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Jan 28, 2015 4:39 PM

Jan 2011
can't say the mix of serious-ness and comedy blended well this episode was like watching akame ga Kill lol though that isn't to say i didn't enjoy it!

Kongou sisters to strong and Shimakaze all in one team

will say i don't mind the CG so much now if the animations were slower and less fluid i think it would bother me more.
Jan 28, 2015 4:41 PM

Jan 2012
Based Kongou-class & Shimakaze/10 :) Need some GIFs for the comedy parts :o

Easily best episode for me, but srsly this kuso teitoku :o At least it was a better decision than sending them on a regular expedition again i guess *g*
Jan 28, 2015 4:56 PM

Mar 2013
Can't ask for anything more when you have Kongou sisters + Shimakaze. Favorite episode so far.
Jan 28, 2015 5:06 PM

Jun 2013
It's about time we finally get more Shimakaze this episode~
Jan 28, 2015 5:18 PM

Nov 2008
The moment I realize those 4 loli destroyers have the same CV... She was talking to herself the whole time!!!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jan 28, 2015 5:29 PM

Nov 2012
Man I love those Kongou class battleships. They were way more goofy than I thought. Anyone who played the game can pretty much recognize the large amount of lines that came right off from the game. Next episode, the appearance of 5th Carrier Division aka Shoukaku and Zuikaku.
Jan 28, 2015 5:32 PM

Apr 2012
Kongou and her sisters, lol they are funny shipgirl xD

Enjoyable Episode :D
with little feels in the end

Jan 28, 2015 5:40 PM

Aug 2010
DenjaX said:
The moment I realize those 4 loli destroyers have the same CV... She was talking to herself the whole time!!!

Well, the Kongou sisters share a seiyuu as well (if I didn't read about it I'd never have known)
I want Rambo in a mecha-suit with a laser-chainsaw gun that fires nuclear warheads, fighting the love-child of Predator, Alien, a group of Bangladeshi terrorists, and Satan. (Actually that would be a pretty sick show) - StopDropAndBowl
Jan 28, 2015 5:58 PM
Jun 2011
Well after last week I really, really needed a pick me up.
The Kongous are a riot! And Mutsu is practically bursting trying to contain her laughter from Fubuki's mental image.
Damn it Fubuki! Run!
You're going to get someone killed girl!
Dude, awesome. Kongou just bitch slaps the shell off her, I guess she really is who Fubuki thinks she thinks she is.
And after spending that whole time in fear of Mutsuki's wasn't anywhere near as bad as I thought, but I still cried a little. Only a drop or 2 thank God.
I was so worried about how much it was going to hurt that I nearly dropped the show before even putting it on my list.
Can I hug them? I can't stand seeing crying anime girls, I just want to hug them and tell them it'll be alright. No matter who they are apparently.
I want blood to be thicker than moe, but I admit my inherent sweetness tends to get the better of me.
I'm a hell of a fighter, but I take little joy in it, and no joy in my fears that I'm being brainwashed by this show to resent my heritage.
I've said that I want nothing more than for my suspicions to be wrong, and that's because I absolutely adore this show for better or worse.
I go by many names, some call me Hoshimaru, others call me Jiro or Aosou-Kun.
I believe myself a force for good, a papercrafter by trade, and one who seeks love and beauty animesque.

I am the host of the youtube show Who Would You Do?
Jan 28, 2015 6:07 PM

Oct 2011
sad ship girls ;_;
Jan 28, 2015 6:29 PM

Jul 2010
Wow, the Kongou sisters are hilarious with their logic. Fubuki having to play the straight man role too.

Shimakaze seems a quite different than Kongou. Kongou deflection that was pretty awesome.

The way Fubuki thought of death was actually pretty nice to see.
Jan 28, 2015 6:32 PM

Nov 2008
Wordsmith said:
DenjaX said:
The moment I realize those 4 loli destroyers have the same CV... She was talking to herself the whole time!!!

Well, the Kongou sisters share a seiyuu as well (if I didn't read about it I'd never have known)
holy crap you are right!!! shortage of casts/budget? Dog days couldve use many casts that easily xDD

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jan 28, 2015 6:40 PM
Jun 2011
Zahylon said:
I guess Nagato's daily report for Teikoku will be like this
" I got a hellish headache"
It's like she and Fubuki are the only sane girls in the fleet.

Best episode so far, Kongou sisters are all likeable to me, Shimakaze being an airhead too made it for me. I laughted a lot until the final minutes...dem feels.

"Fubuki is the most sane of the destroyers, is the least prone to bouts of lazy crazy and stupid,, and one of the most level headed characters overall"- TV tropes
And I kinda figured it out the first episode: Nagato is pretty much a clone of Chifuyu from Infinite Stratos, both in looks and personality.
I go by many names, some call me Hoshimaru, others call me Jiro or Aosou-Kun.
I believe myself a force for good, a papercrafter by trade, and one who seeks love and beauty animesque.

I am the host of the youtube show Who Would You Do?
Jan 28, 2015 6:49 PM

Oct 2012
Those 4 are just so wacky
Jan 28, 2015 7:02 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
I love the Kongou sisters so much xD They made this episode for me

Overall it was an okay episode, decent battle and the SoL scene were hilarious, seeing that other girl be in denial over the death of her friend and then her finally accepting that she died was sad TwT
Jan 28, 2015 7:26 PM

Jun 2008
DenjaX said:
Wordsmith said:

Well, the Kongou sisters share a seiyuu as well (if I didn't read about it I'd never have known)
holy crap you are right!!! shortage of casts/budget? Dog days couldve use many casts that easily xDD

Nope, it's just being faithful to the game.
To make things interesting, they released a Drama CD that only have the Kongou sisters in it (title is Hiei's curry) hilariously turning the CD into a one man show, hence the nickname of the CD, "One Nao Show".

Raiden_ said:
Why is only Kongou ni-kai'd :v

Good Question there.... lol
Yeah, why is Kongou the only one to reach her Kai-ni (Mk.2) upgrade.
Personally, Kirishima was the first Kongou class that I Kai-ni'd in the game, since she was my first Kongou class while Kongou herself got the "Last Sister Ship syndrome" in my game.

Visit this blog That I'm working with my friend
Jan 28, 2015 7:35 PM
Jun 2011
Hoshimaru57 said:

I've said that I want nothing more than for my suspicions to be wrong, and that's because I absolutely adore this show for better or worse.

I just found the proof I needed to put my heart at ease once and for all that the similarities of this to WWII are all just a really freaky coincidence. (Though you'd think I'd have figured it out sooner)
Smartphones are said to exist in this universe according to TV tropes.
Now I can watch the show fearlessly.
I'll rank up the score even by a point.
I go by many names, some call me Hoshimaru, others call me Jiro or Aosou-Kun.
I believe myself a force for good, a papercrafter by trade, and one who seeks love and beauty animesque.

I am the host of the youtube show Who Would You Do?
Jan 28, 2015 7:42 PM

Jun 2013
I think people are being way too harsh on this anime... it's nothing great, but it's entertaining and I'm loving it so far :)
Jan 28, 2015 7:48 PM

Jun 2014
Not going to lie, i skipped the whole middle part. The slice of life parts are just terrible.
BUT THAT BACKHAND! Damn! She just freaking pimp smacked the shell all the way to the Atlantic.
and wow, after getting hit that hard she didnt need to be repaired at all? She was starting to sink...
I feel really bad for denial girl though... She just wanted to repay the kindness shown to her.
Be sure to message me if you quoted me and want me to respond! Just give me a link to the forum, because usually I leave my comment, then leave the forum.
Jan 28, 2015 7:52 PM

May 2012
lol, gosh they are all over the place in this anime, from idols to badass fight scenes to derpy cgi to trying to be dark but failing cause its so lighthearted xD
but dem kongou sisters xD oh my god XD best girls :p
Jan 28, 2015 7:55 PM

Apr 2011
you could really feel the despair Fubuki had when she was almost sunk. Fubuki and Mutsuki hug was sooooo full of emotion, hugging until Mutsuki's barrier broke down and she finally reveals her pain
Jan 28, 2015 8:33 PM

Jun 2010
This show has been SHIT!
Jan 28, 2015 8:33 PM

Apr 2013
Bucky should retire already. Give spotlight to Kongou please.
Jan 28, 2015 8:51 PM

Dec 2013
Can't say i liked the transition between serious and light hearted moments.

CG was jarring as ever.

4/5, Kongou is adorable.
PriestSlayerJan 28, 2015 8:57 PM
FragOutFire said:

Why am I a Berserk fan? All I ever experience is pain.

We are in the eclipse and Miura has sacrificed us
Jan 28, 2015 9:16 PM

Jun 2011
Dear Lord in Heaven, we thank you for this bountiful episode of Shimakaze. Soooooooooo glad she finally talked and had screen time.

So I thought this would've started much differently. But it was really an overall positive episode save for the last 4 minutes. Kind of caught me off guard. Wasn't really digging the continuity from last episode. We didn't get much information on how they were told and their reactions, we kind of just had to piece it together with what they were showing. So that came off a little awkward.

I'm really liking the four Kongou sisters. They were full of personality, and more of them would be great. I would say the slice of life in this episode was the strongest yet.

My last issue is the crying at the end. To me if came off as obnoxious in a moment that was supposed to be sad. I wish they had done a different cry other than "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH". For me personally, I just don't like it because it doesn't feel very believable.

Other than that, another strong episode from a show a lot of people didn't expect quality from.
Jan 28, 2015 9:17 PM

Aug 2013
Lol, those Kongou sisters were goddamn hilarious.

"the Admiral's not here."
- "shit".

I've been waiting since the beginning to see Shimakaze, Haruna, and Kongou in the episodes...then a get an entire episode dedicated to them? It's like my prayers were answered.

Dat sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet Shimakaze panty flash service multiple times. Thank you. Whoever was working at the studio and was like, "we need this", thank you.

Haruna best girl. Thought her hair was supposed to be a bit darker, but still kawaii as fuck. Kongou easily my second favorite now.

Those feels at the end were much needed. It was awkward as hell watching Mutsuki play normal.

Jatts said:
This show has been SHIT!

And yet one of your favorite anime is Strike Witches. The irony here is so painful.
Jonesy974Jan 28, 2015 9:22 PM
Jan 28, 2015 9:26 PM

May 2014
Ahahaha seriously the Kongou sisters are awesome xD

Shimakaze is awesome, too. Many hilarious moments, all of them!

Really good humor to spice things up this episode.
Jan 28, 2015 9:40 PM

Feb 2012
Kongou a slut, admiral probably wrecks that after every meal.
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Jan 28, 2015 9:52 PM

Aug 2011
Quite a pleasant surprise after the train wreck of episode 3. It was funny and cool at times, but, like a previous poster said, the last couple minutes with the crying was pretty bad.

The good thing about it is hopefully that's the last time we have to acknowledge the Kisaragi crap ever happened.
Jan 28, 2015 10:47 PM

Nov 2012
haha, kongou is a pretty funny character :D the moments with her and her sisters were amusing, especially their mahou shoujo-esque introduction.
Jan 28, 2015 10:49 PM
Nov 2010
Lol what a terrible episode, with it any pretence of coherence is thrown to the gutter. As if the last episode didn't happen, you had to feel sorry for Kisaragi. If ep1-2 is average, ep3 haphazardly started on a journey of no return and ep4 sunk the ship.
Jan 28, 2015 11:10 PM

Aug 2010
potplant said:
Lol what a terrible episode, with it any pretence of coherence is thrown to the gutter. As if the last episode didn't happen, you had to feel sorry for Kisaragi. If ep1-2 is average, ep3 haphazardly started on a journey of no return and ep4 sunk the ship.

Don't you sometimes feel like the only pickle in a fruit salad?
I want Rambo in a mecha-suit with a laser-chainsaw gun that fires nuclear warheads, fighting the love-child of Predator, Alien, a group of Bangladeshi terrorists, and Satan. (Actually that would be a pretty sick show) - StopDropAndBowl
Jan 29, 2015 12:04 AM

Jul 2014
God bless kongou, 2nd best ship and best waifu. her engrish is music to my ears.

My favorite episode so far. The Kongou sisters in all their might.
Jan 29, 2015 1:29 AM

Sep 2008
Wordsmith said:
potplant said:
Lol what a terrible episode, with it any pretence of coherence is thrown to the gutter. As if the last episode didn't happen, you had to feel sorry for Kisaragi. If ep1-2 is average, ep3 haphazardly started on a journey of no return and ep4 sunk the ship.

Don't you sometimes feel like the only pickle in a fruit salad?

I fully agree with potplant, and if you follow the twitter trends in Japanese, you'd find that this MAL thread is the only pickle in the bigger fruit salad.

As a heavy player of KanColle, I'm currently thoroughly dissatisfied with whatever this anime is trying to do. Episode 3 wasn't history; they used the name Wake just for the sake of sinking Kisaragi, given nothing else that happened has to do with Wake Island. I was hoping Kisaragi's hairpin would at the very least be collected by the remaining kanmusu (given it rose to the surface) to be presented to either Mutsuki or Yayoi (as Yayoi has it in the game), but it wasn't even mentioned, just completely overridden by an atmosphere unsuitable for mourning. If Kisaragi isn't mentioned from ep5 and onwards, then I might as well start sinking BBs for fuel and ammo like the greater half of the rankers on my server. The Myoukou sisters found the class mood "heavy" and that "time" was necessary to solve the problem, but so much for heaviness or duration.

Kisaragi is far from my favorite character, and I do adore the Kongou sisters (all lvl150), but this is just disgusting. It'd take a lot to turn tables for a good number of watchers, whatever they plan to do with this anime from here.
ap19Jan 29, 2015 1:33 AM
I'm Japanese, so if you have any questions regarding Japan, feel free to ask.
Jan 29, 2015 1:34 AM

Aug 2008
Now we need some more Atago love! I'm looking forward to get an episode were it's her turn to show off more.

Currently, my top four are still: Yuudachi, Shimakaze, Kongou, and Atago.
Jan 29, 2015 2:28 AM

Aug 2013
Burning Love!

I loveee the Kongou sisters!
My Candies:
Jan 29, 2015 2:52 AM

Dec 2008
I actually really like this episode despite my former worries from the negative comments around the net.
The death of Kisaragi I feel is not treated too badly.

Other than Fubuki who is new to all of this(the pov of the audience), most of the shipgirls in the navel base have grown to understand and accept that death is a very real thing in their situation.
Especially the older ones like the Kongou Class.

There is no need to make a big show of anything to show that they are mourning.
Just like what they did in this episode, there simply was no need for words. The intention got through just clear.

Also I feel that Fubuki only truly understood 'death' or 'dying' this episode in the face of Ru's barrage which could explain her lack of grief towards Kisaragi's sinking. (That and she wasn't even close to Kisaragi. Think of the times when you attended a funeral barely related to you.)

Kongou class was being just a tiny bit too silly for me though.
Rensouhous were really adorable and awesome.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 29, 2015 3:12 AM

Mar 2013
Jan 29, 2015 3:21 AM

Apr 2014
Too much Kongou-class sisters,
my kokoro can't take it all. The idol battle lol,
I bet Kirishima made those snacks and tea with Naka's fuels and bauxite.
The trap is real, I will fall for the trap too because its Kongou's photobook.

Kongou love for Bucky.
Jan 29, 2015 3:50 AM

Oct 2013
Jatts said:
This show has been SHIT!

realtalk420, this guy gets it
Jan 29, 2015 5:43 AM

Mar 2010
I'd say, the final scene was really intense. No words. No explaination. Just a hug. That was enough.
A wordless scene in which there was no need for words.
I don't know why, but it was very natural. That scene was... how can I say it? Human, I guess.
One of the best scenes from Kancolle and one of the best anime scenes I've ever watched.
It hit home.

【私の夢しかありません。】 | | | | | | |
Jan 29, 2015 6:52 AM
Jul 2013
Best waifu Kongou *A* anyway I never expected that Goddess Haruna is like that XD even Kirishima well overall those sisters are very funny and full of energy =)) Kinda understand why kuso TTK is not present in the room. lol

Have some burning love *A*

Jan 29, 2015 7:00 AM

Aug 2013
Fubuki's dreams got shattered but at least Kongou was cool in the end. Kind of feel sorry for the abyssals for facing Kongou Kai Ni's burning love XD

Mutsu's voice is so sexy then her VA switches to badass voice for Nagato. Ayaneru's amazing @__@

Kaga, Shoukaku and Zuikaku next!
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Jan 29, 2015 7:04 AM

Jun 2013
Even though i am a heavy player who play this game everyday i am quite disappointed with this episode. the reference to the game lines are a bit too much (simply overkill), kongou sisters are presented like idiots running around and literally wasted most of this episode just to find shimakaze lol.

the amount of cgi used is too much imo, they should really tone it down a bit.

Jan 29, 2015 7:07 AM
Sep 2014
A bit ridiculous with Kongou sisters....but they know well combined moments of anime
What I do not like so far are the personalities who have given each character
Jan 29, 2015 8:18 AM
Jul 2018
its karen
are they actually sisters
Jan 29, 2015 8:33 AM

Sep 2008
Y'all probably can't read Japanese, but even staff members are highly critical of where this anime is going.

Naomi said:

Jan. 28 10:05 (twitter)

It's very difficult to tweet my honest opinion.
You can sure learn a lot from this.
Especially the storyboarding and directing (...shivers...)
I'm Japanese, so if you have any questions regarding Japan, feel free to ask.
Jan 29, 2015 8:35 AM

Dec 2013
The Kongou sisters.... simply the best.

I love how the other three sisters ninja'd their way into the Admiral's room in hilarious fashion (one Exorcist crawl and two ninja rolls, hahaha!). The entire rest of the episode consisted of them thinking up silly schemes to look for the air-headed Shimakaze when all they needed was a tea party, so typical.

The battle wasn't really all that exciting though, it didn't really seem that anyone was in any true danger. The only slight thrill was only apparent because of what happened in the last episode, and seriously they sure as heck aren't going to kill off the MC here just yet (though I guess it wouldn't surprise me if Kongou had taken the shell for Fubuki's sake...).
Jan 29, 2015 1:32 PM

Oct 2012
What a piece of trash, whoever wrote this episode should never touch script again for his own sake.

This was so bad on many many levels.
Jan 29, 2015 2:46 PM

Nov 2014
All those sisters were great, they were hilarious xD

The ending was sad though when Fubuki & Mutsuki were hugging and crying over Kisaragi :( Poor Mutsuki waiting every day for Kisaragi to come back...
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