One mornin' after drinkin' my hot coffee with 5 tubes sugar and milk in my Tunafish Man cup i read a good news... After years of waitin' one of my favorite VNs finally got an announcement for an anime. I ran out of teh house, naked with just a Tunafish Man underwear, dancin' to teh Tunafish Man theme song, while drinkin' ice cold juice. Tru happiness.
"I should really celebrate it..." was my thought... "Even if its just 2 cours, i will probably like it, right?"... I decided to eat fish dat day... Ya know cause "I rike fish".
Next weeks and months i waited, while sleepin' with my Tunafish Man Dakimakura and dreamin' about seein' my fabulous Jellygirl scene adapted. Shiawase.
Meanwhile most of teh vn readers were sceptical "its gonna suck like every vn adaption", "there's no way to adapt Kajitsu in 2 cour" "Its impossible, another anime to forget about". Every expectation wasnt optimistic, 8bit as a studio doesnt help.
I thought: "Probably right i guess, but i dont expect a truly adaption of Grisaia anyway. 2 cour should work decently enough".
I got hated "Kajitsu is not teh only Grisaia ya know... It has 2 sequels and last one provides teh true end". "And? We are goin' to get a second season if its successful?"
Then teh first episode came... It met my expectations, i actually liked it. Teh endin' was so great, as it presented Sachi wrong, but i guess it worked as a hook even if it didnt really make sense. I'm okay with dat hook i thought...
Episode 2 came... Teh Tunafish Man club and me started speculatin' about teh pace, while still bein' optimistic. It was so excitin' dat my Tunafish Man cup wasnt used at all, as i didnt need any coffee dat time.
I was still quite sure its gonna get 2 cour... Just leave teh haters alone, i thought...
"What about teh pantsu? My Grisaia didnt have them?!" i defended them "Grisaia is lewd, and this is an anime. I dont mind seein' pantsu and we arent seein' teh H-scenes anyway, doesnt sound so bad. Sachi also so lewd <3".
Episode 3 came...
My thoughts were: "Damn thats by further into teh common route than i expected...", one proud Tunafish Man fellow said "shifts are expected, its an adaption after all. Its also better, they rush teh common route".
"Okay..." i thought. Not likin' it... I just wanna see my damn "Thank ya for teh Dog and Pencil" scene as "I rike fish". I ate fish dat evenin' too, i kinda missed it...
Then Episode 4 came...
"WTF" was my first thought... Meowmel died? ARE YA FREAKIN' KIDDIN' ME?!? Thats not part of teh common route... Its part of teh actual character route and pretty far into teh route as well...
"Seems like they chose to not adapt teh common route further"... I got my Tunafish Man cup, and wanted to throw it out of teh window as i was disappointed by that choice...
"They have to adapt teh sequels ya know, better to rush it here and just adapt teh routes and sequels"...
"What about teh character development?" i asked...
"its not needed for teh sequels anyway" was teh reply... As i know teh sequels i wondered about that and hated them even as fandiscs at this time, because teh sequelists were quite annoyin' dat time...
"Next title is Vox in Box though..."
"They are probably rearangin' stuff again, maybe we see teh flash back after that or somethin' like that...". I nod quietly while bein' sceptical about that...
Episode 5 came...
"GOD DAMNIT... AS EXPECTED... ITS ALREADY TEH ROUE ENDIN!" i screamed, while throwin' my original Tunafish Man cup out of teh window.
"Grisaia sequels provide teh tru end ya know, so there was no way to adapt it correctly. Romance is not part of teh sequels timeline and Chiruchiru's route is teh shortest".
I silently nod, lost at words of disappointment... "So ya're okay with random suicidin' girls?"
"And with teh peein' in dat serious moment?"
"... Yeah dat sucked badly"
Episode 6 came...
1 cour was confirmed at that time "so they are really doin' all Kajtisu stuff now? Oh dear god?! I though 2 cour were teh only logical answer..."
I dont like Yumiko, so even though its only one episode, i though i wouldnt care about it. "Her route is just borin' as hell, even teh turkey couldnt save repition Yumiko!". I still got a slice of turkey though dat evenin' on my Magical Chiruchiru dish...
I took my beer and watched it... "This does seem quite different than my memories"...
I spit my beer out and couldnt stop laughin' "Is this truly Grisaia? LOOOL"
It was just so unbelievable hilariously bad... So bad its good... Still nothin' like Kajtisu...
After thoughts and videos were just lol. I decided its worthy to represent this failed adaption in my signature...
"So, Sachi 1 episode next? Dear god, even thinkin' about it makes me cryin' as much as teh vn did... Just for a totally different reason... Its gonna suck so badly..."
"Im not expectin' anythin' anymoar i thought..."
Episode 7 came...
"At least we got fireworks and a bit of romance"
"Hm..." i thought, while seein' teh anime original peein' scene over and over... "WHAT TEH HELL 8bit? YA'RE RUSHIN' THIS SO BADLY AND STILL HAVE TIME TO PRESENT YA'RE FETISHES OVER TEH REAL CONTENT?"
I was srsly pissed. It was closer to teh original, but so stupified and completely ruined thx to teh peein' fetish... "WTH happened..."
Episode 8 came...
Still very rushed, but finally an enjoyable episode... "Makina <3" At least last routes are gettin' some episodes we guessed...
Episode 9 came...
"BEST END"... I like teh bad end, but that was again very rushed... I only liked Makinas Tunafish Man attack. I also like teh good end better even if i hate teh good end in Kajitsu. But yeah lets leave it at that.
Episode 10 came...
"So 4 episodes for Amane at least"
"Its gonna be better for sure, but im not sure i will like it"...
Episode 11 came...
Episode 12 came...
"LOL, quite good for 8bit and suprised to see that one scene..."
One of teh few praises... I was still angered...
"Sakashita isnt so bad ya know?"
"I think he just sucks badly, i couldnt care for him even in teh VN and thats not teh real problem here... He just destroyed every bit of emotion i felt in teh VN and he is still only a very minor character, who gets moar screentime than teh main characters!"
We all knew dat episode 13 couldnt end with him in teh VN way and frontwing announced anime original stuff...
I hated that fear, but it would kinda be hilarious if its ends so...
Episode 13 came...
I left.
I put my Tunafish Man Dakimakura on fire.
I got every juice out of teh freezer and throw it out...
I deleted every Kajitsu episode "accidently".
I wrote sh1tty posts and hated it...
And now all im doin' is countin' peein' fetishes on a worst case scenario adaption. BAD END.
Teh last episode wasnt so bad... Quite fun for original stuff... It just ruined it with so many wrong choices... Could have been a likeable standalone, instead it pisses over teh material...
My writin' sucks and i use so many times teh peein' word, its unbelievably. I dont know where this stuff is comin' from, but dear god, its so bad...
My inner Tunafish Man Fanboy randomly suicided that time.
Only good thing: "I like teh last scene and i know Rakuen should be luckily even in teh worst case scenario a miles better adaption than this rushed mess". My peein' fetishes counter is already set to two to keep my expectations low.
"Lets see how it works; IN TUNAFISH MAN WE TRUST" i screamed that while still havin' a tear on my faces "I just wished there was at least a decent Kajitsu adaption...".
5/10 thanks to teh hilariously bad stuff and Tunafish Man references in last episode
(I apologize for this "review" and teh bad engrish though xD Lazy to correct it and it should be nearly as bad as teh anime, ya know :D)
Grisaia anime adaption in a single GIF:
Opinion about teh Grisaia specials
Near enough and great none teh less though unrike teh whole anime.
1. what cause kurisu doesnt die in original alpha world line before sern detector is existed? or maybe what cause the nakabachi's seminar delayed in original alpha world line before the world line where suzuha's time machine crash the radio building?
2. what's the meaning of opening scene in episode 12 (earth's 70 million years ago mayuri and okarin)?
3. did the anime just skip okarin need to undo lottery dmail, or that he really doesnt need to do that in the first place? why?
4. when okarin moves to new world line he still retain his memory of the previous world line but doesnt have the memory of the new world line. So what happen to the last okarin that have lived and have memory of that new world line? did his memory just get overwrite or something else happen?
5. what happen to the time machine and suzuha after okarin return from the past to steins gate world line? do they just turn into air after dropping okarin out?
Man, it seems u have read Steins gate 0 VN right? And u are probably also pretty knowledgable about steins gate in general... so, for the sake of watching steins gate 0, im rewatching the original steins gate... but there are still several things that i still dont understand till now, could u please answer several questions of mine? Thanks...
There are lots of weird stuff/scenes going on...Dreams and stuff...And im not a big fan of Amnesia setting but it serves to introduce characters to people who didnt watch the anime so its ok,i guess...Characters are same,so its going like i expected after watching the anime...
Yup,i didnt see whats so wrong with that "3d art" they used with Saekano...Sometimes i feel like people just go with the flow and jump into hate wagon without thinking...
Cinderella Girls and Jojo will have to wait for now,just like Durarara and Dog Days...i will watch Death Parade and Kancolle soon....Tsuki was the only anime i was expecting and it was more than satisfying...And i just watched Aldnoah Zero :I :I :I its sad...Slaine's Yandere level is too strong...I will watch it just for the OSTs and Slaine's downfall...
I'm watching girls cant love girls over and over again...It gives me chuckles everytime,i need 10hour version...:I
that Saenai Heroine thing was interesting...I like that kind of storytelling where you cant tell if it is reality or not,so i liked that game heroines concept...Character art also seems to be interesting...Weird sometimes but interesting...
Also:Michiru clone :O
You really need to start cleaning your list...102 Currently Watching anime?Wow
not exactly...What im doing is when i feel distracted or sleepy i open some anime and watch 5-10 minutes than pause keep going...Which is not a good thing,thats why i even delayed watching Tsukimonogatari.
lel...tried all similar shows lately(Kon,lovelive,nichijou,nichijou and lots of stuff i dont even remember)...i needed some snack-y anime while studying....Finally settled with idolmaster,dunno why but it gave me YuruYuri vibes,it is relaxing and smile inducing...
All Comments (37) Comments
1. what cause kurisu doesnt die in original alpha world line before sern detector is existed? or maybe what cause the nakabachi's seminar delayed in original alpha world line before the world line where suzuha's time machine crash the radio building?
2. what's the meaning of opening scene in episode 12 (earth's 70 million years ago mayuri and okarin)?
3. did the anime just skip okarin need to undo lottery dmail, or that he really doesnt need to do that in the first place? why?
4. when okarin moves to new world line he still retain his memory of the previous world line but doesnt have the memory of the new world line. So what happen to the last okarin that have lived and have memory of that new world line? did his memory just get overwrite or something else happen?
5. what happen to the time machine and suzuha after okarin return from the past to steins gate world line? do they just turn into air after dropping okarin out?
SaeKano is the only thing i look forward to this season,i almost stopped watching anime...I just read VN and manga...
dat Shirobako gif tho
Cinderella Girls and Jojo will have to wait for now,just like Durarara and Dog Days...i will watch Death Parade and Kancolle soon....Tsuki was the only anime i was expecting and it was more than satisfying...And i just watched Aldnoah Zero :I :I :I its sad...Slaine's Yandere level is too strong...I will watch it just for the OSTs and Slaine's downfall...
I'm watching girls cant love girls over and over again...It gives me chuckles everytime,i need 10hour version...:I
Also:Michiru clone :O
You really need to start cleaning your list...102 Currently Watching anime?Wow
Mangaka-san is gold...Maybe not that funny that will make you laugh but ecchiness and comedy is just right amount(+ the VAs)
Nichijou was different from what i expected,not good for study sessions,will save it for later...
and that gif, the heck <.<
awesome sig btw