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Mar 25, 2015 6:33 PM

Jan 2009
Thoroughly enjoyed this episode, great series, even with how hard it was to watch that POS old pervert, well at least he got his just desserts.

Mar 25, 2015 6:35 PM
Towel Attendant

Dec 2014
6/10 for a final score for me. Too much about it was annoying including the censorship blocking. Zest and Jin were the best of the bunch.
Mar 25, 2015 6:35 PM

Jul 2014
I liked it and I'm pretty excited for the second season :P

I'm fine with the censoring but when they censor the whole screen it gets kinda annoying.
Mar 25, 2015 6:40 PM

Aug 2013
Overall the season was okay, but that ending really got me interested in watching the 2nd season.
My Candies:
Mar 25, 2015 7:12 PM

Aug 2014
Very enjoyable serie! The only thing I didn't like is always when something pervert action is happening but they put that figures in front of us, for we can't see what good...
Now, just need to wait until the second season comes in October. ^.^
Maloween 2017
Main Candies
Mar 25, 2015 7:38 PM

Apr 2014
Meh episode until the end of episode.
Jin sure is scary with the new demon king.
Overall 7/10.
Mar 25, 2015 7:46 PM

Aug 2013
Idc if the show gets a lot of hate, since it has just as many fans.

There was a lot of stuff the show did right too. Like it had no problem making Basara OP, but they didn't make him invincible. He lost plenty of fights. He has a good balance: OP banishing shift, OP hero clan healing factor. Scrub fighting experience, scrub power level.

In the bedroom scene, Basara may have said his mind just went blank for a second, but that looked to be a bit more. His eye had that hero power glow before he tackled her and his voice got weird. He has a point though, he should probably start fucking all the girls so there is no risk of them dying lol. But then again, doing that would imply future NTR.

You know Jin is on a fucking new level of badass, just strolling into the palace and sitting in the demon kings throne. Really, you know you're a badass character when you can take out a pack of cigarettes, take one, light it, take a single drag and then throw it away.

though...judging from the key visual, it doesn't look like he wins -_-

Looking forward to Zest joining the harem in S2. Hopefully the nurse gets more screen time too.

Looking at those preview pics for S2 at the very end:
- cool vertical scrolling visual
- Maria doing some licking
- Zest as a maid
- Basara in full armor!! With a green streak in his hair and an evil grin
- Basara vs demon king visual
and a few others.

C'mon October!!!

Edit: So if anyone was interested in the "plot" (please, of course you were)...I found this. Whenever a show has loads of girls with big tits I always wonder who is in order from biggest to smallest. Luckily I think this got released with the LN or something because it's the LN art. WARNING THIS TITTY CHART IS NSFW!!
Jonesy974Mar 25, 2015 8:10 PM
Mar 25, 2015 8:02 PM

Aug 2013
Jonesy974 said:

There was a lot of stuff the show did right too. Like it had no problem making Basara OP, but they didn't make him invincible. He lost plenty of fights. He has a good balance: OP banishing shift, OP hero clan healing factor. Scrub fighting experience, scrub power level.

I agree. I have no problem with an OP character but I'm actually glad that Basara is not invincible because I like it when Basara struggles when he battles. Plus Basara hasn't been training for the past five years since the Village banish him because he has been living as a normal teenager for fives years without worrying about demons or other stuffs.
Mar 25, 2015 8:02 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
Now waiting for the uncensored version... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Fkin Jin being a badass at the end.
Mar 25, 2015 8:08 PM

Aug 2013
AvatarJinzo said:
Jonesy974 said:

There was a lot of stuff the show did right too. Like it had no problem making Basara OP, but they didn't make him invincible. He lost plenty of fights. He has a good balance: OP banishing shift, OP hero clan healing factor. Scrub fighting experience, scrub power level.

I agree. I have no problem with an OP character but I'm actually glad that Basara is not invincible because I like it when Basara struggles when he battles. Plus Basara hasn't been training for the past five years since the Village banish him because he has been living as a normal teenager for fives years without worrying about demons or other stuffs.

Yea exactly. I don't mind when an MC is godly unkillable OP, like god onii-sama from Mahouka, but only when in makes sense. In Mahouka he was always invincible. He was man-made to be invincible so everything he does makes sense.

I usually just don't like it when MC gets plot armor powerup that he didn't earn. Except for HSDxD where Issei basically gets them out of comedy (though in a lot of cases, he definitely earns those too).
Mar 25, 2015 8:18 PM

Nov 2013
season 2 hype ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Mar 25, 2015 8:26 PM
Jul 2018
In the LN, the kiss scenes happens first, and then Basara looks at Zolgear with a cold pierce look when Lars was about to kill him.

Jin doesn't lose to Leohart, he's looking for someone (can't spoil it too much).
Mar 25, 2015 8:31 PM

Jan 2014
nc ending... love it, that dad of his is a total bad-ass
... can anybody direct me to any site which translates the LN? cause I can't wait for the next season to air... currently reading Konjiki no Wordmaster :D
and oh yeah I sure hope they undo the censors... since some most anime they let the part where even nip slip and boobs show... but the censoring on this one is too much... :D

Got something to live for, I know that I won't surrender,
A warrior of youth,
I'm taking over, a shot to the new world order
I Am Bulletproof. . .

Mar 25, 2015 8:43 PM

Jan 2010
Even kissing is censor these days. w0w
Badass Preview

MatheineMar 25, 2015 8:52 PM
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Mar 25, 2015 9:19 PM

Mar 2008
Mar 25, 2015 9:23 PM

Sep 2013
I like this harem. Im not really a fan of ecchi but this anime constantly gave me boners. Story is 6/10, Art and animation is 6/10, sound is 8/10, ecchi is 15/10 minus 3 because of the censoring. Overall Im giving this a 7/10. This proves I still like watching harems.
"I have been wielding a blade since before your were swimming around your father's scrotum." - Kurou
Mar 25, 2015 9:39 PM

Jan 2011
Jesus the censoring is some of the absolute worst. It's stuff like that is why I won't even watch TLR when it airs and just wait for the BD.

Anyway. It wasn't bad. Story was rather flat and the harem appeal wasn't the best. But will watch the next installment and hopefully this absurd censoring will improve some.
Mar 25, 2015 9:43 PM

Aug 2013
Jonesy974 said:
AvatarJinzo said:

I agree. I have no problem with an OP character but I'm actually glad that Basara is not invincible because I like it when Basara struggles when he battles. Plus Basara hasn't been training for the past five years since the Village banish him because he has been living as a normal teenager for fives years without worrying about demons or other stuffs.

Yea exactly. I don't mind when an MC is godly unkillable OP, like god onii-sama from Mahouka, but only when in makes sense. In Mahouka he was always invincible. He was man-made to be invincible so everything he does makes sense.

I usually just don't like it when MC gets plot armor powerup that he didn't earn. Except for HSDxD where Issei basically gets them out of comedy (though in a lot of cases, he definitely earns those too).

Yeah the only OP character I like is Akatsuki from Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero . I thought make sense why he's OP because he defeated the Demon King which is why the Demon King entrusted his daughter to Akatsuki and his has master the art of Renkankei-kikou, an ability to control Chi(enegry flow) of oneself, others and the surroundings from the other world.
Mar 25, 2015 9:51 PM

Feb 2008
AvatarJinzo said:
Jonesy974 said:

Yea exactly. I don't mind when an MC is godly unkillable OP, like god onii-sama from Mahouka, but only when in makes sense. In Mahouka he was always invincible. He was man-made to be invincible so everything he does makes sense.

I usually just don't like it when MC gets plot armor powerup that he didn't earn. Except for HSDxD where Issei basically gets them out of comedy (though in a lot of cases, he definitely earns those too).

Yeah the only OP character I like is Akatsuki from Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero . I thought make sense why he's OP because he defeated the Demon King which is why the Demon King entrusted his daughter to Akatsuki and his has master the art of Renkankei-kikou, an ability to control Chi(enegry flow) of oneself, others and the surroundings from the other world.

Fun fact about that. Both Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero and Shinmai Maou no Testament's story were written by the same person: Tetsuto Uesu ;)
Mar 25, 2015 10:46 PM

Aug 2013
Sainijon said:
AvatarJinzo said:

Yeah the only OP character I like is Akatsuki from Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero . I thought make sense why he's OP because he defeated the Demon King which is why the Demon King entrusted his daughter to Akatsuki and his has master the art of Renkankei-kikou, an ability to control Chi(enegry flow) of oneself, others and the surroundings from the other world.

Fun fact about that. Both Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero and Shinmai Maou no Testament's story were written by the same person: Tetsuto Uesu ;)

I know right!!! I love both those series! Sucks that there's no season 2 for Rouge Hero but at least I got a season 2 for Sister New Devil. :)
Mar 25, 2015 11:33 PM

Apr 2011
Too bad Zest didn't stay with the harem

It was a fun ride despite the censors.
Mar 25, 2015 11:49 PM

Apr 2014
Magito said:
Too bad Zest didn't stay with the harem
It was a fun ride despite the censors.

But she's Basara's personal maid?
Haters always gonna hate.
Mar 26, 2015 12:19 AM

Jun 2013
lucky fuckin' bastard
Mar 26, 2015 12:32 AM

Jul 2013
I was actually planning to drop this until the Blu Ray comes out but for some reason the story just hooked me. I know it's not super original or anything but it's executed better than tons of ecchi shows out there. It helps that the characters are actually likeable and the ecchi, plenty though it is, never felt forced or too cliche (something like accidentally tumbling onto the girls' boobs for example).

That Basara isn't such a goody two-shoes is also a plus for me. Other wussy MC would surely stop Lars from killing Zolgia but Basara actually wanted to watch him die. Too bad that he came to his senses halfway into "raping" Mio though I'm sure he'd continue if Yuki didn't cockblock him. It's only a matter of time before those two realize that threesome is the way of life XD

Onto the Blu Ray, OVA, then season 2. For now it's 6/10
Mar 26, 2015 12:52 AM

Jan 2011
well this wasn't the worst out of the 5 shitty harem/ecchi's but i said before and ill say it again this show was so meh but so lewd 6/10 though you could tell they were desperate for BD sales with the level of censoring they did Really kissing?!

won't lie preview for S2 is legit plus Basara even if his name is real stupid hes not the worst ecchi MC i've seen kinda has a darker side to em
Mar 26, 2015 1:50 AM

Apr 2012
1/10 lol
This show is masturbation material

Mar 26, 2015 2:12 AM
Jan 2015
BD is really uncensored?
Mar 26, 2015 3:09 AM

Mar 2012
Ah, you censors shall deny me even to the end (even kissing). >.> Haha, rather enjoyable enough overall. The second season looks fun, so I'll check that out.

Basara's dad put in work at the end of episode! :O
Mar 26, 2015 3:37 AM

Dec 2007
Damn. I had new respect for him when he went crazy down on her but then he stopped... I am disappointed! Fight scenes were bland and a lot of censoring during the awkward fanservice. Overall a mediocre harem series.

Mar 26, 2015 4:06 AM

Jul 2012
A mediocre harem series. Tons of censors and a weak plot. It was a decent show but not fantastic.

Tom's Hardware graphics veteran++ (Legacy)
i7 6700K@4.0 GHz, ASUS Z170 PRO GAMING, RTX 2080, G. Skill RipJaws V 3200MHz 16GB,
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Mar 26, 2015 5:03 AM

Sep 2014
Actually enjoyed this show more than i thought i would! Looking forward to season 2!
Mar 26, 2015 5:28 AM

Jun 2012
Nothing remarkable here, w/e plot, boring confrontations, fullHD censorship, same old characters.
I guess the mc wasn't on full beta mode sometimes, so only for that, this gets a 3/10.

And of course its getting a 2nd season.
Mar 26, 2015 9:39 AM

Mar 2013
chakracat said:
Meh, pretty disappointed with this show maybe the second season will be less of a mess.

^ my thoughts exactly ^

lol, orgy ending :)
Mar 26, 2015 9:52 AM

Sep 2011
The best part is the preview for season 2 (basara armor look badass not gonna lie). Ok ep/ending i guess, strong start but whimper at the end and the censorship did not help. Will up the score once the db uncensored come out 6/10 for now.
Mar 26, 2015 9:57 AM

Jan 2012
am I the only one, feeling that the End Sneak Peek of this anime, was like Highschool DxD, where, The White One and Red One encountered, both covered with those fancy armor.
Mar 26, 2015 10:37 AM
Dec 2013
Ecchi lvl meh, screw censor sigh....

Jin badass lvl: over 9000!

But if Jin were to lose then that would be lame as f!"4... If he ends dying, then f"#4 this sh"3. We just know Jin is a OP character and when we first see him in action it ends with him dying? No, that would be way too lame. What i hope is maybe he teaches the new demon lord a lesson(not killing him), ends up with Jin fleeing because of reinforcement or demon lord is strong and last option ends up in a draw.
Mar 26, 2015 11:14 AM

Sep 2013
I forgot that Zolgia is actually pretty damn strong until my nigga Leonhart said so :O

Basara going a bit mad there with Mio :O
His powers are starting to affect him now, but Jin has that thing too.

<3 9/10 <3
Way better than DxD.
Mar 26, 2015 12:48 PM

Nov 2013
Really enjoyable last episode. Maria and Lars made the series. And damn, the teaser images are super effective.

Jesus the censoring is some of the absolute worst. It's stuff like that is why I won't even watch TLR when it airs and just wait for the BD.

Anyway. It wasn't bad. Story was rather flat and the harem appeal wasn't the best. But will watch the next installment and hopefully this absurd censoring will improve some.

And for those who are complaining about the censoring, please don't be so ignorant and entitled. Businesses must do business. Like really? Unrealistically hoping s2 will be less censored. Go watch hentai if you want to wank.

Honestly, this has good ecchi even with the rather comedic cut outs getting in the way.
Mar 26, 2015 3:08 PM

Apr 2014
This was a decent anime and Jin seems really badass at the end

The previews for the 2nd season look awesome especially Basara with that armor and green tinted hair

Mar 26, 2015 3:54 PM
Feb 2013
Can't wait for the 2nd season 👌
Mar 26, 2015 5:06 PM

May 2013
Jin recks everyone then MLG noscope the new demon lord
Mar 26, 2015 6:01 PM

May 2014
That ending...yes. Wished the censorship wasn't as intense, like literally, the censorship covered almost the whole damn screen. But I got to say that some of the censorship is pretty funny. Like Maria with her camera blocking that one kiss (but why censor them kissing...must be quite an intense kiss....).

I am looking forward to season 2 and they gave the month it would be released so no wondering about on the internet searching if there is another season. :)
Mar 26, 2015 6:22 PM

Sep 2011
Meh overall. Though Basara's dad at the end is so badass.

Mar 26, 2015 6:26 PM

Oct 2013
Definitely not a bad show for what it wanted to be, if you count out the censors that is...Surpasses both DxD seasons & it's OVAs in terms of lewdness, though the later still seems more um, seductive, not to mention it triumphs in other aspects such as characters, story, world building & comedy. Maria could give DxD's cast a run for their money though and Yuki's basically Shinmai Maou no Testament's version of Xenovia(not that I'm complaining).

Anyway, now to wait for dem BDs & S2.
Mar 26, 2015 6:42 PM

Aug 2013
Glorious borderline hentai!
Dat moment when a loli steal you the harem MC... mfw
Also that dark twist at the end... was actually pretty badass.

For a second, I was really scared that the show would go ''we don't kill the villain, because we'll become the villain if so!''. Pfffiou, that was a close call.

That moment when he suddenly assualted Mio was hilarious. I mean, it was screaming ''RAEP TIME!'', yet there was that so innapropriate music in the background. Oh man, you don't know how much I laughed. And Yuki is such best girl, giving no fuck, going straight to the french kiss. All it missed was to drive his hand in her shirt and her assertion would have been complete.

Honestly, it was a good little season show, but it had some serious flaws, mostly I'd say in its story that isn't really captivating and the lack of an animation personality. I mean that the animation look very generic, it doesn't have its own style.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Mar 26, 2015 7:37 PM

Oct 2011
0___0 Season 2 I cannot wait
Mar 26, 2015 7:56 PM

Jun 2011
A satisfying ending. It wrapped up everything nicely. Basara and Lars looking like badasses when ending Zlogia.

Damn, those scenes afterwards. Did not see that coming at all. I mean, I knew there was probably going to be an ecchi scene or two, but shit, give it another minute and Basara would've been all up in Mio. I really didn't quite understand what was happening at first, but after going back and also seeing season 2 preview, it's clear that it's his new power, which look badass as fuck. All in all, a good episode and a satisfying ending.

As for the whole series itself, it had its ups and downs. But it also had a few pleasant surprises that broke itself away from other similar series, for example that Basara knew all about what was going on. He didn't just "stumble" into learning about demons, and heros, and the underworld and yadda yadda. He had both the power and knowledge, which was refreshing. We didn't have to sit through long monologues of characters teaching the MC about shit.

Had top notch ecchi; the art was pretty good, but the animation needed some work. The action was good and even intense at times, the story was alright too. I enjoyed the series for what it was, and I did enjoy it quite a bit. So I'll give this one a 7/10.

The second season looks really action-oriented with badass looking new powers and even a fight with the demon king himself. Also looks like Zest joins the harem! It's looking to be a solid sequel. Can't wait!
Mar 26, 2015 8:33 PM

Apr 2014
It was a good show. Though, the censoring on scenes that were not even bad was stupid. This show is also a seinen guys. So you can't really complain about the ecchi stuff, that is your fault for continuing watching a series that says it from the beginning. For information purposes seinen means for 18 and older. Though if you wish to watch or read stuff with that genre that is your decision just know what you are getting into. It is also too early to be saying it has a weak plot. It is just the start of the series, so too early for that. If you are wanting more than I would recommend the light novel.
ChaosIncarnateMar 26, 2015 8:38 PM
Mar 26, 2015 8:56 PM

May 2013
Basara not only saved Zest, but he confirms that Zolgia is dead.
Woah, Basara's going in for the kill, but Yuki comes in for the steal, but Maria dominates everyone else!

Hmm, Jin is freakin' badass.
I'd like to watch this series uncensored, but damn, I'm actually excited for Season 2. (^_^)
I’m always searching for something, for someone. This feeling has possessed me I think, from that day… That day when the stars came falling.
Mar 26, 2015 10:12 PM

Jun 2008
Surprisingly, a pretty satisfying ending.

But damn, I thought he was gonna fuck Mio right there and then....I guess that would've been a bit too much, even for a show this ecchi.

BDs fucking when?

I'll give my REAL score when I've seen this uncensored.
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