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Oct 25, 2009 5:33 PM

Nov 2007
Shit happened.

The old Shin-Ou did not know the history of her kingdom since the old palace was completely burned down when she was a toddler. She learns the reasons from Erin but shit happened and she died before being able to correct the twisted system of her kingdom.

The old Shin-Ou was a possible (and only) backbone of Erin's philosophy. With her being dead, Erin is in big trouble (especially after antagonizing Damiya) Now, the young future Shin-Ou is too young and easily manipulated by Damiya. In other words, Damiya effectively controls everything. Erin is definitely now in deep trouble.

I had the SAME shocked expression as Erin when I heard she died. After that, I just facepalmed hard because I knew this is not going to end pretty because of this. If I had to point out where in this plot everything start going awry, then I would say the death of Shin-Ou is going to cause a butterfly effect leading to the tragic end of the series.

This is going to be painful (especially if a second season on the last two books is animated)
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Oct 25, 2009 9:59 PM

Sep 2008
Learning that she died must have been hard. Not because she is the queen and someone who erin looked up to.. but also because she was the 1 figure that understood her and would be her backer..

Although I'm wondering if shes really dead (although this does seem to be a series where they would fake a death).. My thoughts are going this way because she said she would put a stop to everything and if her death means it could bring the 2 sides together than I could see her doing it.
Oct 26, 2009 1:43 PM

Feb 2009
Nooooo, Shin-ou....

Why do all these deaths just come out of nowhere?

I hope Iaru will do something, although he's just a guard he could tell Seimiya Shin-ou's will and what she learned. Although as wakka said she seems like a very impressionable and easily manipulated individual....

I just can't see a good ending for this...
Oct 26, 2009 6:09 PM

Jun 2007
Erin's gonna have to go into hiding or something pretty fast. Ial is basically the only person that knows the full story and since he was allowed to listen in on the meeting between the queen and Erin, Damiya knows that Ial needs to be dealt with. If Damiya has his way with the princess then you know damn well he's going to try and get Erin's knowledge on how to tame beasts in order to destroy Shunan (Dukes son) and merge the two nations into one that he can control. If this starts to happen I suspect the people of the mist might step in since their people have made it a rule that no one must be allowed to know how to control least that's what I'm hoping for. We see very little of them but we know that they have more knowledge then everyone else. They have the "whole picture" while everyone else only has bits and pieces.

Things are not looking good for Erin :(.
Oct 26, 2009 11:04 PM

Apr 2008
Well, I think the biggest question is was the Shin-ou's death natural or was it poison? She was apparently about to make some radical changes and thus someone may have deemed it necessary to eliminate her. The of course raises a new question, who? Damiya seems to be the most logical person but I can't help but think that there must be some other force working behind the scenes.

I don't think that there is any question that Damiya will want Erin to teach the "secrets" of raising Ouju like Lilan and I wonder how Erin will avoid doing so without dying.
Oct 29, 2009 11:44 AM

Feb 2008
i dunno erin isn't the kind to go into hiding. since the queen died things are gonna go crazy. nine episodes left.
Oct 29, 2009 6:18 PM

Nov 2008
Well DANG!
wakka9ca said:
I had the SAME shocked expression as Erin when I heard she died.

Quanta said:
Well, I think the biggest question is was the Shin-ou's death natural or was it poison?

They said it was hemorrhaging from when she got knocked on the boat.

Just when I thought things were going good for Erin, Damiya is gonna rule now...
I'm really curious as to has this is going to end ^^
Nov 6, 2009 4:59 AM

Jan 2008
Uh oh, so coming next - greek tragedy.

"There is a road in the hearts of all of us, hidden and seldom traveled,
which leads to an unknown, secret place."
Nov 6, 2009 5:13 AM
Nov 2009
Definitely knew the queen would eventually die, seeing how decrepit looking the series shows her out to be. I thought she would have died on the boat from hitting her head and Damiya would take over then, but apparently the show wants to make it more tragic by danging the carrot a bit longer. Chibi Lilan is adorable. Are they planning on making an anime original ending or do they plan on extending the series for a second season and giving us a giant clifhanger at the end of this season? Maybe they already have episodes made and it will continue uninterrupted?
Nov 6, 2009 4:49 PM

Apr 2009
Oh. Shit. Wow.

This is compelling stuff.

This is a kid's show?
Nov 7, 2009 10:11 AM

Mar 2007
vucubcaquix said:
This is a kid's show?

Most definitely not...
~Shade and sweet water~
Group Lead of Otenba -- Quality Check Lead of Static-Subs
Nov 7, 2009 12:07 PM

Aug 2008
Loved this episode. Erin takes responsibility for her actions and finally understands her mother's feelings. After she told Harumiya about Je, I knew that she wouldn't last long. That said, I didn't expect her death so quickly after the conversation. This has truly become better than my expectations. I might have to bump it up to a 9.
Nov 8, 2009 3:13 PM

Feb 2009
I think what Erin told the queen just accelerated her death. History is bound to repeat itself once forgotten, and even remembered there is still a chance to come back again.
Nov 10, 2009 8:03 AM

Jul 2009
wakka9ca said:

I had the SAME shocked expression as Erin when I heard she died. After that, I just facepalmed hard because I knew this is not going to end pretty because of this. If I had to point out where in this plot everything start going awry, then I would say the death of Shin-Ou is going to cause a butterfly effect leading to the tragic end of the series.

Same here! I was like WTF?! I know they said she was hemorrhaging, yet it still seems suspicious...and I surely wouldn't put it past Damiyah to poison her.

Poor Erin and Lilan...this is going to be painful.
ClairseanaNov 10, 2009 8:13 AM
Mar 12, 2010 4:38 PM

Jul 2008
*facepalm* not good.
May 12, 2010 6:15 PM

Apr 2009
I knew she wasn't going to last... no drama if the good queen just fixes everything... not that I ever understood what Damiya had in mind when he attacked the boat in the first place, at least with him on it... but anyway...
Point is that now Erin is royally screwed.<-pun intended.
Jul 14, 2011 6:27 PM

Jun 2010
And after she finally did something useful, too.
Sep 12, 2011 3:46 AM

Sep 2008
As everyone else said: Not. Good.

Just when the Queen seemed to finally, truly understand the weight of... well, everything and became less of a child.

They said that there was bleeding in her head that they didn't notice, but... I bet Damiya is to blame. Somehow. Like he put blood thinning drugs in the Queen's food to cause the bleeding to start up again. I don't know, but it's too coincidental that he is indirectly told that he's not to be trusted (i.e. Erin knows she nor the Queen can trust him) and that the Queen dies right after. Seimiya seems way more impressionable and easier to manipulate.

This really is a great series.
merle_noirSep 12, 2011 6:02 AM
Sep 12, 2011 6:19 PM

Jun 2010
merle_noir said:

They said that there was bleeding in her head that they didn't notice, but... I bet Damiya is to blame. Somehow. Like he put blood thinning drugs in the Queen's food to cause the bleeding to start up again. I don't know, but it's too coincidental that he is indirectly told that he's not to be trusted (i.e. Erin knows she nor the Queen can trust him) and that the Queen dies right after.

That kind of thing can happen even with modern medical knowledge. let alone however much these people are supposed to know. You hit your head, feel fine after a few minutes but drop down dead a few hours later.
Jun 8, 2012 1:59 PM

May 2010
I will be the one [Queen] to protect this country for as long as I live

Yeah well you are doing a pretty poor job missy.

Fronzel said:
And after she finally did something useful, too.

Yeah she died
Aug 8, 2013 9:19 PM

Nov 2011
I smell some foul play regarding the Majesty's death tbh.
Oct 18, 2013 9:49 PM

Aug 2011
da fuq!!
I couldn't believe it when they told Erin that the Queen had died.
To think that everything was going so well in this episode.
Feb 19, 2014 1:38 AM

Apr 2012
Shit what a twist. I was not expecting her to die. Makes sense though. She died from hemorrhaging that went undetected. Things don't look good for Erin. Depending on how these last 9 episodes transpire, I might have to promote Erin to one of my all time favorite female MCs. She has developed an unwavering conviction for her own beliefs and even turned the tables on Damiya (despite it backfiring due to unfortunate circumstances- the queen's death). I'm sure Irau will play a big role in exposing Damiya . The latter will probably try to get rid of him for knowing too much.
zzzeallyFeb 19, 2014 1:45 AM

Mar 24, 2014 3:01 PM

May 2012
Holy fuck, I did really not expect that ending! But man after Erin finally managed to inform the Queen she dies :| damn this really is bad and I wonder what consequences will happen because of this!
Jun 23, 2014 10:26 PM

Aug 2013
Shit just hit the fan. The queen is dead and now the idiot princess will be taking the throne. The same princess who was so impressed with a toy model of the palace grounds. Queen. Might as well hand over the kingdom to Damiya because manipulating the princess will be child's play for him.
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Oct 17, 2014 6:34 AM

Nov 2009
Darnit! Well this can't be good . . . Now Damiya can go back to harassing Erin, and even more annoying still, everyone now believes the Grand Duke sent the Touda to attack. I'm guessing Damiya is going to now try and push for a civil war and try to force Erin to use the Beast Lords to destroy the Touda army . . . If I were Erin I would take the Beast Lords and run like hell.
Feb 13, 2015 12:39 AM
Aug 2014
Running was my first thought too, but I don't think Owl can fly yet.
Jul 6, 2015 12:33 AM

Jul 2008
Of course she dies right after she says that she will fix everything. With Damiya in charge, Erin is screwed.

How the HELL can the queen be even more naive than Erin though?
Jan 17, 2016 12:39 PM

Feb 2010
From here on out, everything will just spiral downhill i suppose. Them beast-lords though, look like fatass pigeons o.o

Nov 18, 2016 8:31 PM

Jul 2009
While this was interesting and all, I just dislike how the queen readily believes everything Erin said without proof. Seems kinda stupid imo. Other than that, what a fascinating turn of events.
Aug 23, 2018 5:12 PM

Sep 2011
Yet again another superb episode, I can't even. What happened really left a mark on Erin... She is soon summoned to a banquet with the Queen. She then meets Ial at the entrance to the room and asked about his condition, he acted cold because of his position, but soon whispered a "thank you" to Erin, and it was pretty cute!

But Damiya is despicable, alright. Trying to force her into obedience by saying that she would be executed, and then being even lower by saying that those close to her would be also prosecuted. She was afraid at the prospect of being used at first, but I loved how she stood her ground, and said that she wouldn't use Lilan to do something like that again, no matter what.

And the way she put Damiya on his place, saying that she would only explain her reasons to the Queen if she was alone, was great, I was smiling and clapping! But the Queen was now aware of her, and said that she wouldn't be alone with her, she then said that the Queen could call Ial, and that was the blow of mercy on Damiya, I loved it.

At first she tested the Queen, to see if she knew or not what she was about to say, and then shared with her the history behind the country, and even her life history, and it was great, the Queen only didn't know about it because she was only five when she lost her mother, and grandmother, and it was a shock for her. And Erin is such a great character! To say that she would willingly forfeit her life if she came to be a source of disaster, standing her ground, and following her beliefs till the end. She went through so much already, but it's great to see how strong her heart is, just like the Queen said. I was crying with her when the Queen understood her position, and respected her decision.

But the worst happened, and Erin lost her strong ally. the Queen ended up dying because she hit her head after all, and now only Ial knows the truth, and he won't be able to protect Erin alone, not from being dragged into the conflict at least. Also Seimiya won't know that the Grand Duke wasn't behind the attack, and will continue to avoid Shunan, being easy prey to Damiya, I don't like where this is going...
May 29, 2019 11:07 PM

Oct 2012
I was afraid when Erin shared everything with the Queen, she's going to die
And it did happen, the worst case possible
Now Erin is just going to live with the fact something horrible is going to happen soon to both her and Lilan

The new Queen, Seimiya I didn't like her
Easy to be manipulated, naive.. I don't think next episode will be a nice episode
"Signature removed"
Jul 21, 2019 5:04 PM
Jul 2018
So Damiya's gonna wage war against the Grand Duke and try to force Erin to fight for him using Lilan and teach him and his people the ways of befriending beast lords.

The Queen is so dumb and naive. Her dying was needed to propel the narrative.

What will happen now?
Nov 9, 2019 5:15 AM

Oct 2015
Wow! Erin staying true to her beliefs in front of the Queen was really commendable, but I doubt it will end at that.

Damiya must've done something to the queen, to speed up the takeover.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Apr 18, 2020 10:38 PM

Feb 2014
Girl this show keeps throwing twists and turns everywhere! Now the only one who knows the truth about the 3rd party is Ial and noe Seimiya is gonna be in charge even though she thinks that the grand duke ordered the attack but she's also fond of Shunan so this is all gonna be reeeeeeally messy if it don't put itself back together soon =.=

Omg I was living when Damiya got mad at Erin wanting to speak to her majesty in private she was like “you said you'll grant any request for me and this is my request” like YAAASSSS GO OFF ERIN!!!
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Feb 11, 2021 10:02 AM

Feb 2020
After the loss of Jone (which I never understood the point of aside from breaking our heart and leaving Erin without any parental figure but whatever), we get another unexpected death... AND THAT'S THE QUEEN THIS TIME !

I feel seriously bad for Erin, she had someone who understood her point (as idealistic as it could be), someone she could rely on, and this person is gone, that's some shocking news. How is she gonna do now ? Especially since Damiya will most likely be the new king (I know the ruler is normally supposed to be a queen, but he aknowledged himself as the heir). The kingdom will fall at this rate, I don't see how it can work out unless Seimiya is crowned queen and listens to Erin (which is unlikely when it comes to the latter).
Oh wait, actually no, I'm stupid, of course Seimiya is going to be crowned. But she trusts Damiya so much, he can easily manipulate her which means nothing good.

I also feel very bad for Ial. He cared so much about the queen, it must be horrible for him to lose her.
Mar 14, 2022 3:12 PM

Jan 2010
There is so much happening that it's hard to comprehend the significance of it all. If Queen Harumiya didn't know of the country's history due to her parents and grandparents dying in that fire, then Seimiya is absolutely in the dark. At this point, there's a power vacuum and everyone's going to try and claim it. History will repeat itself, and the kingdom will most likely collapse from within. However, there's only 9 episodes left, will there actually be a proper ending, or will the show end in a cliffhanger?
Oct 23, 2023 2:03 PM

Jan 2021
Woof, heavy episode. That ending hit me almost equally as hard as Erin. Of course that couldn’t be the end of it……..FUCK YOU DAMIYA AND KIRIKU (I know Esal said internal bleeding, but it’s so hard not to think that’s a fake somehow haha)
The queen's death feels like the paradigm shift that the series needed to kick everything into the next gear for the last episodes. With an inexperienced and sheltered queen now taking the helm, everything is primed to pop off in some not so ideal ways. There’s a part of me that wonders what would happen if Erin just hopped on Lilan and noped the fuck out of here lol. But that wouldn’t fit into her character at all.
The conversation between the queen and Erin is obviously the highlight of the episode. Loved seeing Erin come in with a plan and upstage Damiya the way she did. Beyond that though, in Erin stating her desire to not take Lilan to the capital there was a great reflection of Soyon accepting and striding towards her fate after letting the Kiba die. The differences though are what make it excel. Erin accepts her death but only after actively making sure that everything is out in the open. She is holding to her beliefs just as much as Soyon, but coming at it from a different angle. Unlike Soyon, she doesn’t succumb to tradition, but actively seeks to understand it and change it. Just loved the themes there.
Still, I don’t want people to think I’m just ragging on Soyon again. Soyon comes from a completely different upbringing from Erin, and I understand that. As much as I’ve said about Soyon and against her decisions in the past, I very much appreciated getting to see Erin’s point of view on her. And an understanding of how that act has shaped her and her beliefs very clearly. The whole moment felt like a confluence of all that has happened to Erin up until this point.
Of course the revelation that Harumiya became Queen at age 5 is an important one. Not necessarily a total surprise, but it answers so much more about the Ryoza of the past and what changed. I wonder how much the past rulers holed up in the palace? This also proves that the Saigamul are an actual thing, but Damiya is likely using them as a scapegoat
Finally, the meaning of the cuts to the flowers as Ial reveals his own secret are not lost on me…Fucking Damiya

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