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Guild no Uketsukejou desu ga, Zangyou wa Iya nanode Boss wo Solo Toubatsu Shiyou to Omoimasu
Mar 6, 2:44 PM
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more blessings to come. ^____^
food, trumpet, and a little fireworks to celebrate the new year.
Sounds amazing, do share some of it if you want (even if i'm not an art connoisseur by any means)
Also Bandai Namco? i see, i see... You sure are pretty knowledgable when it comes to thing like that, i have no idea about any of the trivia stuff...
You really are promoting the Soul Calibur for me huh, i should try it out, it looks quite nice.
You also liked Lili huh? she looks quite similar tbh, good job. Btw, your Alisa's character in Soul Calibur also looks more similar than i thought (i recently checked out first chapter of prologue and the cutscene of Alisa), she really looked like her, back when i did campaign there were no cutscenes :v (unless im forgettign something, it was long ago)
TERMINATED??? NANIIIIIIII *(imagine whatever voice you want right now)*, i guess i'll just try to play as much as possible before July (now the timer is even more real, i wonder if i can live up to pressure ><). I liked the title tho "sings its swan song..."
Another game? haha, i'm being overworked >_< mamannnn helppp... Maybe i'll play it in lieu of Brave Nine, once i finish campaign. So many recommendations though, you're so kind, i'm triple grateful (I do feel kinda bad not returning the favor ><)
Yeah, there aren't many expansions, about 3 per year? which is a great amount so the game doesn't get too stale.
"Meh" huh? haha, whenever i hear that i always imagine Misaki with her meh face xD
Also a teacher huh? that doesn't sound too bad, maybe i should give it a try and overcome my fear of live actions -_-
Wa... wait, were you the one to draw it? I thought it was a pre-existing face in the game. Was the link to devintart yours? looks pretty good... are you a pro artist? since you mentioned that you are lacking practice means you had something more important to do? something more fun than drawing?
Btw, i'm really curious, please answer >_< if that's your link, then my question is - when you have to draw many expressions, do you just use some sort of a face template, and then the only thing you change is the expression? Sorry, if it's a dumb quetsion, i'm about as knowledgeable in this as world war 2 veteran trying to set up his own streaming channel.
Fighting game in like Tekken and Mortal Kombat? (the only ones i religiously played). It's incredibly tough to stay competitive with fighting games these days, times have changed, most people abandon the game after a week or so or once whole content has been consumed and the only thing left is multiplayer, which is extremely tragic, knowing how much goes into creating one, gosh even creating 1/1000 of the finished product will take a lot of hard-worked blood and sweat. Just like the Brave Nine game that you recommended, there is just so much... so much stuff, and i'm a player, can't even imagine what it's like being behind it all, amazingly admirable. So seeing played for a little and then tossed away is really hard-wrenching.
I actually feel you on this one, about cliffhangers. To me, i have my very exalted state of mood during first weeks which then gradually goes down as weeks go by and more episode air ( i'm not even sure if it's anime's fault, definitely less so than my own. The hype goes down (also i'm extremely unstable in my mood), so the ones i like throughout the whole 12 weeks period are the ones to actually rever, and i do, by giving them high scores and adding to favorites. Also, i guess shadowverse has gone for 4 weeks now and i still love it, so that's that :D
*(just checked animes that i watch this season)*, it's not that bad, i still love 80% of what i watch just the same and maybe more. All hail long break from anime! Also... now that i think about it some more, there are not too many cliffhangers this season from what i quickly remembered watching.
Didn't watch that one, but i was interested in it before, glad to know you liked it and speak highly of it.
Really? symphoge[b]ahhhhh[b]? that'a pretty sick, symphogear is a house. Bu... last time i watched was a year ago or so and if there's something wrong with me, it's that it's very struggling for me to comeback to something i've been so detached from. I'm actually kinda scared and at my wits end to watch the anime again.. I don't want to dislike it, but what if. I wanna thank you tho, this anime is really really precious to me and i wanted to watch it a gain and this game just might be the kind of push i need to come back. "Previously i thought, that the game is only in japanese"
I have premonition, a strong feeling that it might be my new favorite game lol
EDIT: I can;t find it in appstore :(
I was pretty disappointed by Onizuka. Sure, it was amazing... but, it didn't finish the stories that i wanted and felt like it ended on the most interesting part. WE NEED S2 DAMMIT (I guess its too late now). And i've read wiki a bit, to learn what happens to the characters i cared for and discovered that there is some deviation in anime adaptation... it changed a lot.
Gokusen? never heard of it. I think my hands are way too full with other animes i need to watch, i probably won't have time for it. And considering its 3d, oh i think you can count the number of those that i watched in the past 5 years to be a total of... meager amount of 5? i wanna say? i'm all in anime.
I want to watch Ranma tho, one day!!! one day. It's actually quite hard to watch something else with seasonals. Just recently i've started watching something off-season, and now i lament that i can't watch seasonals again -_- if i get offtrack, it's hard to get back.
I like to watch seasonals more btw, one episode per week is my way!
I finally got my friend to play the game and now i feel sort of resentment thrown my way -_- I keep explaining to him, that he can't expect to beat me when i played for this long and he is a new player. And now he talks less with me :v ahh... i wish i never got him to play it, friendship is at its wits end.
So perhaps it was for the best your friends didn't get to play it?
Lol, expansion come out very rarely and that's when your deck gets axxed. I perfectly understand your distress, but it's some of the best times in the game, during an expansion and when certain old expansion get rotated out. Imagine playing ranked and facing some obscenely crazy deck and you patiently wait for expansion to rotate out some cards. Some people even come back to the game after the expansion, i mean old veteran players who've seen a lot, they might've just gone crazy after facing some combo deck that they absolutely detest facing against so many times and now that some cards have gone out of rotation (essentially killing the deck) they can come back and play again.
The tip for that is to look at what expansion will rotate out next and not craft those cards, you can make a deck if you already have the cards, but don't make those cards.
Also with one expansion out, another expansion is in! new mechanics, new cards, new... waifus and muscled doushis :D "oh boy, is this like one door opens and another opens moment? XD"
Btw you can always play Unlimited where all cards are available to you I feel old, when we didn't have enough expansions, so there was no separation, no unlimited or rotation words ( i bet even shadowverse creators didn't know they'd make it, but it had to be made at some points once expansion list starts to pile up)
I personally like competing, so playing against others and beating them is the only reason for existence playing XD. I think i understand take two's meta quite well at this moment, so i'm having some of the better results (still, this game is so luck dependent -_-)
Comedies are hardest to rewatch for me, it's not funny in the same way, unless a significant amount of time has passed (like a year), then it's fun again. I usually don't wait that long, and rewatch something in the same month ( like seasonals i rewatch right when they are airing, i tend to care less about rewatching it once it ends airing, how crazy is that?).
What original character? you just like her hair style, i get it.. Pixie cut, right?
Lol, knew it.
Never seen this game :v I'm kinda on and off whether she looks like Arisa (and no bow ;-;), but there is at least some resemblance and with how tied up your hands are in the character creation section of the game, imma buy it...
Oh, i see. Well, i'm about the last person to say anything about it, given how extremely lamenting my anime watching history has been. It's so sad, you don't wanna know >_> so good luck to both of us in watching more :v
Btw, so i take you don't watch much (if any) seasonals, right?
(i'll just leave the reply here, this way i'll definitely not miss a notification lol)
Brave Nine? i'll play it, for real lol, i have no idea what to play, so i'll try that, i'll probably like it if it's that free top play. Thanks for the suggestion :)
I think my oldest anime was Onizuka. Old style animes definitely have a different feel than modern ones, the feeling and the atmosphere is very different. I personally have no preference over this, but older animes are easier to watch for me, more relaxing? with all that being said and done, i'm not an old animes watcher, mostly because they are so old most people just dont know about them, so there really is noone to talk about them. It's quite lonely, how crazy is that?
2005 is now old ;-; just like 2007. My favorite hayate no gotoku is already 13 years old, Hina is 13 years old... how crazy is that? and that fact alone makes me feel really uncomfortable and really shitty. I really don't want time to move on, you know.
I used to have 2 competitive decks back in Bahamut, that's when i picked up the game. It was my introduction to Daria (my love), i had a thing for Witches with large hats after that... putting that aside, i really enjoyed Daria deck, that's quite a legendary deck that probably still has some memory in some players (or more like the devestation that it left), runecraft is my favorite class in general, where else will you see the potential to play 3 8/8 golems, 5/5 Daria, clear the whole board and consequently deal 6 damage to the enemy leader and all on turn 8.
I've got a pretty decent rank too, but i've never particiapated in tournamnets, i can't quite recall what happened, whether i just lost interest in the game or i had something going in my life, but regardless, Daria and most other cards have now been expired with Bahamut expansion being sent straight to hell unlimited... but it was fun while it lasted. I only play arena right now, i don't feel fun playing with infinitely worse decks than my opponent in ranked, hopefully i'll gather around 6000 vials and craft something(but i'll wait for the new expansion).
So i take you just login to get rewards and logout? do you get to play a round or two from time to time?
Rewatching single episode? i mostly don't do it, because it's impossible to add it to mal, if i rewatch i usually just rewatch the whole house, to nicely add it as rewatched. It's harder with longer animes with 50+ episodes, there might be your favorite arc that defines the anime for you, you can rewatch it multiple times, but at the end of the day, you can't really add it to mal as rewatched because you didn't rewatch it fully... 12-13 episodes are easier to rewatch, they feel like an arc in the longer animes.
I remember watching Relife, the same way you did, and mind you, i'm not a bingewatcher type!!! it's just one of those, where you just can't stop... I think i watched all of them in the same day, which i only have single digits cases that i probably can count on my one hand.
Btw there was this one episode i watched today, about the guy who's been rereading the same book over and over again and got a lot of inspiration and ideas from. That really made me think if i should do the same, there are some that i can watch over and over again, but usually after rewatching it once, i already don't want to rewatch it again or i just get sick with it. After all no matter how good something is, if you keep feeding on just that, even the tastiest food will become your least favorite.
Be that as it may... I really don't understand this guy who was rereading the same book.
Erika and Rowen the most? wow, to think someone wouldn't like loli the most as well as other girly girls... Erika is more of a tomboy after all and Rowen is a dude, my friend for example, will not for a hundred years will like a guy, when there's so many girls around. He'd sometimes tell me to fuck off when i recommend an anime with no girls, "no waifu no laifu" he says, how crazy is that? (not really, but pretty much XD)
Since i talked to him a lot, i started to think everyone is the same. But yeah, really didn't expect you to like those 2 the most and after lookiong at your favorite a bit more, you have a pretty interesting taste, huh.
Btw, the episode 4 was pretty good, and i read some comments saying it went pretty anti-cliche, not what the guy expected... Not to mention it was a pretty heartwarming, cute episode. Episode 3 is still my favorite probably, featung Runecraft.
Looking at your profile pic reminds me that I still need to finish both Mana Khemias >_<