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Jul 16, 2014 1:28 AM
It's just as Peppo said, yaoi makes everything right. Just kidding. On the note of a mere "hug" exorcising a being such as Gankutsuou; that is not entirely correct. It was the fact that Albert (who we can all agree as being pretty retarded...) despite having been betrayed by everything and everyone still wanted to save the count. This revenge began as love and turned into hate... and then reverted back to love (?!). Nevermind, I don't really know. Fernand regaining his sanity is another random thing. Maybe he was convinced that nothing would burden him any longer on his way for his own revenge on the count if his family was dead. Upon realizing his son survived, he simply did not want to have to bear losing absolutely everything again. Or maybe he's into BL/incest too and loved his son the "other" way. |
Aug 31, 2014 3:03 AM
Surprisingly cheesy yet satisfying. One thing that bugged me was that Fernand suddenly cared for Albert after nearly killing him only moments earlier. |
Oct 27, 2014 12:33 AM
ChaoticSilence said: Surprisingly cheesy yet satisfying. One thing that bugged me was that Fernand suddenly cared for Albert after nearly killing him only moments earlier. It wasn't sudden. He always loved Albert, he never stopped caring about him; he shot him because he was backed into a horrible corner and wasn't mentally stable when he did it. Seeing Albert alive again shocked him back into his sense a bit. |
Nov 30, 2014 6:09 PM
I'm...confused. What happened to Gankutsuou? How did Albert hugging the Count really change anything? I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt and agree with the people here who are saying Albert probably whispered something in the Count's ear that left some sort of impression on him, just because that makes more sense... But if so they could have been more clear about that, and I'm not sure what Albert could have said at this point that would have more of an effect than his earlier attempts at changing the Count. A counterargument to the above point: the Count was saying that he needed to kill "him" (I'm assuming he meant Fernand) and asking for his sword even after the whole Albert "defeating" Gankutsuou thing. So despite his appearance mostly changing back to normal and saying that his name was Edmond Dantes, he still hasn't let go of revenge? We never really did find out what Gankutsuou was or is meant to represent either... Before this episode I would have rated this anime a 10/10 but I'm deeply unsatisfied with this resolution. |
Jul 10, 2015 12:06 PM
Albert, after trying so hard, finally managed to become the Count's friend! Not the best ending, but not bad. |
Sep 10, 2015 12:55 AM
Sep 10, 2015 1:04 AM
And so Edmond Dantès went to his grave cursing his enemies and craving vengeance with his last drops of life. That is without a doubt the most vehement death I could imagine, and it is the way a man such as he should have met his end. |
โฉ Discord: โฉ RateYourMusic โฉ |
Sep 28, 2015 1:28 PM
I knew Albert and his mother weren't dead!!! I can't believe The Count wanted Albert held hostage. Then tried to shoot him but his own man got in the way! D: Gankutsuou finally took over but not for long because all Edmond needed was a hug from his good friend Albert!!! The spell was broken but that also meant the sword from Franz that went in to his heart a few episodes ago finally penetrated and killed him!!! Awwwww ;________________________; I knew he liked Albert really! At least the Edmond part of him!!! I called it. Albert still loved him after everything he had done to him and his family and thus the spell was broken. I did wonder why the whole place suddenly started collapse around them though but at least they got away except Morcerf who went over to his old friend and shot himself D: That was a dazzlingly brilliant episode and great end but I wonder what will happen in the last episode now everything is finally over. I did think this seemed as though it should have been the last one. |
Oct 30, 2015 4:10 AM
Yeah, yeah, but I still like it. Let's see how this will end. |
Nov 17, 2015 5:59 PM
Am I the only one annoyed at the uselessness of Haidee? I mean, I don't see the point to even having her in the show anymore after she completed her role in the election episode. |
Dec 23, 2015 1:31 AM
Omg, Gankutsuou is like the Maleficent(2014) of anime. It even had the true luv's kiss to break the spell. |
Jan 14, 2016 3:11 AM
Satisfying penultimate episode. |
Jan 14, 2016 6:37 AM
VoxOfTheSheeple said: Am I the only one annoyed at the uselessness of Haidee? I mean, I don't see the point to even having her in the show anymore after she completed her role in the election episode. Insulting my waifu! A duel sir. Tomorrow at dawn in Bois de Boulogne. Bring your mech. |
Jun 11, 2016 11:54 AM
Jan 11, 2017 5:42 AM
Well, as other have said here the episode suffered from weak points, i won't write them as other have wrote them. The episode was very fun but it unfortunately suffered from some issues and inconsistencies. |
Feb 22, 2017 7:29 AM
Aw man rest in peace Edmond Dantes. Ironic that he dies in the place he spent a lot of his riches on |
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats. |
May 10, 2017 6:04 PM
Pay close attention everyone, this is how a man dies when he lives his life based upon revenge. Cursing his enemies to his death. This is also how men die when they are corrupted by greed and power - alone, poor, and flying out into the unknown reaches of space. |
May 27, 2017 6:54 PM
Kinda didn't like how Edmond and Mercedes couldn't see each other one last time. |
Jun 4, 2017 2:41 AM
The seemingly kiss scene really caught me off guard. I was like WTF when I was watching this ep. But I like JuiciaDeGardiaan's understanding above that it's related to the Count's question in ep#15. Albert probably whispered his answer to him atm. That's why the Gankutsuou was defeated by the willpower. The ending was certainly not my cup of tea, it neither made me hyped nor made me emotional. But I'm still glad I gave this show a try and it's a pretty good ride especially during the 1st half. Again, thanks to the Count's charm & Jouji-san's fantastic voicing, which is definitely the highlight of the show and my main motivation to finish it. Not sure if I'll rate it 8 or 9, will probably make the decision after watching the last ep. |
Aug 6, 2017 6:35 AM
Aug 7, 2017 1:53 AM
For Albert's love to reach the Count, I believe he had to hug and kiss him. The Count has been betrayed and lied to by his friends so words can't reach him. Doing something unexpected like that really put the Count off guard and I think that's how his feelings were exposed. Amazing episode. I'm glad that Fernand came to his senses and he finally realized the things that were truly important to him. Sadly the same thing cannot be said to the other two former friends. |
Nov 10, 2017 11:42 PM
Having The Count be literally consumed by his revenge is, perhaps, the great thing this anime adaptation has done. He's truly a demon that's only out for revenge, and it's not as simple as killing his target. He's out to make them live long and painfully. Now, Mondego, which all of his physical power, can't do anything to stop The Count, who is pretty much invulnerable until his revenge is complete. Then, with Haydee, who was the woman who was specifically out to get revenge on Mondego, is trying to tell The Count to give the revenge up. Then with the standoff, holy crap. Mondego begging The Count to spare his son - the the that he had previously shot himself. Oh, and also, the narrating voice at the beginning of every episode was Gankutsuou itself. That's also amazing. |
Jan 31, 2018 9:17 AM
RIP Edmond Dantes,you were a great character. This episode hit right in the feels :( |
One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron |
Aug 28, 2018 9:35 PM
Coming back to this moment, my appreciation for the themes at play has deepened since last I saw this. Edmond was reminded of himself whenever he looked at the earnest & ever so naive Albert. That's why he believed that Albert could be broken. To become just like him. And he almost did were it not for Franz's intervention. Edmond wanted to kill Albert back in episode 18 to forever relinquish his heart - his final vulnerability. Because Albert lived, however, that single moment of hesitation was allowed. Because Albert didn't let his love give birth to hatred, Edmond ultimately lost. |
Nov 1, 2018 11:17 PM
The director was wrong and did not develop Haydee and Count, the idea of the novel is that revenge will not bring happiness, just regret and that one should forget the past and move on. With haydee the count would have a new opportunity in life to be happy and with the haydee's love to forget the past. |
Feb 3, 2019 1:17 PM
AironicallyHuman said: LucreciaLeVrai said: Gankutsuou wasn't exorcised with a hug, I suppose, but by Edmond's very strong willpower, which finally won against the demon. Too bad he had all these feelings for a /boy/, not for Mercedes. Seriously, I don't mind yaoi, and Franz/Albert was rather cute, but Albert was /not/ the love of Edmond's life. He turned a deaf year to his former fiance's pleas, so what made him abandon his hatred when the boy became involved? This is the one point where I believe Gonzo screwed up. Every other time, even when they altered the original content, they generally still did enough to satisfy fans of the novel. But when they had Edmond be saved by Albert's hugging / deus ex machina power, it made absolutely no sense and only occurred because someone felt the need to end the series with Albert doing something useful; whether logical or not. The only person Edmond cared for or loved enough to end his vengeance for was the love of his life, Mercedes, as the novel proved when she actually did manage to persuade him to stop--when she showed that, even after all the time that had past, that he was still the love of her life. And, in Gankutsuou's version of events, even she failed to sway him. What should have happened was Mercedes hugging Edmond, instead of Albert. With the woman he loved more than life itself in his arms, I'd be willing to accept the devil being defeated through willpower alone... but, as we all know, that's not what happened, and yaoi fangirls rejoiced worldwide as they were pandered to with a cheek kiss. The whole deus ex machina thing is Gankutsuou's only major flaw, and the one point I had to ignore in order to score it 10/10. Nothing is perfect, but I can't help but think that Gonzo screwed up when the obvious answer lay within the very novel they had adapted... ...In any event, I thought that the episode was fantastic, prior to the Albert huggle nonsense. The moment where Edmond pointed at Fernand in order to express that he still had him by the balls, rather than the other way around, was tingle-worthy. And it was nice to see Fernand attempt to redeem himself in the eyes of his son in the only way he could. Edmond by maximilien also resolved to save the life of valentine and by maxiline the count would also sacrifice sau vengeance. But the Earl's feelings were for Haydee. After the return of the duel he realizes that he is really in love with her. "Monte Cristo pressed on that pure beautiful forehead a kiss which made two hearts throb at once, the one violently, the other heavily. "Oh," murmured the count, "shall I then be permitted to love again?" (chapter 92) There was no more love for mercedes, more affection for the past. "Mercedes burst into tears; her woman's heart was breaking under its load of memories. Monte Cristo took her hand and imprinted a kiss on it; but she herself felt that it was a kiss of no greater warmth than he would have bestowed on the hand of some marble statue of a saint. " (chapter 112) "As he repassed the Catalans, the count turned around and burying his head in his cloak murmured the name of a woman. The victory was complete; twice he had overcome his doubts. The name he pronounced, in a voice of tenderness, amounting almost to love, was that of Haidee." (hapter 113) In the novel there was a similar scene of Albert with the count, but who did was Haydee. "The count felt his heart dilate and throb; he opened his arms, and Haidee, uttering a cry, sprang into them." (chapter 117) In the novel , the humanizing force eventually returns when Dantès falls in love with Haydée. This relationship reconciles Dantès to his humanity and enables him to feel real emotion once again. In a triumphant declaration of emotion, he says to Haydée: "I mean that one word from you has enlightened me more than twenty years of slow experience; I have but you in the world, Haidee; through you I again take hold on life, through you I shall suffer, through you rejoice." (chapter 117) Dantès’s overcomes his alienation, both from society and from his own humanity, through his love of another human being. |
HerodotoMeneceuFeb 3, 2019 1:28 PM
Feb 3, 2019 1:53 PM
VoxOfTheSheeple said: Am I the only one annoyed at the uselessness of Haidee? I mean, I don't see the point to even having her in the show anymore after she completed her role in the election episode. The count in the novel is in love with her and it was Haydee's love that made him regain his humanity. This relationship edmond and haydee reconciles Dantès to his humanity and allows him to feel real emotion once again. Unfortunately the director chose Albert. edmond and haydee: |
Feb 10, 2019 10:37 AM
A mech battle between Fernand and Edmond turned into a double hostage situation and despite being a deranged power-hungry lunatic, Fernand actually realized that he loves his son when he was given enough time to think about it. I should be mad at him but his desperate pleas for his son's safety towards the Count made me tear up a little. Regret comes in when it's too late as usual but it's great of Baptistin to step in and stand up for what's right. Gankutsuou completely took over the Count but he suddenly reverted into his mortal form because Albert's friendly cheek kiss that showed that even if he can't understand the Count, he'll always regard him as a friend no matter what. That, and because he caught the big gay. As Edmond's lifeless body lingers in his abode, his mighty palace constructed with the will of his vengeance quickly crumbled away with every last feeling of hatred he had towards the world. Along with that was Fernand, who had started all of this and the last target of Edmond's grudge, deciding to meet the end with his former best friend. |
Apr 8, 2019 2:45 PM
I mean, I get why someone would respond negatively to this episode. It was a bit too cheesy, with Albert hugging the Count and all that. I also found it strange that Albert's dad shot him, but afterwards begs for his life... Yeah, you're obviously unstable, but man, your words mean nothing when you just tried to kill him lol. I assume the next episode will be an epilogue of some kind so I can talk about the climax here. While the last few episodes certainly weren't a bad build-up/final climax, I highly prefer the climax in episodes 15-18. The mystery mostly came to an end there and everything afterwards felt different. It probably couldn't be helped, since the mystery was almost entirely solved except for the Gankutsuou spirit. Howveer, that one was solved in this episode with a mere two lines? Nothing more? Kinda disappointing. Depending on the final act, I was thinking of rating the show a 9 after the amazing middle act. I'm afraid the final act did not live up to expectations, so I'm probably going to end up rating it an 8. The show did get much better than I expected it to after pushing myself through the beginning. |
Apr 10, 2019 9:34 PM
Samu-tan said: I mean, I get why someone would respond negatively to this episode. It was a bit too cheesy, with Albert hugging the Count and all that. I also found it strange that Albert's dad shot him, but afterwards begs for his life... Yeah, you're obviously unstable, but man, your words mean nothing when you just tried to kill him lol. I assume the next episode will be an epilogue of some kind so I can talk about the climax here. While the last few episodes certainly weren't a bad build-up/final climax, I highly prefer the climax in episodes 15-18. The mystery mostly came to an end there and everything afterwards felt different. It probably couldn't be helped, since the mystery was almost entirely solved except for the Gankutsuou spirit. Howveer, that one was solved in this episode with a mere two lines? Nothing more? Kinda disappointing. Depending on the final act, I was thinking of rating the show a 9 after the amazing middle act. I'm afraid the final act did not live up to expectations, so I'm probably going to end up rating it an 8. The show did get much better than I expected it to after pushing myself through the beginning. They turned the count into a one-dimensional villain, withdrew the role of haydee who with his love would return the humanity of the count. She The count is not a psychopath, he is able to show remorse, to help others and to have empathy, here he has become a one-person character. I did not like the adptation. The count and haydee by having a similar past are the mirror of each other that are adequate to understand each other than Albert who never stepped through adversities like the count. Read the manga that is better |
Aug 1, 2019 11:54 PM
Kenjimax said: The way Fernard act is badly executed. The transition from composed power-crazy dictator to insane lovelorn murderer to reckless caring father to remorseful repenting sinner is too sudden. Why did he blackmail Count with Heidi? Why didn't he just shoot Heidi instead of all the provocation then? Why did they decide to just have him looked from left to right then went down on his knees to beg? Worse yet, it's wrong to bring back a character after a few minutes of being off screen just to have them look all cool and composed and yada yada stating they wanted to repent. Didn't he looked severely distressed just now? Why look so calm after watching what your son did? Tell us, director, tell us! Then there's the Count-come-Gankutsuou. Didn't you say you want Fernard to suffer, hence the shot at Albert? Why suddenly changed to 'the pact is complete' and wanted to ride your fancy ship? I won't comment on that hug/whisper scene since it's fine by anime standard. This. I know this thread is old, but i just finished this show and it bothered the hell out of me. Maybe if it wasn't all crammed into one episode it would be more effective, but it just didnt work the way they did it. Mandego's character in this episode was all over the place here, especially with how he literally just shot his son a few moments ago in the stomach but is no concerned that someone wants to kill him. I mean i guess you could argue that he was completely out of it and deranged when he shot him and is now calmer but it wasnt executed well at all. And no i don't excuse that hug/whisper scene to kill an incredibly powerful being; it's so fucking cliched and i just could not get behind it. It's a shame because the show for the most part was really good, but this episode just felt rushed. |
AlfonseOct 22, 2019 12:25 AM
Sep 30, 2019 2:51 AM
I have mixed feelings. It's a great show and the Count is such a charismatic character. But... Did they have to go so over-the-top? The original story feels much more personal and subtle. But here the Count is personally killing off people, half of the Paris is destroyed, it's just too much. The whole don't-let-hate-consume-you thing was handled so differently in the book. Here, it's too in-your-face with Franz's letter and Albert constantly appealing to love. When Edmond lets go of revenge in the novel and gets a happy ending, it feels earned, it feels no less satisfying than the revenge itself. But here he is too consumed by hate (we never saw all the good deeds he's done after his escape from prison), his actions involve too many innocent bystanders (like, how many people were killed in the bombings?) and he dies still feeling vengeful. I get it, they really wanted to get the message across, but it came off kinda cliche. The novel had done it and in a completely different way. I've never seen anyone who read the book dislike Edmond. Even though he can be distant and aloof, he is very empathetic. Whereas here in the forums quite a few people dislike him because he is too ruthless. |
Tanya852Sep 30, 2019 8:15 AM
Mar 6, 2020 5:41 PM
Albert has been such a whiny weak loser for the entirety of the show, only can scream "COUNT!" and chooses him at the expense of all others including his dead friend who the Count happened to have killed. Disgusting character. This climax was also much too sudden and doesn't feel earned. I simply can't care for this show like I did the first time around. Shame as the first half was terrific and everything up to a few episodes ago was also good. This though... ehhhhhhhh. |
May 22, 2020 9:27 AM
quite epic climax. Guess thats the perk of being based on a proper book and not some low effort LN. Though its a bit weird that the one man who really has no redeeming qualities got off easy, as the count would say he got the gift of death. |
"This emotion is mine alone. It is for Madoka alone." - Homura or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica. |
Jun 7, 2020 2:24 PM
I think Albert told the count that he loved him and that is what ended the demons hold. The count and Albert didn’t seem to be on the same page because the count still wanted revenge even when he was dying. I can also understand why the sword piece was never taken out because at the point he was stab he was turning more and more into a demon so he didn’t really feel any pain and/or didn’t feel the wanted by it because he thought he would never revert back. Albert’s dad really does because he ain’t want to face his actions anymore and go to jail. Lastly, very glad Albert didn’t let her die with the count which happens in so many shows. |
Sep 14, 2020 5:37 PM
lmao i should have expected this kind of ending if i'm going to be honest. since they introduced a main character like albert, i should have known the conclusion to this climax would end in yet another cop-out moral compass bullshit. one episode was all it took to ruin it all. it's impressive in a way, really had me fooled for the last 22 episodes. |
Oct 10, 2020 2:44 AM
Not the ending that i wanted but satisfying nonetheless. Fernnad finally gave up and deserved it, Edomond Dantes with that long hair surprised me quite a bit, all of his wounds that he took while being under Gangkustou came back to him the bullet from Vilefort and those sword wounds he took no wonder he died quickly after removing the Gangkustuou from him. RIP to another great character. Hakshaku you sure gonna have a great place in my heart. |
Feb 10, 2021 6:04 AM
What an utter fuckload of bullshit. The show was near perfect till the last episode. |
Mar 13, 2021 1:25 AM
I just finished the anime. I liked it for the most part, for its unique visual approach, and the mixture of Sci-fi elements with an old novel. The only thing I didn't really like is that they changed the ending from the novel: in the novel, the Dantes lets go of his hatred, doesn't survive, and goes off to live happily with Haydee who confesses to him. I felt that would have been a better ending. |
May 27, 2021 2:55 PM
He wasn't able to complete his revenge by himself. It is regrettable |
Sep 24, 2021 1:39 AM
Not sure how I feel about the ending... On to the last episode. |
Status: On A MAL Break _____________________________________________ ๐ สแดแดs://แดสแดษดษชแดแดสษชsแด.ษดแดแด/แด แด-ษดแดแด-แดสษชแดแด-แดสษชแดค-สษชษดแด ๐ _____________________________________________________ |
Apr 2, 2022 12:22 PM
Apr 28, 2022 11:08 AM
I wish the count actually got to complete his revenge before he died. I thought he was going to have an amazingly planned out twisted end for Albert's father which he completely deserved. The man deserved to suffer way worst before he died. |
Sep 4, 2022 12:16 AM
Sep 7, 2022 11:48 PM
This episode was just an absolute trainwreck of a mess lmao, Fernand begging to have Albert freed when he himself shot him before along with Mercedes, Albert defending the count and preaching about not doing murder even when he tried to kill him a few episodes back, Albert saying he will remember the count and say he will live forever for him even when the count told him he wanted to kill him as his fucking last words, Villefort's spouse and his son appearing out of nowhere for a few frames, Gankutsou living the Count's body for some weird reason when Albert hugs him (a hug? Exorcising Gankutsou only required a hug? Are you saying nobody ever hugged him before, not even Haydee? If not, then it was just the super magic words of the protagonist who helped out?), Baptistin sacrificing himself for Albert also for no fucking reason! Fernand deciding to die along with the Count after he had lost his mind the last 3 episodes. A lot of you are confused and with reason, because seriously, what in the fucking fuck. I wanted to give this anime a chance and see what it was going to do with the new route it was taken, and I appreciate the higher stakes with mecha fights and Paris in ruins, but they tried to rise the tension so much for the climax that they ended up not knowing what they were doing at all, this is taking the simple but effective story from the book in just the stupidest way possible. You might feel like a lot of huge, big things happened, but you might not understand what exactly happened, and that is because nothing really happened at all, the writers just started babbling in this episode trying to make things grandiose and it turned out in this incoherent mess. Normally I don't make such hard judgements in stories that are a bit difficult to understand but in this case we have the source story, the original book, that makes a lot of sense in comparison and doesn't derail as much, you can see exactly what they were trying to do and how they miserably failed. And with Albert carrying Haydee towards the ship with Betuccio and Baptisin, Hayde, who wanted to die along with the count, just... I always wondered why they decided to make Albert the protagonist in this version and not the Count, and now I know why, to make it appeal more to a shonen audience, Albert has to be your young minded hero. Which who I just simply can't stop hating now. It would have been fine but they fucked up the Count which was the most awesome character in the book and also my favorite character in all literature ever. Albert is no good replacement either, he is just generic shonen protagonist. Come on Albert! The Count wanted you to die! You are the result of the betrayal of the two most important people to him! Don't spend his last breathing moments saying you will live for him! Just... what in the hell are you thinking? Anyway, just one episode to go, but still, what a shame, because a lot of the things of the anime are great, the art style and direction, the soundtrack, and so forth. But they just made a lot things worse since they had so many ambitions to make this story in something greater but simply couldn't keep up into cramming it all in the 24 episode format and just went into the generic routes and it makes it all simply infuriating, Andrea was worse, Mercedes never made any sense, Caderouses revenge was skipped completely, not to mention Peppo, the most pointless character ever who was just there because of course we are in anime now so we need an AMAB female presenting character that likes the protag or wants to deceive him because of course this is an anime, etc etc, it just doesn't reach any of those highs as before, sorry guys, but that's what I think. This anime sucks. |
HazamelisSep 8, 2022 12:07 AM
Oct 19, 2022 3:50 PM
Forgot the feels when you finish an anime you've anticipated so hard, then it ended up being a disapointment and you're fucking upset with the hours you wasted cause you could've watched something better and enjoyable. This mediocreass anime awakened that feeling. What else did Albert do that could've been done by any other character, other than ruining a weeding so he could snatch the useless bitch for his own? (oh and being used as a pawn, by several fucking people lmfao), it was pointless of me to look forward to just the slightest character development. Just as I thought Albert had awakened after being betrayed and having his best buddy killed, we we're back to his initial character sucking off the Count disregarded everything that had occurred. Speaking of other things I shouldn't have looked forward to, a great, explanatory ending, it was childishly cliche. Not even your typical MC talk no jutsu solved Gankutsuou, all it took was fucking hugging the Count and he'd forget everything about his kill streak and several attempts to kill Albert. Characters were the worst part of the show where I struggled to not cringe. Not only were the villians one-dimensional, even the actual characters Albert was close to were boringly one-sided with no development. I need to talk to the troll who's in charge of adding "Genres" in anime descriptions cause why the fuck was there no "Romance" genre? Half of the entire story felt like romance, way too much matter of fact to the point where it feels like filler. I did genuinely give this show a chance to redeem itself, which was a struggle due to slowass pacing, seizure-activating art and god awful PS2 CGI, here I am still waiting for an awaited execution despite finishing the anime. This was written way too simplified, felt I had seen many similar storylines in other works, should've kept it at 12-13 episodes. I haven't even read the novel, book or whatever however I can tell this anime is a disgrace to the original work. |
Jan 27, 12:07 AM
This battle was much better than the previous one. But he died, just like that? |
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