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May 23, 2014 3:40 PM

Aug 2008

Just going to leave this here.
May 23, 2014 3:44 PM

Sep 2012
Silvertongue00 said:
God damn it. Even Kyubey is better than this. At least he didn't become jackass when granting wish.

Incest between twins, it called sex or masturbating?

Actually its TWINCEST, tho that episode made me cringe. but i was to drawn in...
May 23, 2014 4:58 PM
May 2014
CodeZwei said:
well i wouldn't say LRIG lie to get to be human cause Ruko's LRIG is kinda ignorant of the situation and so far Yuzuki doesn't seem to know what happened to her. gotta see how it plays out.
Actually they don't lie at all.. Notice the Kyuubey-wording when Ru is
introduced to the game..they were told straight up, even more so than Kyuubey ever did.
Hanayo even corrected her when Ru asked "you mean their wishes comes true?", which I think should
be the first indication that the game is iffy.
Have faith in the Lord Fifth, gain eternal life! When the Lord Fifth appears, who dares to cause strife!
-- Lord fifth
May 23, 2014 5:39 PM
Apr 2013
Is it that they switch places or it slipts the person so they both are a person and a lrig.

Also sivertongue00 its still sex because they are not identical twins
May 23, 2014 5:49 PM

Aug 2013
Much better episode
Some serious shit is gonna go down

May 23, 2014 7:31 PM

Oct 2012
wow that was an interesting twist.

LRIG --> GIRL and GIRL --> LRIG.
(how convenient that Hinoe ended up with Yuzuki LRIG Card)
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
May 23, 2014 7:44 PM

Aug 2008
rockerx1 said:
Is it that they switch places or it slipts the person so they both are a person and a lrig.

They switch, should be pretty obvious due to Yuzuki's voice change after she became an Eternal Girl. I am a bit interested in whether or not Yuzuki still holds her memories as a person though, because she hasn't really showed that she does yet. Hitoe did kinda react to her though, I suppose even if she forgot she was her friend she might still recognize her.
May 23, 2014 8:00 PM

Jul 2013
whoa. i did not expect that to happen. things are getting really interesting
May 23, 2014 8:10 PM

Jan 2013
So kinda like code geass, just as the nun deceived CC and she became a new geass source.

Anyway, even the battle was good in this episode. Glorious.
May 23, 2014 9:14 PM

Jan 2013
And episodes like these are why I rarely drop anime; this anime could end up being pretty decent.
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May 23, 2014 9:35 PM

May 2014
Really nice plot progression.
- What do you think about Akira still having her memories intact? Was Hitoe's memory loss due to her specific wish being tainted or maybe Akira didn't actually lose for the third time, the scar being a consequence of some other event?
- How comes Hitoe was given a second chance?
(If I recall correctly it was said that you could be a selector only once!)

Overall this anime is turning out to be really good.
Can see the Madoka-style rule-subverting wish incoming from Ruuko...even though I hope for some unexpected turn of events because, as of right now, the plot structure deeply resembles the Madoka's one.
May 23, 2014 9:51 PM

Feb 2014
So messed up.

All i can say is i am glad i stick my patient on this series, it not betray me. Hoho.
May 23, 2014 10:02 PM

Sep 2013
dragonlight said:

dmrch said:
The GIRL become the LRIG?
And the LRIG become the GIRL?
O...M...G How did I not see LRIG was girl backwards :O

How in the hell did I not get this till now?!
I think I have been mindf***ed :(
May 23, 2014 10:30 PM

Feb 2014
I feel so bad for everyone who dropped this anime, because I'm pretty sure I watched the entire thing with my jaw in my lap and my eyebrows in my hairline, wtf.

May 23, 2014 11:05 PM

Jan 2008
Since there is a second season in the works, I'm guessing that the first will end on a low note, but perhaps with a slight chance of hope at the very end (seeing as it hasn't gotten that far yet).
But right now I'm curious if a good ending is at all possible, and if so how they'll go about it.
One thing for sure, this episode was an emotional roller coaster. ^_^;
May 23, 2014 11:29 PM

Dec 2010
Awesome episode! The creepiness is now impacting every aspect of the show, and I love every minute of it! I figured something was up with Yuzuki when Kazuki ran into her in the kitchen. I knew the whole switching places thing had to happen, but it was shown in a better way than I expected. Did not expect Hitoe to get Yuzuki as a card!

Honoka, the girl who was with Kazuki is a jerk. Trying to force Kazuki to kiss her to prove he isn't in love with his sister is just wrong. I wonder if she will get a hold of the Yuzuki card since they both use red decks. That could be interesting to see!

I'm loving this show, I knew it would get good!

Also, Akira is now beyond creepy, she's down right frightening!
May 23, 2014 11:57 PM

Oct 2013
I cannot stand these characters. I'm not sure why this should get a second season.
May 23, 2014 11:58 PM
Mar 2014
tingy said:
I didn't notice that LRIG = GIRL, that's clever.

How did I miss that for 8 episodes?
May 24, 2014 1:09 AM

Jun 2009
Did Hanayo take over Yuzuki's body?
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 24, 2014 4:20 AM

Feb 2007
type-a1pha said:
- How comes Hitoe was given a second chance?
(If I recall correctly it was said that you could be a selector only once!)

It was never said that you could be a Selector once, just that you'd lose your wish and your Selector status after the third loss. Most people (including myself, I admit) just automatically assume that this means you can never become a Selector again. I guess we were proven wrong.

While I still think Akira retaining her memories is part of her reversed wish, since it would be much less effective if she'd forget about Iona, a new deck might also explain her memories.
May 24, 2014 4:52 AM

Feb 2012
Holy shit.
Well, I didn't see that one coming. Really curious what happens next.
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything.
May 24, 2014 4:55 AM

Dec 2010
I seriously don't get the point of this. At least in C you could actually accomplish something by risking so much. Even the Hell Correspondence was better than this. At the moment the whole concept irritates me so much I want to drop this.

I never liked Hanayo, I knew there was something about her.

The highlight of this episode, contrary to most of the watchers, was Hitoe's second chance. The main reason I'm looking forward to the next episodes.
May 24, 2014 7:00 AM

Aug 2013
So.... Ruko is the one who can "break" the loophole, after all she don't have a specificity wish unless battling "forever"
May 24, 2014 7:53 AM

Dec 2013
Ow, that was unexpected, how I didn't realize that LRIG was girl backwards, although Midoriko bein a boy, so if you turn into a Eternal girl you trade places with your LRIG, what happens to it when you lose three times.

I have so many questions now, I hope the anime continues tickling me.

Ps: since there are people who like to compare at least Kyuubey didn't think what he was doing was wrong, now the LRIGs just want to get over you.
May 24, 2014 9:22 AM
May 2014
Caio_Nihilus said:
Ow, that was unexpected, how I didn't realize that LRIG was girl backwards, although Midoriko bein a boy, so if you turn into a Eternal girl you trade places with your LRIG, what happens to it when you lose three times.

Midoriko wasn't a boy, unless you define a tomboy as a boy.
It has been explicitely stated that only girls can become selectors, and it should apply to
lrigs/eternal girls too considering how they get there.
It is questionable how the originals got into the cards but.
Btw, her VA is Takahashi Minami which seems to only do female roles.

She appearead to leave the card..upwards, if that is some kind of hint.
I would assume death or something similar.
Have faith in the Lord Fifth, gain eternal life! When the Lord Fifth appears, who dares to cause strife!
-- Lord fifth
May 24, 2014 9:35 AM

Jan 2013
Another twist.
Great episode, never expected it to be this good.
May 24, 2014 10:14 AM

Feb 2012

AAAAGGGGGHHHHHHHH... What did I just watch???

I can't sleep! :O Why did I watch this before going to bed???

Is a GOOD ending possible?
May 24, 2014 10:51 AM

Jul 2009
OH MY GOD O_O Yuzuki's confidence that it would be her last battle ... I kind of suspected this when she did the "ritual" thing with Hanayo. I mean especially when they went into the card ... so Eternal Girls become new LRIGs eh? Yuzuki seems completely different ... I mean clearly something is happening with Kazuki too (glad he turned down that other girl lol. I mean her logic ... "if you don't kiss me you're in love with your sister!" like wtf O_O). I wonder if she'll get her "happy ending"? How about the new card that Hitoe got? Maybe it'll bring back her memories? I don't think this new "Yuzuki" will remember anything (like Tama I guess) ... hmm. Might explain Akira too if she got a new deck and memories back :O So I wonder does that mean she switches places with Hanayo? Or did Hanayo just "disappear" after her wish was fulfilled? SO MANY QUESTIONS ;O
May 24, 2014 12:06 PM

Jun 2013
dark-chaos said:
Trippwire01 said:


8. The show is getting better now that it's really working the psychological aspect. But at the same time, it's feeling even more like a Madoka rip-off. -___-

is rape-off bad?
i like rape-off if it's make better than original , and this anime by far better than madoka with story and psychological aspect
only one thing bad is character , but i used this

I think you mean "rip-off", but I get what you mean. We'll just have to agree to disagree because, in my opinion, Madoka was strong from start to finish, whereas WIXOSS is just now finally starting to show signs of getting good. And there's nothing wrong with recycling ideas if it's done well.

While I DO like twist they've added, it still feels "rehashed" rather than "reinvented,"and I can't help but compare it to a similar series that I feel is vastly superior. The question is what else does this twist lead to? That will really define my final impression of WIXOSS.
-Trippwire-May 24, 2014 12:10 PM
May 24, 2014 12:22 PM

Sep 2012
I knew that the wish wasn't going to be granted like she was expecting, but I was thinking something like: the brother would become paranoic or possessive towards her. Not this! She lost the brother's love and her own life.

Cila said:
xchee said:
When one becomes an Eternal Girl, they switch places with their LRIG --which I still can't believe is the reverse of GIRL

Mind = blown

8 episodes and I just realized it with your comment O.o
O importante não é o que fazemos de nós, mas o que nós fazemos daquilo que fazem de nós
May 24, 2014 12:30 PM

Jan 2011
Trippwire01 said:
dark-chaos said:
Trippwire01 said:


8. The show is getting better now that it's really working the psychological aspect. But at the same time, it's feeling even more like a Madoka rip-off. -___-

is rape-off bad?
i like rape-off if it's make better than original , and this anime by far better than madoka with story and psychological aspect
only one thing bad is character , but i used this

I think you mean "rip-off", but I get what you mean. We'll just have to agree to disagree because, in my opinion, Madoka was strong from start to finish, whereas WIXOSS is just now finally starting to show signs of getting good. And there's nothing wrong with recycling ideas if it's done well.

While I DO like twist they've added, it still feels "rehashed" rather than "reinvented,"and I can't help but compare it to a similar series that I feel is vastly superior. The question is what else does this twist lead to? That will really define my final impression of WIXOSS.

well i think madoka story without animation and production quality = 7/10
animation and production quality what make madoka that likeable for me

i still see this anime can make better story , for me i like slow start
May 24, 2014 1:29 PM

Dec 2013
Okay, someone help me here because after this episode I am seriously confused.

Selectors are girls that receive some special card that lies to them and tells them that they can fulfill any wish that they desire. Who started this weird ass ritual? There has to be some person or being that created these cards right? Given that the card game only started getting popular during the events of the show I'm assuming that its some kind of weird ass black magic thingy which was only recently implemented, but it had to have started somewhere, right? I mean you first have to seal some girls spirits into those cards first to start the cycle off, no? How the heck would someone be able to do that????

Apparently having their wish granted means that the LRIG will switch places with the selector. Assuming that this holds true and the selector becomes trapped in a card, the LRIG will be the one who reaps the benefits of said wish? What happens when your wish was something like Akira's (The destruction of Iroha?). How does switching bodies with your LRIG make that wish come true? Say if Akira actually won, does that mean her LRIG will come out and wreak havoc on Iona's life?

Also, now that Yuzuki's wish came true, does that mean that everyone in society will suddenly become understanding and forgive the twins for their incestuous-like relationship? Does the wish really work like that? That would be so messed up....

Then again once you lose three times, your LRIG dies/disappears, your wish becomes tainted and you are unable to remember anything about the wish or your being a selector or anything else about the game. In that case, why does Akira still have memories about the Selector battles? If she left the game half-way, then the game would have been annulled and she wouldn't have been considered to have lost right? So the assumption would be that she definitely lost to Iona, in which case it makes no sense that she would still have her memories because that wouldn't be following the rules right?

Next, if you pick up another LRIG by chance, then you get to play all over again, but does that mean your memories of your tainted wish will come back? That last scene there Hitoe didn't seem to recognize Yuzuki at all. Does that mean that Hitoe gets another chance, but she can't fulfill her previous wish and now has to fight for an entirely new wish? Does that mean in the off chance that Hitoe wins, that Yuzuki will become her and she will become an LRIG card? I am totally confused here.

What about the winning party? Does the LRIG remember anything about the selector battles? if not then how would they be able to avoid playing the game that would suck them back into the Eternal Girl battles? If they accidentally pick up their own selector-turned-Eternal-Girl later on and won their selection, then wouldn't they just switch places with their previous selector again? Does that mean the real life Yuzuki will know to avoid the game from now on? Or does it mean that Hanayo could potentially be sucked back into the game as well?

Also, since the LRIGs are hiding things from their selectors, does it mean that the LRIGs are aware of the switcheroo on becoming the Eternal Girl? if that were the case, then wouldn't LRIG Yuzuki do everything in her power to become her old self's LRIG? Or if it is the case that LRIG Yuzuki has no memories of her past life as Yuzuki, then how the heck do they know the secrets about the eternal girl?

The story is interesting enough to keep watching, but I can't figure out all these weird plot-holes that I seem to be seeing.
May 24, 2014 2:46 PM

Feb 2014
Feel sorry for Ruu-chan. :( Maybe one more chance fo Hitoe.
My favourite color is blue.

May 24, 2014 3:30 PM

Jun 2013
dark-chaos said:
Trippwire01 said:
dark-chaos said:
Trippwire01 said:


8. The show is getting better now that it's really working the psychological aspect. But at the same time, it's feeling even more like a Madoka rip-off. -___-

is rape-off bad?
i like rape-off if it's make better than original , and this anime by far better than madoka with story and psychological aspect
only one thing bad is character , but i used this

I think you mean "rip-off", but I get what you mean. We'll just have to agree to disagree because, in my opinion, Madoka was strong from start to finish, whereas WIXOSS is just now finally starting to show signs of getting good. And there's nothing wrong with recycling ideas if it's done well.

While I DO like twist they've added, it still feels "rehashed" rather than "reinvented,"and I can't help but compare it to a similar series that I feel is vastly superior. The question is what else does this twist lead to? That will really define my final impression of WIXOSS.

well i think madoka story without animation and production quality = 7/10
animation and production quality what make madoka that likeable for me

i still see this anime can make better story , for me i like slow start

Well, don't get me wrong. I do hope that they can give this show a really strong finish. Guess we'll have to wait and see. :)
May 24, 2014 3:47 PM
May 2014
L-Ryoshi said:
...snipped to avoid repeating the long text...

First of, no they didn't lie. Only Hanayo talked about that wish thing, and even corrected Ru when
she asked if they get their wishes fulfilled. There is some Kyuubey-wording there.

Yes, the lrig gets your wish fulfilled, hence why Hanayo in Yuzuki's body, eh well..
That too is basically in line with what Hanayo told Yuzuki and the others. Nobody said the
selector get to experience her wish being fulfilled. Quite the opposite, you become the
person that can fulfill the the most outrageous dreams and wishes

No, most likely not, the society will be what it is, I don't think anything in that wish was about
changing society. I guess it just made him more receptive, if that is the proper word for it.

They know, Tama don't remember for some reason.
When you lose you're out of the selector battles, but nobody has said anything about not being able
to join again..(probably) with a different wish.

I guess there might be plot-holes, but so far most/all seems to be explainable or has already been
explained either with words or with action/visuals.
Example: when Tama said she likes being Ru's lrig, and the others looked kind of funny, and one of
them said "she doesn't know" or something like that.
Have faith in the Lord Fifth, gain eternal life! When the Lord Fifth appears, who dares to cause strife!
-- Lord fifth
May 24, 2014 8:25 PM

Jan 2008
cyclone1993 said:
Awesome episode! The creepiness is now impacting every aspect of the show, and I love every minute of it! I figured something was up with Yuzuki when Kazuki ran into her in the kitchen. I knew the whole switching places thing had to happen, but it was shown in a better way than I expected. Did not expect Hitoe to get Yuzuki as a card!

Honoka, the girl who was with Kazuki is a jerk. Trying to force Kazuki to kiss her to prove he isn't in love with his sister is just wrong. I wonder if she will get a hold of the Yuzuki card since they both use red decks. That could be interesting to see!

I'm loving this show, I knew it would get good!

Also, Akira is now beyond creepy, she's down right frightening!

That's actually a valid point.
Though Kazuki seems to have feelings for Yuzuki, her (or rather Hanayo's) advances will probably result in him growing disgusted with her.
Since Honoka has a red deck, perhaps she will get ahold of Yuzuki's card, and then after winning three times, switch places with her.
Though Yuzuki can't form a relationship with Kazuki, if she switched with Honoka then she could.
But that's just a theory.
May 25, 2014 1:07 AM
( ̄y▽ ̄)╭ Ohohoho.

Jul 2013
Damn, that was intense!

So, being an eternal girl means switching places with your LRIG..? Interesting. I don't think Yuzuki, or whatever her name as a LRIG is, will remember her time as a selector, though.

And Hitoe is getting a second chance, I'm glad. Hope she will get back her will to live that way.

I will show no mercy for you
You had no mercy for me
The only thing that I ask
Love me mercilessly
May 25, 2014 2:01 AM

Sep 2012
just keeps getting better and better!

my girl called it but I almost called the whole episode.

I gotta say though, I did not see that coming though!


so, Yuzuki doesn't have her memories anymore, if Hitoe has her wish granted then they swap places, but wouldn't that mean that Yuzuki will now posses Hitoe's body and Yuzuki will never have her body back...WHICH RESULTS IN: Yuzuki getting her wish granted for real because she will no longer be related by blood to her brother! BOOSH!
Compl3teMay 25, 2014 2:04 AM
May 25, 2014 2:07 AM
( ̄y▽ ̄)╭ Ohohoho.

Jul 2013
Compl3te said:

so, Yuzuki doesn't have her memories anymore, if Hitoe has her wish granted then they swap places, but wouldn't that mean that Yuzuki will now posses Hitoe's body and Yuzuki will never have her body back...WHICH RESULTS IN: Yuzuki getting her wish granted for real because she will no longer be related by blood to her brother! BOOSH!

Mind = blown

I will show no mercy for you
You had no mercy for me
The only thing that I ask
Love me mercilessly
May 25, 2014 2:14 AM

Sep 2012
Haptism93 said:
Compl3te said:

so, Yuzuki doesn't have her memories anymore, if Hitoe has her wish granted then they swap places, but wouldn't that mean that Yuzuki will now posses Hitoe's body and Yuzuki will never have her body back...WHICH RESULTS IN: Yuzuki getting her wish granted for real because she will no longer be related by blood to her brother! BOOSH!

Mind = blown
we'll have to see!!
this was a great episode!
May 25, 2014 2:15 AM
May 2014
Compl3te said:
so, Yuzuki doesn't have her memories anymore...

Where did you see that Yuzuki lost her memories?

She most likely didn't, if the other lrigs (except Tama) is anything to go by.
Have faith in the Lord Fifth, gain eternal life! When the Lord Fifth appears, who dares to cause strife!
-- Lord fifth
May 25, 2014 6:24 AM
Feb 2014
This was such a dark episode, and it pains me to have to wait another week to see a new episode!

I agree with most people here, it is very… Madoka Magica-ish. I pray that Yuzuki gets her wish granted in some way or form at the end.

anyway, in Japan they're already selling WIXOSS cards! I want some now!
May 25, 2014 7:02 AM

Mar 2012
- So Hitoe (and basically all other selectors) really is in a bad position; either she will have another wish reversed; or her soul will be trapped in a card.

- Wonder if Yuzuki still remembers Hitoe; and whether she will trick Hitoe so she can steal her body.

- Really hyped for second season now; hopefully we'll find out what the fuck is actually going on

- I have a feeling the score of this anime will go up a lot when finished airing
May 25, 2014 2:26 PM

Sep 2008
Finally this series become cool to watch :D
Can't wait to see next episode!
May 25, 2014 3:37 PM
Apr 2013
Khalan3 said:
- So Hitoe (and basically all other selectors) really is in a bad position; either she will have another wish reversed; or her soul will be trapped in a card.

- Wonder if Yuzuki still remembers Hitoe; and whether she will trick Hitoe so she can steal her body.

- Really hyped for second season now; hopefully we'll find out what the fuck is actually going on

- I have a feeling the score of this anime will go up a lot when finished airing

Yeah all the people that dropped will have their scores not count and the general vibe on the forums is that people are starting to like this anme a lot. I think this can pull off high 7's if it keeps on track
May 25, 2014 4:38 PM

May 2013
This show easily deserves Madoka's level of success.
May 25, 2014 5:31 PM

Apr 2009
So I just caught up.

Wixoss is so wonderful
May 25, 2014 7:43 PM

Aug 2013
Ok, this episode was fucking mind-blowing.
May 25, 2014 8:48 PM

Sep 2013
May 25, 2014 8:50 PM

Dec 2013
Exactly, what the fuck i'll watched.
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