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Jan 18, 2021 7:38 AM

Jul 2017
Sorawo and Toriko back into the Otherside World, though it seems that the travel is much more longer and sparse this time while interconnecting with each other along the way.

The walk into a giant village that's heavy-fogged, it emits the creepy vibes. Not to mention the weird Big-Head alien archetypes, it gives off the feeling of the self-insert into Left 4 Dead and almost being trampled by CG aliens instead.

The journey for both girls can only get as more wild and spine-chilling.

Filler? I guess you can say so, but why when there's more than enough content from the novel/manga?

Next arc: Time, Space, and a Middle-Aged Man
KANLen09Jan 19, 2021 5:19 PM
Jan 18, 2021 7:45 AM
Jul 2018
ooh, another very interesting episode.

a lot of yuri development in this episode, especially in the scene after the opening and the shack and ending scene. that village was so creepy… wtf were those white things?! also, i just realised this anime uses cgi quite a lot like in the scenes where we see the characters from far away.

this show really sets the supernatural vibe/atmosphere well, looking forward to next weeks episode.
Jan 18, 2021 7:53 AM

Apr 2018
So they really found a village full of monsters from the otherside, it was really creepy, well now I wonder what will happen next, seems like this world is even more dangerous than they thought
Jan 18, 2021 7:57 AM

Feb 2010
In the second-half, they don't need to throw rock to check glitch anymore~
Jan 18, 2021 8:04 AM

Apr 2019
Got major made in abyss vibes from this episode. Those big headed monsters were creepy af. Seems their elevator to the other side has also been compromised. I'm starting to like this anime more and more. The CG was pretty bad but it was only in some minor/unimportant scenes so it was acceptable

Jan 18, 2021 8:05 AM

Apr 2019
Yangbojian said:
In the second-half, they don't need to throw rock to check glitch anymore~
i know right, convenient... maybe there weren't any glitches because they were in the vicinity of the big head village?

Jan 18, 2021 8:10 AM

Jan 2014
Damn those big head things were certainly creepy. The atmosphere of the village was certainly spooky too.
Jan 18, 2021 8:12 AM

Jul 2017
Quite thrilling moment when they were chased right there, well done with the OST there.
Tho the CGI is pretty bad considering there's quite other CGI animes that looks way better. But it get the jobs done just fine (read P.s.). Liked the development between the two too, yep they got the chemistry to keep teaming up.

P.s. : The CGI is doing the job there because it's enough to confuse Toriko, seeing those big headed alien monsters, she needs to check if Sorao's head size got affected and get big like them... LOL
Jan 18, 2021 8:22 AM

Feb 2019
The content in this episode was mostly anime-original and, if the name of the next arc in the OP is right, they would've postponed a chapter. If so, I don't think it would be a good decision, but well.

Aside from the CG, which I'm not even going to touch upon, there were inconsistencies in Sorawo's blue eye alternating between being blue and brown in this episode. I know she's supposed to sometimes wear a contact lens, but it still got my attention.

Because it was anime original before the chapter that follows Hasshaku-sama in the source, I think it took away one of the conflicts of one of the next arcs, since it made Sorawo go along with Toriko to the Otherside after Hasshaku-sama without her expressing second thoughts, just being 'oh well, whatever'.

They also amped the romantic text, so it seems the anime is going for a more 'fast burn' approach than the source. Not necessarily better or worse, it depends on what the anime scriptwriters are going to do with it.

One thing I really don't get is why they chose to go with rocks instead of bolts. It just seemed like they 1) wanted content for comedy in the first 10 minutes of the episode and 2) to tie it with a reference by Toriko at the end. After all, seeing Abarato use bolts, why wouldn't Sorawo think about how practical it is? Well, at least is was well-used in the episode, since it did have a textual impact at the end.

I'd say Liden is doing an average to mediocre job at adapting this, but I also think they are getting progressively better. I just don't know if it's enough. I mean, better than bad isn't necessarily good.
KosmonautJan 18, 2021 8:34 AM
Jan 18, 2021 8:22 AM
Jul 2018
This episode was 100% filler. There is nothing about this in the source material at all. Dropping this garbage adaptation.
Jan 18, 2021 8:53 AM

Oct 2007
jump scare from elevator girl. Possible that thing is remembering them.. and learned to position itself closer to the elevator!

and even scarier is the village with big head people. Why the person in the pic offered rice looks normal, but everyone in the village is monster.

another enjoyable episode. looking forward to next week! :)
Liddo-kunJan 18, 2021 8:58 AM
Jan 18, 2021 8:53 AM

Oct 2017
Whew they made it back alive, good thing they found that entrance there. Kinda boring episode tbh, highlight of this episode was proly the elevator comedy part.
Jan 18, 2021 8:55 AM
Jul 2020
I liked it, but development of the story was a little slow. I wonder what 3 chopsticks in the rice bowl means? Does that mean the dead there are not human? Sorao's gay panic needs to chill a little lol
Jan 18, 2021 8:58 AM
Jul 2018
p4rad0x- said:
This episode was 100% filler. There is nothing about this in the source material at all. Dropping this garbage adaptation.

was it really that bad though? i thought it was a pretty interesting episode that showed more about the otherside but i can see what u mean since there wasn't really any plot or character developments. it was still a nice episode though imo

Azenith said:
I liked it, but development of the story was a little slow. I wonder what 3 chopsticks in the rice bowl means? Does that mean the dead there are not human? Sorao's gay panic needs to chill a little lol

i'm pretty sure the main focus was that the rice still wasn't spoiled suggesting that people had been there recently
Jan 18, 2021 9:04 AM

Apr 2009
Liden continues to just take a dump all over this series. Why did they feel the urge to shove in an absolutely pointless, badly written and animated filler while skipping or postponing good LN arcs is beyond me. Much masters of anime indeed.
Jan 18, 2021 9:06 AM
Jul 2020
2077 said:

i'm pretty sure the main focus was that the rice still wasn't spoiled suggesting that people had been there recently

Oh yeh, I figured that much. I was just wondering about the chopsticks. Traditionally it's only supposed to be 2 chopsticks. I just wondered if there was any significance to it being 3. Elevator girl was the best scene, freaked me out for sure.
Jan 18, 2021 9:08 AM

Jun 2019
Damn, those CGI insects were awfully creepy. Lol. Kind of a meh episode. But let's see how are they going to improve it.
Jan 18, 2021 9:16 AM
Jul 2018
2077 said:
p4rad0x- said:
This episode was 100% filler. There is nothing about this in the source material at all. Dropping this garbage adaptation.

was it really that bad though? i thought it was a pretty interesting episode that showed more about the otherside but i can see what u mean since there wasn't really any plot or character developments. it was still a nice episode though imo

It completely ruins the impact of the next arc based on the next episode title.
Jan 18, 2021 9:22 AM

Apr 2009
p4rad0x- said:
2077 said:

was it really that bad though? i thought it was a pretty interesting episode that showed more about the otherside but i can see what u mean since there wasn't really any plot or character developments. it was still a nice episode though imo

It completely ruins the impact of the next arc based on the next episode title.

Worse yet, Kisaragi chapter is important and ties to a lot of subsequent developments. Messing with it is some galaxybrain level planning.
Jan 18, 2021 9:28 AM

Feb 2019
Nanaca said:
p4rad0x- said:

It completely ruins the impact of the next arc based on the next episode title.

Worse yet, Kisaragi chapter is important and ties to a lot of subsequent developments. Messing with it is some galaxybrain level planning.
I really don't know how they're going to do the arc in the OP without Kisaragi beforehand. If they didn't skip it completely, maybe they'll try to do 'both' parts of it back to back, I don't see any reason why though.
Jan 18, 2021 9:30 AM

Jul 2020
p4rad0x- said:
This episode was 100% filler. There is nothing about this in the source material at all. Dropping this garbage adaptation.

I had a feeling that this was some sort of filler. It is like, we had little development on the story.
Jan 18, 2021 9:30 AM

Sep 2019
They were so cute, everything about that head measuring scene was adorable. The cg was bad in some scenes but it was alright overall.
Jan 18, 2021 9:50 AM

Feb 2019
Damn that big head chase was pretty creepy. Didn’t find any actual living inhabitants, but definitely learnt some more useful information about the other side.

The episode was written by the LN author and it really shows.

Got some nice Yuri moments this episode as well. If I had to rate the show rn it’s sitting probably at a 7, but it’s got potential, just waiting on some defining moments.
Jan 18, 2021 10:05 AM

Jun 2015
That was one hell of a overreaction from Toriko though. Using thrown rocks to determine whether a glitch is present is smart thinking. The big heads though sure proved to be an interesting foe. One where their conventional tactics were completely ineffective against. Overall a fun but also tension filled ep that presented a trial for the two that their conventional strategies could not hope to win against and forcing them to for the first time to retreat and rethink their actions. Sorao looks like she's starting to get used to exploring the other side with Toriko while Toriko's trust in Sorao has likewise grown a lot. Curious at how they will overcome the problem posed by the big heads next ep.
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Jan 18, 2021 10:42 AM

Aug 2013
The elevator part was made me laugh hard.

Those big headed monsters were really creepy. That was a close call tho. Good job Sorao.

Jan 18, 2021 10:44 AM

Sep 2008
Hmmm, I was not so impressed with this episode. Let us hope it will get better.
Jan 18, 2021 10:48 AM
Jan 2021
This week's episode was decent. I'm enjoying the overall story so far, I do hope the animation approves though when it comes to CGI. But nevertheless, looking forward to next week's episode.
Jan 18, 2021 10:49 AM
Jan 2021
Best episode yet IMO. Looking forwards to more.
Jan 18, 2021 10:59 AM

Oct 2018
Despite being filler I'd say this episode had the most decent atmosphere out of the three so far. Our two MCs being all alone without any third wheels is honestly pretty enjoyable, here's hoping that more episodes focus on these two and their interactions with the environment instead of any third human characters.
Jan 18, 2021 11:24 AM

Oct 2020
Cute episode, even more yuri vibes. People are saying it's filler? I could see that, nothing truly impactful happened besides their friendship deepening a bit.
Jan 18, 2021 11:28 AM

Dec 2014
I got Made In Abyss vibes from the village. Can't wait to see what happens next I am really intrigued by the 'Otherside' I want to learn more about it and still want to know if we find out what happened to that man from last weeks episode.
Jan 18, 2021 12:19 PM

Mar 2019
死死. Death is everywhere.

Seeing all the glitches make me wonder if we have something like them in our world as well? I am pretty sure there are other worlds beside ours...
Jan 18, 2021 12:26 PM

Apr 2018
What a wild adventure, Those Bighead creatures are creepy af. Got those Yuri Vibes tho xD
Jan 18, 2021 12:37 PM

Jul 2015
freaking loved this episode imo..
i can't be the only one who loved the sekiro's "Death" reference especially when they speak the word death in such an adorable way..
Jan 18, 2021 12:46 PM

Mar 2019
pint said:
Yangbojian said:
In the second-half, they don't need to throw rock to check glitch anymore~
i know right, convenient... maybe there weren't any glitches because they were in the vicinity of the big head village?

I thought the same thing.
my dark magical girl webseries
Jan 18, 2021 1:25 PM

Jun 2019
The music and premise are leagues ahead of everything else this anime has to offer. The music does a great job establishing the tone and atmosphere in the “Otherside” parts, which are usually the most entertaining moments. The actual plots and characters still leave a lot to be desired.
Jan 18, 2021 1:28 PM
Oct 2018
AchromicBloom said:
Despite being filler I'd say this episode had the most decent atmosphere out of the three so far. Our two MCs being all alone without any third wheels is honestly pretty enjoyable, here's hoping that more episodes focus on these two and their interactions with the environment instead of any third human characters.

Completely agreed with this, i loved the tone of the whole episode until the reveal of what these "big heads" were same with the the previous episode, the unknown allows us to fill in the horror ourselves with imagination, which can work wonders when the atmosphere is so good. Unfortunate that they seem dedicated the making CGI the real horror of the episode.
Jan 18, 2021 2:50 PM

Apr 2017
Even if it was an original, I think it was a decent episode. It could have been a chapter or a sidestory in the novel.

But I'm a bit worried about what will they do next. With 12 episodes they were already short to adapt 3 volumes, and now they even add new content.

Well at least they try to do something new with the source material, so even if it is not as good as the novel it will still be interesting. I just hope that the production won't get worse because between the CGI and the poor animation, it doesn't look very good and there is still 9 episodes to go.
Jan 18, 2021 4:04 PM

Sep 2020
I dont know if this is in light novel(havent read it yet but looks like a lot say its filler). I mean im expecting it to be the Kisaragi arc but naah.
Anyway, its not bad neither its good so whatever. I just think they wasted an episode, or they could just atleast made this filler on latter part (since theres gonna be an established bond between the mcs and they like its gonna focus on their yuri stuff).
Maah~ anyway, I still wanna see how this goes.
it’s never too late for life ... to go horribly wrong. . . afff~
Jan 18, 2021 4:10 PM

Feb 2019
YAWN. The entire first half of the episode was just plain white noise. They bumbled around, wondering out loud about how things worked. Not actually testing any theories or the like, just doing train of thought improv. Eventually, they find a village, startle the spider people in it, and start murdering them. First, we're definitely missing any kind of structure or purpose here. At least have a mystery of the week, if not a monster. Don't just bumble around until jumpscared and then run away through the helpful completely random portal that apparently spawns only when you're in danger. Second, the direction and writing on these scenes continues to be godawful. In one shot, Not-Blondie is surrounded by spiderpeople. Then in the next frame, they're fifty feet away. Then back again. Then they have enough time to have a leisurely conversation in front of the convenient portal back just sitting there… the first one of its kind they've seen, ever. And it also purges spiderpeople too apparently? How convenient!
Jan 18, 2021 4:58 PM

Jan 2018
Beauxite said:
I dont know if this is in light novel(havent read it yet but looks like a lot say its filler). I mean im expecting it to be the Kisaragi arc but naah.
Anyway, its not bad neither its good so whatever. I just think they wasted an episode, or they could just atleast made this filler on latter part (since theres gonna be an established bond between the mcs and they like its gonna focus on their yuri stuff).
Maah~ anyway, I still wanna see how this goes.

Just like the manga, the light novel goes from Hasshaku-sama into Kisaragi Station.
Jan 18, 2021 5:16 PM
Aug 2018
From what I can tell, people seem to dislike this show because it's an unfaithful adaptation to the source material. Which I can kind of understand, but what y'all always fail to understand is that an anime also needs to be judged on its own merit. Its current 6.75 score isn't too far off, but it seems a little unfairly low to me.

As other people also mentioned, the CGI was not great in this episode, and it was a little sloppy overall. I may be misremembering, but I'm pretty sure the first two episodes didn't feature CGI as much, at least for the main characters. I'm thinking it's just for this episode though, as like some said, this seemed to be somewhat of a "filler episode."

All in all, this show is a solid 7 in my book. Definitely going to keep watching and am very excited to see what comes next!
Jan 18, 2021 5:37 PM

Jan 2018
vardavarr said:
From what I can tell, people seem to dislike this show because it's an unfaithful adaptation to the source material. Which I can kind of understand, but what y'all always fail to understand is that an anime also needs to be judged on its own merit. Its current 6.75 score isn't too far off, but it seems a little unfairly low to me.

If I was judging it by it's own merits, I'd give it a 5. My like of the light novel and manga bring it down at least to a 4.

I original came into this thread because I am currently working through the LNs, and noticed this was not what follows the Hasshaku-sama arc in either the ln or manga, so I thought maybe they were animating out of order something I have not gotten to. Learning it was filler, I gave it a watch....

That wasn't good, at all. But, I said it about the last episode too, they are trying to keep this light, and fluffy, and cute, with just the hint of a horror scifi background. This is definitely aiming more at yuri fans than people who want come decent scifi horror with a yuri twist. So, a filler episode where they passively flirt while running from monsters makes more sense for their target than Kisaragi.... how are they going to make that fluffy I wonder?
Jan 18, 2021 6:04 PM

Aug 2020
big heads kinda cute ngl
clannad is the greatest piece of fiction to ever exist.
Jan 18, 2021 6:11 PM

Apr 2014
Something about this episode definitely felt off to me (and I dont just mean the early-2000's-looking CG), hearing that its not from the source material makes a lot of sense to me in that regard
Jan 18, 2021 6:42 PM

Jan 2020
Enjoyable episode today. The insect things were creepy but an interesting presence and I still like the world building for the series

Jan 18, 2021 6:59 PM
Mar 2015
That was close If that shrine had not been there they would have been toast
Jan 18, 2021 7:27 PM
Jul 2015
p4rad0x- said:
This episode was 100% filler. There is nothing about this in the source material at all. Dropping this garbage adaptation.

If you liked and follow the source material as you claim to know it, you'd know that the AUTHOR wrote this episode of original content. Why would you start a show you apparently have read the source for and then shit on it?

MAL forum is full of trolls.
Jan 18, 2021 7:35 PM

Dec 2018
I liked this episode a lot, some creepy moments with the ghost town and the atmosphere was probably the best in the series so far imo, and the elevator girl at the beginning gave me a spook too lol, I hope she keeps being a reoccurring thing. The one thing that did disappoint a bit was the CGI, although it wasn’t the worst since it did kinda make the big-heads more alien-like.
Jan 18, 2021 7:45 PM

Dec 2019
Episode 3 seemed to be a filler episode. Which surprisingly I didn't mind to much probably because I'm invested into the characters. Hopefully next episode has more plot!
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