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Mar 8, 2020 8:30 AM

Nov 2011
Ye, working outside of school can be risky but I like the club's motivation and how devoted each of their members on their new project.

By making a new project for an exhibition, I think it would help their club grow more popular.
Mar 8, 2020 11:19 AM
Oct 2016
Damn these school officials for always trying to disrupt everything that Eizouken is trying to do. These girls have worked like crazy to even get this far, about to approach their big break at Comiket the least these people could do is let them flourish. made me so happy that Kanamori told them off at every turn. That first guy kept getting more sweaty as she ripped him in half. shouldn't they want their students to thrive as much a possible and support them in face of all this supposed political bs that Eizouken is causing. Funny too because the chamber of commerce offered to find the whole thing when Eizouken was going to split the bill with them. Kanamori showing out once again giving those old bastards the business.

Their sound expedition was much productive than some dumb meeting. Kanamori didn't like the idea but it sort of worked out. Asakusa just can't help herself diving into ideas for multiple other projects when the current one isn't doesn't even have it's story lined out let alone completed. She's having a real hard time figuring out why the people should be celebrating their victory or whatever she might change it to next. Kanamori has her work cut out reigning in the crazy child. Sowande tagging along at the end was cool. She's coming over to their side I think, or at least accepting this is who Eizouken is. This is their world.
Mar 8, 2020 11:35 AM

Mar 2016
I am glad we got to see more of Sakaki and Kanamori. They seem to be of a similar mindset.

Not sure if we needed 30 seconds of Doumeki doing that bell thing...anywho, I am looking forward to seeing the project despite Asakusa's mind drifting every couple of moments lmao.

I love these characters!

Mar 8, 2020 11:45 AM
Sep 2015
Love how Kanamori having very easy time staying quiet when recording bell alarm while everone else has to hold their breath.
Mar 8, 2020 11:46 AM
Apr 2019
Y'all saw that iconic Akira reference right?
Mar 8, 2020 11:56 AM
Dec 2017
NaiSk8 said:
Y'all saw that iconic Akira reference right?

Akira and Miyazaki references in one episode.
Mar 8, 2020 12:01 PM

Oct 2017
Kanamori looking up while talking to the school officials was funny. That's a Boa Hancock reference for sure. She looks down on them so much that she actually looks up XD. Her attitude while talking to them was great.
Mar 8, 2020 12:06 PM

Aug 2015
Mar 8, 2020 12:16 PM

Feb 2019
Another great episode. Kanamori has balls of steel standing up to the school leadership like that. I love that she never backs down or becomes intimidated by anything. She adapts to any situation and is able to twist it to her advantage. Sasuga Kanamori sama

She really is the engine that keeps the project going. Two creatives like Asakusa and Tsubasa on their own would never get anything done. They wouldn't meet any deadlines or finish the project. You need someone who's business oriented and focused on the benjamins sometimes.

I really love watching the parts of the series where we get visualisations of what goes through an animator or artist's mind when creating a scene, such a beautiful conceptualisation. I hope that a new generation of young creatives are watching this, become inspired to pursue their dreams and create art for the world to enjoy.
Marinate1016Mar 8, 2020 12:20 PM
Mar 8, 2020 12:26 PM

Aug 2012
Kanamoney lol. Good one, student council secretary.
Mar 8, 2020 1:07 PM

Apr 2018
It's so interesting when they speak about the sound
Mar 8, 2020 2:27 PM
Panzer Vor!

Jun 2014
Hummm.....that references
Mar 8, 2020 4:03 PM

May 2016
Great episode and it was brainstorming to best degree.
lucio54 said:
Hummm.....that references
I couldn't figure any out damn..
Mar 8, 2020 6:10 PM

Apr 2018
Is it really going to be only 12 episodes? I'd hope for a second season but AFAIK Yuasa has never done a direct sequel to any of his previous works.

With so many references and Easter eggs; with so much love for the anime industry as a whole and all these lovely characters, I'm starting to get depressed just thinking that this series is ending in two weeks.

Eizouken is raising quite a high bar for the rest of the year!
Mar 8, 2020 7:42 PM
Jul 2016
Fun fact! The fuzzy microphone cover that Doumeki uses in the episode is used to dull out any wind sounds that would otherwise be picked up on the microphone. The sound technician at my school referred to it as the "Squirrel Condom".

How common is that nickname anyway? If there are any audiophiles or sound enthusiasts here, I'm kinda curious and I'm not going to let Google think that I'm into any weird things.
Mar 8, 2020 8:31 PM
Apr 2019
Those references! Those characters! That direction! I'm in love with this anime <3
Mar 8, 2020 8:37 PM

Nov 2012
Glad to see the girls are outside exploring again. I feel this show benefits where there's a bunch of exploration and discovery to be had.
Mar 8, 2020 9:16 PM

Feb 2018
I just never tire of Asakusa's crazy creative tangents, usually followed by Kanamori trying to bring her back down to Earth. Look at these facial expressions lol

*Mourning the disappointment of The Promised Neverland season 2.*
Mar 8, 2020 11:46 PM
May 2016
Yet another super fun episode! God it's been fun as hell seeing all the brainstorming coming out of the girls and how much their relationships are developing over the course of these eps. Really hope they're able to pull out all the stops for their next project, kinda neat to see that they might've managed to win over one of the school secretaries as well, that's our Kanamori for you!
Man it's sad to think we've only got 2 more eps of this season left. Thankfully it looks like the show is a huge success in terms of BD sales and the team said they want to continue the project, so hopefully it won't be too long a wait till we get a new one.
Mar 9, 2020 12:30 AM
Jan 2009
lol how can they earn money now that the school magament is stopping them
Mar 9, 2020 4:03 AM

Mar 2016
I really want to know the name of the sound that plays when Asakusa gets inspired.

I wish I had a friend like Kanamori who would get me to focus on my writing. lol.
Mar 9, 2020 5:37 AM

Feb 2017
Really loved how Kanamori told off the adults ridiculous standards for "children", those stupid standards stunt the growth of so many people that'll have to learn several years into adulthood that it was all BS and sometimes even after learning it was BS it's so hard coded into their self they can't avoid it.

Also with the lore the town has with kappas why not make them the bad guys?

loled hard at Asakusa portaying herself as Miyazaki, didn't notice the other two references lucio pointed out thanks to so many people referring them that they just became part of the media.
Mar 9, 2020 11:33 AM

Sep 2017
This show is so lovely. I love how over the top the expression and postures are. Any interaction with the student council is just gold. I hope Kanamori doesn't push Mizusaki too far with being the face of the club tho.
Mar 9, 2020 9:46 PM

Oct 2008
This episode really made me hate those teachers, they are always worked-up when money is involved!

Mar 10, 2020 4:00 AM

Jul 2017
The Eizouken Club is at their final stretches, but without productivity they don't go anywhere. Unfortunately, the Student Council still breathes on their toes...and not only that, the school itself as well. What preposterous adults trying to kill the dreams of the trio with reason!

Fortunately, Kanamoney knows this ALL TOO WELL, and refutal is inevitable. Nevertheless, thank God the Eizouken is still allowed to do their business, and is progressing well...only that she doesn't have patience waning on either Asakusa or Mizusaki's work progress in terms of keeping production alive as management populous.

lucio54 said:
Hummm.....that references
VERY, VERY reminiscent.

As endlessly creative as Asakusa can be (maybe a bit too much on brainstorming), it's everyone's collective efforts to make every small project a success. Now with help from the Sound club, incremental improvements are on the way, as much as the expanding of their own creative world is at risk. This world is still an oyster, and to each and one of them, endless possibilties abound.

Mar 10, 2020 4:13 AM

Nov 2013
“Spewing out superficial pleasantries about ‘dreams’ and ‘hard work’, while turning away from anything that might cause a headache ... Is that your idea of teaching?”

Damn Kanamori with the straight truth bombs in this one, with a rebuttal to every complaint the teachers had. She is a fkn Class A negotiator!
That whole meeting is reminiscent of when you lose a previous argument, but then think up a witty rebuttal in the shower the next day, but instead she just wins the argument the first time around. That conversational mastery !!!

Whoever wrote her script, designed her personality, and cast her VA was a genius as her conversational prowess and execution is sublime! A joy to watch!

As an end note, I’m curious what the secretary was getting at with Kanamori... at first I thought it was recruitment but now I’m unsure.
Mar 10, 2020 5:21 AM
May 2017
herrickluk said:

As an end note, I’m curious what the secretary was getting at with Kanamori... at first I thought it was recruitment but now I’m unsure.

If this was a regular, easy to predict show, i'd say the girls are going to face some underhanded scheme by the school comitee and the teachers' comitee so they are unable to get funding or something, but as this show has proven before, it's really hard to predict where exactly it'll go next.

just waitin for the last 2 episodes... god damn that's sad.
Mar 11, 2020 1:14 PM

Jul 2016
Damn it, I keep forgetting Doumeki is actually a girl.

Great episode once again. Really liked the special focus the sound department received during their meet up. It was indeed quite productive in the end... though not as productive for their current project but for Midori's other ideas lol. Absolutely loved how her mind was drifting away at every second.
Mar 11, 2020 2:13 PM

Jan 2011
don't know what i would do without Kanamori in this show keeping shit on track

also that Akira add it to the highlight reel of references was like sure i'm shocked they haven't done more of them by now.

also the VP and the student council were posing quite often

nice to cover sound this type around

and fuck the teachers mang!
Mar 11, 2020 9:32 PM
Mar 2015
Standing up to the teachers was neat
Mar 13, 2020 9:55 AM

Mar 2010
Discussion with school teachers is really well done and thought provoking.
Kanamori wants to make profit because making profit is how success is measured in real life, but at the same time, school is school. Allowing students to profit can blurred the line between education and business. But that is not why the teacher didn't allow it, they probably lazy to deal with it as it can mess with things.

Everything else in this episode, however, is quite boring. I don't know why but I feel like they really try to stretch this episode, especially with sound girl messing with sound repeated like 5 times IIRC.

I do admire the sound project, but it's nothing new and Asakusa's delusion this time wasn't that creative.

Overall, weakest episode of the series.
WaHwAMar 13, 2020 9:58 AM
Mar 17, 2020 12:27 PM

Jan 2020
Kanamori's speech against the school leadership really showed how adaptable she is, she can turn any situation around! A truly reliable comrade
Those references were nice too, I like this type of humor
But, not gonna lie I think Asakusa is a bit too careless. I can still relate to her though as I sometimes have a general idea for something, but then get lost in the details
HoruhoMar 17, 2020 12:45 PM
Mar 18, 2020 3:03 AM
Jan 2018
Nice bell sounds.
Mar 18, 2020 8:09 PM

Aug 2017
Fucking teachers! Leave them alone!!

I like the references on several occasions throughout the episode. Pretty good episode.
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Mar 19, 2020 10:45 AM

Jun 2017
Heh, wouldn't be school without its damn troubles. Kanamori held her ground pretty well, I must say. Gee, head up in the air like that and those talk backs, amazing xD.

Looks like Asukasa's going through a bit of a Director's Slump, it seems. Still coming up with some enticing ideas but, somehow, she's just not getting final click.Fantastic reference to the Great Miyazaki by the way!

Doumeki's an alien herself?!

It's good to see that Mizusaki-shi is back in the show-biz industry for the sake of the Club, lol. Loved that little contrast in the middle with Asukasa sound asleep, Kanamori dozing off while Mizusaki is secretly working on the Animation in Math Class, these girls are really into it with all their being lol.

Looks like the President Secretary is having a first look into the "behind-the-scenes" of this Club's work. I feel like I know where this'll ultimately go but I'm really looking to it nonetheless and more!
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Mar 22, 2020 10:55 AM

Aug 2013
That Akira reference XD. Also, I didn't realise that Miyazaki reference tho.

Kanamori is pretty damn amazing.

Mar 23, 2020 9:22 AM

Dec 2014
hmmm well that was something... scouting for the location
Mar 26, 2020 2:52 PM

Aug 2016
So many obstacles but their group is strong and will succeed!
Mar 30, 2020 10:18 AM

May 2018
Akira reference spotted. Thats when you know its a good anime
Apr 1, 2020 4:32 AM

Feb 2020
The scene with Doumeki and the bells was so confusing, I thought the video was glitching. But it was pretty hypnotizing, I love the bells' sound.
Other than that, it was another great episode, though a bit weak compared to the rest. Asakusa confirmed herself as my spirit animal and I loved seeing her imagining scenarios while observing her surroundings.
And I loved how the show doesn't only focus on the animation in itself but also the sound, it is very interesting to see how everything plays out.
But there is something I didn't get, what exactly is Kanamori planning to do now that the club is forbidden from getting paid ? It looked like she decided to just keep doing what she's always done but that wouldn't make sense in that case... I think I missed an information.
Also, I'm starting to like the club's president. I love how each character has something interesting to offer, I'm gonna miss them all when I reach the end.
FafetteApr 1, 2020 4:36 AM
Apr 17, 2020 4:05 AM

Feb 2018
Kansei driftbike xD.
May 10, 2020 3:31 PM

Feb 2012
as always it's fun to see them working on the stuff they are about to do.

「 To other people, I might not have changed at all, but I feel like I was able to change... 」

Aug 18, 2020 11:32 AM

Jul 2015
I understand the point the school tries to make but I find those standards a bit ridiculous, why not let them earn money since it can be a valuable lesson with a nice reward to it.

Kanamoney is a pretty genius nickname for one of my favourite characters on this series so far, I like how she never backs down and adapts to the situation.

Nov 17, 2020 8:24 AM

Jul 2017
I found this episode to be pretty meh overall, although I did like Kanamori standing up for the Club against the teachers regarding the project and them making some amount of money from it as well as some of the cheeky references from time-to-time like the Miyazaki and the Akira one. The actual content though feels too formulaic now as a whole, make a project with using Tsubame's fame, Kanamori's negotiations/words, insert some visualization sequences here and there and a cool screening at the end. It's not necessarily bad but the story feels underbaked and too predictable at times because of it.
Feb 1, 2021 2:56 PM

Nov 2013
Isn't Mizusaki working outside of the school and her face is like everywhere? Why the school board was pissed off about Film Club' income and doesn't care about Mizusaki's work?
GvendolineFeb 1, 2021 3:00 PM
Feb 8, 2021 8:49 PM

Mar 2015
The student council are the enemy lmao and those teachers feel so incompetent!
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Apr 27, 2021 3:29 PM

Aug 2017
Kanamori just OWNS the school bureaucrats haha.

And what's the deal with Sakaki's neck this a Shaft show? xD Also, for somebody who's a part of a student council that uses a "club" that's a copy of riot police, she's not in the right position to claim that school is not a microcosm for society, when in the reality of the show, it is.

Those folders with the names of the staff :p Eunyoung Choi - Hyper Media Creator, Masaaki Yuasa - "patissier", "Confident in my voice". Amazing.

References to: Kurosawa ("Yojimbo"), Akira (Kanamori is a cool biker!) and Miyazaki. In-your-face but pleasing.
Jun 4, 2021 3:37 AM

Jan 2019
A good quote from Kanamori in this episode:

"The effort itself was the reward." It's an extracurricular cliché, and people who indulge in it learn
the hard truth when they're adults.
Sep 8, 2021 10:55 AM

Aug 2011
I loved the Miyazaki reference and the other ones that the person above has pointed out. Kanamori makes a valid point in her argument that this whole "work hard, follow your dreams" stuff the teachers are pulling doesn't make sense if they're not able to really make it work in the real world.
desu desu binches
Mar 25, 2022 10:46 AM

Jul 2021
The friendship in this episode was so entertaining
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