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Aug 2, 2008 12:32 AM

Jan 2008
I don't really understand, they reached the Cluster control center but why was Renton's sister, father and all these other people there? How did they get there?
Oct 15, 2008 10:11 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Quite an emotional episode. ;_;

I think the people where were ones that died, but had merged with the Scab Coral?




[H+] ³  
Oct 26, 2008 8:57 PM

Aug 2008
they end the episode with the villian pushing a large red button? GAHHH!!!

luckily i can move on to the next episode immediately and not wait a week like currently airing animes :P
Nov 20, 2008 5:26 PM

Jun 2008
i think those that are there are those that "died" in the "summer of love #1"

nice ep...gaah red button ;D
Apr 5, 2009 3:28 AM

Jan 2009
argh exciting episode. Now lets see some nirvash kick-ass action
Jun 20, 2009 1:42 AM

Apr 2009
Oh my god this anime is SO FUCKING EPIC!!!!
Jul 4, 2009 6:31 AM

Sep 2008
I can't believe Dewey actually has a big red button to push to start it all. XD

I think those people that are in the "core" of the Scab Coral are the ones that died, as well... and Renton understood that.
Jul 9, 2009 1:36 AM

Jan 2009
Wait, so the humans left Earth 10,000 years ago to escape the scab coral. Where did they go? And how the hell did no one realize that they were already on earth?

Throwing logic aside, cool ep, we finally learn more about the history of the scab coral. It looks like it'll be up to Renton and Eureka to save the day.

Jul 18, 2009 8:25 AM

Jul 2009
next eps will be Nirvash\Renton\Eureka\Gekko-go\88 members of the army that rebelled\(somehow) kids kick-ass action! XD
things are pretty interesting now,and they're on Earth ?! Didn't see that one coming.
And Dewey HAS A BIG RED BUTTON! Classic.
Jul 22, 2009 2:25 PM

Mar 2008
YaY for information and a big red button to fire a superweapon :)

Renton's sister mentioned that she lived on pure thought (or something like that), so I think that those people in the library are fused with the scub coral.
Oct 5, 2009 3:01 PM

Jun 2009
I guessed that they were on Earth the minute he said "When the Scab Coral's became as big as Earth". [/mindlessbragging]

Next episode sounds incredibly, and has an awesome name, "Ballet Mechanical"

Finally an episode dedicated to a fight including The End.
Never had that before xD

No seriously those eps were awesome!
All two of them.
Mar 22, 2010 8:10 AM
Mar 2010
When Eureka, Renton and the kids reach Eart, Eureka starts transforming into a 'real Coralian' (you know, turning into a butterfly and all). I don't get this thing! I mean, we saw it before in the story of Norbu and Sakuya, where also Sakuya gained these Compact-Drive glowing spots. But WHY are they transforming? I mean, there are created with Human DNA, right? I mean, I remember Misha saying that she has the same biological features as any normal human being. So why would she transform? Because when the Coralian knowledge tool (namely Eureka and Sakuya) learned what love is, they are not in need of their human appearance and are meant to go back to the Scab Coral to exchange experiences and knowledge? I hope there's anybody here who can share their opionions of this weird phenomenon in Eureka Seven!
Apr 14, 2010 2:19 AM

Mar 2007
Discussions with spoilers for a specific episode are best done in the episode discussion thread.

Threads merged
Dec 16, 2010 6:40 PM

May 2009
Yeah, I'm still not quite wrapping my head around some of these details.

That said, yeah, y'all seem to have a good explanation for it--they died physically, but their consciousness lived on in another plane of existence, the one that's the thoughts of every being or something.
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Jan 2, 2011 7:45 PM

Mar 2009
Glad to see Renton finally have a conversation with his father & sister. (If it even was real..)
But im really excited to see this HUGE battle about to take place. :3

Sep 15, 2011 3:05 PM

Aug 2011
Wow, a lot going on in this episode. My brain is about to explode.

I was really frustrated that Adrock didn't say a single word. GAH TALK DAMNIT.
Apr 9, 2012 6:32 AM

Apr 2009
Adroc isn't very talkative, huh.

All stuff going on makes sense, but some things Renton said were a bit illogical, and I don't mean his intentions to stop the command cluster from getting nuked but the way he worded some things about the connection between scub coral and humans. Maybe it's intentional considering he's not very bright. But besides that, this episode was great.
May 12, 2012 12:56 PM

Nov 2007
So Renton chose a different path.

I see a lot of viewers here are confused. I'm surprised because I thought this series was extremely clear and everything could have been guessed 10 episodes ago. Again, depends on one's experience with SF and fantasy. After loads of SF and fantasy experience, you just become very fast at assessing the situation.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Jun 8, 2012 7:58 PM

Apr 2011
His dad didn't say a word to him that's messed up.
Jul 29, 2012 2:50 PM

Mar 2012
So did Adrock and Renton's sister choose to fuse with the SC and therefore they only exist in that plane but not in the physical one?

Kind of like a matrix type thing going on...

YOu can tell this next ep is going to be insane.
"We're nothing more than fools and whores with sad highs"
Nov 25, 2012 12:33 PM

Sep 2010
So the only way they could communicate with humans was to fuse with other living things? Interesting.

I cried when Renton saw his father again.

"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Nov 26, 2012 9:17 AM

Jul 2012
Wait they want to communicate with people of earth but release killer eyeballs to kill us ??
Jan 19, 2013 10:17 AM
Jan 2010
VictimOfFate said:
Adroc isn't very talkative, huh.

giraffesyo said:
His dad didn't say a word to him that's messed up.

Am I the only one that got the feeling that they didn't have enough money to hire a voice actor for this guy?
Mar 8, 2013 3:08 PM

Jan 2013
So they were on Earth all along?
This is confusing
Mar 28, 2013 4:19 PM
Feb 2008
The Scub Corals were alien life forms that came to Earth via attaching to the detachable booster rocket for a shuttle launch (which was named Eureka). They evolved and began to fuse with everything on the planet for the sake of "communication" i.e. they're a hivemind species.

So humans left the planet when the scub coral took over. 10,000 years later humans came back and the scub corals went dormant before finishing the Limit of all Questions whatever that means. And things continued on.

So Eureka and Sakuya are envoys to communicate better with humans? Anemone is some sort of clone of Eureka and Sakuya? The tapers and all of that are produced by the scub coral I'm assuming? Where did humans go for the 10,000 years? Why did the Council supress the knowledge that they're really on Earth? What exactly are LFOs...reformatted old mech technology? So Adroc and Diane became one with the scub coral too?
Jul 16, 2013 11:11 PM

May 2010
What the hell just happened? Where did that library come from?
Aug 5, 2013 1:24 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
chaosflaw said:

And Dewey HAS A BIG RED BUTTON! Classic.

That button made me laugh. Although this came first, it reminded me of CG. Nice episode about Scub Coral, though I don't think we learned much and instead I'm more confused about this Limitation Question thing...The way it manifested itself as a library seemed really cool though, felt kind of like heaven, a place that people would like to stay in, and read all day lol.
Feb 16, 2014 6:38 AM

Aug 2013
Renton's dad just kinda stared at him when he was talking to him lol
My Candies:
Jun 23, 2014 11:15 PM

Jun 2012
VictimOfFate said:
Adroc isn't very talkative, huh.

giraffesyo said:
His dad didn't say a word to him that's messed up.

Iolo said:
Renton's dad just kinda stared at him when he was talking to him lol

LOL so true xD

Anemone, please don't cry, Dominic will come to save you :D

Jul 6, 2014 11:06 AM

Sep 2013
Im so confused.
"I have been wielding a blade since before your were swimming around your father's scrotum." - Kurou
Jul 21, 2014 12:34 AM

Aug 2013
Saburo-kun said:
VictimOfFate said:
Adroc isn't very talkative, huh.

giraffesyo said:
His dad didn't say a word to him that's messed up.

Iolo said:
Renton's dad just kinda stared at him when he was talking to him lol

LOL so true xD

I was staring and thinking did he forget how to speak. zzz. facepalm. -___-

I see I see.. both daddy and sis fused with the Scrub Corals.
Most of the things made sense now. I can't wait for Anemone's dark past.
Jul 22, 2014 3:39 AM
Sep 2013
Really late to the discussion, but I thought I might add my two cents on this episode.

I don't think Renton really met his sister and father. I think that what Renton was talking to was the scub coral, projecting itself as something familliar. Just like how the scub coral presented how it works as a library, I think it also drew from Renton's memories to create a fictional sister and father. If both his sister and father are projections form his memory, it explains some weirdness around them. His sister shys away from the subject of how she get here an if she's real. She kind of give a vague answer and doesn't actually explain what happened to her, because she never actually fused with the coral. This also explains why Ardroc never said anything. If Adroc died while Renton was still very young, that means he doesn't have any memories of what he sounded like. All he has is an image of him he's seen in pictures, and that's why Adroc never shows any emotion or speaks.

I dunno. I thought it made sense.
Jul 22, 2014 7:20 AM

Aug 2013
^It does actually make sense. The whole time Renton was talking to Diane, I kept thinking if she's real. How did she even get there when not even Sakuya and Norb were able to reach beyond the Zone? How did the other humans (if they're real) even reach that place? Why was Renton's dad acting like someone who's brain-dead? Everything seems so unnatural.

Why do scub corals know so much? They discovered there's another universe beyond our universe but they still haven't figured out an effective way of communicating with humans.
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Aug 20, 2014 1:04 PM

May 2012
Great episode, that reunion of his sister/dad sure was touching and well shit is going to get down next so let's see what will happen in the next episode.
Feb 6, 2015 9:02 PM

Aug 2013
Wooooah. So does that mean that the blue sky, the beach, the Earth... All that is a reproduction from the Scab Coral? They were the whole time in a ''dream''? I admit I didn't expected that.

It was a touching reunion between Renton and his family. It felt like the Scab Coral was speeking through Dianne, but we could see that it was really her at the end. They just choosed to live in harmony with the Scab.

Dewey put his plan to execution. I don't really understand what he plan to do, but if I understand well, he plan to create a massive hole/portal through the coating probably created by the Scab Coral. Do he plan to do multiple shot with the Oratorio? I don't know, it may have a time limit to fully charge.

I wonder if Anemone can still be saved... Honestly, her life is tragic, I'd like to see her make it out of this mess, no matter how crazy she is. From what we could saw in the Novak Lab, she was a war orphan and probably saw in Dewey a loving father. But he only used her to achieve his goal. He'll have to face the conscequences for all that he have done when all will be over.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Feb 1, 2017 12:47 PM
Aug 2014
Wait, let me get this straight. The coral arrived 10.000 years ago and assimilated most life on earth. After they ran out of food the coral went dormant. Some humans managed to escape, but somehow they returned causing the coral to wake again and having learnt that if you try to eat/assimilate the humans aggressively they flee. So this time they make some beautiful teenage girls and have them react to gullible, innocent, somewhat dense human boys (Renton and Norb) to try and get them to fuse voluntarily. Which would result in the end of humankind.

Then we have Dewey who is just trying to kill the alien invader that tries do destroy humanity.

So doesn't that mean that the coral is the villain of this story?
Jul 6, 2017 2:01 AM

Jul 2008
So the Scub corals are the borg....the choices are be assimilated or everything dies....the reason we hit the limit of questions is because of the scub corals in the first place.

Yeah no wonder humans want to rebel!!!
Oct 15, 2017 12:58 PM
Mar 2017
The question isn't "What anime do you like?" That is merely a list.
The question is "Why do you like it?" That tells a story. Your story.
Oct 23, 2017 2:16 PM

Jul 2013
Hmm, so his sister and father are there along with a ton of humans who merged with scub coral to survive presumably. Interesting.

And it all looks like a library again, because that's how the scub coral thing ... logically? lol.

I still don't get how there can be a limit of questions ... and so the scub coral were aliens who landed on Earth and wanted to learn and ask questions but had no way to communicate so just merged with everything until humans, the only ones they could possibly converse with left .... and they asked too many damn questions.

Yeah, Eureka and the other one created to learn and ask questions from humans ... yeah it does seem like the scub coral, and not military forces who want to destroy it should be the villians.
Aug 2, 2019 1:22 PM

Apr 2019
So, Adroc didn't talk because Renton never heard his voice or because they didn't hire a VA for him? If I remember correctly he talks in one of Eureka's flashback, then, if it is the first option, maybe the Scub Corals are just projecting Renton's memories to himself and Diane and Adroc aren't really there? But as said in another comment, before they leave with Nirvash, it really looks that she is the real Diane. I don't know. I guess everyone there being people that died in the first summer of love/fused with the coral scub makes more sense and they just didn't have the budget for Adroc's VA.

Also, humanity stayed floating in space for ten thousand years? I don't think that's possible chief.

Where it comes from the idea of fusing with a hivemind? This concept is present in so many anime and, at least for every anime that I saw, it is always rejected. Not that I disagree with rejecting to make part of a hivemind, but I find it curious. It is a japanese thing or am I just too illiterate?

Nice big red button too LMAO
Feb 12, 2020 12:12 PM
Sep 2019
stephtastrophe said:

I still don't get how there can be a limit of questions ... and so the scub coral were aliens who landed on Earth and wanted to learn and ask questions but had no way to communicate so just merged with everything until humans, the only ones they could possibly converse with left .... and they asked too many damn questions.

Yeah, Eureka and the other one created to learn and ask questions from humans ... yeah it does seem like the scub coral, and not military forces who want to destroy it should be the villians.

That was quite the info dump there, all very interesting. One thing this show very plainly asks, is are the scub coral malevolent or are they simply existing the only way they know how? Even they don't know where they came from how/where/why, they simply ended up on earth, and "woke up" in the ocean and did the only thing they can. They just walk to communicate/talk, is that so bad? Looking at Renton's sister and the rest of humanity that fused/absorbed with the Coral, doesn't seem like they mind. A giant pooling of all knowledge and information? Some people might describe that as heaven, true enlightenment. But to sacrifice one's own individuality? That's an ages old philosophical question.

The idea of a "Question Limit" is interesting. It's either the limit on the amount of lifeforms, intelligence, consciousness, or "knowledge" that can be possessed. I guess if the sub coral get big enough, they just know too much info and that causes some sort of collapse of reality/our universe. Kinda sounds like a black hole/singularity. The laws of reality are really weird around those so I guess this sort of idea could work. Very interesting. The part about the "other universe" existing on the other side of the tear. Dianne's talk seems to suggestion that somehow the fused consciousness of humans/coral could survive this, and move to the new universe? But any non fused humans would die. I wonder if we will see more about that.

So you can definitely see Dewey's point of view. With his weird upbringing (Sacrificial king), individualism and sacrifice are a big deal to him. Hard to really get exactly what happened to him as a kid, as one of the characters said, you need a therapist to figure that stuff out.

The idea of the scub coral being young/nascent when it absorbed all life on earth, and eventually growing to be "lonely" and possibly regretting (or at least wishing for a different way to communicate) seems pretty neat. Many characters on this show have followed a similar ark, becoming more matural so it's kinda appropriate that the Scub coral would do the same thing.

Molding part of themselves into two Humanoids, as best they could, to try and better communicate. Starting from nothing. Interesting that the first attempt spawns a religion, is viewed as a diety, and is given the exact opposite treatment that the Coral wanted (silence, no communication what so ever). The second one is coopted into the War machine, taught to kill innocents, and used for experiments causing great calamity. Real opposite ends of the spectrum. Bit it's interesting how Eureka seems to be more successful than Sakuya. Perhaps that was the whole point (to fully understand humans, you really need to get the whole experience, warts and all).

Not sure if Dianne or Adroc are "real" or not. It's interesting that for Renton it's Dianne, but for Eureka she has to seek out Adroc. He's there to ask questions, she is there to deliver her "message" (love: the heart in the book). Either way, the serve the purpose of providing a new option other than the "lets just absorb all of humanity so we can survive" default Scub Coral plan. Sounds like a good message. lets hope it works.
Dec 24, 2020 10:11 AM

Jul 2017
SO. MUCH. INFODUMP. And it had to be Renton's sister role to only infodump everything in this entire series of course. So much to take in and understand but overall, fine episode. It was nice to see Renton's sister and even father regardless (appreciate Renton's father being chill and silent after all the infodumping this episode gave).
Oct 27, 2021 7:48 AM
Absolute Zenith

Mar 2016
Ahhhh... How satisfying, the infodump here narrated by none other than the long lost Diane has shone light upon various concepts and topics that needed answering, it feels good knowing everything now. Doane really is knowledgable, ofc that's needless to be said considering how she has scoured through this library of knowledge and consciousness for ages. This meant that she, unfortunately, has died in the past, or at the very least, her body have physically merged with the scub corals, I assume that sort of merging is identical to how Eureka herself has almost merged with the scub corals many eps ago.

As I have thought the moment Earth was revealed to be underground this entire time, the scub corals have grown to a massive ultrastructure comprising of ultra-tall pillars holding up the bulk mass of the scub corals which now blankets the entirety of Earth and acts as the main ground on which humans live on. No wonder why there are so many 'tectonic shifts' that's to be expected when the ground itself is a living organism. It makes sense why humans wanted to leave Earth when they see the unstoppable mass of planet-consuming being eating up the entire planet, though I wonder, for the past thousands of years, where have they lived? On other planets or simply on complex systems of space stations? That's a plot never mentioned before, it's always just 'humans left Earth for space' without delving deeper.

Taking into account how scub corasl consume all the lifeforms in order to 'learn', they must've consumed a human or a human might have merged with the corals for the corals to be able to synthesize humanoid coralians such as Eureka and Sakuya. A shame that both of them started their life in the least communicative role. A divine object of worship towards which nobody talk towards, and a coldhearted special ops unit tasked with obeying orders without answering back. Well done humanity.

Moral of the story, make sure to inspect your rockets which suddenly blew up IN SPACE. And if you see a strange coral-like-being sprouting from the sea where the rockets crash-landed, nuke that shit to oblivion!
Aug 28, 2023 4:54 PM
Jan 2016
Watching this episode it blows my mind how often the concepts from Arthur C. Clarke's novel Childhood's End keep popping up in anime. It wasn't until this episode that I realized it was a thing here once Diane started talking about the scub coral needing to fuse with other lifeforms to communicate and the consciousness of humanity could live on by fusing with it. This type of plot point also came up in Space Runaway Ideon, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Darling in the Franxx, the list goes on and on...
Dec 17, 2024 6:12 PM

Dec 2018
Renton: blah blah sis, bla sis bla sis sis sis blah blah sis
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA God help us all it drove me nuts, worse than the kids

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