trash

eve was actually good for something" lets see how the rest of the story before we

go wtf, because aquarion was from 1>16 Bad from 17>19 and is sorta picking up

May 13, 2012 9:19 PM

May 2011
I am so pissed that they didn't tell us who Amata dad is.. That made me rage more than anything.
May 13, 2012 9:48 PM

Jan 2009
KaitoDash said:
Yunoha and Zessica were about to get altaired

lol nice word play there sir, altered = altaired

im beginning to think Mix will return to being a female again on later episodes

it seems that destiny is distorted on Altair for some reason, we will about to find out the whole info about that Curse of Eve
May 13, 2012 10:26 PM

May 2011
Damn, I knew the curse will affect the woman here.

Poor Andy, looks like Mix...erm, Mixy I suppose just made the hole digger sadden.
May 13, 2012 10:56 PM

Jan 2011
Since Altair is doomed, why don't they just leave? It doesn't look that particularly welcoming a planet in the first place. Maybe it's the influence of Mykage/Touma who seems determined to screw up the happy ending this time much like what happened 12,000 and 24,000 years ago.
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

May 14, 2012 12:48 AM
Feb 2012
4 more episodes left right...? Unless EVOL's having 26 episodes.... which is unlikely?

DAMN! This better be leading to something. I just hope they don't do this thing where it ends at the battle scene and someone's just like "And so we lived on...." or some crap. And I also hope its not going to be like guilty crown....

This episode didn't reveal anything that us watchers didn't know - we knew that female would turn male, we think that Izumo is Amata's father (not confirmed but highly likely) and nothing has been solved by going to Altair - thus wasting about 2 good episodes.
May 14, 2012 2:19 AM

Jul 2009
There's no proof that Mikage isn't the one turning girls into guys so yea... They just say there's a `Curse` without saying what it's source is. A curse is given by a living thing after all... whether it be god, shadow angel, or human.

Fudo paid attention to Apollo because he was the key player last season, he lacked discipline, and only respected those who he felt knew more than he did. I'd say he's paying attention to Mikono because she's the key to ending the constant hate from both sides.

Izumo probably isn't Amata's father. The line he was about to say felt more like he was going to say Amata's father was from Altair. This isn't star wars, get over wanting a Darth Vader/Luke ending.

The reason they went to Altair was to find out what happened to Mix and rescue her if possible... they were taking bait so it's obvious they'd have little to no chance. At least they now know that Mix is alive and in good condition, even if she did become a guy. Amata found his mother and learned of some truths that only Fudo probably knew about on Earth so he can now spread them to his comrades.

The discussion between Fudo and Mikono felt like a waste of time but it had meaning. If something existed, it persists in a different form later, but it is still there. It's the basic idea behind reincarnation.

Why does everyone always make Toma out to be a villain. It's the same thing as the idea behind good and evil. You call Toma evil but he didn't think humans had emotions. Believing Celiane tempted Apollonius somehow, he saw Celiane as evil and tried to remove her. Now who knows what Mikage is doing but I'm sure he's only as evil as the rest of the people on Earth are... remember: "We cared only about ourselves (Sirius)" "And let the world die (Toma)."
May 14, 2012 2:47 AM
Apr 2012
I loled so hard at the trollfaced Fudo being 'pasted' into all the scenes. Was ready to flip my table in case Izumo did the Star-Wars-I-am-your-father thing. Good thing Shrade decided to interrupt.

And Shrade ......really? You jab your giant sword into a room WHERE YOUR FRIEND IS? Has it not ever occurred to you that you MAY just injure KILL Amata?
May 14, 2012 3:28 AM

Jul 2009
porkiewpyne said:
And Shrade ......really? You jab your giant sword into a room WHERE YOUR FRIEND IS? Has it not ever occurred to you that you MAY just injure KILL Amata?
He could feel where Amata was probably just like how Rina could see strang things last season... wait, is Shrade Rina's reincarnation *blows own mind* WTF?! You know... even as a vampire, Rina limited her actions as if she was sickly, like Shrade perhaps? @_@ FUCK say it isn't so! My cute adorable Rina became a bishie *runs away from the screen crying*
May 14, 2012 3:30 AM
Apr 2012

Oh yea. I kinda forgot that Shrade had sorta a sensing ability. Even then, I have to say he was cutting it close O____O
May 14, 2012 3:32 AM

Jun 2008
I'm honestly bummed at watching this episode. The only girl that liked in the show turned into a guy... *sigh

Visit this blog That I'm working with my friend
May 14, 2012 3:40 AM

Mar 2009
kwills88 said:
I am so pissed that they didn't tell us who Amata dad is.. That made me rage more than anything.

o_O I thought it was obvious who his dad was....

Edit: Though ^^a seeing as you were so mad that they didn't say it, my comment might aggravate you more..... but I'll go ahead and dig -(No pun intended in poor Andy's case)- my grave a bit deeper -(as the saying goes ^^; )- and add:
I've pretty much known who his father was since we knew who his mother was and WHERE she was.... that was like episode 10 or something.... I might be off though....
I assumed everyone could guess from the hints from the troll called "Mykage".

windeen-windyMay 14, 2012 5:00 AM
May 14, 2012 3:52 AM

Jan 2012
Well atleast Zesica and Yunoha made it out in time. Sad about Mix though, gay planet O_O

May 14, 2012 4:02 AM

Jul 2009
ownosourus said:
Well atleast Zesica and Yunoha made it out in time. Sad about Mix though, gay planet O_O
Don't make fun of Altair, its all the humans fault for destroying the greenery and covering it with metal. All the people on the planet deserve to die for destroying it's beauty. Of course Mikage is keeping it green in his sanctuary. <3
May 14, 2012 4:45 AM

Dec 2007
I wonder if Mykage is one that cast the curse of Eve on Altair?
Since Mykage is Touma so.. maybe he still want revenge.. since he felt that celiane steal apollonius from him..

May 14, 2012 5:37 AM

May 2009
After rewatching with subs: This episode would be great if story was equaly good as action scenes. Now it's turning into almost-trainwreck. Nice moment was Yunoha talking GAR-way, Andy's runaway, Spada sucker slice on tower and black hole. Bad was not resolving Mix and Andy plot and finding Zen so easily.
Fudo being Fudo seems just disappointing.
My prediction for next episode (LOL predicting Kawamori): Back to start Amata, Mikono and Zessica in cinema, Zess kisses him due to Mykage spell Mikono sees it and has breakdown. (yet, i'm still hoping for MikonoXAmata end).

bcmilk said:
4 more episodes left right...? Unless EVOL's having 26 episodes.... which is unlikely?

It really is 26 episode series. How could you didn't notice it.
bastek66May 14, 2012 7:29 AM
May 14, 2012 5:40 AM

Mar 2009
As for the "MI-XY" name game with the letters.
Yeah, Mixy sounds more like a girls name than Mix- though I never thought her name fit her anyway- I had been wondering what kind of parents would name their child that.... and what? She has no last name? Everyone in her class does.
Given how strict her teacher was I didn't think that if she had a last name and refused to use it for her hatred of her father, that her teacher would refrain from using it.... she uses everyone elses when need be.....
Anyway, seeing as how Izumo said they changed into men body and mind, and as I see very few "Men" on that planet that look like they were even once feminine at all, I'm assuming "Mixy's" gender-bend is no where complete. And possibly may not be beyond a reversible state.
That's what I think anyway.
Random thought: Starting to wonder now if Jin was born a boy or girl....
Also,I'm starting to think that, maybe Apollo is still alive o_O in the original Aquarion.... since Gen's trying so hard to get to it.

Still wondering how "Mykage" is Toma- I know he looks like him, but he's even more of a pain and a troll than Toma was.
Also, Toma was.....{Continued in a spoiler}

Though I think (as another poster said above me) that if Mykage is Toma or not- he likely is the cause of their "Curse" he seems to have a similar infatuation with Kagura as Toma did for Apollonius.... and the same hatred for most women.... and to add to those thoughts I'll say this:

Another reason for him to create the curse would be if he was hoping Apollonius was born on their planet instead of earth- that that would be a way for him to be sure Apollonius was male, there is a possibility for souls to change gender when their reincarnated -(Hence the thought that Mikano might be Apollo)- and the curse would be a way to be double sure that he was reborn male.... if he was born on their planet.
But the last time he was reborn, it was as a wingless human who carried the scars of the spot where his wings had been ripped off in his time as Apollonius.... and it was on earth- not their own planet.
So I think he made it so that any women brought from Earth died if they were too weak to withstand it- and the ones who could survive had potential to be Apollo if he was born on earth as a female.

queenSwild said:

queenSwild said:
Dissix said:
I think its the whole theory that mikono might be Apollo, and that's why she is getting more attention, cause yes fudo did give apollo a private lesson in one episode towards the end of the season, so maybe that's why Mikono is getting extra help?

Another question, during Apollo's "private lesson" with Fudo, did he learn that he was the reincarnation of Apollinius? Or did he learn before/after that?

As for Mikono being Apollo- I don't think she is.
But-it wouldn't surprise me. But it also wouldn't surprise me if she was Silvia. I think they'd start making people or trying to make people think that and then troll those people and have them be who we all originally guessed they all were.
That being said. Silvia didn't seem to dislike Fudou to me, She was annoyed by him and she often yelled at him, but their relationship at first reminded me a bit of a father daughter one- "Zen" seems to see Mikano in a similar sense as he did with Silvia, like a father might- possibly he had a similar relationship with Celian(Sp?).
Later around the end he seemed to still be like that but also he was starting to talk to her a bit like she was an equal.

Random thought #2: I wonder what happened to Rena- she was the blind Vampire in a wheelchair with the book, I would think she'd still be around.... and since they don't have her book............ I wonder....

As for privet lessons. Most of the side characters close to the main characters had their own story and some of them were shown to be being taught things by Foudo from time to time. He talked to Silvia a lot with and without Apollo- also remember, Silvia's brother Sirius was another part of Celian's soul- and he also got some lessons if I'm remembering right -(It's been a number of years since I re-watched it, so it's a bit foggy here and there)- Also, in the last Episode he was with Silvia, giving her emotional support -(Somewhat)- when Apollo and her brother and Toma were sacrificing themselves in Aquarion.
He was there with her after she said goodbye to Apollo and he helped her with her powers... I think.

Anyway- that's my take on what I've seen so far :P
windeen-windyMay 14, 2012 6:02 AM
May 14, 2012 7:18 AM

Aug 2010
Well, Jessica had her boobs back in the preview so maybe it wears off once you get off Altair.

On another note, I really think Mikage makes a very good villain. The show wouldn't be the same without him pulling strings.
May 14, 2012 7:33 AM

Jul 2009
As for Amata's father, Amata was at least 5 years old before his mother was taken to Altair so the guy had to have been on Vega back then. Izumo seems to have too deep a connection to Altair to leave Alicia on Earth after he himself would impregnate her... he would definitely force her to give birth on Altair.

If you want to argue that Fudo is Amata's father then you can but you should realize that Fudo doesn't take action in regards to things like that, he's more of an observant guide.

It is possible that Mikage turned Alicia into a `Virgin Mary` or impregnated her himself but as you all know, Mikage only cares for Apollonius, so I doubt he'd have intercourse with a human.

Finally, if Donars is his father, I'm going to rage. -_- I refuse to accept Mr. Donars as Amata's father, even if they pull some bullshit that would make it so, and as we saw with MixY, it's very possible to fuck everything over completely...
windeen-windy said:
Still wondering how "Mykage" is Toma- I know he looks like him, but he's even more of a pain and a troll than Toma was.
Also, Toma was.....{Continued in a spoiler}

You're overlooking a couple of things. The scent Apollo smelled in Aquarion wasn't Tomas, it was the shadow angels' generic scent, it was Fudo's scent!

Now for Toma... Toma had the ability to create teleport gates... it's one of the basic abilities of the feathers shadow angels have.

In any case, Mikage is one of two things:
a) Toma who used his feathers to escape, renamed himself Mikage
b) Toma was reincarnated after sacrificing all of his life force with Sirius and Apollo as Mikage

In either case, Toma may have accepted that humans have emotions and that Apollonius loves Celiane, but he still didn't even hear Apollonius say something like "I may love Celiane with all my heart, but you're my best friend and I treasure you as well." Because of this, Mikage is making their reincarnations feel his own depair...

Unlike Mikage who had a full-blooded shadow angel body, Apollo was only a vessel for a god and Sirius was a descendant of the mix between humans and shadow angels. Mikage giving life force would hurt but it wouldn't be deadly... Apollo and Sirius giving life force would be like ripping our their hearts, they'd probably die almost instantly. It's still possible that Mikage sacrificed a deadly amount and died though so we shouldn't immediately assume he lived.

prismheart said:
Well, Jessica had her boobs back in the preview so maybe it wears off once you get off Altair.
The preview is something that annoys me. It is possible that they're using previous footage with a different audio to fool the watchers. The footage looks like scenes we've seen before too so I'd like to ask people not to jump to the conclusion that she still has boobs and cry if we see ZessicaXY. I've seen some previews from other anime do this sort of thing before. :P
kyled00mMay 14, 2012 7:38 AM
May 14, 2012 11:10 AM
Sep 2011
Isn't it ironic how Mix got turned into the type of human being she despised so much at the beginning? I wouldn't even be surprised if this change is irreversible since this show seems tend to deny its characters their wishes.
May 14, 2012 11:32 AM
Jan 2011
SuaveIV said:
Does anyone else find it odd watching this on Mother Day?



Amata X Mikono GOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!
Nasty001May 14, 2012 11:40 AM
May 14, 2012 11:43 AM

Mar 2009
windeen-windy said:

Quoting my own post because I was half asleep when typing it and forgot to add this:
In the above quote there is a quote from another user who asked if Fudou told anyone about their incarnations in the first series.
Yes and no, if I remember correctly from the moment they found Apollo they suspected him but it wasn't confirmed until the episodes in the double digits... probably around 12 or 14 I think.... but it's been a while since I watched-so I might be off. As for Silvia, she knew and had all her memories pretty much from the start of the series. It wasn't discovered that he and Silvia were two parts of one soul, so to speak until the end.
May 14, 2012 12:01 PM

Mar 2009
kyled00m said:
As for Amata's father, Amata was at least 5 years old before his mother was taken to Altair so the guy had to have been on Vega back then. Izumo seems to have too deep a connection to Altair to leave Alicia on Earth after he himself would impregnate her... he would definitely force her to give birth on Altair.

If you want to argue that Fudo is Amata's father then you can but you should realize that Fudo doesn't take action in regards to things like that, he's more of an observant guide.

windeen-windy said:
Still wondering how "Mykage" is Toma- I know he looks like him, but he's even more of a pain and a troll than Toma was.
Also, Toma was.....{Continued in a spoiler}

You're overlooking a couple of things. The scent Apollo smelled in Aquarion wasn't Tomas, it was the shadow angels' generic scent, it was Fudo's scent!

Now for Toma... Toma had the ability to create teleport gates... it's one of the basic abilities of the feathers shadow angels have.

In any case, Mikage is one of two things:
a) Toma who used his feathers to escape, renamed himself Mikage
b) Toma was reincarnated after sacrificing all of his life force with Sirius and Apollo as Mikage

In either case, Toma may have accepted that humans have emotions and that Apollonius loves Celiane, but he still didn't even hear Apollonius say something like "I may love Celiane with all my heart, but you're my best friend and I treasure you as well." Because of this, Mikage is making their reincarnations feel his own depair...

Unlike Mikage who had a full-blooded shadow angel body, Apollo was only a vessel for a god and Sirius was a descendant of the mix between humans and shadow angels. Mikage giving life force would hurt but it wouldn't be deadly... Apollo and Sirius giving life force would be like ripping our their hearts, they'd probably die almost instantly. It's still possible that Mikage sacrificed a deadly amount and died though so we shouldn't immediately assume he lived.

o_O I haven't seen anyone mention Fudou as a father possibility- I highly doubt that though. However, just in-case someone misunderstood what I meant...If your referring to my mention of him and the word father- that was in reference to his relationship(s) to Silvia's past and possibly future incarnation. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea there by misreading something..... I think that would be such a far out possibility that it's impossibly....... almost.
If they made it turn out like that that would be a real WTF moment for me.
It's not too often when I run into anime that have moments like that for me.... but I have seen some. Don't know if I'm hard to get that reaction out of or what.

Anyway in your answer to my Mykage spoiler post.... Yeah I forgot that. But I did say a few times that what I do remember is from what I watched a few years ago.... personally I've had a lot going on and I'm amazed I remembered what I did even though I generally have a memory like a sponge when it comes to anime, I soak most of it all up- but I watch so many animes that the longer I go without re-watching them the foggier it gets :P But Yeah, I do admit I forgot to take that into consideration.
^^ That was a good call.
I was just trying to point out that people shouldn't automatically assume he IS Toma even though he looks a bit like him -(Not exactly if you looked at their pictures side by side but whatever- it's enough to be almost a twin or clone when NOT looking at them side by side....I assume you get my meaning)- and admittedly acts very like him..... considering the anime this is and the fact that they apparently like Trolling people with this series. I don't really remember much Trolling in the first one. That was much more upfront with everything...... I'm the kind of a person that when reading a novel, I skip to the last few pages if the curiosity gets to much, so I can't stand it when I'm being trolled by a show who's successor -(The first series)- I happened to really love.... even if it's been a while since I saw it ^^;;
May 14, 2012 12:45 PM

Jul 2009
^^ Mikage isn't Toma just because they look alike. He was frozen and woke up when by Aquarion's `kiss`. He's acts the same way, uses flowers and feathers the same way, manipulates people the same way, and only cares for Apollonius. I'd say the only difference is Mikage is kinder, which probably was born from seeing humans had feelings. Of course there's a difference in how he's treating the people of his planet... but they're not exactly shadow angels anymore.

windeen-windy said:
windeen-windy said:

Quoting my own post because I was half asleep when typing it and forgot to add this:
In the above quote there is a quote from another user who asked if Fudou told anyone about their incarnations in the first series.
Yes and no, if I remember correctly from the moment they found Apollo they suspected him but it wasn't confirmed until the episodes in the double digits... probably around 12 or 14 I think.... but it's been a while since I watched-so I might be off. As for Silvia, she knew and had all her memories pretty much from the start of the series. It wasn't discovered that he and Silvia were two parts of one soul, so to speak until the end.
Actually, for Fudo and Rina, I'm sure they knew from episode 1 and 2... Fudo knew when he saw him, and Rina suspected in episode 1 when she said he had the wings and guaranteed herself in episode 2 when she drank his blood. Silvia knew it in episode 1 probably but she didn't want to accept it, because she disliked Apollo's personality. You have to admit, she just loves rejecting reality...

There's too much we don't know about reincarnation, let alone reincarnation in regards to this series. Generally, memories of your past life will never surface, even in times of dire need. Memories could be awoken for any number of reasons, or it may be based on triggers set up during your life. For example, Apollo's loss of Baron in episode 1 led to him recalling Aquarion. Silvia's history isn't really known much other than that she lost her parents in a fire so I'm not going to go into how hers surfaced.
May 14, 2012 6:29 PM

Jan 2011
Mix turned into Mixy..i miss the days of them just having fun enjoying young love now everyone's turning into dudes ;_;
May 14, 2012 7:17 PM

May 2012
queenSwild said:
Dissix said:
I think its the whole theory that mikono might be Apollo, and that's why she is getting more attention, cause yes fudo did give apollo a private lesson in one episode towards the end of the season, so maybe that's why Mikono is getting extra help?

Another question, during Apollo's "private lesson" with Fudo, did he learn that he was the reincarnation of Apollinius? Or did he learn before/after that?

I believe it was before, he didn't learn it from Fudo he learned it when he sniffed the feather, and Fudo just taught him a lesson, he didn't tell him the truth , or I don't believe so, its been awhile since I've seen the first season
May 14, 2012 8:27 PM

Jul 2009
Apollo never `learned` he was the reincarnation of Apollonius. At various times last season, his past memories would take over at various points and after a couple times, it became a natural part of him. It's not that he learned he was Apollonius, it's that he became a mix of Apollonius and Apollo. As one might put it, "Apollon!" Sound familiar? :P
May 14, 2012 11:50 PM

May 2010
So the whole thing about Miyx turning into a boy wasn't Altair fault well not entirely, but I'm a little dissapointed with this episode !!

May 15, 2012 7:25 PM

Oct 2011
AGGGGGHHHH ! >:Ui bet everybody cursed at their computer when they saw this episode!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 16, 2012 4:09 PM

May 2011
Damn it they didn't explain that situation about Amata's family at all. What's so special about his mom, and ffs those dumb guards along with Spada coming in at the worse time; just when Izumo was going to say something about his father. It can't be Izumo right since he's from Altair. And I wonder what Mykage means when he said the wings are awakening now, which I am assuming hes talking about Amata.

Can't wait to find out more the truth by Fudo. Oooh hes the same exact guy from Sousei. Ugh I've still gotta finish that season.

Smh Mixy... Thank god Zessica and Yunoha got the hell out of there in time.
May 16, 2012 4:43 PM

Mar 2009
I'll point out that Izumo has commented that he was on earth "In his youth" and that he had missed it (Can't remember which episode but he said it at least once and Mykage alluded to the fact that he'd been there before as well).
So I always assumed that was the case. That he is Amata's father. And I'll continue to think that unless shown otherwise....
May 16, 2012 10:37 PM
Apr 2012
I don't know what to do anymore... seriously, just let Mix (or Mixy now) and Andy resolve this arc already! AH! Even Andy is starting to get on my nerves! Of course, Kagura was nowhere to be found until the end... A cool character wasting away right now...

The only part I enjoyed about this episode was Fudo trolling (more donut analogies!). This episode only reinforced what we already knew, thus next episode I EXPECT development in the forward direction! This anime could be really good if they had a better layout of how the story progresses and character development. So sad to see a great idea with bad execution.
May 16, 2012 11:04 PM

Jul 2009
ZeroZx said:
Damn it they didn't explain that situation about Amata's family at all. What's so special about his mom, and ffs those dumb guards along with Spada coming in at the worse time; just when Izumo was going to say something about his father. It can't be Izumo right since he's from Altair. And I wonder what Mykage means whenhe said the wings are awakening now, which I am assuming hes talking about Amata.

Can't wait to find out more the truth by Fudo. Oooh hes the same exact guy from Sousei. Ugh I've still gotta finish that season.

Smh Mixy... Thank god Zessica and Yunoha got the hell out of there in time.
Amata's mother fell asleep upon arriving at Altair and hasn't woken up since. Like other elements, she has an aura protecting her from effects of shadow angels, like how Apollo in S1E1 didn't get affected by the harvest beast. The Aura's probably prevent them from dying on Altair, but they're probably still affected in another way, say becoming male? The container Amata's mother is in probably ignores the rules of time so that you lie dormant without being changed, which may be why she's still female after going there.

If Izumo is Amata's father, I'm going to consider this season never existed when I talk about Aquarion... Sousei was at least 3x as good as this one so far, and adding a darth vader father reference from Izumo will just kill the ending if you ask me. I'd rather have Amata's father be a female who went to Altair, became a guy, and fucked Alicia afterward.
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