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Monogatari Series: Final Season
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Jan 25, 2016 7:44 PM

Jan 2014
LoneWizard said:
Lmao...Dat ending...Fuck you Araragi...

My feelings exactly.

"What do you think was written?" I dunno, you tell me, Araragi. Since, you know... you're the one who's got the fucking letter!
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Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Jan 26, 2016 11:18 AM

Sep 2015
Beautiful conclusion to this nice arc! 5/5

Ougi remains mysterious as always though...
Feb 19, 2016 11:43 PM
Ceasefire NOW

Aug 2009
How is it that the body was decomposed enough to not be seen? Shouldn't the bones be preserved? Maybe even a smell of death? Even with all the garbage I don't think she was in a bag or something like that.

And if she was missing, wouldn't they examine the room first for clues?
Feb 24, 2016 11:22 AM

Nov 2013
My God, Hanekawa is so hot and badass, Ougi has no chances at all, haha. Well no surprise, just should remember her arcs, before Nadeko medusa she was the most powerful aberration. Hanekawa laughs last, laughs best. Hearing Ougi's insilts of Hanekawa was... uneasy, like she tried to overthrow miss Perfect but no luck haha. Hanekawa is the one who's better with short hair, I love it, especially half-neko wet Hanekawa HNNNNG!

My heart! </3 That is.

And that stupid shit with Sodachi mother remains, it was stupid but oh well, at least it was creepy and surprising, honestly I thought Sodachi killed her mother herself and forgot, or killed her in insanity and didn't notice, someting like that.

I don't mind Sodachi Oikura to be in his harem, I like her and it seems there is no tsundere yet (Shinobu and Senjougahara not count lol)
tsundereharasserFeb 24, 2016 12:09 PM
Mar 12, 2016 11:38 AM

Mar 2015
That... was extremely disturbing yet handled in such a mature and fascinating way. Again, this is why I watch Monogatari. This was one of the most fucked up arcs yet. It took me on a wild ride from really hating Sodachi and finding her obnoxious, to really liking her, sympathising with her and hoping that she will finally find a calmer life for herself.
Mar 21, 2016 7:45 AM

Dec 2012
So what's written inside?
Nothing? or Math problems?

Mar 21, 2016 11:53 AM

Mar 2015
GosuGian said:
So what's written inside?
Nothing? or Math problems?

It's intentionally left unrevealed.
Jun 25, 2016 3:26 AM
Mar 2015
I'm still thinking bout what Oikura wrote it in the letter...
Jun 26, 2016 6:31 PM

Sep 2013
LOL she gave him another Monty Hall (A B C letter) problem.

nep-nepJun 26, 2016 6:49 PM
Jun 29, 2016 4:17 AM

Jul 2008
Well that was depressing, about her mom.

But also I still truly think Ougi is up to no good here.
Jul 9, 2016 1:34 AM

Nov 2015
The ending salvaged this for me.
Bit formulaic, the second he said, she hates me like I killed her parents, kind of saw where this was going.
You didn't have to be Battler to figure any of this out.
A character who hates araragi had me interested in this but in the end I was hoping for something a bit more then that.
Jul 14, 2016 11:51 AM

Jul 2015
IMO this was the heaviest and darker story from Monogatari. Many feels to be manly right now :'c

At least, judging by Koyomi's reaction to the letter she seemed to be fine now. Sad to let Oikura go, indeed she was a great character.
I'll fade away and classify myself as obsolete!
Sep 8, 2016 4:52 PM

Oct 2012
So even Ougi can be nice if she want. Although this story kinda preceeds Otorimonogatari when Nadeko became mess and I guess she was speaking precisely about that.
Of course, saying she's Oshino's niece is the same thing as why Shinobu is named Oshino too. Still wonder how she became what she's now in Onimonogatari, guess we'll get to know missing parts eventually.

All in all I kinda like the ending even though it's kinda bummer to introduce a character and then get rid of it in the end, it's real shame she was throw-away from the start. But Oshino and Hanekawa exposition was nice I guess and we finally get to know why she left for Ameriaca. It wasn't the best arc of Monogatari out there but at least I enjoyed last three episodes of it.
Oct 2, 2016 4:33 AM

Apr 2016
with this episode ends the "sodachi lost" with a hard revelation, and sad final, although...there are more!!!!
Oct 2, 2016 4:52 PM

Aug 2013
It's obvious to me that in letter from ending were lists with math exercises which were not used on last day of summer vacation when Oikura disappeared.
Oct 3, 2016 11:53 AM

Apr 2013
Ffs Tsubasa, let him touch your breasts already -_-
Dec 9, 2016 8:02 AM

Sep 2015
I'm so sad for Oikura ;-; really wanted her to stay , would've loved it if she was in other past series as well.
My guess on the letter is "a love letter" she never got to show to him.
Jul 5, 2017 3:53 PM
May 2012
they made the disappearance sound so interesting and mysterious....but meh.
you'd think that with her problems she's gonna get involved with some apparition but no. it was better off that way, though.
Nov 2, 2017 11:31 AM

Jun 2016
Hanekawa vs Ougi yet again. And ohmygod Ougi was so angry at Hanekawa. Hahaha. I s2g their cat fight is so cute. Idk why I really find it cute. Hahaha! I love you, Ougi! Jesus.

In the end, they made up and helped Araragi solved the mystery behind Oikura's mother's disappearance and with all those hints they gave him. SHIT.

"Basically, Oikura, for almost two whole years, took care of her mother's corpse, right? Until the corpse fully deteriorated and disappeared without a trace, she didn't even notice." Goddamn. Goddamn. Godfuckingdamn. I can't with this show! O_O

Araragi told this to Oikura and she just like accepted that "theory". What does that mean? Like she didn't believe it entirely and thought it was just Araragi's theory and not the truth? We'll never know. Lmao.

Even Araragi's sisters can't remember about Oikura when Araragi asked them.

Oikura is moving to another town and starting a new life there meaning she's transferring to another school. I hope she can start a fresh new life there and I want her to be happy, tbh. She deserved it after those horrendous things that happened to her.


Hitagi texted Araragi and told him that Oikura apologized to her. And she calls her KOYOKOYO. I CAAAAAAAAN'T. WAAAAAAAH!

"Koyokoyo, I'm sorry to make you worry so much. I'll give you lots of french kisses on our next date, so forgive me. I'm addicted to your french kisses" BOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, I BET WE'LL NEVER SEE THAT FRENCH KISS. FORFUCKSAKE! ;-;

At least, Araragi and Oikura are finally okay now and I think Oikura's no longer despise him, but WHAT THE FUCK IS IN THAT OIKURA'S LETTER, MAAAN?!?! GODDAMNIT.

Great wrapped up to this very dark arc. It's so sad, maan. I really wish Oikura to live a happy life. She's been through a lot. :/


"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Nov 7, 2017 8:06 AM
Nov 2015
Very good episode. It's been up up and up from Ougi's Formula, Sodachi's Riddle to this. I love how Sodachi went out of Araragi's life quietly but memorably, her keeping her promises in such unostentatious ways is really sweet. Also love how the series adds new characters, but not without giving the old regulars to chance to shine. I love Hanekawa in this one, probably second only to her Tiger arc.
Dec 20, 2017 4:57 AM

Jun 2016
Hello, i'll write here about the whole arc.

Not bad, not bad, but maybe this time the story was a bit too much mundane for me.
I mean, the problem in class was really such a big deal?
Only in Japan maybe.

On the other hand the family problems Oikura has are another thing, quite tragic and intense, but i didn't find any interesting or deep philosophical reasonings like in the preceding Monogatari arcs, did i miss them or they really are not there?
Somebody let me know, i like this show because it makes me think a lot. (IT'S NOT ONLY CUTE ANIME GIRLS!!)

Also more action would be nice, usually the Monogatari animations are great, it's a waste when it is so static.

I'm looking forward the next arc! Awww... too many shows to follow ;_;
Dec 28, 2017 8:42 PM

Dec 2015
Well that was a pretty anticlimactic ending to say the least, although it was just as Araragi described.

I was expecting a twist to follow the calm background melody in the end....
Jan 9, 2018 12:31 PM

Sep 2012
Sapewloth said:
LoneWizard said:
Lmao...Dat ending...Fuck you Araragi...

My feelings exactly.

"What do you think was written?" I dunno, you tell me, Araragi. Since, you know... you're the one who's got the fucking letter!

Araragi u dam teaser lol
Mar 18, 2018 2:50 PM
Sep 2016
A really strong, dark ending.Nice.
Ougi being even weirder in this episode but she was kinda helpful anyway.
May 7, 2018 4:32 PM

Aug 2015
Took a bit of time fr them to realize the mom was dead. At least with this Oikura can start fresh.
Sep 19, 2018 9:11 AM

Sep 2014
"What do you think was written?" She obviously revealed what in Nadekos was!

So when Ougi (still creepy as fuck) said she was looking for a child, it was Hachikuji, right? So this is the beginning of the Medusa arc. Seriously its so hard to follow the timelime. Tsuki aired before this but should also be set after this. I should pay more attention to dates when they mention them. My next rewatch will probably be chronologically. Seriously Arararagi forgetting such much about his past sums up me trying to figure out what is happening in monogatari.

That aside, they managed to portray math girl really well. She instantly became one of my favourites, my only complain about this arc would be the dire lack of shinobu. I never liked it when half the cast which should be present just gets ignored because they arent in the focus of the arc. This was IMO one of the strongest points of monogatari early on.

Also when she realised she had to unlock the door from the outside I felt like "hold the fuck up, I have seen Mirai Nikki, you did not accidentally starve her to death because you locked her in, right??" Glad it was not that cruel.

Seriously, her outbursts were so perfect, you really felt her pain.

"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Sep 20, 2018 11:40 AM

May 2018
Best episode of Owarimonogatari!
"No matter where you go, everyone's connected." Iwakura, Lain.

Apr 30, 2019 8:55 AM

Dec 2016
Really good episode, the only problem I have with it is that a decomposing body would 100% have an awful pungent smell, and while I can maybe agree that Oikura wouldn't be able to smell it from outside of the door, but once she actually opened the door and entered the room the smell should've hit her in the nose like a fucking shotgun blast lol
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Apr 30, 2019 9:41 PM
Apr 2016
Well hell, that was dark...literally. I'm guessing Hanekawa for some reading isn't at her full potential unless her hair is natural (?)
May 24, 2019 8:07 AM

Dec 2018
So the timeline is after the 'Tsubasa Tiger' arc is resolved. That's why she's not at her prime. Weird that her hair got anything to do with her brain, lol.

I bet Tsubasa still thinking after 10 seconds so she deliberately declared "I win." and proceed to to tell Ougi to stop.

So, Ougi main goal is to balance things. Pretty sure the one she referred as a 'lost child' is Nadeko.

Tsubasa sure have a lot of money to travel around the world.

In the end, there's nothing related to Aberration. Guess this is just a warm up. That last letter, my first guess would be love letter. My second guess would be a Monty hall Quiz to come to her new location.
Kish0May 24, 2019 8:15 AM
He who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame.
Aug 18, 2019 1:27 AM

May 2015
Godlike arc. Haven't seen one like this since Nadeko Medusa arc.
This arc is better than Suruga Devil, Yotsugi Doll, Ougi Formula and Sodachi Riddle. I mean Ougi first appeared in Suruga Devil, this feels like a real conclusion in which Ougi is involved along Araragi.
anikevinAug 18, 2019 1:34 AM
Nov 10, 2019 6:08 AM

Jun 2017
Oh my, the start of this episode is just something. Ougi being passive aggressive to Hanekawa was the best scene, I just found that be the funniest moment in this episode. Sad that Oikura has to leave, "she was well cast" If I may say so, taken from Ougi's words. Anyway, the sadness I felt that she'll be leaving now is not as much as I felt for Kaiki. 5/5 Episode. I like how they concluded this arc.
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”
― Lelouch Vi Britannia
Jan 5, 2020 1:42 PM

Jul 2019
Hol up a rotting corpse smells it's even dangerous to live with one because the smell extracts poison that can kill that doesn't make any scene how is oikura even alive when she lived with a fucking rotting corpse next door
Jan 18, 2020 12:27 AM

Dec 2018
i'm almost certain the pages were blank
the message was that the envelope was full in the first place as opposed to being empty
Apr 13, 2020 9:27 AM
Jun 2015
Really a great ending of this story about Sodachi.

That was really something- what happened to her mother. And while Hanekawa and Ougi were providing hints and then Araragi's (Kamiya-san's) sudden burst...really powerful.
May 31, 2020 11:32 AM

Nov 2018
There were only empty paper sheets. That's kinda obvious, no?
I hate everyone equally
Aug 24, 2020 9:09 PM

Aug 2020
Viver ao lado dessas duas detetives me faria se sentir como uma minhoca, pobre orokamono Araragi.

Eu esperava que a Oikura entrasse para o harém, os diálogos com a insanidade dela seriam maravilhosos, me senti um pouco triste por isso, mas estou satisfeito com o desfecho, pelo menos a vida dela parece estar melhorando.

Ougi estava bem... ousada nos últimos episódios, ainda bem que ela se acalmou no final, acho que a presença da representante de classe testa a sua paciência.

E em relação a história da Oikura, eu esperava algo mais pesado, na minha cabeça ela havia matado a própria mãe, mas ainda não chegamos a esse ponto. Ainda.


Living next to these two detectives would make me feel like an earthworm, poor orokamono Araragi.

I expected Oikura to join the harem, the dialogues with her insanity would be wonderful, I felt a little sad about it, but I am satisfied with the outcome, at least her life seems to be improving.

Ougi was very... daring in the last episodes, thankfully that she calmed down in the end, I think the presence of the class representative tests her patience.

Regarding the history of Oikura, I expected something heavier, in my mind she had killed her own mother, but we have not yet reached that point. Yet.

(Sorry for the English, I still have to improve my writing)
Unlimited Rulebook, boku wa kimegao de sou itta.
Sep 16, 2020 1:06 PM

Apr 2020
Maaaaan, it was a good arc. Oikura was a good character, special even.

Frankly speaking, I imagined the truth about her mother to be scarier though, like Oikura killing her mother and using her body to cook food for the latter, until it eventually- Ok I'll stop.

It's a shame they didn't tell what the letter said though. Anyway, I hope they'll give us more Oikura in the future.
Sep 18, 2020 8:19 PM

Jun 2020
I'm glad that Oikura forgave Araragi and she was able to keep her promise.

I'm also curious on what's inside in the letter that she gave, probably romance I guess?

This was a good way to end this good arc I love how they did on the dialogue while Ougi and Hanekawa is telling a hint.

I really thought that Oikura Mother is still alive but instead it was dead...well it was kinda make sense.
Oct 3, 2020 2:16 AM
Mar 2018
goddamn, so this arc occurred right before the nadeko medusa arc..... that makes sense. scary scary ougi. also what was in the letter man.
Oct 23, 2020 1:10 AM

Apr 2016
ougi is the ultimate embodiment of sus

i dont like her tho, she meddles too much, but at least in a good way in some occasions

and also, if the mother died, shouldn't oikura notice that there's a decomposing rancid corpse in the room?
bananabonkersOct 23, 2020 1:15 AM
Oct 27, 2020 5:03 PM

Apr 2019
Man, that was a really good arc, although it kinda sucks how Oikura left, but hopefully she's enjoying things rather than despising them.

Also it's cool to see Hanekawa's striped hair again, wouldn't mind if she kept her hair like that.

Feb 13, 2021 11:37 AM

Mar 2019
I really like how apart from the beginning this arc had nothing to do with apparitions. That somehow makes it even weirder. x)
Mar 30, 2021 5:53 PM
May 2019
Perfect episode !!
That countdown scene was so good . One of the best scene in monogatari :)
Apr 3, 2021 10:14 AM

Oct 2016
This arc was so amazing, in fact the whole Ougi Formula, Sodachi Riddle and Sodachi Lost arcs were so fucking good. This was a perfect ending to those.

Her mother dying of starvation was definitely the first thing I thought of when Oikura was telling the story of how she didn't eat at all, but I brushed it off cause I thought, maybe it's something else. Only when they were saying all those hints was when I became really sure. Damn, that was amazing, sure it's not an overly complicated mystery, but the execution though was amazing and you have to consider Oikura and Araragi's psych as well.

Man I wish Oikura stayed though, I want to see her again, happier I hope. That ending though directly continues on to Kabukimonogatari, that's fucking amazing. Damn you Araragi, he didn't tell us what was in the letter lmao. But, maybe it was that door puzzle again, cause there was multiple pages. And that's why he laughed. Such an amazing fucking arc.
Jun 12, 2021 4:02 PM

Feb 2020
I was afraid to watch this episode because I had an intuition it would hit me with the feels... I was so right. I'm trying so hard not to cry right now. This episode was such a huge emotional rollercoaster.

Okay now where to start... The first part wiped some of my fears away, because Ougi being mad about the boobs thing as I expected made me laugh, mostly because it was just a little gag I had in my head and to see it actually happen, and for so long nonetheless, was hilarious to me. Then Ougi started trashtalking Hanekawa and I felt very uncomfortable. Then they started discussing what happened to Oikura's mother. That's when my heart started gradually breaking into pieces, up until the last scene when an emotional piano version of Decent Black played as Araragi reflected on what happened, that was too much for my heart to take, I almost bursted in tears (and I'm telling you that as someone who can get emotional over fiction but never actually breaks in tears over it). I mean... Wow.
Okay, I'll try to explain more in depth how I felt, I need to get everything out of my chest.

First of all, I have to say that while she remains very mysterious and quite unreadable to me, I think I've got a much clearer view of what kind of person Ougi truly is and, how can I say that... I think I love her guys. But like, not in an exaggerated way to say I simply really like her, but in the way Ougi's got all her chances to join my top 10 favorite characters, and right now I'm already adding her to my extended favorites. I won't try to do a character analysis right now because that'd be long, I'm too shaken by the episode for that and I still to see more of her before safely state anything, but from what I've understood... That's a great character right there. Not to mention she's super fun. She better come back in the next arc because that'd be torture to wait until Owari S2 before seeing her again.

But Ougi's not the only great thing to come out of this episode, Hanekawa for exemple was very admirable as always and confirmed her place as my 2nd favorite Monogatari character (well, I'm saying that but she actually was my favorite before Ougi replaced her), and Araragi's realization was very impactful. I particularly loved the whole hints thing. I understood very quickly what happened to Oikura's mother so I was very surprised that it took so long for Araragi to understand it, and when he screamed that he gets it that's when I understood. He simply didn't want to see, just like Oikura didn't want to see. That's something we all do after all, because facing the truth is such a hard thing to do, yet at the same time, we can't move on without first facing what we don't want to see. And that's one of the things I loved the most in this ep, when Hanekawa said Oikura should keep living without knowing the truth and she's been quickly proven wrong. Because indeed, ignorance isn't always bliss. Not knowing the truth, making up your own theories, imagining all kind of messed up things, not knowing how to react... This is very unhealthy. Learning the truth may be hard, but on the long term it can only be beneficial.
I can't really relate to Araragi's naive view on happiness so it kinda bugged me to hear him talk about Oikura finding happiness as if that was super easy, but his naivety is very touching and in the end, the episode showed Oikura isn't going to feel better all of a sudden, it will happen step by step, with the first step being for her to learn the truth and stop clunching onto false hopes and irrational hatred.

About Oikura, I was left a bit confused at how calm she was when talking to Araragi, but when I think about it she probably simply needed for someone to treat her like a real person, to talk to her normally, without yelling at her but also without sugarcoating anything. She needed all that in order to see herself as a real person and decide to try to move on.

With what said, I won't deny that I'm a bit disappointed with the way Oikura has been treated. While this third-parts arc was great and I loved every character involved, I really think she would've deserved to be the real focus, instead of being mostly use for Araragi's own development. She is a great, very well-written character, so I really wanted to see her get much more screentime, at least one scene per episode would've been nice, and getting to hear her discussion with Araragi would've been nice too. If she ever gets back then it's not that bad but if she doesn't then that'd be wasted potential. Poor thing, ignored even by her own arc.
Also, I wanna know what she wrote on the letter, I don't know what was in it, I need to know, you can't leave me like that !

Well, I still have many things to say but that's gonna take a very long time so I'll stop here, except there is still two things I really need to mention.
Firstly, the end of the episode confirmed this arc takes place just before Hitagi End. Okay. But then there's something that doesn't work considering what happened between Ougi and Nadeko in Nadeko Medusa. We know months have passed (don't remember how many but it was at least three or four) between Nadeko Medusa and Hitagi End, but we also know only a few days have passed between the beginning of Ougi Formula (so when Ougi transferred to the school) and the end of Sodachi Lost. How could've Ougi talked to Nadeko then ? And actually, even Ougi aside, there's something I don't get. If the Ougi Formula/Sodachi Riddle/Sodachi Lost arc takes place a few weeks at most before Hitagi End, that means Nadeko was already in her goddess form during the whole arc. But then how did the phone call between her and Araragi happen ?! That can't be a plot hole, that'd be too stupid, so am I just dumb or what ?

Another thing, this time about something Ougi said. When Araragi decided to tell Oikura the truth, Ougi stopped him to ask him if he was planning on redeem himself through making Oikura suffer. I really don't know how I should interpret this line. The words are already very strong, but the way she said it was different from usual, instead of being in a troll-like kind of attitude she seemed much more serious about it, which made this line hit all the harder. The way I interpret it is that Ougi warned Araragi about him possibly making things worse in an attempt to make them better, and her admitting her defeat at the end also included that, in the way that it turns out Araragi did the right thing, but I'm really not certain. And really, Ougi more or less losing her cool at this moment seems to have a deep meaning that I don't entirely get. Well, maybe a better understanding of her character will provide me my answer.

Just one last thing : I can't say how much I hate Wakanim for slamming a KNY movie ad at my face while I'm being overwhelmed by the feels. WHO CARES ABOUT TATAKAE, LET ME SUFFER IN PEACE !!!
Jul 1, 2021 5:26 AM

Jan 2021
Holy shit, what a way to end the arc. It was really good !!!
Looking forward to another arc of my favourite character now :)
Aug 29, 2021 2:58 AM
Dec 2019
Solid arc but that finishing scene though, brilliant
Wataru doesn't care about the genuine thing
Sep 8, 2021 4:55 AM
Aug 2021
Jeez their theory for the disappearance of Oikura's mom was darker than I had expected. But Oikura accepts that theory anyways and she now has the opportunity to get a fresh start in life! She didn't really get enough screentime in this arc. I wish they had shown the conversation between Araragi and Oikura and what was in that letter:/

The arc is a 9/10. I also loved the countdown scene in this ep.

Sep 8, 2021 5:02 AM
Aug 2021
MuriDaWeeb said:
Hol up a rotting corpse smells it's even dangerous to live with one because the smell extracts poison that can kill that doesn't make any scene how is oikura even alive when she lived with a fucking rotting corpse next door

That was just a theory that Oikura accepted. The point here isn't to find her mother, it is to give her some form of closure.
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