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Jan 26, 2020 7:30 AM

Nov 2011
Interesting, so our main characters decided to put their creative minds together to make a short animation. Budget issues aside, there's also protests?!

I love the way they actually made this episode entertaining rather than just an episode about making animation. The trio's personalities expresses themselves so well when confronted byothers.
Jan 26, 2020 11:00 AM

Oct 2017
So many things to love about this episode, best one in the series so far and it's not even close.

The club arguing and crunching to get their preview done, making the compromises they needed, fast and interesting technical animation talk, Asakusa getting over stage fright, and THAT PREVIEW. I'm rewatching this right away.

Also R.I.P. the amoeba guys they didn't deserve this.
Jan 26, 2020 11:17 AM

Aug 2012
''Hold That Machete Tight!'', coming soon to a theater near you in 5D!
Jan 26, 2020 11:32 AM

Feb 2019
Sayaka going head to head with 'authority' lol. Those student council girls underestimated her.

The piece those girls made was pretty nice for highschoolers. They finally got approval for the budget. Now they can churn out even more awesome pieces.
Jan 26, 2020 11:32 AM

Mar 2016
A lot of studios still seem to use paper for key animation, but I imagine Mizusaki's anxiety about the automated in-betweens is something a lot of real animators have had to deal with and are dealing with on a much larger scale right now especially when it comes to the introduction of all digital workstations. The way this anime focuses on the characters doing things the way their 'predecessors' did makes me think this series is sort of laying bear the thoughts and feelings of a lot of people in the industry. But they also seem to put a positive spin on using digital aids. In the end, I think there's got to be a reason this series is coming out now.

A lot of people lured in by the meme of an OP are now getting a pretty detailed look 'behind-the-scenes.'

Wasn't expecting to see so much progress on their short, and it was fun seeing all of the shortcuts they had to make, but that was a good reveal. I wonder if all of the tedious dialogue between them and the student council was a shortcut for the real anime?
Jan 26, 2020 11:51 AM

Jun 2015
Even with all the constraints, their animation turned out pretty good, and budget was gotten.
You know, there's something wholesome about this show. The animation staff pouring their souls into depicting their job in the most accurate way possible. I'm much more sympathizing with the whole industry now.
Jan 26, 2020 12:02 PM
Sep 2018
Absolutely mind-blowing stuff with both the build-up to the presentation and the presentation itself. It reminded me of a (probably untrue after doing some research) story I've heard that people who saw the very first film(over a century ago), simply a train coming into the station, thought the train was going to crash into them. When I first heard the story, I wondered how they could possibly think that but, this episode does a really good job of conveying the impact media can have on a visual and emotional level.

Any lingering doubts I had about the show's ability to tell a long-form narrative have been pretty much smashed by this episode.
Jan 26, 2020 12:04 PM

Jun 2015
syncrogazer said:
A lot of studios still seem to use paper for key animation, but I imagine Mizusaki's anxiety about the automated in-betweens is something a lot of real animators have had to deal with and are dealing with on a much larger scale right now especially when it comes to the introduction of all digital workstations. The way this anime focuses on the characters doing things the way their 'predecessors' did makes me think this series is sort of laying bear the thoughts and feelings of a lot of people in the industry. But they also seem to put a positive spin on using digital aids. In the end, I think there's got to be a reason this series is coming out now.

That's what I was reflecting upon too. Both manga and this adaptation came in a nice timing where CGI is gaining territory. As a matter of fact, I'm almost certain they might bring CGI upon the plot as well.
Jan 26, 2020 12:25 PM
May 2016
God I adored this episode so much. Seeing the group having to deal with the frustrations of creating anime both under a limited budget and a very limited timeframe and their issues of having to compromise just to get out a finished product was a pretty good bit of conflict for them all to overcome, but I fucking love how they did it and how they went through the creative process of doing so as well as they did.

The last bit with them showing off their project to the committee was absolutely mesmerizing, the OST and direction this episode in general was very solid but there was something just seriously heart-warming about seeing everyone get blown away by what they showed only to have the three at the end nit-picking their own creation and getting hyped up thinking about what the finished product's going to look like. Seriously man, this show makes me so damn happy with every ep, best episode so far too easily.

Like man, I had my doubts at the start since this seemed quite different to what Yuasa's done before, but this show is just brimming with the same passion and love that all his other works have had and it shows in such an incredibly wholesome way with this series. Every ep has been fantastic so far and this one was just absolutely loaded with love, Asakusa's passionate speech at the end while they were practically tearing up hit my heart deep, getting fired up to the point of tearing up about your passion is a beautiful feeling. The potential for this show just keeps on rising, only 4 eps in and I adore this trio of girls and only want the best for them, what a lovable bunch of goofs.
ModernoirJan 26, 2020 12:47 PM
Jan 26, 2020 12:44 PM

Feb 2017
The show just keeps on giving. Project turned out way way better than I expected given how pressured they were for time.
Jan 26, 2020 12:44 PM

Apr 2018
That midget from the student council can go to hell! What an obnoxious little brat. I'm glad Asakusa put her and her cohorts in their place.

Kanamori is really harsh on the other two, but she definitively knows what she's doing. The other two would be screwed without her. She rapidly becoming my favorite character and my early candidate for best girl 2020!

This episode blew my mind. I always knew that this being a Yuasa work was going to be great, but this goes beyond my expectations.

10/10 IMO
Jan 26, 2020 12:56 PM

Dec 2014
well the showdown was nice to see
Jan 26, 2020 1:23 PM

Jun 2017
Probably the best episode yet! Seeing how their project turned out and people actually liking it was very satisfying. I love the main characters, they play off each other so well.
My candies: ¨
Jan 26, 2020 1:30 PM
May 2019
This episode was so meta, the showdown was nice.
Looking forward to the next episode.
Jan 26, 2020 1:43 PM

Aug 2019
Holy crap this show doesn’t stop to amaze me in terms of each episode being better than the last.
Jan 26, 2020 1:58 PM

Dec 2014
Fantastic episode.

I love the back and forth between the line of quality vs time. You always have to compromise and cut corners somewhere.

Kanamori just destroying the student council and the school with the 'I don't see how that's a problem' was just pure gold. Me me laugh a lot.
Asakusa's outburst was kinda funny too, the accent made me downright hilarious but I love how she told the entire audience off.

Hold that Machete Tight was absolutely incredible, I loved the entire sequence and watching the crowd being blow away by it with all the 4th wall breaking kinda direction was awesome. Can't wait for more.
Jan 26, 2020 2:01 PM

Apr 2018
This episode was really great, maybe my favorite so far. The animation part was awesome
Jan 26, 2020 2:04 PM
Sep 2019
And they've been approved! Hell yeah, so excited for the future of the film club!
Jan 26, 2020 2:06 PM

Jan 2009
damn they got approval despite all the hardships they endured

and even frustrations they face too

Jan 26, 2020 2:56 PM
Shōjo Specialist

Oct 2014

I like they way they brought out the psychological effects that the student council audience was experiencing. Very clever.

This is less about the plot and more about the industry as a whole.
Jan 26, 2020 4:31 PM
Jul 2019
Kanamori is the project manager representation I didn't know I needed in my life.
Jan 26, 2020 4:42 PM

Nov 2014
just realized Asakusa refers to herself as "washi" which is how old people say "I" lol
i love how the student council aren't the antagonist (at least for now) and didn't refuse to give them budget just cause they gave them a poor first impression, they're actually pretty fair and gave them the approval they deserved
Jan 26, 2020 5:50 PM

Apr 2015
Mysteriously, Sayaka is Best Girl for me. Somebody explain that shit.
BonkyTrollDollJan 26, 2020 5:57 PM
Jan 26, 2020 6:14 PM
Jun 2015
This is easily, at the very least, the best series this season. Its characters, setting, art, and soundtrack to say the least are fantastic.

The animation presentation was a treat. I do have a question though: Was the animation with the color just in the minds of the audience as they watched it, or was that actually part of their end product, given that they seemed to have decided to make it monochrome?
Jan 26, 2020 6:26 PM
Sep 2017
Loved this episode so much! I was somewhat disappointed this season but this is, in my opinion, the best show this season!
Jan 26, 2020 6:29 PM

Aug 2018
Wew talk about a hand-made film without any budget and by amateurs

I expected the student council and the spectators to be impressed but they were moved into the created & animated world they watched : it's not even 4D at this stage eh, more like Virtual Reality Enhanced
Jan 26, 2020 7:28 PM

Sep 2017
Love it so much. The fight was actually really damn cool for being such an exceptionally low budget. I love how after the screening instead of paying any semblance of attention to the student council they are discussing among themselves the things that could be improved. The passion really comes through.

The student council is is sort of the typical comically evil which is fine. I mean they came through in the end anyway. I just rofl at the fact that a "security club" exist.
Jan 26, 2020 9:32 PM
Jul 2016
Man, the time crunch anxiety is TOO real....and nitpicking your own work at the screening...such a gooood episode 5/5
Jan 26, 2020 9:54 PM

Oct 2008
Now that is what you call IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE! (keep in mind they have no budget but they're still able to produce such impressive work)
APPROVED by setoconcil! lolz

Jan 26, 2020 9:58 PM
Mar 2015
The 3 minute film was mind blowing
Jan 26, 2020 10:13 PM

Mar 2016
i am so glad this exists. a seriously inspiring show, 5/5
Jan 26, 2020 10:17 PM

Mar 2014
Best episode so far, the preview they displayed was quite immersive and creative, it was also great to see how they managed to connect all the small decisions and animation ideas they had thought on previous episodes. The issues our trio have to endure reminded me of my college days (film making) where you would dream big ideas but then deadlines and budget limitations would force you to land your feet into the ground and compromise into more realistic goals, or fail.
Jan 26, 2020 11:44 PM
Aug 2018
Man, this show is just such a pleasure to watch. I haven't felt this excited to see the next episode of a series in so long and this one makes me feel this way even without cliffhangers. I took animation classes with some friends in high school and the way Asakusa and Mizusaki go off the rails with ideas reminds me of those times. We animated our short films 100% digitally and we still had to give up the first 2 weeks of summer vacation to finish. The part where they just retcon a whole bunch of stuff they were planning on doing as the time crunch panic settled felt real...
Jan 27, 2020 2:07 AM

Nov 2013
Damn that was fkn captivating!
Love how they made the anime come alive and engage the audience.
Can’t wait to see what the budget will entail for the storyline....

Again, hats off to the staff for this anime. Super engaging characters and impressive animation.
Jan 27, 2020 2:25 AM

Aug 2013
series is achieving legendary status
Don't believe the hype.
Jan 27, 2020 5:23 AM

May 2018
The pressure is real!
Kanamori is there to make sure the project is still made on time, she's got a real knack for this.
That short anime they made was so cool!
This is not your planet to rule. The Fallen shall rise again.
Jan 27, 2020 5:27 AM

Dec 2015
First episode that I could actually see some plot. The show is definitely evolving, although slowly. Hope it keep this up
Jan 27, 2020 6:05 AM

Aug 2017
Simply wow! It made me see anime in a different perspective! Great episode this is a keeper!

Jan 27, 2020 7:31 AM
Apr 2019
That one was not sad, but I got so touched that I cried. Loved it!
Jan 27, 2020 7:47 AM

May 2015
Interesting how this short animation wasn't the main focus of the whole anime and the budget issue got resolved already. Looking forward to what else they can come up with!
Jan 27, 2020 10:22 AM

Jul 2012
I totally relate to Karanomori's stress during the production, as I've monitored a bunch of high school interns in the studio before. Some are too idealistic, some are too lazy, and it's really hard to control the schedule.

But I gotta say, these animation are a bit too good for a high schooler lol. Not that I complain, though.
Jan 27, 2020 10:25 AM

Aug 2015
this episode was a little talky but glad to see the finished short
first there was tank girl, now we have machete girl

I love Akasuka's frog eyes and Kanamori's mouth. Money-girl is best girl

what with the riot police, the student council is giving me kill la kill vibes, though much more mediocre
Jan 27, 2020 11:07 AM

Mar 2019
glassknuckles said:
this episode was a little talky but glad to see the finished short
first there was tank girl, now we have machete girl

Really good episode, but yeah that's probably my main issue with the show at the moment. I love the visuals. I want to take it all in while learning all the technical animation process info but it feels like there's so much text in this show. It gets way too wordy and I'm often rewinding the show just to make sure I can appreciate each scene because I always feel like I miss stuff the first time when it just dumps a bunch of text on the screen.
Jan 27, 2020 12:17 PM

Dec 2009
Great episode, there were some really cool shots in the short. I specially liked the tank introducion and the final shot when they do the back and forth.
Jan 27, 2020 1:42 PM

Jan 2020
I'm not gonna lie, Kanamori is quite menacing...
Great episode, it was very satisfying to see the finished Machete film and the last scene in which the girls were talking about their work was touching
Sometimes people forget making animation is not only about being creative and good at art - without Kanamori, the club's producer, the Eizouken would easily fail
HoruhoJan 28, 2020 10:42 AM
Jan 27, 2020 2:07 PM

Jul 2019
Absolutely lovely to see them collaborate this effectively and get this project done despite all the restrictions. Actually, I am still baffled that the creation of such a short movie by only 3 would be plausible. Reminded me of the dynamic of group projects in school.

Time for the main arc to get started. Eizouken is established and the funding granted. Now someone or someone has to keep their greedy fingers of this club.
Jan 27, 2020 5:26 PM
May 2017
Loved the ep., love the characters!. Super interested in how they'll evolve from here, what's the next step and the new challenges they'll have to face.

Kanamori's a great manager/producer, hope her confrontational attitude doesn't bite them in the butt, tho. Same with Mizuzaki's stuborness and Asakusa's tendency to repress her frustrations.
Jan 27, 2020 6:28 PM
Jan 2020
Absolutely loved this episode, it’s so interesting seeing how a short film gets animated.
Jan 28, 2020 3:48 AM

Oct 2017
That short film was really great and nice their budget got approved.
Jan 28, 2020 8:21 AM

Apr 2011
poemofdevil said:
glassknuckles said:
this episode was a little talky but glad to see the finished short
first there was tank girl, now we have machete girl

Really good episode, but yeah that's probably my main issue with the show at the moment. I love the visuals. I want to take it all in while learning all the technical animation process info but it feels like there's so much text in this show. It gets way too wordy and I'm often rewinding the show just to make sure I can appreciate each scene because I always feel like I miss stuff the first time when it just dumps a bunch of text on the screen.
Compared to other works by Yuusa like Tatami Galaxy this is nothing. Tatami Galaxy is in my top ten, but one of the undeniable issues with it is trying to appreciate the great artwork and fully take it in is practically impossible with how much dialogue there is. Also how fast it is spoken.
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