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Mar 8, 2020 3:57 AM

Jun 2019
Man, this series was a train of nostalgia for me, I was a huge toku nerd back then (trough I only liked Kamen Rider and Sentai, the Ultra series was a bit off for me back then), I've been thinking about going back to tokusatsu and starting the Ultra series and the Gridman series this show is based on.

I also enjoyed the interactions between Rikka and Akane (and I lowkey shipped them..), I mean, they have some chemistry, and just plain cute together.

Overall, highly treasured series for me, the recently accounned countucity is already on my PTW list!
Mar 14, 2020 7:52 PM

Aug 2013
Was a fun watch for the mech and kaiju alone. Not the end I expected but can't say I hated it.

Think I'll have to watch the original everyone's mentioning or some of the related series since they seem interesting enough.

Still I look forward to the sequel of this.

6/10 from me.
Apr 8, 2020 1:53 PM

Mar 2010
I watched this mainly for Rikka, and honestly I enjoyed all the time she was on air.. And it was great really, But man did this turn into a shithole.
No closure and honestly the fighting was so bland I wanted to kill someone or myself. I cant even remember the good parts due to the bad ones being overwhelming.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
May 3, 2020 12:37 PM

Aug 2010
man if there is one thing Trigger is good at, it's making a show have a good start showing lots of potential only to completely squander it and have no idea how to have a good ending. Disappointment after disappointment.. I keep coming back to this studio like an abusive relationship hoping they can capture something as fun and exciting as Gurren Lagann but they just can't seem to do it.
May 6, 2020 8:11 AM

Jun 2009
Yeah the finale might be corny with the power of nakama saving the day yet again but oh boy did I enjoy this show a lot.


May 15, 2020 3:27 PM

Apr 2012
Satisfying finale. Classic Gridman: cool, Alexis' final form: cool. The fight between the two could have been better, but Trigger spent so much attention on the kaijuu (Akane kaijuu, lmao) and Gridknight, can't complain.

Full-on tokusatsu x old school Gainax, looking forward to the next SSSS project to be honest.

Thanks for the explanation, would have certainly missed that. Makes the whole show a lot more coherent.
May 25, 2020 10:04 PM

May 2020
This ending is really awkward. Even had an intense fight, it is still out of the blue. I first come here because of good ED song. Have a strong first episode and great fight with another problem. Worth to watch for mecha addict but don't much except for a great manufacture story.

sharosharoMay 25, 2020 10:08 PM
Jun 5, 2020 2:28 AM
Nov 2018
It can and could really be far beyond better.
I am so disappointed. What a waste.
The Characters, Plots, and Story are Glittering in the Ground. Waiting for their showtime
But Ironically There were not be noticed. It was left there.
Gridman has so many amazing choices but Nothing really reaches its peak.
And Disappointingly half-picked by a terrible Continuing and timing.
From the concept perspective, It should be 8++ But I ain't strange why it Only 7.20
Ahh, This Show sure will ruin my week with My own disappointment with it.
I also hate How they made Gridman be the center of the universe.
It just last shot everything
John_Smith_MALApr 16, 2021 3:24 AM
Jun 13, 2020 11:05 AM
Jan 2018
When the alien dude said that Akane is the only one who can make Kaiju and is the only real humen it seems he meant it literally.

Mattinator95Jun 13, 2020 12:18 PM
Jun 29, 2020 2:30 AM

Feb 2020
garyborken said:
Here are some interpretation:
So Akane IS Rikka in the real world. That's why she put Rikka in the junk shop, Rikka is the self she doesn't want to face.
And the reason Gridman chose Yuuta is because while everyone's looking at Akane, he's the one who took interest in Rikka AKA what Akane really is like.

I could be reading too much into this scene though:

Anyway I gave this ending 7/10, it could really benefit from having one more episode.

Really interesting idea and i would've never have thought about it. But for me it was always something like:
Just like Gridman and the others that have to go back into their own world, Akane too, has to be back in the "god world".
which means that her waking up in the real world, would mean that she's a human, and that humans are "gods" because they can decide and change things themselves. Which would also give Akane a fresh start like she wanted.

(this could also relate to her creating this worls in her fantasies and explain why she is a god)

but that's just a theory. an anime theory!
Jul 1, 2020 11:31 PM
Mar 2014
I didn't think I'd like the show as much as I did. I never realised I secretly enjoyed mech anime. This anime really was something however as much as I want to praise it, I have to be fair and say it lacks some things and there's things which were mentioned but never gone into any sort of detail at all. I believe a ova to give some closure would be the wise thing to do and lastly, can someone please explain why I saw a 3D girl? I like my girls 2D only.. jokes aside what are peoples interpretation of it? I believe it was all a dream.
Jul 2, 2020 1:27 PM

Feb 2020
What did Rikka mean when she said "Let’s hope that my wish never comes true.”?
Jul 3, 2020 3:29 AM

Jun 2014
MatiZaBist said:
What did Rikka mean when she said "Let’s hope that my wish never comes true.”?

That she as much as she wants Akane by her side, she also wishes Akane would never escape back into this world.
Jul 3, 2020 4:34 AM

Feb 2020
garyborken said:
MatiZaBist said:
What did Rikka mean when she said "Let’s hope that my wish never comes true.”?

That she as much as she wants Akane by her side, she also wishes Akane would never escape back into this world.
Alright, makes sense
Oct 11, 2020 7:09 AM

Apr 2013
I feel like this is something that only true Gridman fans should've watched. A lot of it did not make any sense, I'm probably missing some background information. It had a weird mix of seriousness and comedy that didn't fit well together imo. 3/10
Dec 15, 2020 5:28 AM
Jun 2013
garyborken said:
Here are some interpretation:
So Akane IS Rikka in the real world. That's why she put Rikka in the junk shop, Rikka is the self she doesn't want to face.
And the reason Gridman chose Yuuta is because while everyone's looking at Akane, he's the one who took interest in Rikka AKA what Akane really is like.

I could be reading too much into this scene though:

Anyway I gave this ending 7/10, it could really benefit from having one more episode.

This seems pretty spot on especially since rikka looks like akane in real life. I'm guessing she also programmed her to be uber best friends because it still was herself.

Overall I really enjoyed the show and got what I mainly expected which was fun action scenes between giants. I liked that gridmans final form was the OG look. I enjoyed the characters and while I was fine with the story I was rather confused for a bit but I think I got the jist of things. Like I'm guessing the big bad is an alien that goes to different people letting them make thier own world and feeds on them till thier dried up. The gridman team seems to be space cops that have been hunting him down and can also enter these fake worlds.

Only last things I wonder is what was the connection with that kaiju girl and gridman. I'm guessing it's some Easter egg for the orginal series. Also I would like to know how this fake world is suppose to sustain itself now that the one controlling it is gone.
Jan 19, 2021 9:56 PM

Mar 2014
There were a couple gaps in the plot, like how they instantly knew Akane was turned into a kaiju, what the deal was with kaiju (were they literally gods, can they just create, heal, and destroy whatever they want?), what exactly is a Hyper Agent, where did Gridman and co. go, and a lot of info that will definitely be missed if you haven't seen the original Gridman show.

But it was nice to have the meta confirmed that Akane was from the real world. And Anti didn't lose an eye, or at least got a new blue one.

Also lol that shameless Promare poster plug in Akane's room

Ok so an OG Gridman fan on reddit was able to explain things much better and I love the meta:

slartitentacles said:
I think we just watched a single episode of OG Gridman play out over an entire season of SSSS Gridman.

In the OG Gridman, Gridman is an entity from Hyperspace, a parallel universe that exists alongside our real world cyberspace. Gridman enters cyberspace in order to save it from Khan/Alexis, another entity foreign to our cyberspace. Despite being a creation of real world electronics, cyberspace was revealed to essentially be a universe of its own with its own living residents, as shown by kaiju Anosillus spontaneously coming into existence in an electronic keyboard in the original show with.

The typical episode of OG Gridman features Khan/Alexis trying to do something in the cyberspace connected to our real world, Gridman and his human host go in to stop him, and then at the end of the episode Gridman's human host returns to the real world.

SSSS Gridman was a single episode's mission gone awry. While Gridman would normally stop Alexis withing a single episode, Alexis instead defeated Gridman and caused him to disperse within cyberspace. As a consequence of that defeat, Gridman instead took a much longer time to stop Alexis, and we watched it play out over 12 episodes within cyberspace.

As a nice bit of extended canon, SSSS Gridman has introduced a new natural kaiju into the Gridman canon. Anosillus is now joined by Anti as a resident kaiju in our real world's cyberspace.
VysarineJan 19, 2021 10:08 PM
Mar 8, 2021 7:29 AM

Oct 2013
At the end everyone except Akane is a digimon.
Mar 14, 2021 1:44 AM

Mar 2010
Welll I was annoyed with many of the characters but I think I might miss one or two of them. Wish there was another episode to show how they do afterwards.
Mar 14, 2021 10:14 PM
Apr 2020
Well.. at least the ending is decent.. although the the anime itself is really cliche and boring sometimes.. I'll rate it 7/10. Props for the ending. I hope in the next SSSS series on April they'll improve tje story or make it at least their original one. Not some ripoff Ultraman stuffs because it's too cringey for me.
Mar 31, 2021 8:06 AM

Oct 2016
Pretty good ending and show overall! I probably would have appreciated this even more if I watched Ultraman stuff shows back then, though I was probably too late for that. Did remind me a little bit of Power Rangers though since that's what I experienced in my time. Though I did a little bit of research about Ultraman lore and it definitely helped me appreciate this show more.

Based on what Gridman said, I guess the real Yuuta isn't that far off from how the Gridman Yuuta acted. And that ending was fucking awesome with Akane returning to the real world, the theories people made here where Rikka is a version of Akane is pretty probable, so those are going to be my headcanon now. Looking forward to SSSS.Dynazenon. 7.5/10
sKyBlazer08Mar 31, 2021 8:10 AM
Apr 3, 2021 10:15 PM
May 2020
wow, not gonna lie i real life had high hopes for it but they couldn't execute. also the friendship power boost always threw me off. yea i get the concept that rikka is a mirror of what akane really looks like and the dream thing but to me it wasn't as climatic. really don't think im jumping the gun here but this show did not deliver the hype at all. i must say, i would like to know what will happen to the "dream" world after akane woke up? who knows
Jul 31, 2021 4:43 PM

Mar 2020
Trigger keeps being trigger! Even though I didn't watch ultraman I really enjoyed! Its an average show if you take it too seriously ( especially the characters aside from Akane of course) but just like any trigger show its an entertaining ride! And that ending... Not gonna lie it left me laughing hysterically lol it was the "AHA" moment
Oct 19, 2021 2:28 PM

Jul 2019
I was a tokusatsu fan as a kid and this kind of brings back memories so I still could enjoy it somewhat despite its flaws. The story isn't engaging enough honestly thought it was very cliche with cliche characters but that could be said for most tokusatsu stuff. As a kid I watched these for the action and the transformation it was coooool back then but now this show especially I honestly watched it for the waifu and the thighs. At least the character development on my part is done well here!!
Nov 7, 2021 1:08 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
FIXER BEAM?? "WHAT KIND OF POWER IS THAT" -my thoughts exactly. It all felt random but it's randomness that worked, and randomness that I enjoyed. However I'm still a bit confused; so I guess this was all really about depression, or perhaps being alienated or bullied at school? The theory that was already mentioned and discussed several times above in this thread is a good one, one that makes sense. But what does not make sense is who would NOT want to be S-TIER WAIFU Rikka?? Akane is just your basic, generic yandere or whatever. Also, then who is Gridman supposed to be? Maybe Gridman is supposed to be US, or what we should be, using our fucking FIXER BEAMS TO SAVE LIVES EVEN THOUGH RIKKA'S THIGHS ALREADY SAVE LIVES

Anyway it feels like Trigger just threw in Mecha and Kaiju and Aliens literal World Building into this narrative just for fun even though it's not completely necessary. I really don't mind though, Trigger can do whatever tf they want and I'm almost certain to have enjoy it anyway.

However while I enjoyed it in the moments of watching it, just not even an hour after finishing the last episode, I feel it drifting out of memory. Guess I'm getting amnesia now too. Again it was fun in the moment, but I feel it's not going to be all that memorable in the future. I wasn't expecting a mind-blowing ending, but I was still hoping for one. An amazing ending would've elevate the entire thing for me. But it basically all only lead up to "Ok we friends I won't be dick anymore".

I would've suspect that an anime like this which I consider to be "OK" to at least have a score somewhere in the mid-7 range, like 7.50. But no, it's 7.15, which is getting pretty close to the 6-range, where I'd say most anime is perceived as, not-so-good. But this anime is completely fine in my opinion. Not bad at all, but I still hoped for a little bit more punches to the gut.


whiskey tango foxtrot

Dec 10, 2021 7:11 AM
Jan 2020
Good shit. Can't wait for Gridman x Dynazenon in the future.
Feb 5, 2022 7:24 AM

May 2020
The final scene makes a lot more sense after reading the posts in this thread.

Overall, a pretty decent series. Nothing mind-blowing, story or animation wise but put together well enough not be a complete disaster. I liked the character interactions in this anime, even some of them got a bit annoying towards the end.

Maybe if I was a hardcore Tokatsu fan, I'd enjoy this more but I'm not, so you'll have to suffer my pleb opinion.
Feb 26, 2022 1:36 AM

Oct 2012
I wasn't a huge fan of the first few episodes, took me literally years to get around to continuing. The middle got pretty intriguing, but then I this final episode kind of soiled it for me. On to Dynazenon I suppose.
Mar 15, 2022 1:35 AM

Aug 2011
Without watching EVA I probably wouldn't enjoy and appreciate this anime much more.
Jun 15, 2022 3:15 PM
Jul 2018
The premise was an interesting take on the mecha genre and I also really like the battle animation... but someone please tell me I'm not the only one, who feels zero sympathy for Akane as a person? ^^'
But as a kinda-villain she is interesting and the premise is.
Aug 11, 2022 7:54 AM
Dec 2021
Great anime. I love Rikka, she so fucking hot!
Dec 11, 2022 7:11 AM

Dec 2021
Teared up a bit.
It has mechs and is inspired by toku so no wonder the average MAL audience give it a relatively low score, hence why we don't deserve good things
Aug 22, 2023 2:59 PM

Feb 2018
It was a pretty meh anime, formula got stale pretty fast, and I don't mean "defeat the monster of the week formula" but instead the big cliffhanger at the end of every episode just to be deflected or toned down in first minute of the next episode.

Example: in a episode Yuta was directly stabbed to the chest, this episode: no big deal, he is already OK in the hospital.
In this episode we where to see Akane become a Kaiju, but it was instantly defeated at the start of the episode, but because the idea was so great, they decided to make her become a Kaiju again in the same episode.

Samurai Flamenco was much better.
35 years old ossan who still watches anime
Oct 24, 2023 9:51 AM

Dec 2022
All's well that ends well then, thanks to the ever reliable deus ex machina. No consequences for anyone involved, regardless of what acts they were entirely responsible for. Akane's alleged friendship with the Gridman Alliance is her salvation, despite her holding nothing but disdain for them and everyone else in the anime for all twelve episodes. Could it be that the anime convinced itself it had engaging interactions or coherent character motives in the end?

It's rare you watch an anime with such a complete dearth of any redeeming features, which is a feat in itself.

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Oct 24, 2023 8:56 PM
Oct 2023
El cariño que le tengo a los personajes inflyen lo suficiente para decir que este aniem se construyo muy bien ademas es una precuela que sirve para el pedazo de pelicula que se aveno TRIGGER
Nov 17, 2023 5:53 PM

Aug 2020
Reply to SunsetBlink
This show was so much fun. Definitely gonna miss it. Great ending overall, even though many people out here hate it because of all this "power of friendship" thing. Guess, some people only need some pretentious depth and cannot have fun from watching fun shows.

9/10 overall.
@SunsetBlink Oh this comment aged well...

I miss this series lots

Dec 1, 2023 6:11 AM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
Reply to GreenEmu
Meh ending. Gridman had a really strong start but lackluster finale. Easily a 6/10.
The only strong part of the start was the first half of episode 1, on the second half this anime truly showed its colors.

Uninspiring main characters, lame action considering the studios pedigree.
A garbage kiddy show that follows the monster of the week trope, but lacks anything interesting itself, so bland.
Trigger has done cool original stuff before, even Kiznaiver was better than this, and the monster of the week trope can be good, with a good setting and characters, which this lacks greatly...

Rikka ended up being such a disappointing character, and in her place, Akane was a complete surprise, at the start of the series I was unaware she would be the mastermind, for the most part behind it, and I thoroughly enjoyed her character and antics.
When this anime got interesting, it was because of her, she is the oddball on this show, otherwise, this would be brainless anime for children to consume and not think much about it.

She and Anti were interesting characters, Yuuta might have been a better character if there was some romance going on with Akane, and the anime explored more of that, but then again, he was Gridman all along, what a fucking waste.
Also meh ending, vague explanations about other worlds, no fucks given, just leave it at that hand end it with Akane disappearing, disappointing conclusion for her character.

The more I read what I wrote, the more I want to drop the score further, but Akane scenes prevent me from doing so. Best girl, fucking twisted, but way more interesting than Rikka.

One day I will see the other media for this franchise, since it is Trigger and I like mecha, hoping they will do better, but this anime was not it.

5.8/10 = 6
Dec 30, 2023 10:32 AM

Dec 2007
Wish I'd known beforehand I would need knowledge/context from an old tokusatsu show I didn't even know existed to fully understand this show, I thought it was 100% an original story lol

It was enjoyable to watch, but it's a 6/10 to me
Jan 15, 2024 7:23 AM

Dec 2017
ngl this is not the kind of anime to explain to others of everything if they don't like it already after finishing. There's no need for any og gridman knowledge like some are saying, like I still loved it without even knowing what a gridman is.
Feb 14, 2024 11:10 PM

Dec 2022
it's god tier it's god tier i don't want to say it surpassed Evangelion but uhhhhh okay i won't say it yep it's god tier
Apr 16, 2024 8:41 PM

Jan 2015
Good show. Didn't blow my mind, but it was a nice love letter to shows that came before. And the only similar things that I've watched in the past is Gunbuster, Evangelion, and Power Rangers.
May 17, 2024 5:17 PM

Dec 2022
Good final episode
May 23, 2024 9:03 AM

Apr 2015
I liked it about as much as I expected it (I have Eva and Lain in my favourites) but in the end it was a bit too meta for its own good.
The comment above about how it's like an episode of OG Gridman is close to what I'm feeling, as in the whole series feels far too unimportant.

In all my favourites the characters and world come off as something profound, something around me even if it's set in a fantasy universe, here not so much.
Friendship and connection is the intended message I presume, but the MCs are a bit disconnected among themselves, and I feel disconnected from the MCs.

On the other hand I'm still a sucker for these types of shows and I'm giving it a 7 or 8, probably depending on how much I like GU.
Sep 2, 2024 3:12 AM
Mar 2021
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